"GOP 2.0" Launches

Can you define "communism"?
Communism is the final stage of Marxism

In a communist system the state has total control over all aspects of the society - cultural, economic and above all political

The old soviet union and mao’s china came the closest to that

Communism is preceded by socialism which is a loose term with many different expressions

But all sharing a common goal of utopia by government supervision

Nazi Germany for instance

Or post war france and great britian where government took over and managed many private companies and industries while widely expanding the welfare state
Great! Name two or three communists in government, and provide quotes of them proving that by saying they want "total control over all aspects" of the economy - production and distribution.
Just off the top of my head without a second thought and as little effort as possible:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Brennan_(CIA_officer)While a college student, in 1976, he voted for the Communist Party USA candidate for president, Gus Hall. He has later described his vote as a way of "signaling my unhappiness with the system", specifically the partisanship of the Watergate era.

This asshole is technically no longer in government, but if it took so little to find this, please tell me you don't believe this is the only guy.
Can you define "communism"?
Communism is the final stage of Marxism

In a communist system the state has total control over all aspects of the society - cultural, economic and above all political

The old soviet union and mao’s china came the closest to that

Communism is preceded by socialism which is a loose term with many different expressions

But all sharing a common goal of utopia by government supervision

Nazi Germany for instance

Or post war france and great britian where government took over and managed many private companies and industries while widely expanding the welfare state
Great! Name two or three communists in government, and provide quotes of them proving that by saying they want "total control over all aspects" of the economy - production and distribution.
Just off the top of my head without a second thought and as little effort as possible:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Brennan_(CIA_officer)While a college student, in 1976, he voted for the Communist Party USA candidate for president, Gus Hall. He has later described his vote as a way of "signaling my unhappiness with the system", specifically the partisanship of the Watergate era.

This asshole is technically no longer in government, but if it took so little to find this, please tell me you don't believe this is the only guy.
While a college student, 45 years ago.

Current Democratic leaders, please. With actual quotes and plans. Full communism.

That's not asking too much.
You can't honestly connect even people like Bernie Sanders with communism. He's not calling for government ownership and control of all production and distribution.
Of course he is not calling for it. It's political suicide to be open about that shit, not to mention the problem of likely 800 million civilian owned guns. (why the left wants more and more gun control to erode defenses)

You have to make assumptions and extrapolations. You have to tell us that you know "what he really wants".
He's not really being all that cryptic. You just REFUSE to read between the fucking lines.

You're free to believe whatever you want, and you're free to be as paranoid as you want. I'm just not required to participate.
Sure. I am not demanding your participation. I am free to criticize your lack of concern and being nothing short of the way the people of Venezuela approached Hugo Chavez and his commie shit.
You can't honestly connect even people like Bernie Sanders with communism. He's not calling for government ownership and control of all production and distribution.
Of course he is not calling for it. It's political suicide to be open about that shit, not to mention the problem of likely 800 million civilian owned guns. (why the left wants more and more gun control to erode defenses)

You have to make assumptions and extrapolations. You have to tell us that you know "what he really wants".
He's not really being all that cryptic. You just REFUSE to read between the fucking lines.

You're free to believe whatever you want, and you're free to be as paranoid as you want. I'm just not required to participate.
Sure. I am not demanding your participation. I am free to criticize your lack of concern and being nothing short of the way the people of Venezuela approached Hugo Chavez and his commie shit.
Neat! You and the Trumpsters can scream COMMIE at everything that moves, and the Regressive Lefties can scream RACIST at everything that moves. You can both take terribly important words and render them worthless punchlines. You're made for each other. But not for me.
Can you define "communism"?
Communism is the final stage of Marxism

In a communist system the state has total control over all aspects of the society - cultural, economic and above all political

The old soviet union and mao’s china came the closest to that

Communism is preceded by socialism which is a loose term with many different expressions

But all sharing a common goal of utopia by government supervision

Nazi Germany for instance

Or post war france and great britian where government took over and managed many private companies and industries while widely expanding the welfare state
Great! Name two or three communists in government, and provide quotes of them proving that by saying they want "total control over all aspects" of the economy - production and distribution.
Just off the top of my head without a second thought and as little effort as possible:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Brennan_(CIA_officer)While a college student, in 1976, he voted for the Communist Party USA candidate for president, Gus Hall. He has later described his vote as a way of "signaling my unhappiness with the system", specifically the partisanship of the Watergate era.

This asshole is technically no longer in government, but if it took so little to find this, please tell me you don't believe this is the only guy.
While a college student, 45 years ago.

Current Democratic leaders, please. With actual quotes and plans. Full communism.

That's not asking too much.
Oh sure. It's coincidental that everybody in the Obama administration USE TO BE Communists, and still praise guys like Mao.

