Google literally change the definition of fascism to attack conservatives

I don't know about the OP, but I do know progs change the definitions of things all the time, look at gay marriage for instance.

"gay marriage" used to mean something else?

Another great example is look up the WIKI definition for intercourse. You probably think it's where a man and woman screw, which is the core of nature. But nope, not anymore. The definition wasn't "inclusive" enough, so now it's whatever you want it to be.

The word 'intercourse' has and will continue to have multiple definitions. What are you sniffing?

Also, getting off topic of the OP, the title of course being an absolute lie where the original poster has been burned time and time again. "Google literally change the definition of fascism to attack conservatives"
View attachment 277740

Don’t believe me search google for the fascism.
We are living in tyrannical times , big government, ruling class are pumping out nazi like propaganda.

Get ready for the big fight

Goebbels Democrats are clicking their jackboots, no doubt... :lol:

View attachment 277749
The only people in the modern world with a garbage hateful phony Scandal propaganda machine are Republicans.... Breaking: Democrats are honest, the rich are getting away with murder on taxes for 35 years now and it is a screwjob for everyone else.... You are martial law away from being true fascists....
I don't know about the OP, but I do know progs change the definitions of things all the time, look at gay marriage for instance.

"gay marriage" used to mean something else?

Another great example is look up the WIKI definition for intercourse. You probably think it's where a man and woman screw, which is the core of nature. But nope, not anymore. The definition wasn't "inclusive" enough, so now it's whatever you want it to be.

The word 'intercourse' has and will continue to have multiple definitions. What are you sniffing?

Also, getting off topic of the OP, the title of course being an absolute lie where the original poster has been burned time and time again. "Google literally change the definition of fascism to attack conservatives"

Oh sure, right. To a progressive it does, because normal behavior consistent with nature's core doesn't suit. Every time you pick your nose it's intercourse too.
View attachment 277740

Don’t believe me search google for the fascism.
We are living in tyrannical times , big government, ruling class are pumping out nazi like propaganda.

Get ready for the big fight
"Google literally change the definition of fascism to attack conservatives"

^^^ a dumbfuck who thinks Google is a dictionary.
I don't know about the OP, but I do know progs change the definitions of things all the time, look at gay marriage for instance.

"gay marriage" used to mean something else?

Another great example is look up the WIKI definition for intercourse. You probably think it's where a man and woman screw, which is the core of nature. But nope, not anymore. The definition wasn't "inclusive" enough, so now it's whatever you want it to be.

The word 'intercourse' has and will continue to have multiple definitions. What are you sniffing?

Also, getting off topic of the OP, the title of course being an absolute lie where the original poster has been burned time and time again. "Google literally change the definition of fascism to attack conservatives"

Oh sure, right. To a progressive it does, because normal behavior consistent with nature's core doesn't suit. Every time you pick your nose it's intercourse too.

You really think the only definition of 'intercourse' is sex between a man and a woman and there wasn't any other meaning before recently?

Edit: You may want to read this.
Sexual intercourse - Wikipedia
American conservatives are the only people in the world who think fascism is a leftist phenomena. I'm not even sure they actually think that for real but use it as cover.
Fascism was created by a leftist totalitarian socialist that wanted to focus on the nation.
It isnt a left or right problem. It's a totalitarian problem

Fascism is right wing. Not left wing.

It was created mostly my Mussolini who was very right wing. hitler picked it up and he was very right wing.

If you look in the encyclopedia you will see the encyclopedia describes it as right wing.

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy[3] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[4] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before spreading to other European countries.[4] Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5][6]

You should have learned that in school. Where were you when you were supposed to learn it? Let me guess, you were one of the people who didn't go to class and spent your time getting high.

Communism is left wing. Not fascism.

Please become properly informed. You make a fool of yourself when you post such ridiculous claims.
Fascism in socialism nationalized.
You wrote all that out for nothing :lol:
So let's look at the definition:


a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

1. Exalts nation and often race above the individual.

No, most conservatives, while they are very patriotic (some would call it nationalism), are geared toward individual liberty. They believe the people have rights and are the driving force behind the nation.

They are proud to be an American, but want government limited in their lives. This means they dont hold fealty to the government but rather the government should be working for them.

The left, however, generally want more control placed in the hands of government to be able to regulate virtually every aspect of our lives.

2. Centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader.

Again, the right believes in limited government. They believe the government has specific duties to serve the citizen, beyond that, the power resides with the state and the individual.

Again, the left seem to want to give more power to the government.

3. Severe economic and social regimentation.

The right believes a person should be able to make as much money as they want, without the government digging its hands into their pockets. They also believe that an individual should have the freedom to live as they choose as long as it doesnt interfere with the right and freedoms of their own lives.

The left believe the government should take any money it deems necessary when it feels like an individual has made too much.

3. Forcible suppression of opposition.

Well, this one can clearly be pointed toward antifa, whose main goal is the forcible suppression of opposition. It goes beyond that, however. The left also prefer the silencing of the opposition by removing them from social media platforms, and continually calling the support of conservative ideology, hate speech.

Fascism seems to have more in common with left wing ideology than it does the right.
"They are proud to be an American, but want government limited in their lives."


.... yeah, sure. Uh-huh.

Unless you're a woman who wants, or needs, to terminate her pregnancy.

Or unless you're gay and want to legally marry the person you're in love with.

Or unless you want to be a practicing muslim.

Or unless you're poor and can't afford to send your kids to private school.

Or unless you were born here in the United States but your mother was here illegally.

