"GOP 2.0" Launches

While I admire these Republicans for trying to stay and fight rather than start a third party, this seems a little quixotic to me.

Who knows. Anyway, good luck, folks. Your party and its embarrassing conspiracies are hurting this country.

The Lincoln Project is behind this "like they were a 9 year old boy"

Now I have to admit - that one made me spit my beverage all over my keyboard..... :) :clap2:
While I admire these Republicans for trying to stay and fight rather than start a third party, this seems a little quixotic to me.

Who knows. Anyway, good luck, folks. Your party and its embarrassing conspiracies are hurting this country.

The system doesn't allow for a third party. It's a bad, bad system that leads to parties like the Dems and Reps.

Proper elections where everyone gets a say, would have more parties, proper choice. They call it "democracy".
But for the gazillionth time, we are not, I repeat NOT a damned democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic.
While I admire these Republicans for trying to stay and fight rather than start a third party, this seems a little quixotic to me.

Who knows. Anyway, good luck, folks. Your party and its embarrassing conspiracies are hurting this country.

The system doesn't allow for a third party. It's a bad, bad system that leads to parties like the Dems and Reps.

Proper elections where everyone gets a say, would have more parties, proper choice. They call it "democracy".
But for the gazillionth time, we are not, I repeat NOT a damned democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic.
Partly. We are a Represenative Republic. 6 of one half dozen of the other.. :)
While I admire these Republicans for trying to stay and fight rather than start a third party, this seems a little quixotic to me.

Who knows. Anyway, good luck, folks. Your party and its embarrassing conspiracies are hurting this country.

The should have just spun off.
They're in a no-win position. If they spin off, they lose their massive infrastructure. If they stay, it's David vs. Goliath.

This is gonna take a while, for sure.

They have a 3rd alternative, you know. They can join up with their anti-Trump allies in the Democrat Party and take a stand. After all, they supported the anti-Trump forces in 2020 and were successful. Why not keep a winning (from their perspective) combination?
Anti trump does not equal Democrats.
While I admire these Republicans for trying to stay and fight rather than start a third party, this seems a little quixotic to me.

Who knows. Anyway, good luck, folks. Your party and its embarrassing conspiracies are hurting this country.

The system doesn't allow for a third party. It's a bad, bad system that leads to parties like the Dems and Reps.

Proper elections where everyone gets a say, would have more parties, proper choice. They call it "democracy".
But for the gazillionth time, we are not, I repeat NOT a damned democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic.

Yeah, and the questions are 1) Why does the US go around the world telling other countries to be democratic and 2) why wouldn't you want to be democratic?

You'd get proper choice. You'd get less corruption. You'd get a vote that actually matters.

Instead people are moaning about so many things, then you offer the proper solution and they're "Oh, no, we're not that".

As if you can't change things.
No, Left is tyranny of Communism.
Can you define "communism"?

I'm having a heck of a time getting any Trumpsters to do that.
You'll have an even harder time getting actual communists to agree on the definition.

Here's one that I believe is fitting:

--a stateless political and/or economic system wherein all private property ownership is eliminated and property is held in common (which practically means nobody owns a stake in ANYTHING), and the means of production and distribution are democratically decided.

Communism is a fart in the wind. It is a pipedream that WILL NEVER WORK. It is anarchy that CANNOT last for more than a few days or weeks, because soon, it becomes difficult to manage the voting process, so someone has to devote nearly 100% of his time conducting the distribution of resources. This person is now the state. THIS is what we call SOCIALISM (Marx had it backwards. Socialism comes after Communism) All property is now effectively owned by this person, who is at liberty to deny resources at his own whelm, and when people complain about being denied their part ownership in the resources, this new governor says:

"these resources are not owned by you individually. They are owned by the people."

The response being "we are people."

Reply: "No. You are not the people. You are individual persons. You don't own shit."

"Then, who gets to use these resources"?

"The people."

"But, we are not the people"?


