Google gave away the mystery today


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Answers the question how everyone could be in knowledge of the torah, be in it's ethos..
and in knowing wine=teachings and knowledge how the wine in the temple becomes revealling that=Man/is/Shevitz.

Answered former discussions on how everyone can be in one understanding.

But most importantly validating the actual Moshiach's work and prophecy as well as fulfilling Biblical Prophecy on the same.
Answers the question how everyone could be in knowledge of the torah, be in it's ethos..
and in knowing wine=teachings and knowledge how the wine in the temple becomes revealling that=Man/is/Shevitz.

Answered former discussions on how everyone can be in one understanding.

But most importantly validating the actual Moshiach's work and prophecy as well as fulfilling Biblical Prophecy on the same.

It easy to write prophecy after the fact, and wine was developed long before Hebrews. The torah was not wrote till after the exile. Nothing original, except a few name changes and tidbits here and there.
Poor girl, you know not what you argue against.
Poor girl, you know not what you argue against.

What I debate against is the BS in the OT, and your Moses turned himself into god, face was so bright comeing down the mountain had to wear a veil (you are lunatics to think most of us believe this junk) , and Zionist worship themselves. So yes I do know what I debate against.
I think they are talking about 2 radically different thing.

The op need to clarify his post--most of us are ignorant gentiles with very selective, if any, understanding of Judaic texts and/or symbolism.
I don't know but Lucille Ball's toe jam made the wine taste sweeter. :)

Penelope's commentary on wine has no purposeful point to the post. And the Luciferian crusader Frank is just P'od for claiming miserable people need LSD then finding out Jesus took LSD type drugs=Jesus was miserable.
Jesus and Penelope, we have a match!
I don't know but Lucille Ball's toe jam made the wine taste sweeter. :)

Penelope's commentary on wine has no purposeful point to the post. And the Luciferian crusader Frank is just P'od for claiming miserable people need LSD then finding out Jesus took LSD type drugs=Jesus was miserable.
Jesus and Penelope, we have a match!

You don't like Jesus too bad, sure beats your animal sacrifices. Noah and Lot , both winos.
I think they are talking about 2 radically different thing.

The op need to clarify his post--most of us are ignorant gentiles with very selective, if any, understanding of Judaic texts and/or symbolism.

Shev does use lots of Hebrew poetic symbolism----do not hesitate to ask him to explain. Wine is a big time symbol in Hebrew
writings. -------virtually like bread which kinda
symbolizes LIFE and wine the essence thereof------the good stuff like intellect and
love and joy
I don't know but Lucille Ball's toe jam made the wine taste sweeter. :)

Penelope's commentary on wine has no purposeful point to the post. And the Luciferian crusader Frank is just P'od for claiming miserable people need LSD then finding out Jesus took LSD type drugs=Jesus was miserable.
Jesus and Penelope, we have a match!

I find people who have found a religious beliefs that fulfills them are quite happy and delighted, kind of your polar opposite
Crusader Shev intellectualizes ----not a happy thing to do----screws one's mind------I was once ACCUSED of over intellectualizing ------

btw----who wrote your nasty siggy>>>>

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president.”

for the record----carter was more stupid
Crusader Shev intellectualizes ----not a happy thing to do----screws one's mind------I was once ACCUSED of over intellectualizing ------

btw----who wrote your nasty siggy>>>>

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president.”

for the record----carter was more stupid

Whats nasty about recognizing there's a lot of ill informed, helpless, hopeless voters?
Irosie thank you,
they just have to ask themselves what the bible means when it tells them the old wine bag will break down and you will seek a new better one with new wine. Why is it asking them to find the new better vessel and new wine (teaching/knowledge) if theirs is rightful or quenching?
Is the all that end all attitude in idolizing Jesus the same problem Islam has in claiming Mohammed the all that end all prophet? Does that notion not allow wine to go bad and vessel to decay while not seeking out a new vessel and fresh better wine? Does it not allow truth and knowledge to be supressed for sake of holding that old wine bag and failed to quench wine?
Crusader Frank my jokes and smiley faces and laughing at the posts prove you wrong therefore we can conclude that you are self projecting your own feelings like as you read into the comments you see rrflected your own misery.
You also are having your ego tested therefore that hurt ego see the words as mean, but is it really or are your hurt feelings seeing it as such.
Is it not your ad hominom attacks that are a show of being unhapoy and mean spirited?
How can attacking false history be mean while your lying about history is not? Aren't you confusing true love with false love thst is actually hatred?
Lying is hatred, willing to be unpopular to speak the truth is true love. Your ego wants to be stroked by being right so when your reality is tested your ego lashes out with ad hominom attacks on people to cover it's shame.
You are not fooling anyone Human ego taints your perceptions and reasoning and it's used to keep the lies alive through group affiliation pride.
Answers the question how everyone could be in knowledge of the torah, be in it's ethos..
and in knowing wine=teachings and knowledge how the wine in the temple becomes revealling that=Man/is/Shevitz.

Answered former discussions on how everyone can be in one understanding.

But most importantly validating the actual Moshiach's work and prophecy as well as fulfilling Biblical Prophecy on the same.

WE learn to make moshiach every day, and in the meantime, we pray ani ma'amim....
I think they are talking about 2 radically different thing.

The op need to clarify his post--most of us are ignorant gentiles with very selective, if any, understanding of Judaic texts and/or symbolism.

Shev does use lots of Hebrew poetic symbolism----do not hesitate to ask him to explain. Wine is a big time symbol in Hebrew
writings. -------virtually like bread which kinda
symbolizes LIFE and wine the essence thereof------the good stuff like intellect and
love and joy

bo rei p'reet ha'gafen....


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