GOP Benghazi report is badly flawed ... doesn't fault the re-election environment..

So you conspiracists disagree with a House committee dominated by Republicans.

No one cares, because your opinions don't count.
HM is writing big, long posts, why? Because there is nothing left to say and when that happens, people will invariably start rambling in an effort to try and convince people, that there is.
YOU are right about long involved posts because obviously you being part of the group that makes up the "stupidity of American voters" can't grasp anything unless it is less then 30 words or 30 seconds. It's called attention deficit disorder and it is what people that Gruber called "stupidity of American voters" represent. Obviously they made the Benghazi issue political! Why else would they come out less the 3 days after it happened to explain it to the
voting community that you make up, i.e. "stupidity American voter" bloc!
That's why this stupid idiotic group of people that support Obama and his obfuscation efforts be it Obamacare, Benghazi, IRS, you name it they have counted on fooling people like you and the first time it is "shame on Obama" ...but the 2nd time YOU people that voted for Obama... yes you definitely make up the crowd Gruber describes as "stupid American voter"... totally uninformed. Totally incapable of simply asking questions rather then blindly follow
Obama who sincerely believes what he said about himself..." This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

You people are truly fools and Obama, Gruber, Rice they are ALL laughing at you because you never read for example this from Obama's book:
"Dreams of My Father"
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

And you stupid American voters bought it! HOOK LINE and Sinker!

Think of a post like a skirt; it should be long enough to cover the 'subject,' but short enough to be interesting.

Vag, we need a repository for your now useless memes about Benghazi.
healthmyths, all you do is spin conspiracy with stats and analysis that leads to false conclusions.
The report: Obama administration “talking points” were flawed, but didn’t find that administration officials attempted to mislead the public
Let's accept the report's finding the "talking points” were flawed" we are flawed means made mistakes.
Now we are talking about ineptness that cause 4 Americans lives!
In either event whether Obama's minions were driven by political considerations FIRST or that Obama is just plain inept in the "executive" thing..
we have a problem with Obama administration and it is not just with the Dept. of State.
The litany of errors, mistakes, exaggerations, underestimations keep pointing back to the "stupidity of the American Voter" that had NO knowledge of
Obama's gross and dangerous ineptness!
Remember the statement by Gruber INDICTS all Obama voters as stupid! As they are the ones that voted for this grossly inept administration that
from my observation does EVERYTHING from Benghazi to opening the immigration flood gates with a political consideration FIRST the country be damned!
hm, your cognitive ability continues to slip, slip sliding away.

The report is correct and those like healthymyths matter not.
hm, your cognitive ability continues to slip, slip sliding away.

The report is correct and those like healthymyths matter not.
"Cognitive abilities are brain-based skills we need to carry out any task from the simplest to the most complex."

As you have once again proven... when cornered ignorant people lash out at the messenger.
I pointed out the report WAS flawed in not going far enough...i.e.
"Obama administration “talking points” were flawed, but didn’t find that administration officials attempted to mislead the public."
Proof that the GOP report is flawed?
The report said the "talking points" were flawed.
The GOP didn't though admonish the ineptness of the administration for presenting "FLAWED" talking points!
"Flawed" meaning in error. By MAKING using "flawed" talking points" prematurely the administration WAS attempting to mold the public opinion!
NOTHING done prior to the re-election as evidenced by the massive campaigning by Obama was done without political calculations including sending
RICE out with "flawed talking points" to defuse the growing awareness of the Obama false claiming that a bumper sticker USED by Obama's campaign
to influence the "stupidity of the american voter"!
Biden said a bumper sticker capturing the essence of Obama’s record would read, “Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive.”
Screen Shot 2014-11-23 at 9.41.26 AM.png

NOW how embarrassing to any Obama supporter with this bumper sticker to have it known on 9/11/2012 terrorism was still alive in Benghazi!
Hence the need for Rice to get out ahead before the questions regarding the efforts to claim terrorism / Osama being dead were refuted!
Rice has been roundly criticized for those comments. The new report says the performance wasn’t her fault, however, because her talking points came from bad intelligence from multiple agencies — not from a politically motivated directive from higher-ups to mislead the public.

The House panel found that analysts received 21 reports saying a protest had occurred, including 14 from public reports and others from the CIA, the Defense Department and the National Security Agency.

The CIA changed its initial assessment nearly a week after Rice appeared on the Sunday shows.

Report No Cover-Up Intelligence Failure in Benghazi Attacks

Seems fairly straightforward to me- Rice was given bad information- according to the report by Republicans and Democrats of the House.

Everyone knows she was given bad information.

And she spouted it long and hard.

All the while the administration is sending out this woman to flavor the conversation all the while saying we needed "more time" to get the facts.

It wasn't the information as much as it was the evidence of another white wash by the white house.

That was the issue at hand.

And of course the House Report finds no evidence of that either.

A House report on the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, concludes that the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. military responded properly and that Obama administration “talking points” were flawed, but didn’t find that administration officials attempted to mislead the public.

