GOP: 90% White and mostly Christian

First, in 2010 Republicans will abort ObamaCare, next the Roberts Court will strike it down as UnConstitutional, then in 2012 we get a Conservative President as Dems lose another 75 seats and free markets initiatives crush the cost of health care.
rdean, is there a point to all this race-baiting?

Race baiting?

It's not me in denial. The Republican Party is 90% white. They are an exclusionary political party with a limited agenda.

For those that insist the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the same, I say they are not.

Their base is different, their views are different and their goals are very different.

Democrats want to help the Middle Class. Republicans can hardly bring themselves to say the words.

Help the middle class? how have they exactly helped the middle class? everyone I know that is middle class already has health insurance, not really helping the middle class with that one. hell the middle class does not need help or are even asking for help, so democrats are going to help them till it hurts when its not even wanted? WOW I think you mean to say Democrats want to help the poor, even though they have as much opportunity to make it in this nation, and nobody has ever been helped by giving people things, people help themselves when they earn it, not entitlement. All entitlement does is make people ask for more and cheat the system, look at haiti and france, france is rioting now because they think they are entitled to retirement age of 60 instead of 62 even though their government can't afford it. Thats all you get. unbelievable look at example after example of what entitlements do to nations and you are still all about it.....let the person earn it, not give people free shit. they have everything they need in this country but they refuse to get off their ass and sit in the poverty to learn and earn. give me, give me, give me. I mean its an easy vote to get the poor, promise them money and you got their vote. tell them to do hard work and earn your living and your the devil.....
The middle class has been helping the rich get richer ever since Reagan was elected to office. From that top 1% owning 9% of the wealth to 23% thirty years later, while middle class purchasing power has dropped in the last thirty years,. woodjack is not helping his argument with such comments above.
The middle class has been helping the rich get richer ever since Reagan was elected to office. From that top 1% owning 9% of the wealth to 23% thirty years later, while middle class purchasing power has dropped in the last thirty years,. woodjack is not helping his argument with such comments above.
stay totally fucking clueless, jokey
you are way too funny
I think Jake has me on ignore or I would have answered.

Jake, which Republicans are you supporting this time?
Beodicca weighs in with her general ligher than air fairy statements. She has her own unicorn.
If I were in California, I would vote against Boxer and for Fiorina. I would have voted for Whitman originally then I have seen her and Brown implode, so I am confused there. I am certainly voting for my Congressional district GOP incumbent, because I helped him some years ago when he was first running and he has remained moderate. I have a house in Texas but don't vote there, but if I did I would vote for White against Perry. I would have voted for Bennett in the Utah GOP caucus against Mike Lee, but would support Lee against Granato: I know Granato and never would vote for him. I would against O'Donnell and Angle because they are anti-woman.

So I would vote for the GOP center whenever possible, but have no problem voting against a far wack politician, for they threaten America, whether they are left like Granato or right like most of the Tea Party.
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I don't understand why this makes some people angry when I point out these truths about the Republican Party.

There is NOTHING wrong with a political party being 90% white and mostly Christian.

Some studies say the party could be as little as 89% white. Not a lot of difference.

This is why the Republican Party is the most powerful in the US, because they are a block. The vote as a block. They see their interests as the same.

It's not about who you are, but what you do.

The criticism hasn't been about the party being white, but about the party voting against the interests of the "middle class". The perception that the party works for the interests of corporations over the interests of the average American Citizen.'ve repeatedly used this so called stat to bash republicans

you're a moron and a liar
I think Jake has me on ignore or I would have answered.

Jake, which Republicans are you supporting this time?
jokey has never supported a republican

true....the troll actually believes people think he is republican...his delusions are so strong they are humorous

Yurt has never been able to argue any point logically. He has a biased view of the world that distorts reality. He believes in an America that the mainstream does not want. Period. Yurt does not like the truth. Three words, honey: get over it. Your kind is going away.
jokey has never supported a republican

true....the troll actually believes people think he is republican...his delusions are so strong they are humorous

Yurt has never been able to argue any point logically. He has a biased view of the world that distorts reality. He believes in an America that the mainstream does not want. Period. Yurt does not like the truth. Three words, honey: get over it. Your kind is going away.
more likely YOUR kind will go away, or at least be out of power
jokey has never supported a republican

true....the troll actually believes people think he is republican...his delusions are so strong they are humorous

Yurt has never been able to argue any point logically. He has a biased view of the world that distorts reality. He believes in an America that the mainstream does not want. Period. Yurt does not like the truth. Three words, honey: get over it. Your kind is going away.'ve never argued a state conclusions and then proclaim yourself a wouldn't know a debate if it punched in the nose

unfortunately, your kind (trolls) will always be around

tell you what...i'll one on one with you in a to accept...
Yurt, your kind is the past, not the future. I am not worried about neg reps because they mean nothing while the return infuriates you. I am a moderate Republican who does not tolerate your kind in my area of responsibility. We have had your kind and broken you without any trouble. We will continue to do so. And after this election, watch the leadership sift the chaff (you) from the real Republicans. It's over for you, son.
Yurt, your kind is the past, not the future. I am not worried about neg reps because they mean nothing while the return infuriates you. I am a moderate Republican who does not tolerate your kind in my area of responsibility. We have had your kind and broken you without any trouble. We will continue to do so. And after this election, watch the leadership sift the chaff (you) from the real Republicans. It's over for you, son.

too're the one whining about neg reps...not me...i never even brought them up

why don't you man up and take my challenge...come on...lets debate one on one...if you wuss look like a fool
Yurt has always whined about being treated as he treats others. You can't argue, you have trouble with syntax and diction, and you are here to entertain the board, nothing more. You can't debate, and you know it. I will simply clean your clock again, and you will start screaming and negging and whining. That's what you did the last time we went through this last winter. Insanity, in your case, is thinking you can win against me: you will do what you did before expecting a different outcome. Too funny. :lol:

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