Goodbye to All That: Reflections of a GOP Operative Who Left the Cult

Man, you leftists absolutely hate the military, don't you? :lol:

I get a pension because I served 20 years in uniform. I had a contract with the government.

You don't like it, either? Tough shit to you, too.

Wait a second. How do you justify pension and benefits for one government worker? You

But are against the rest of government employees who are "parasites on the system" that we just can't afford to support. Everyone else.

How does this rationale work?
Beats me. Where did I ever say what you claim?

And link to a post where I say that, not someone else, and for damn sure not some idiotic leftist meme.

Ok fair enough. I can't remember YOU specifically stating that. I made an assumption based upon your typical position of supporting all things republican.
Wait a second. How do you justify pension and benefits for one government worker? You

But are against the rest of government employees who are "parasites on the system" that we just can't afford to support. Everyone else.

How does this rationale work?
Beats me. Where did I ever say what you claim?

And link to a post where I say that, not someone else, and for damn sure not some idiotic leftist meme.

Ok fair enough. I can't remember YOU specifically stating that. I made an assumption based upon your typical position of supporting all things republican.
Well, you know what they say about assuming:

You're an ass.
Beats me. Where did I ever say what you claim?

And link to a post where I say that, not someone else, and for damn sure not some idiotic leftist meme.

Ok fair enough. I can't remember YOU specifically stating that. I made an assumption based upon your typical position of supporting all things republican.
Well, you know what they say about assuming:

You're an ass.

I don't think that's what they say.

Oh, don't let me ever see you post anything about railing against government workers and agencies that cost too much. :eusa_pray:
Ok fair enough. I can't remember YOU specifically stating that. I made an assumption based upon your typical position of supporting all things republican.
Well, you know what they say about assuming:

You're an ass.

I don't think that's what they say.
It's what I say.
Oh, don't let me ever see you post anything about railing against government workers and agencies that cost too much. :eusa_pray:
Or what? :lol:
Still no proof, huih? Yeah. All you got is wishful thinking. That's common among leftists. Trouble is, they're so stupid they think their wishes are reality.

Say, how old are you? You might not be too old to enlist. But you lack the courage, of course, or you would have done it already.
Are you claiming that he wasn't a Republican staffer for 28 years, as he says?
That's exactly what I'm saying. I'm saying he lied, and I'm saying you're stupid enough to fall for it.

I bet you believed Jeb Eddy, too. He was another lying liberal who claimed to be a Republican.
Try to muster an ounce of courage before answering. Maybe ask a serviceman if you can borrow some.
No mustering required. You see, I was a serviceman. My courage has never been in doubt. Well, except by pussies like you who feel they have to attack others for having what they themselves lack.

It's really funny when you get all bowed up and pretend to be tough. You figured out a way to make me leave the thread yet? :rofl:

That is just so ridiculous!!! You're really delusional. Do you know this guy?? What proof do you have that he's lying??? The fact that he is saying something that you don't like?? Thank God there are not too many of you out there. What a nut!!
Are you claiming that he wasn't a Republican staffer for 28 years, as he says?
That's exactly what I'm saying. I'm saying he lied, and I'm saying you're stupid enough to fall for it.

I bet you believed Jeb Eddy, too. He was another lying liberal who claimed to be a Republican.
Try to muster an ounce of courage before answering. Maybe ask a serviceman if you can borrow some.
No mustering required. You see, I was a serviceman. My courage has never been in doubt. Well, except by pussies like you who feel they have to attack others for having what they themselves lack.

It's really funny when you get all bowed up and pretend to be tough. You figured out a way to make me leave the thread yet? :rofl:

That is just so ridiculous!!! You're really delusional. Do you know this guy?? What proof do you have that he's lying??? The fact that he is saying something that you don't like?? Thank God there are not too many of you out there. What a nut!!

Imagine that one lying delusional nutcase liberal defending another lying delusional nutcase liberal. I've come to expect that.
Are you claiming that he wasn't a Republican staffer for 28 years, as he says?
That's exactly what I'm saying. I'm saying he lied, and I'm saying you're stupid enough to fall for it.

