Google Defines "Bigotry" as Right Wing

It is right wing.

Seriously. You guys need to understand the meaning of things.

Conservatives, by nature, are bigoted and racist.

Leftists by nature are ignorant, decietful, and cowardly

-- says the poster who didn't bother to click on the link which would have exposed the OP as bullshit. :rolleyes:

Leftists by nature are ignorant, irony and hypocrisy are incomprehensible to them.

And yet that doesn't address the fact that you folks are racist and bigoted.

No, we are not. You left wingers are far more racist and bigoted than all but the most radical of conservatives. The fact that you cannot see it is a result of your ignorance.

-- says the poster ignorant of what's actually in the link...
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Are you that illiterate that you can't tell the difference between a "definition" and an "example"?

Holy shit this is the stupidest thread I've seen all say. Dumbass.

You don't define a word with a one sided example.
The left would be having a hissy fit if they had used the left wing as an example.
Bigotry exists for left, right and in the middle.
How could a party that is ~90% non-hispanic white ever possibly be bigots? lol..

Because all but 10% of those who qualify for non-white vote democrat, i.e., they vote skin color. That's blatant racist bigotry. Democrat is the party of blatant bigotry. And you made the point.

And that is why most blacks vote democrat...because of assholes who call them racist and accuse them of voting their skin color. Why would a minority want to join the GOP when assholes like you and your ilk make stupid generalizations and demean all blacks? Why would minorities want to join a group that only attacks and spews vitriol when it comes to race It is people like you that keep blacks from the GOP.
I made a mathematical, logical postulation and it still couldn't penetrate the walls of your institutional racism. Take it up with your propagandists.
It is right wing.

Seriously. You guys need to understand the meaning of things.

Conservatives, by nature, are bigoted and racist.

No they are not.. Who started the KKK the democrats .. The REP were the ones who started the civil rights movement.. Who freed the slaves. It sure was not the democrats.. I like how you libs have short term memory

Are you aware of how the parties changed? Methinks not. Between the 1860's and 1936 the parties began to switch ideologies. The Democrats that formed the KKK are representative of today's Republicans.

Why Did the Democratic and Republican Parties Switch Platforms? | Democrats & Republicans

The KKK was founded by CSA veteran soldiers, not politicians. I can even give you their names. When it has dabbled in politics it's been as both Democrats and Republicans, whatever fit the time and place.

We did this here just last night - among many other times the revisionistas drag this myth up.

As for the civil rights movement, that was started by.... wait for it.... black people.

I mean -- DUH.

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yeah because you say so...
we've seen you all when it comes to a black Republican
really we're of sick hearing it

I don't care about race, ethnicity, or religion.

It's the very last thing that enters my mind.

You folks?

That's number one.
Exactly! But when Republicans talk about race they literally know nothing. Because if they did, they would realize that when speaking about Hispanics or Latinos they would be speaking about members of the WHITE race! Yes, it's true. Hispanics and Latinos are members of the White race and have always been.

Never met a Cuban, eh?
It is right wing.

Seriously. You guys need to understand the meaning of things.

Conservatives, by nature, are bigoted and racist.

yeah because you say so...
we've seen you all when it comes to a black Republican
really we're of sick hearing it

I don't care about race, ethnicity, or religion.

It's the very last thing that enters my mind.

You folks?

That's number one.

Yeah, that's why you use the racial makeup of a group to define it instead of the policies. That's why you use someone's belief in the Bible as a reason to discredit their economic agenda.

Race, ethnicity, and religion are right at the front of your mind.
just awful , but they are run by a bunch of by un-Amercian leftist so this should be no surprise

time to stop using google

Read the article, the sentence comes verbatim from the Oxford Dictionary...

And the article also states Merriam-Webster and make no right-wing references in their definitions.

And neither did Oxford or Google. Again for the illiterate: it's an example sentence -- not part of a 'definition'.

Reading comprehension: a loss tart.
Disingeuous pricks. Right wing politics in and of itself is not bigotry. I can be fair & say that an individual right winger can be labeled a "bigot", but limited government, free market ideals are NOT in anyway "bigotry".