Or unless you're kept alive by machines and your closet legal guardian wants to pull the plug.
I don't know about the OP, but I do know progs change the definitions of things all the time, look at gay marriage for instance.

"gay marriage" used to mean something else?

Another great example is look up the WIKI definition for intercourse. You probably think it's where a man and woman screw, which is the core of nature. But nope, not anymore. The definition wasn't "inclusive" enough, so now it's whatever you want it to be.

The word 'intercourse' has and will continue to have multiple definitions. What are you sniffing?

Also, getting off topic of the OP, the title of course being an absolute lie where the original poster has been burned time and time again. "Google literally change the definition of fascism to attack conservatives"

Oh sure, right. To a progressive it does, because normal behavior consistent with nature's core doesn't suit. Every time you pick your nose it's intercourse too.

You really think the only definition of 'intercourse' is sex between a man and a woman and there wasn't any other meaning before recently?

Edit: You may want to read this.
Sexual intercourse - Wikipedia

I think you're Slow-Joy, perhaps ADD. You should reflect on my original comment.
I don't know about the OP, but I do know progs change the definitions of things all the time, look at gay marriage for instance.

"gay marriage" used to mean something else?

Another great example is look up the WIKI definition for intercourse. You probably think it's where a man and woman screw, which is the core of nature. But nope, not anymore. The definition wasn't "inclusive" enough, so now it's whatever you want it to be.

The word 'intercourse' has and will continue to have multiple definitions. What are you sniffing?

Also, getting off topic of the OP, the title of course being an absolute lie where the original poster has been burned time and time again. "Google literally change the definition of fascism to attack conservatives"

Oh sure, right. To a progressive it does, because normal behavior consistent with nature's core doesn't suit. Every time you pick your nose it's intercourse too.

You really think the only definition of 'intercourse' is sex between a man and a woman and there wasn't any other meaning before recently?

Edit: You may want to read this.
Sexual intercourse - Wikipedia

I think you're Slow-Joy, perhaps ADD. You should reflect on my original comment.
You said "progs" changed the definition of "gay marriage." When did that definition ever mean anything other than gays marrying each other?
I don't know about the OP, but I do know progs change the definitions of things all the time, look at gay marriage for instance.

"gay marriage" used to mean something else?

Another great example is look up the WIKI definition for intercourse. You probably think it's where a man and woman screw, which is the core of nature. But nope, not anymore. The definition wasn't "inclusive" enough, so now it's whatever you want it to be.

The word 'intercourse' has and will continue to have multiple definitions. What are you sniffing?

Also, getting off topic of the OP, the title of course being an absolute lie where the original poster has been burned time and time again. "Google literally change the definition of fascism to attack conservatives"

Oh sure, right. To a progressive it does, because normal behavior consistent with nature's core doesn't suit. Every time you pick your nose it's intercourse too.

You really think the only definition of 'intercourse' is sex between a man and a woman and there wasn't any other meaning before recently?

Edit: You may want to read this.
Sexual intercourse - Wikipedia

I think you're Slow-Joy, perhaps ADD. You should reflect on my original comment.

when did the definition of gay marriage change?
View attachment 277740

Don’t believe me search google for the fascism.
We are living in tyrannical times , big government, ruling class are pumping out nazi like propaganda.

Get ready for the big fight
either definition proves fascism isn't right-wing

centralized government and a strong regimentation of society and economy is leftist ideology any day of the week

right ideology believes in small uncentralized limited government and no or very little government involvement in the economy and society
right ideology believes in small uncentralized limited government and no or very little government involvement in the economy and society

if only the right wing in this country actually believed in any of that.
American conservatives are the only people in the world who think fascism is a leftist phenomena. I'm not even sure they actually think that for real but use it as cover.
is a centralized government and a strong regimentation of society and economy right-wing ideology?

explain how can fascism and anarchy both be on the same side of the political spectrum you idiot? they are polar opposites
Fascism has more in common with socialism communism than anything else
right ideology believes in small uncentralized limited government and no or very little government involvement in the economy and society

if only the right wing in this country actually believed in any of that.
that is the cornerstone of conservatism

its why anarchy is as far-right you go on the political spectrum which is no government at all

someone needs to explain how and the hell is fascism and anarchy be on the same side of the political spectrum they are polar opposites
right ideology believes in small uncentralized limited government and no or very little government involvement in the economy and society

if only the right wing in this country actually believed in any of that.
that is the cornerstone of conservatism

its why anarchy is as far-right you go on the political spectrum which is no government at all

someone needs to explain how and the hell is fascism and anarchy be on the same side of the political spectrum they are polar opposites
"that is the cornerstone of conservatism"

Uh, no, lip service is the cornerstone of conservatism. Conservatives don't practice what they preach. Trump being president is living proof of that.
Fascism = Statism with supreme power invested in the executive.

In reality there are statist in both parties, and each side delights in calling the other Nazis.
right ideology believes in small uncentralized limited government and no or very little government involvement in the economy and society

if only the right wing in this country actually believed in any of that.

They do and you know it. It isn't the right that believes in more government regulation. It isn't the right that believes in higher taxes(taking more of money people earn).

Do you honestly believe it is the left that wants limited government?
Interesting.. are you drinking?
Like we don't know you edited your post, dope.

Is Google only offering you a single definition?
No idea what you are talking about

You have no idea what you are talking about.
I’m pretty sure I posted a pic you can’t seem to follow.. I made it easy for you and you still struggle lol

Yes, you posted a picture from Webster Dictionary and then said that Google literally changed the meaning.

We are still waiting for you to explain how they did that
Ohh you didn’t see two definitions or you can’t read lol

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