As I have said, full communism is a fart in the wind. Marxists have moved on and are now even trying to work Marxism within the current system (democratic socialism), but it is THE SAME RESULT!!!

Look at Critical Race Theory indoctrination they are attempting in our schools. DO YOU KNOW WHERE THAT ORIGINATES??

The Frankfurt School and it's Critical Theory.

Here. Read up:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_theoryIn sociology and political philosophy, "Critical Theory" means the Western-Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School, developed in Germany in the 1930s and drawing on the ideas of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankfurt_School(bunch of commies)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_race_theoryBoth critical race theory and critical legal studies are rooted in critical theory, which argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors.[5]

Now, what could POSSIBLY be the objective in eroding societal structures using such indoctrination tactics, Mac?

Do you want me to contine?
While I admire these Republicans for trying to stay and fight rather than start a third party, this seems a little quixotic to me.

Who knows. Anyway, good luck, folks. Your party and its embarrassing conspiracies are hurting this country.

Can you define "communism"?
Communism is the final stage of Marxism

In a communist system the state has total control over all aspects of the society - cultural, economic and above all political

The old soviet union and mao’s china came the closest to that

Communism is preceded by socialism which is a loose term with many different expressions

But all sharing a common goal of utopia by government supervision

Nazi Germany for instance

Or post war france and great britian where government took over and managed many private companies and industries while widely expanding the welfare state
Great! Name two or three communists in government, and provide quotes of them proving that by saying they want "total control over all aspects" of the economy - production and distribution.
Just off the top of my head without a second thought and as little effort as possible:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Brennan_(CIA_officer)While a college student, in 1976, he voted for the Communist Party USA candidate for president, Gus Hall. He has later described his vote as a way of "signaling my unhappiness with the system", specifically the partisanship of the Watergate era.

This asshole is technically no longer in government, but if it took so little to find this, please tell me you don't believe this is the only guy.
While a college student, 45 years ago.

Current Democratic leaders, please. With actual quotes and plans. Full communism.

That's not asking too much.
Oh sure. It's coincidental that everybody in the Obama administration USE TO BE Communists, and still praise guys like Mao.

As I have said, full communism is a fart in the wind. Marxists have moved on and are now even trying to work Marxism within the current system (democratic socialism), but it is THE SAME RESULT!!!

Look at Critical Race Theory indoctrination they are attempting in our schools. DO YOU KNOW WHERE THAT ORIGINATES??

The Frankfurt School and it's Critical Theory.

Here. Read up:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_theoryIn sociology and political philosophy, "Critical Theory" means the Western-Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School, developed in Germany in the 1930s and drawing on the ideas of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankfurt_School(bunch of commies)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_race_theoryBoth critical race theory and critical legal studies are rooted in critical theory, which argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors.[5]

Now, what could POSSIBLY be the objective in eroding societal structures using such indoctrination tactics, Mac?

Do you want me to contine?
No. I didn't want you to begin. I didn't read all that stuff. It's a waste of my time.
You can't honestly connect even people like Bernie Sanders with communism. He's not calling for government ownership and control of all production and distribution.
Of course he is not calling for it. It's political suicide to be open about that shit, not to mention the problem of likely 800 million civilian owned guns. (why the left wants more and more gun control to erode defenses)

You have to make assumptions and extrapolations. You have to tell us that you know "what he really wants".
He's not really being all that cryptic. You just REFUSE to read between the fucking lines.

You're free to believe whatever you want, and you're free to be as paranoid as you want. I'm just not required to participate.
Sure. I am not demanding your participation. I am free to criticize your lack of concern and being nothing short of the way the people of Venezuela approached Hugo Chavez and his commie shit.
Neat! You and the Trumpsters can scream COMMIE at everything that moves, and the Regressive Lefties can scream RACIST at everything that moves. You can both take terribly important words and render them worthless punchlines. You're made for each other. But not for me.
Yeah. Read my post above and the content within.

Yelling "RACISM" is nothing more than yelling "CAPITALISM" but it is cleverly disguised.
While I admire these Republicans for trying to stay and fight rather than start a third party, this seems a little quixotic to me.

Who knows. Anyway, good luck, folks. Your party and its embarrassing conspiracies are hurting this country.

Can you define "communism"?
Communism is the final stage of Marxism

In a communist system the state has total control over all aspects of the society - cultural, economic and above all political

The old soviet union and mao’s china came the closest to that

Communism is preceded by socialism which is a loose term with many different expressions

But all sharing a common goal of utopia by government supervision

Nazi Germany for instance

Or post war france and great britian where government took over and managed many private companies and industries while widely expanding the welfare state
Great! Name two or three communists in government, and provide quotes of them proving that by saying they want "total control over all aspects" of the economy - production and distribution.
Just off the top of my head without a second thought and as little effort as possible:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Brennan_(CIA_officer)While a college student, in 1976, he voted for the Communist Party USA candidate for president, Gus Hall. He has later described his vote as a way of "signaling my unhappiness with the system", specifically the partisanship of the Watergate era.

