GOP: 90% White and mostly Christian

rdean, is there a point to all this race-baiting?

Race baiting?

It's not me in denial. The Republican Party is 90% white. They are an exclusionary political party with a limited agenda.

For those that insist the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the same, I say they are not.

Their base is different, their views are different and their goals are very different.

Democrats want to help the Middle Class. Republicans can hardly bring themselves to say the words.

Er, no, they are a party which represents the majority of the people nationwide.

It's not rocket science. The majority of middle class americans are white Christians.

Why does that make you so angry? It's just a fact.
rdean, is there a point to all this race-baiting?

Race baiting?

It's not me in denial. The Republican Party is 90% white. They are an exclusionary political party with a limited agenda.

For those that insist the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the same, I say they are not.

Their base is different, their views are different and their goals are very different.

Democrats want to help the Middle Class. Republicans can hardly bring themselves to say the words.

Er, no, they are a party which represents the majority of the people nationwide.

It's not rocket science. The majority of middle class americans are white Christians.

Why does that make you so angry? It's just a fact.

That doesn't make me angry.

But it does make me sad that they vote against their own self interests.
thus proving you are a fucking IDIOT

Kansas Platform | Kansas GOP


Mission and Platform

Platform | West Virginia GOP{09d3c7cb-a258-4cf2-a234-d740df06ecd1}/2010 IDAHO GOP PLATFORM.PDF


Every GOP state platform I looked at was anti gay, anti women's rights.
Anti this
anti that

Texas is not only far right, but comparing it to other state platforms, it's definitely Republican mainstream.

Every one I looked at I posted. I suspect the majority of the 50 would be like Texas.
just because a dipshit like you THINKS they are "anti" everything, doesnt make it so

Just name calling. That's all you post. All you can post. Loser.

texas leads the nation in per capita dumbass rednecks.
At least the GOP is trying to get some black membership. We all remember Rove with the hip hop dancing. That should work.

Yea Texans are a bunch of dumbass rednecks, that's why the Texas economy, the world’s 11th-largest, continues to fare better than those of many other states.

•Texas’ August 2010 unemployment rate was 8.3 percent, up from 8.2 percent in July.
•Total nonfarm employment in Texas decreased by 34,200 jobs in August. Between August 2009 and August 2010, Texas gained about 129,100 jobs.
•The U.S. lost 54,000 nonfarm jobs from July to August 2010. Between August 2009 and August 2010, the U.S. economy gained about 229,000 jobs.
•The U.S. unemployment rate increased to 9.6 percent in August 2010, from 9.5 percent in July.
•The Texas unemployment rate has been at or below the national rate for 44 consecutive months

•Thus far, Texas has weathered the national real estate crunch without significant damage to property values. Sales and construction activity dropped to pre-2007 levels but have begun to shows signs of recovery in 2010.
•A total of 5,107 building permits for single-family homes were issued in July 2010, 1,823 fewer than a year ago. In the 12 months ending in July 2010, 67,824 permits were issued, 12 percent more than a year ago.
•The number of multi-family building permits issued rose from 541 in July 2009 to 1,447 in July 2010. During the 12 months ending in July 2010, 14,520 permits were issued, 49 percent less than in the previous year.
•In August 2010 , sales of existing single-family homes rose by 3.6 percent over the previous month, to a total of 17,017. August home sales were 14.2 percent lower than in August 2009.
•In Texas, the median price for existing single-family homes increased by 1.9 percent from August 2009 to August 2010.
•Texas experienced 14,290 foreclosure filings in August 2010. For most of calendar 2008, the number of Texas foreclosures declined, in contrast to the sharp increases in many other states that began in late 2006 and early 2007. Since Texas entered the recent recession in late 2008, the number of monthly foreclosures has trended upward. But the recent jump in Texas foreclosures is in line with the levels experienced prior to 2008.
•In August 2010, the Texas foreclosure rate was one in every 672 mortgages. This was substantially better than Nevada’s one in 84, Arizona’s one in 165, Florida’s one in 155, and California’s one in 194.
Consumer Confidence Index
•U.S. consumer confidence increased by 4.9 percent from July to August 2010, but still remains weak, at a level of 53.5. Even so, nationwide consumer confidence has rebounded from its recent low in February 2009, and now stands 1.8 percent lower than one year ago.
•The Texas region’s consumer confidence index rose from 66.0 in July to 66.6 in August 2010, and is now down 11.2 percent from its level a year ago.
Oil and Natural Gas
•In fiscal 2010, production tax collections for natural gas were down 49 percent over fiscal 2009. Tax collections for oil were up 14 percent.
•By contrast, fiscal 2009 production tax collections for natural gas were down 48 percent over fiscal 2008. Tax collections for oil were down 39 percent.
•Crude oil futures climbed to an all-time high closing price of $145.29 on July 3, 2008, then fell to a low point of $33.98 in February 2009. On September 16, 2010, crude oil futures closed at 74.57 per barrel, 3 percent higher than a year ago.
•The natural gas futures price reached a high of $13.58 on July 3, 2008, then fell to a low of $2.51 on Sept 3, 2009.