I bet you believed Jeb Eddy, too. He was another lying liberal who claimed to be a Republican.
Try to muster an ounce of courage before answering. Maybe ask a serviceman if you can borrow some.
No mustering required. You see, I was a serviceman. My courage has never been in doubt. Well, except by pussies like you who feel they have to attack others for having what they themselves lack.

It's really funny when you get all bowed up and pretend to be tough. You figured out a way to make me leave the thread yet? :rofl:

That is just so ridiculous!!! You're really delusional. Do you know this guy?? What proof do you have that he's lying??? The fact that he is saying something that you don't like?? Thank God there are not too many of you out there. What a nut!!
No, I don't know Jeb Eddy. But did you read the link?

Do you really think that GOP members donate to Democratic candidates and causes like Eddy and the alleged GOP "operative" in the OP did?

Hint: No, they don't.
Apocalyptic GOP Is Dragging Us Into a Civil War | Rolling Stone Politics | Taibblog | Matt Taibbi on Politics and the Economy

I think most Americans can agree that reducing the public debt is a goal we can all share – and in the old days of thirty or forty years ago, when congress operated on a more collegial model that involved members from opposing parties getting together on weekends to achieve reasonable compromises over golf and highballs, the Rs and Ds could have found a way to press forward with reasonable deficit reduction plans without pushing us all to the edge of a cliff.

But for the new GOP, compromise of any kind defeats their central purpose, which is political totale krieg. This party's entire reason for being is conflict and aggression. There is no underlying patriotic instinct to find middle ground with the rest of us, because the party doesn't have a vision for society that includes anyone outside the tent.

I've always been queasy about piling on against the Republicans because it's intellectually too easy; I also worry a lot that the habit pundits have of choosing sides and simply beating on the other party contributes to the extremist tone of the culture war.

But the time is coming when we are all going to be forced to literally take sides in a political conflict far more serious and extreme than we're used to imagining. The situation is such a tinderbox now that all it will take is some prominent politician to openly acknowledge the fact of a cultural/civil war for the real craziness to begin.

There needs to be a 3rd party, since the 2nd party has been highjacked by the American equivalent of al-Qaeda.
Are you claiming that he wasn't a Republican staffer for 28 years, as he says?
That's exactly what I'm saying. I'm saying he lied, and I'm saying you're stupid enough to fall for it.

I bet you believed Jeb Eddy, too. He was another lying liberal who claimed to be a Republican.
Try to muster an ounce of courage before answering. Maybe ask a serviceman if you can borrow some.
No mustering required. You see, I was a serviceman. My courage has never been in doubt. Well, except by pussies like you who feel they have to attack others for having what they themselves lack.

It's really funny when you get all bowed up and pretend to be tough. You figured out a way to make me leave the thread yet? :rofl:

That is just so ridiculous!!! You're really delusional. Do you know this guy?? What proof do you have that he's lying??? The fact that he is saying something that you don't like?? Thank God there are not too many of you out there. What a nut!!

Michael S. Lofgren (Mike) - Congressional Staffer Salary Data
Apocalyptic GOP Is Dragging Us Into a Civil War | Rolling Stone Politics | Taibblog | Matt Taibbi on Politics and the Economy

I think most Americans can agree that reducing the public debt is a goal we can all share – and in the old days of thirty or forty years ago, when congress operated on a more collegial model that involved members from opposing parties getting together on weekends to achieve reasonable compromises over golf and highballs, the Rs and Ds could have found a way to press forward with reasonable deficit reduction plans without pushing us all to the edge of a cliff.

But for the new GOP, compromise of any kind defeats their central purpose, which is political totale krieg. This party's entire reason for being is conflict and aggression. There is no underlying patriotic instinct to find middle ground with the rest of us, because the party doesn't have a vision for society that includes anyone outside the tent.

I've always been queasy about piling on against the Republicans because it's intellectually too easy; I also worry a lot that the habit pundits have of choosing sides and simply beating on the other party contributes to the extremist tone of the culture war.

But the time is coming when we are all going to be forced to literally take sides in a political conflict far more serious and extreme than we're used to imagining. The situation is such a tinderbox now that all it will take is some prominent politician to openly acknowledge the fact of a cultural/civil war for the real craziness to begin.