You morons need to learn the difference.

Regretfully, we have a lot of individual 'bigots' who try to represent the party by screaming and yelling the loudest and not enough true conservatives with the testicular fortitude to scream louder and put the racist scum in their place.


But this nonetheless goes to the fact that bigotry manifests for the most part on the right.
Because all but 10% of those who qualify for non-white vote democrat, i.e., they vote skin color. That's blatant racist bigotry. Democrat is the party of blatant bigotry. And you made the point.

And that is why most blacks vote democrat...because of assholes who call them racist and accuse them of voting their skin color. Why would a minority want to join the GOP when assholes like you and your ilk make stupid generalizations and demean all blacks? Why would minorities want to join a group that only attacks and spews vitriol when it comes to race It is people like you that keep blacks from the GOP.
I made a mathematical, logical postulation and it still couldn't penetrate the walls of your institutional racism. Take it up with your propagandists.

No, I will take it up with pseudo-conservatives like you. Do you want blacks in the GOP? Or are you just spewing nonsense to make you feel better about being a racist?

Are you that illiterate that you can't tell the difference between a "definition" and an "example"?

Holy shit this is the stupidest thread I've seen all say. Dumbass.

You don't define a word with a one sided example.

Of course you do -- IT'S A ONE-SIDED WORD! :banghead:

I mean use your head -- how else could you exemplify it?
UPDATE: Google responded to The Mirror at 4:51 p.m. A spokesperson said, “Google Search surfaces data from Oxford Dictionary when providing definitions on our search result pages.” What’s more, we hear Google plans to reach out to Oxford Dictionary to flag the above “right-wing bigotry” sentence as inappropriate.

Here's The Shocking Way Google Defines 'Bigotry' | The Daily Caller

-- which means the low-info illiterati get their way. Dumb-down delivers again.
Disingeuous pricks. Right wing politics in and of itself is not bigotry. I can be fair & say that an individual right winger can be labeled a "bigot", but limited government, free market ideals are NOT in anyway "bigotry".

You morons need to learn the difference.

Regretfully, we have a lot of individual 'bigots' who try to represent the party by screaming and yelling the loudest and not enough true conservatives with the testicular fortitude to scream louder and put the racist scum in their place.


But this nonetheless goes to the fact that bigotry manifests for the most part on the right.

That is not true either. People like you want to group all assholes into the GOP, and that is not true. Yeah, one can argue the dems were racist first, blah, blah, blah...but the fact of the matter is that an asshole is an asshole and a pussy is a pussy, no matter what party they self affiliate with. There are plenty of black racists, democratic racists, liberal racists to go around. The left simply uses race to their advantage while the right does not and is called racist for it.
UPDATE: Google responded to The Mirror at 4:51 p.m. A spokesperson said, “Google Search surfaces data from Oxford Dictionary when providing definitions on our search result pages.” What’s more, we hear Google plans to reach out to Oxford Dictionary to flag the above “right-wing bigotry” sentence as inappropriate.

and thus the title is wrong

Beat me to it.
Disingeuous pricks. Right wing politics in and of itself is not bigotry. I can be fair & say that an individual right winger can be labeled a "bigot", but limited government, free market ideals are NOT in anyway "bigotry".

You morons need to learn the difference.

Regretfully, we have a lot of individual 'bigots' who try to represent the party by screaming and yelling the loudest and not enough true conservatives with the testicular fortitude to scream louder and put the racist scum in their place.


But this nonetheless goes to the fact that bigotry manifests for the most part on the right.

I guess you've never worked in a steel mill or an airplane manufacturing assembly line then.

Racial bigotry against black people is RAMPANT in the trades.
Regretfully, we have a lot of individual 'bigots' who try to represent the party by screaming and yelling the loudest and not enough true conservatives with the testicular fortitude to scream louder and put the racist scum in their place.


But this nonetheless goes to the fact that bigotry manifests for the most part on the right.