•Texas sales tax receipts for August 2010 were 0.8 percent higher than for August 2009.
•For fiscal 2010, state sales tax receipts were down 6.6 percent from fiscal 2009.
•Motor vehicle sales tax collections for August 2010 were 20.5 percent higher than for August 2009.
•The average core transaction price nationwide for a new car or truck during the first 15 days of August 2010 rose 19.8 percent to $26,994 from $22,533 in the first 15 days of August 2009.
•For the first 15 days of August 2010, total national auto sales were 560,734 units, up 3.7 percent compared to first 15 days of August 2009.
•Nationally, leases accounted for 25.9 percent of new vehicle sales in August 2010, an increase from 21.3 percent in August 2009.
Stimulus Package
•In Texas, an estimated $18 billion in federal stimulus money is flowing to state and local governments. The Comptroller’s office is tracking the $14.3 billion that comes through the state Treasury. The Comptroller’s analysis is ongoing. For the latest information, visit our ARRA Web site, A Texas Eye on the Dollars.
Cap and Trade
•Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions could negatively impact the Texas economy. The state could see 173,000 to 425,000 fewer jobs than expected in 2030 as a result of increased energy prices from the cap and trade portion of the recently proposed bill. The resulting decline in gross state product is estimated to be between $25 billion and $58 billion.
•The Comptroller’s office is continuing to analyze potential implications and assess how green jobs and energy efficiency programs in the proposals could offset negative impacts. For the latest information, visit our Cap and Trade Web page.

You're a fucking joke Topspin.

Texas is doing well for two reasons, oil wells and left wingers moving there.


Black lines are people moving there, red lines, people movnig away. Notice where they are moving from?

Blue Flight To A Red State - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
So what you're claiming is that after succeeding in ruining their states, like locusts, they look for the places that are successful without them, and now going to try and bring them down.

Nice. Explain to me how these losers produce wealth? What's the welfare policy in that county?

The way I hear it from Texans, the Austin area is one point of fucking insanity in an otherwise mostly sane state.

I also find it interesting that almost every location moving to Travis County is either an major urban area, severely depressed thanks to lib policies or a state capital.
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Yea Texans are a bunch of dumbass rednecks, that's why the Texas economy, the world’s 11th-largest, continues to fare better than those of many other states.

•Texas’ August 2010 unemployment rate was 8.3 percent, up from 8.2 percent in July.
•Total nonfarm employment in Texas decreased by 34,200 jobs in August. Between August 2009 and August 2010, Texas gained about 129,100 jobs.
•The U.S. lost 54,000 nonfarm jobs from July to August 2010. Between August 2009 and August 2010, the U.S. economy gained about 229,000 jobs.
•The U.S. unemployment rate increased to 9.6 percent in August 2010, from 9.5 percent in July.
•The Texas unemployment rate has been at or below the national rate for 44 consecutive months

•Thus far, Texas has weathered the national real estate crunch without significant damage to property values. Sales and construction activity dropped to pre-2007 levels but have begun to shows signs of recovery in 2010.
•A total of 5,107 building permits for single-family homes were issued in July 2010, 1,823 fewer than a year ago. In the 12 months ending in July 2010, 67,824 permits were issued, 12 percent more than a year ago.
•The number of multi-family building permits issued rose from 541 in July 2009 to 1,447 in July 2010. During the 12 months ending in July 2010, 14,520 permits were issued, 49 percent less than in the previous year.
•In August 2010 , sales of existing single-family homes rose by 3.6 percent over the previous month, to a total of 17,017. August home sales were 14.2 percent lower than in August 2009.
•In Texas, the median price for existing single-family homes increased by 1.9 percent from August 2009 to August 2010.
•Texas experienced 14,290 foreclosure filings in August 2010. For most of calendar 2008, the number of Texas foreclosures declined, in contrast to the sharp increases in many other states that began in late 2006 and early 2007. Since Texas entered the recent recession in late 2008, the number of monthly foreclosures has trended upward. But the recent jump in Texas foreclosures is in line with the levels experienced prior to 2008.
•In August 2010, the Texas foreclosure rate was one in every 672 mortgages. This was substantially better than Nevada’s one in 84, Arizona’s one in 165, Florida’s one in 155, and California’s one in 194.
Consumer Confidence Index
•U.S. consumer confidence increased by 4.9 percent from July to August 2010, but still remains weak, at a level of 53.5. Even so, nationwide consumer confidence has rebounded from its recent low in February 2009, and now stands 1.8 percent lower than one year ago.
•The Texas region’s consumer confidence index rose from 66.0 in July to 66.6 in August 2010, and is now down 11.2 percent from its level a year ago.
Oil and Natural Gas
•In fiscal 2010, production tax collections for natural gas were down 49 percent over fiscal 2009. Tax collections for oil were up 14 percent.
•By contrast, fiscal 2009 production tax collections for natural gas were down 48 percent over fiscal 2008. Tax collections for oil were down 39 percent.
•Crude oil futures climbed to an all-time high closing price of $145.29 on July 3, 2008, then fell to a low point of $33.98 in February 2009. On September 16, 2010, crude oil futures closed at 74.57 per barrel, 3 percent higher than a year ago.
•The natural gas futures price reached a high of $13.58 on July 3, 2008, then fell to a low of $2.51 on Sept 3, 2009.