This asshole is technically no longer in government, but if it took so little to find this, please tell me you don't believe this is the only guy.
While a college student, 45 years ago.

Current Democratic leaders, please. With actual quotes and plans. Full communism.

That's not asking too much.
Oh sure. It's coincidental that everybody in the Obama administration USE TO BE Communists, and still praise guys like Mao.

As I have said, full communism is a fart in the wind. Marxists have moved on and are now even trying to work Marxism within the current system (democratic socialism), but it is THE SAME RESULT!!!

Look at Critical Race Theory indoctrination they are attempting in our schools. DO YOU KNOW WHERE THAT ORIGINATES??

The Frankfurt School and it's Critical Theory.

Here. Read up:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_theoryIn sociology and political philosophy, "Critical Theory" means the Western-Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School, developed in Germany in the 1930s and drawing on the ideas of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankfurt_School(bunch of commies)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_race_theoryBoth critical race theory and critical legal studies are rooted in critical theory, which argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors.[5]

Now, what could POSSIBLY be the objective in eroding societal structures using such indoctrination tactics, Mac?

Do you want me to contine?
No. I didn't want you to begin. I didn't read all that stuff. It's a waste of my time.
AND THUS, YOU ARE UNIFORMED and this is the cause of your dupedness.

Why am I not surprised?

You can ignore that if you want to, but DON'T SIT HERE AND ACT LIKE I AM MAKING SHIT UP!!!
While I admire these Republicans for trying to stay and fight rather than start a third party, this seems a little quixotic to me.

Who knows. Anyway, good luck, folks. Your party and its embarrassing conspiracies are hurting this country.

View attachment 490839
Yes, we know. Anyone who isn't a mindless, obedient Trumpster is a RINO Hitler Chinese Socialist Venezuelan Deep State Swamp Commie.
You're free to believe whatever you want, and you're free to be as paranoid as you want. I'm just not required to participate.
Unfortunately, the taxpayers of Arizona ARE forced to participate. Imagine being forced to pay a Capitol riot insurrectionist to check your ballots for bamboo.
While I admire these Republicans for trying to stay and fight rather than start a third party, this seems a little quixotic to me.

Who knows. Anyway, good luck, folks. Your party and its embarrassing conspiracies are hurting this country.

View attachment 490839
Yes, we know. Anyone who isn't a mindless, obedient Trumpster is a RINO Hitler Chinese Socialist Venezuelan Deep State Swamp Commie.

You know that ?

I didn't.

Thanks for the information.
Can you define "communism"?
Communism is the final stage of Marxism

In a communist system the state has total control over all aspects of the society - cultural, economic and above all political

The old soviet union and mao’s china came the closest to that

Communism is preceded by socialism which is a loose term with many different expressions

But all sharing a common goal of utopia by government supervision

Nazi Germany for instance

Or post war france and great britian where government took over and managed many private companies and industries while widely expanding the welfare state
Great! Name two or three communists in government, and provide quotes of them proving that by saying they want "total control over all aspects" of the economy - production and distribution.
Just off the top of my head without a second thought and as little effort as possible:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Brennan_(CIA_officer)While a college student, in 1976, he voted for the Communist Party USA candidate for president, Gus Hall. He has later described his vote as a way of "signaling my unhappiness with the system", specifically the partisanship of the Watergate era.

This asshole is technically no longer in government, but if it took so little to find this, please tell me you don't believe this is the only guy.
While a college student, 45 years ago.

Current Democratic leaders, please. With actual quotes and plans. Full communism.

That's not asking too much.
Oh sure. It's coincidental that everybody in the Obama administration USE TO BE Communists, and still praise guys like Mao.

As I have said, full communism is a fart in the wind. Marxists have moved on and are now even trying to work Marxism within the current system (democratic socialism), but it is THE SAME RESULT!!!

Look at Critical Race Theory indoctrination they are attempting in our schools. DO YOU KNOW WHERE THAT ORIGINATES??

The Frankfurt School and it's Critical Theory.

Here. Read up:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_theoryIn sociology and political philosophy, "Critical Theory" means the Western-Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School, developed in Germany in the 1930s and drawing on the ideas of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankfurt_School(bunch of commies)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_race_theoryBoth critical race theory and critical legal studies are rooted in critical theory, which argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors.[5]

Now, what could POSSIBLY be the objective in eroding societal structures using such indoctrination tactics, Mac?