That is not true either. People like you want to group all assholes into the GOP, and that is not true. Yeah, one can argue the dems were racist first, blah, blah, blah...but the fact of the matter is that an asshole is an asshole and a pussy is a pussy, no matter what party they self affiliate with. There are plenty of black racists, democratic racists, liberal racists to go around. The left simply uses race to their advantage while the right does not and is called racist for it.


Bigots populate both ends of the spectrum. What cracks me up is the way they point the finger at the other using words like "fact".

They just don't see how transparent they are. Or maybe they're just deluded. One or the other.

And that is why most blacks vote democrat...because of assholes who call them racist and accuse them of voting their skin color. Why would a minority want to join the GOP when assholes like you and your ilk make stupid generalizations and demean all blacks? Why would minorities want to join a group that only attacks and spews vitriol when it comes to race It is people like you that keep blacks from the GOP.
I made a mathematical, logical postulation and it still couldn't penetrate the walls of your institutional racism. Take it up with your propagandists.

No, I will take it up with pseudo-conservatives like you. Do you want blacks in the GOP? Or are you just spewing nonsense to make you feel better about being a racist?

[MENTION=22002]RoshawnMarkwees[/MENTION] Do you want blacks in the GOP or Teaper movement?

But this nonetheless goes to the fact that bigotry manifests for the most part on the right.

That is not true either. People like you want to group all assholes into the GOP, and that is not true. Yeah, one can argue the dems were racist first, blah, blah, blah...but the fact of the matter is that an asshole is an asshole and a pussy is a pussy, no matter what party they self affiliate with. There are plenty of black racists, democratic racists, liberal racists to go around. The left simply uses race to their advantage while the right does not and is called racist for it.


Bigots populate both ends of the spectrum. What cracks me up is the way they point the finger at the other using words like "fact".

They just don't see how transparent they are. Or maybe they're just deluded. One or the other.


Exactly, they spend so much time lying to themselves and accusing each other of being Anti-American, they have lost touch of reality.
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But this nonetheless goes to the fact that bigotry manifests for the most part on the right.

That is not true either. People like you want to group all assholes into the GOP, and that is not true. Yeah, one can argue the dems were racist first, blah, blah, blah...but the fact of the matter is that an asshole is an asshole and a pussy is a pussy, no matter what party they self affiliate with. There are plenty of black racists, democratic racists, liberal racists to go around. The left simply uses race to their advantage while the right does not and is called racist for it.


Bigots populate both ends of the spectrum. What cracks me up is the way they point the finger at the other using words like "fact".

They just don't see how transparent they are. Or maybe they're just deluded. One or the other.


Good point.
It is right wing.

Seriously. You guys need to understand the meaning of things.

Conservatives, by nature, are bigoted and racist.

No they are not.. Who started the KKK the democrats .. The REP were the ones who started the civil rights movement.. Who freed the slaves. It sure was not the democrats.. I like how you libs have short term memory

As already correctly noted, this is false and inaccurate.

But it’s sad and telling that you and others on the right have to go back to Reconstruction to find something positive about republicans and civil rights.

The fact remains that by the last quarter of the 19th Century, the GOP had become reactionary, nativist, and hostile to diversity – traits the GOP retains to this day.

And for the whole of the civil rights period, from Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 to Lawrence v. Texas in 2003, it has been conservatives fighting against acknowledging the civil liberties of all Americans.
UPDATE: Google responded to The Mirror at 4:51 p.m. A spokesperson said, “Google Search surfaces data from Oxford Dictionary when providing definitions on our search result pages.” What’s more, we hear Google plans to reach out to Oxford Dictionary to flag the above “right-wing bigotry” sentence as inappropriate.

Here's The Shocking Way Google Defines 'Bigotry' | The Daily Caller

-- which means the low-info illiterati get their way. Dumb-down delivers again.

I understand it's an example, but it's an example that can reasonably be taken as partisan. What do you feel would the reaction be if it were "left-wing bigotry," instead?

In my opinion they could have used a better example, and it seems they agree in this latest update.

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