•Texas sales tax receipts for August 2010 were 0.8 percent higher than for August 2009.
•For fiscal 2010, state sales tax receipts were down 6.6 percent from fiscal 2009.
•Motor vehicle sales tax collections for August 2010 were 20.5 percent higher than for August 2009.
•The average core transaction price nationwide for a new car or truck during the first 15 days of August 2010 rose 19.8 percent to $26,994 from $22,533 in the first 15 days of August 2009.
•For the first 15 days of August 2010, total national auto sales were 560,734 units, up 3.7 percent compared to first 15 days of August 2009.
•Nationally, leases accounted for 25.9 percent of new vehicle sales in August 2010, an increase from 21.3 percent in August 2009.
Stimulus Package
•In Texas, an estimated $18 billion in federal stimulus money is flowing to state and local governments. The Comptroller’s office is tracking the $14.3 billion that comes through the state Treasury. The Comptroller’s analysis is ongoing. For the latest information, visit our ARRA Web site, A Texas Eye on the Dollars.
Cap and Trade
•Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions could negatively impact the Texas economy. The state could see 173,000 to 425,000 fewer jobs than expected in 2030 as a result of increased energy prices from the cap and trade portion of the recently proposed bill. The resulting decline in gross state product is estimated to be between $25 billion and $58 billion.
•The Comptroller’s office is continuing to analyze potential implications and assess how green jobs and energy efficiency programs in the proposals could offset negative impacts. For the latest information, visit our Cap and Trade Web page.

You're a fucking joke Topspin.

Texas is doing well for two reasons, oil wells and left wingers moving there.


Black lines are people moving there, red lines, people movnig away. Notice where they are moving from?

Blue Flight To A Red State - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
So what you're claiming is that after succeeding in ruining their states, like locusts, they look for the places that are successful without them, and now going to try and bring them down.

Nice. Explain to me how these losers produce wealth? What's the welfare policy in that county?

The way I hear it from Texans, the Austin area is one point of fucking insanity in an otherwise mostly sane state.

I also find it interesting that almost every location moving to Travis County is either an major urban area, severely depressed thanks to lib policies or a state capital.

Usually, people that move are those that are able. That means they are being hired for jobs, usually the main reason they are moving. What types of industries are currently hiring? What types of positions are available in those industries.

Recently, I was talking to a product manager whose family are wheat and corn farmers. He was talking about the new grains available. How every acre has become more productive by about 2 bushels every year for the last 10.

Who develops that corn and wheat? Farmers? Or "botanist's" and "scientists"?

Now, imagine that across the board for every single crop grown. Not just crops, but new methods of drilling for oil or mining. New methods in automation. You won't get the kind of people needed in a Republican state with the drop out rate of Texas.

Scientists, programmers, engineers, college professors, those are the people moving to Texas. I can guarantee, those type of people are NOT Republicans.
yeah, dipshit, those able to move out of liberal hell holes do, the problem is they take the same liberal policies that MADE them hell holes with them and try to change the new place into a liberal hell hole
Usually, people that move are those that are able.
Right. Superbus. $20 fee, $1 ticket. Goes to every major city in the nation. Thousands of Illinois losers take it up to Minneapolis to collect their second welfare check in MN. They've got means enough to move to texas. Poor people move too.

That means they are being hired for jobs, usually the main reason they are moving.
Or getting government aid.

What types of industries are currently hiring? What types of positions are available in those industries.
Till you prove to me they're all blue collar workers, lots of stuff is hiring in texas. And of course we know liberal areas are highest in no-production jobs and welfare.

Recently, I was talking to a product manager whose family are wheat and corn farmers. He was talking about the new grains available. How every acre has become more productive by about 2 bushels every year for the last 10.
Farmers don't move unless thrown off their land. They also don't move to urban counties.

Who develops that corn and wheat? Farmers? Or "botanist's" and "scientists"?
When's the last time they actually produced a crop instead of prototypes to fuck farmers over locking them into the agricorps? Most are university Ivory Tower stooges who don't deal in real production, only theoretical production.