There is practically ZERO difference between Socialism and Communism because they meld into the same fucking thing in a matter of DAYS, if not HOURS.

Do you want to talk about how the left is going about creating this "utopia"?
unnamed (4).jpg
What happened to Mac?

Every single time someone better informed and equipped to beat his ass in an actual debate shows up and starts laying the wood, what happens to Mac?

View attachment 490844

He's gone.


Did I not show you enough attention?
View attachment 490911
bok bok bok booooooook!!!

We can all see that you have exactly zero evidence of your idiotic claims. The one example you gave was a joke and made you look completely stupid. So just stfu already
Zero evidence?

Did you follow the links, you dumb fuck?


No, Left is tyranny of Communism.
Can you define "communism"?

I'm having a heck of a time getting any Trumpsters to do that.
You'll have an even harder time getting actual communists to agree on the definition.

Here's one that I believe is fitting:

--a stateless political and/or economic system wherein all private property ownership is eliminated and property is held in common (which practically means nobody owns a stake in ANYTHING), and the means of production and distribution are democratically decided.

Communism is a fart in the wind. It is a pipedream that WILL NEVER WORK. It is anarchy that CANNOT last for more than a few days or weeks, because soon, it becomes difficult to manage the voting process, so someone has to devote nearly 100% of his time conducting the distribution of resources. This person is now the state. THIS is what we call SOCIALISM (Marx had it backwards. Socialism comes after Communism) All property is now effectively owned by this person, who is at liberty to deny resources at his own whelm, and when people complain about being denied their part ownership in the resources, this new governor says:

"these resources are not owned by you individually. They are owned by the people."

The response being "we are people."

Reply: "No. You are not the people. You are individual persons. You don't own shit."

"Then, who gets to use these resources"?

"The people."

"But, we are not the people"?


There is practically ZERO difference between Socialism and Communism because they meld into the same fucking thing in a matter of DAYS, if not HOURS.

Do you want to talk about how the left is going about creating this "utopia"?
View attachment 490961
And still, you have no response.


Now go kill your commie self
While I admire these Republicans for trying to stay and fight rather than start a third party, this seems a little quixotic to me.

Who knows. Anyway, good luck, folks. Your party and its embarrassing conspiracies are hurting this country.

The should have just spun off.
They're in a no-win position. If they spin off, they lose their massive infrastructure. If they stay, it's David vs. Goliath.

This is gonna take a while, for sure.
The tRumpling party will absorb them without a burp.
The Republican party has their tongues up your a**es. The nation keeps moving left. It is difficult to be a Republican because it is promoted as uncaring and mean and then the 4 letter words by the people in control. The founding fathers warned us about this. "See if you can keep your Republic". Well the passing of the Federal Reserve Act has led us to here. If we kept that Act under control it would be different. But politicians started to give things away and start massive social programs. Democracy became the way of the land instead of a Republic. Look how we vote now. If you Progs did win the 2020 election it was for pure personal selfishness in getting free stuff with the politicians/actors/media pushing the hate agendas to the max. It took a long time for Repub voters to become aware what is happening. The Party is not responding to them. And if they did not lie to their own voters this would not be happening. But many are beholden to something else. You see how some leave.
"Left" is progress. We are far behind other first world nations.
No, Left is tyranny of Communism.
Nice, programed, pavlovian response. Well done, kid. You're a credit to your brainwashing.
Nope. the hard unvarnished truth!
Look at that, a twofer.
No, Left is tyranny of Communism.
Can you define "communism"?

I'm having a heck of a time getting any Trumpsters to do that.
You'll have an even harder time getting actual communists to agree on the definition.

Here's one that I believe is fitting:

--a stateless political and/or economic system wherein all private property ownership is eliminated and property is held in common (which practically means nobody owns a stake in ANYTHING), and the means of production and distribution are democratically decided.