Do you want me to contine?
No. I didn't want you to begin. I didn't read all that stuff. It's a waste of my time.
AND THUS, YOU ARE UNIFORMED and this is the cause of your dupedness.

You can ignore that if you want to, but DON'T SIT HERE AND ACT LIKE I AM MAKING SHIT UP!!!
If I read all that, I'll need to read the other end of each story. See, I want to know and understand both sides of any issue.

And why would I put forth that effort for someone who only wants one side? Talk about wasted effort. I'm done with asymmetrical conversations here. They bore me.
While I admire these Republicans for trying to stay and fight rather than start a third party, this seems a little quixotic to me.

Who knows. Anyway, good luck, folks. Your party and its embarrassing conspiracies are hurting this country.

View attachment 490839
Yes, we know. Anyone who isn't a mindless, obedient Trumpster is a RINO Hitler Chinese Socialist Venezuelan Deep State Swamp Commie.

You know that ?

I didn't.

Thanks for the information.
You're very welcome!
While I admire these Republicans for trying to stay and fight rather than start a third party, this seems a little quixotic to me.

Who knows. Anyway, good luck, folks. Your party and its embarrassing conspiracies are hurting this country.

The should have just spun off.
They're in a no-win position. If they spin off, they lose their massive infrastructure. If they stay, it's David vs. Goliath.

This is gonna take a while, for sure.
The tRumpling party will absorb them without a burp.
The Republican party has their tongues up your a**es. The nation keeps moving left. It is difficult to be a Republican because it is promoted as uncaring and mean and then the 4 letter words by the people in control. The founding fathers warned us about this. "See if you can keep your Republic". Well the passing of the Federal Reserve Act has led us to here. If we kept that Act under control it would be different. But politicians started to give things away and start massive social programs. Democracy became the way of the land instead of a Republic. Look how we vote now. If you Progs did win the 2020 election it was for pure personal selfishness in getting free stuff with the politicians/actors/media pushing the hate agendas to the max. It took a long time for Repub voters to become aware what is happening. The Party is not responding to them. And if they did not lie to their own voters this would not be happening. But many are beholden to something else. You see how some leave.
if it wasnt for the federal reserve act, we would need some billionaire to bail out the banking system every time it crashed.
This was proven in 1907 when JP Morgan had to bail out the banks.
We should have stayed on the Gold Standard and not enact more government welfare spending.
Gold standard went away to fund wars, and people hoarded gold during depression.
The only people who own alot of gold want to go back to gold standard.
If I read all that, I'll need to read the other end of each story. See, I want to know and understand both sides of any issue.
Well, why don't you? Instead of engaging in your distracted, irrelevant anti-Trump crusade, why not focus on the REAL shit going down?

And why would I put forth that effort for someone who only wants one side?
By all means, give me the other side. I would LOVE to hear the explanation.

Talk about wasted effort. I'm done with asymmetrical conversations here. They bore me.

I don't know whether to believe you want to be willfully uninformed or if you actually condone the shit these leftists are pushing.

Which should I assume?
If I read all that, I'll need to read the other end of each story. See, I want to know and understand both sides of any issue.
Well, why don't you? Instead of engaging in your distracted, irrelevant anti-Trump crusade, why not focus on the REAL shit going down.

And why would I put forth that effort for someone who only wants one side?
By all means, give me the other side. I would LOVE to hear the explanation.

Talk about wasted effort. I'm done with asymmetrical conversations here. They bore me.

I don't know whether to believe you want to be willfully uninformed or if you actually condone the shit these leftists are pushing.

Which should I assume?
Assume whatever you'd like.
If I read all that, I'll need to read the other end of each story. See, I want to know and understand both sides of any issue.
Well, why don't you? Instead of engaging in your distracted, irrelevant anti-Trump crusade, why not focus on the REAL shit going down.

And why would I put forth that effort for someone who only wants one side?
By all means, give me the other side. I would LOVE to hear the explanation.

Talk about wasted effort. I'm done with asymmetrical conversations here. They bore me.

I don't know whether to believe you want to be willfully uninformed or if you actually condone the shit these leftists are pushing.

Which should I assume?
Assume whatever you'd like.
And this is why you have no right to call me a "Trumpest" or anything else. You don't know SHIT.
While I admire these Republicans for trying to stay and fight rather than start a third party, this seems a little quixotic to me.

Who knows. Anyway, good luck, folks. Your party and its embarrassing conspiracies are hurting this country.

The trouble with fair weather republicans is that they only believe in party unity when the party follows them

But when they dont get their way they take their football and go home
Like Trump Republicans.

Only they storm the Capitol and then go home.

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