Now, imagine that across the board for every single crop grown. Not just crops, but new methods of drilling for oil or mining. New methods in automation. You won't get the kind of people needed in a Republican state with the drop out rate of Texas.
Houston, we have left reality and have entered dreamland orbit. You've got no proof of any of your feverdreams, Hairnet.
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Usually, people that move are those that are able.
Right. Superbus. $20 fee, $1 ticket. Goes to every major city in the nation. Thousands of Illinois losers take it up to Minneapolis to collect their second welfare check in MN. They've got means enough to move to texas. Poor people move too.

That means they are being hired for jobs, usually the main reason they are moving.
Or getting government aid.

Till you prove to me they're all blue collar workers, lots of stuff is hiring in texas. And of course we know liberal areas are highest in no-production jobs and welfare.

Farmers don't move unless thrown off their land. They also don't move to urban counties.

Who develops that corn and wheat? Farmers? Or "botanist's" and "scientists"?
When's the last time they actually produced a crop instead of prototypes to fuck farmers over locking them into the agricorps? Most are university Ivory Tower stooges who don't deal in real production, only theoretical production.

Now, imagine that across the board for every single crop grown. Not just crops, but new methods of drilling for oil or mining. New methods in automation. You won't get the kind of people needed in a Republican state with the drop out rate of Texas.
Houston, we have left reality and have entered dreamland orbit. You've got no proof of any of your feverdreams, Hairnet.

This is why so few scientists are Republican. No data, no facts, just a "feeling" that these people are "Ivory Tower stooges".
I don't understand why this makes some people angry when I point out these truths about the Republican Party.

There is NOTHING wrong with a political party being 90% white and mostly Christian.

Some studies say the party could be as little as 89% white. Not a lot of difference.

This is why the Republican Party is the most powerful in the US, because they are a block. The vote as a block. They see their interests as the same.

It's not about who you are, but what you do.

The criticism hasn't been about the party being white, but about the party voting against the interests of the "middle class". The perception that the party works for the interests of corporations over the interests of the average American Citizen.

Kind of like 96% of the blacks that voted were Democrat and Christian, I personally have no problem with that, to each his own.
Racism is the core value of the Republican Party.

Always has been, always will be.
And American citizens who claim to be conservative and work in Great Britain are not mainstream.

Yep, God forbid that we educate ourselves in the culture of other countries! We should all remind safely within our own borders.... according to 'Mr Republican'.

Seriously, Jokey, even you must know how fucking moronic that statement of yours is.... really... think about it.
Usually, people that move are those that are able.
Right. Superbus. $20 fee, $1 ticket. Goes to every major city in the nation. Thousands of Illinois losers take it up to Minneapolis to collect their second welfare check in MN. They've got means enough to move to texas. Poor people move too.

Or getting government aid.

Till you prove to me they're all blue collar workers, lots of stuff is hiring in texas. And of course we know liberal areas are highest in no-production jobs and welfare.

Farmers don't move unless thrown off their land. They also don't move to urban counties.

When's the last time they actually produced a crop instead of prototypes to fuck farmers over locking them into the agricorps? Most are university Ivory Tower stooges who don't deal in real production, only theoretical production.

Now, imagine that across the board for every single crop grown. Not just crops, but new methods of drilling for oil or mining. New methods in automation. You won't get the kind of people needed in a Republican state with the drop out rate of Texas.
Houston, we have left reality and have entered dreamland orbit. You've got no proof of any of your feverdreams, Hairnet.

This is why so few scientists are Republican. No data, no facts, just a "feeling" that these people are "Ivory Tower stooges".
Shit, you're one to talk about posting 'proof, hairnet'.

maybe you can produce another nonsensical faux poll.
There are more black Republicans running for Congress than there are pro-life Democrats.

Well, the primary data are now in — and Johnson’s claim that 2010 would be a record year is out the window. Only 13 African Americans are left running for the House on the GOP ticket this fall. That’s a higher number than in recent cycles, but nowhere near record levels — and far below the number running just a decade ago.

The highest number of African Americans to run for the House as Republican Party nominees came in 1994, when 24 ran for office — and just one, J.C. Watts, won office. Despite the fact that 79 African Americans ran as GOP House nominees over the next decade, and 5 won nominations in Senate fights, according to Joint Center data, none were able to replicate Watts’s feat and win a general-election battle for the Republicans.

Not a record year for black Republicans, after all | Politerati

[ame=]YouTube - Glee - Don't Rain On My Parade, Sectionals[/ame]

I'm sorry "Poopsie". I'm sorry I rained on your parade. This is why you guys hate me so. FACTS are such a drag to your imaginary world view. Shame.

How many pro-Life Democrats are there?

Enough to derail many parts of the health care bill. They don't want the government paying for abortions. They are called "Blue Dogs".

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