Communism is a fart in the wind. It is a pipedream that WILL NEVER WORK. It is anarchy that CANNOT last for more than a few days or weeks, because soon, it becomes difficult to manage the voting process, so someone has to devote nearly 100% of his time conducting the distribution of resources. This person is now the state. THIS is what we call SOCIALISM (Marx had it backwards. Socialism comes after Communism) All property is now effectively owned by this person, who is at liberty to deny resources at his own whelm, and when people complain about being denied their part ownership in the resources, this new governor says:

"these resources are not owned by you individually. They are owned by the people."

The response being "we are people."

Reply: "No. You are not the people. You are individual persons. You don't own shit."

"Then, who gets to use these resources"?

"The people."

"But, we are not the people"?


There is practically ZERO difference between Socialism and Communism because they meld into the same fucking thing in a matter of DAYS, if not HOURS.

Do you want to talk about how the left is going about creating this "utopia"?
View attachment 490961
And still, you have no response.


Now go kill your commie self
You go ahead and think that, kiddo. I'm to tired to deal with your particular brand of stupid today.

Have a nice evening
Had you ignored her, you wouldn't have posted to her at all. Any posting to her is not ignoring her.
What she wants is to debate her goofy ideas and that I wont do

And if I have to wallow in the mud trading personal insults I may stop wasting my time with you too
While I admire these Republicans for trying to stay and fight rather than start a third party, this seems a little quixotic to me.

Who knows. Anyway, good luck, folks. Your party and its embarrassing conspiracies are hurting this country.

Are you also one of those guys who worries about the height of the neighbors grass while your lawn is full of dandelions?
He is talking about his country, not his party. Please try to follow.
I'm not sure what you refer to that the gop congress didn't give him. McConnell warned him that he didn't have 50 votes to "repeal" Obamacare. And there was never a replacement.
Obamacare should have been repealed without a replacement.
Had you ignored her, you wouldn't have posted to her at all. Any posting to her is not ignoring her.
What she wants is to debate her goofy ideas and that I wont do

And if I have to wallow in the mud trading personal insults I may stop wasting my time with you too
You altered my quote, bedwetter. That's against the rules. :eusa_naughty:
While I admire these Republicans for trying to stay and fight rather than start a third party, this seems a little quixotic to me.

Who knows. Anyway, good luck, folks. Your party and its embarrassing conspiracies are hurting this country.

Are you also one of those guys who worries about the height of the neighbors grass while your lawn is full of dandelions?
What I have worried about since before Trump was even elected (examples of my posts available upon request) is that Trump, his Trumpsters and Trumpism would be such a fucking ugly ham-handed mess that the reaction to it would take us too far to the Left.

So far you guys are making me look pretty clairvoyant. Unfortunately.
While I admire these Republicans for trying to stay and fight rather than start a third party, this seems a little quixotic to me.

Who knows. Anyway, good luck, folks. Your party and its embarrassing conspiracies are hurting this country.

The system doesn't allow for a third party. It's a bad, bad system that leads to parties like the Dems and Reps.

Proper elections where everyone gets a say, would have more parties, proper choice. They call it "democracy".
I agree, sadly. The only other option, then, is to change the system under which those two fucked up parties operate. Examples being term limits, publicly-funded elections and controls on deficits.

Unless and until we change the system, this is our own fault.
While I admire these Republicans for trying to stay and fight rather than start a third party, this seems a little quixotic to me.

Who knows. Anyway, good luck, folks. Your party and its embarrassing conspiracies are hurting this country.

The should have just spun off.
They're in a no-win position. If they spin off, they lose their massive infrastructure. If they stay, it's David vs. Goliath.

This is gonna take a while, for sure.

They have a 3rd alternative, you know. They can join up with their anti-Trump allies in the Democrat Party and take a stand. After all, they supported the anti-Trump forces in 2020 and were successful. Why not keep a winning (from their perspective) combination?
Anti trump does not equal Democrats.
Too complicated a concept for them. You're an obedient Trumpster or an evil Commie. That's it.

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