There needs to be a 3rd party, since the 2nd party has been highjacked by the American equivalent of al-Qaeda.
Must be some more of that "civil" dialog, huh? :cuckoo:
That's exactly what I'm saying. I'm saying he lied, and I'm saying you're stupid enough to fall for it.

I bet you believed Jeb Eddy, too. He was another lying liberal who claimed to be a Republican.

No mustering required. You see, I was a serviceman. My courage has never been in doubt. Well, except by pussies like you who feel they have to attack others for having what they themselves lack.

It's really funny when you get all bowed up and pretend to be tough. You figured out a way to make me leave the thread yet? :rofl:

That is just so ridiculous!!! You're really delusional. Do you know this guy?? What proof do you have that he's lying??? The fact that he is saying something that you don't like?? Thank God there are not too many of you out there. What a nut!!

Michael S. Lofgren (Mike) - Congressional Staffer Salary Data
Being a Republican staffer does not make him a Republican. Can you not conceive that? He was doing a job and nothing more. Every fibre of his being is a liberal democrat.

Well, this is interesting.

Michael Lofgren - $1,126 in Political Contributions for 2004

In '04, he donated $1,126 to America Coming Together.

What is America Coming Together?
America Coming Together (ACT) was a liberal, political action, 527 group dedicated to get-out-the-vote activities. ACT did not specifically endorse any political party, but mostly worked on behalf of Democratic candidates. It was the largest 527 group in 2004 and was planning to be involved in future races. The group was primarily funded by Peter Lewis, George Soros, and labor unions, especially the Service Employees International Union, and was led by Steve Rosenthal, a former political director of the AFL-CIO.​
Also, he worked for the Senate Budget Committee from '06 to '10. You know, the Senate which was under Democrat control from '07 to present.

So what makes this guy a GOP operative?

You've been played, Synthia. But you should be used to that. Sucker! :lol:
Maybe you can explain why a GOP member would make his ONLY political donation ever to a leftist organization.

No one else has been able to.
No, because I made it years ago.


If you have proof otherwise, let's see it.

On edit: You didn't even change the file name: keyboardcommando3nl.jpg. :rofl:
I am supposed to prove that your self-delusions are not true? :lol:
If you have proof that I didn't create that image, let's see it.


Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
Fat, drunk and stupid, while living in Kentucky is much worse. :lol:
You sure do seem to have an irrational hatred for Southerners. You got your ass kicked by one, didn't you?

In real life, I mean. It happens in here all the time. :lol:
Kentucky is the South? :lol:

Cincinnati is 1.6 miles from Kentucky - is that also 'The South'? Why not?

Dumbass. :lol:
I can safely say I've never posted a picture of my ass on the internet. :lol:

Oh, and serving 20 years in the United States Air Force isn't playing dress up, retard.
For you it was.
More tough words from someone who lacked the courage to swear the oath.

So, anyone who didn't join the service lacks courage? :lol:

Are Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, and Karl Rove pussies?

You keep trying to pump yourself up as some kind of warrior, but nobody is buying it, stock boy.

Oh you mean like your claim you were a DoD civilian who served in the Middle East, even though you can't tell the difference between a C-130 and a helicopter? :lol:

Yes, I mistyped helicopter instead of transport plane. Sue me.

You're just jealous that the DoD sent me to 27 different countries and territories, paying me very well to go to each, while you were stuck in an air conditioned Air Force office cubicle posting on the internet all day. :lol:

Have a nice Saturday, and try not to dwell on the fact that I did what you lacked the courage to do. :lol:

You didn't join because of courage, you joined because they were the only ones who would hire you. You were a bum who had no direction in life.
Don't forget the Gummint bennies!

that i pay for. So why is he posting on my dime. He should be working...slacker....Dont get this shit in the other branches.

I'm retired from the military, dumbfuck. :lol:

I can't help but notice that you never bitch about Failho posting from work. Oh, that's right -- he's a fellow leftist. You're incapable of criticizing each other.
But....but....but.....he does it too!!!!!!



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