Never said she tried to mislead......on purpose.

Someone gave her bad information. And the White House sent her out to tell us what they thought they knew all the while saying we need more time to get the facts.

I realize the disconnect is lost on you.

yeah- I have no idea what your point is supposed to be
A House report on the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, concludes that the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. military responded properly and that Obama administration “talking points” were flawed, but didn’t find that administration officials attempted to mislead the public really do have no idea.

Yes- that is exactly what I said

yeah- I have no idea what your point is supposed to be
A House report on the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, concludes that the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. military responded properly and that Obama administration “talking points” were flawed, but didn’t find that administration officials attempted to mislead the public
hm, your cognitive ability continues to slip, slip sliding away.

The report is correct and those like healthymyths matter not.
"Cognitive abilities are brain-based skills we need to carry out any task from the simplest to the most complex."

As you have once again proven... when cornered ignorant people lash out at the messenger.
I pointed out the report WAS flawed in not going far enough...i.e.
"Obama administration “talking points” were flawed, but didn’t find that administration officials attempted to mislead the public."
Proof that the GOP report is flawed?
The report said the "talking points" were flawed.
The GOP didn't though admonish the ineptness of the administration for presenting "FLAWED" talking points!
"Flawed" meaning in error. By MAKING using "flawed" talking points" prematurely the administration WAS attempting to mold the public opinion!
NOTHING done prior to the re-election as evidenced by the massive campaigning by Obama was done without political calculations including sending
RICE out with "flawed talking points" to defuse the growing awareness of the Obama false claiming that a bumper sticker USED by Obama's campaign
to influence the "stupidity of the american voter"!
Biden said a bumper sticker capturing the essence of Obama’s record would read, “Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive.”
View attachment 34263
NOW how embarrassing to any Obama supporter with this bumper sticker to have it known on 9/11/2012 terrorism was still alive in Benghazi!
Hence the need for Rice to get out ahead before the questions regarding the efforts to claim terrorism / Osama being dead were refuted!

So in other words- you have your theory- and you disagree with the Republicans and Democrats who actually did the investigation and talked with the principles and read the reports.

So you prefer to believe a conspiracy theory than the facts.
hm, your cognitive ability continues to slip, slip sliding away.

The report is correct and those like healthymyths matter not.
"Cognitive abilities are brain-based skills we need to carry out any task from the simplest to the most complex."

As you have once again proven... when cornered ignorant people lash out at the messenger.
I pointed out the report WAS flawed in not going far enough...i.e.
"Obama administration “talking points” were flawed, but didn’t find that administration officials attempted to mislead the public."
Proof that the GOP report is flawed?
The report said the "talking points" were flawed.
The GOP didn't though admonish the ineptness of the administration for presenting "FLAWED" talking points!
"Flawed" meaning in error. By MAKING using "flawed" talking points" prematurely the administration WAS attempting to mold the public opinion!
NOTHING done prior to the re-election as evidenced by the massive campaigning by Obama was done without political calculations including sending
RICE out with "flawed talking points" to defuse the growing awareness of the Obama false claiming that a bumper sticker USED by Obama's campaign
to influence the "stupidity of the american voter"!
Biden said a bumper sticker capturing the essence of Obama’s record would read, “Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive.”
View attachment 34263
NOW how embarrassing to any Obama supporter with this bumper sticker to have it known on 9/11/2012 terrorism was still alive in Benghazi!
Hence the need for Rice to get out ahead before the questions regarding the efforts to claim terrorism / Osama being dead were refuted!

So in other words- you have your theory- and you disagree with the Republicans and Democrats who actually did the investigation and talked with the principles??? and read the reports.

So you prefer to believe a conspiracy theory than the facts.

First off the correct word is "principals"... the person with the highest authority or most important position in an organization, institution, or group.
a) one of the "principals"(not principles!!) or most important position in an organization, institution, or group Clinton said "At this point what difference does it make, Senator?" Clinton asked Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., when asked why the administration initially gave an inaccurate version of the events that took place.
What DIFFERENCE???? DEAD people because of "flawed" administration of security that's the difference!
b) AGAIN... the report was flawed because they EXCUSED the administration for "flawed talking points"!
These "flawed talking points" made the difference in the election for a few of YOU people categorized as part of the "stupidity of the American Voter"!
By presenting to you the stupid voter these "flawed talking points" we have a continued administration totally inept in any phase of government activities from
Benghazi to ACA to IRS and others.

IT is NOT a conspiracy theory that the findings of the investigation were "flawed talking points"... NO one disagrees!
The continuation though of the investigation should be what kind of affect did these "flawed talking points" have on the voters especially voters like you
that have as Gruber stated "stupidity of the American voter"!
Listen... everytime you idiots continue to defend this total fraud for a president and his phony people I will remind you that EVEN Obama stated he
understood the fraud especially regarding ACA! Here is his response to a question about Gruber... read carefully of course you won't because you
are of that "stupidity of american voter" group!
Obama: I just heard about this. I get well briefed before I come out here.
The fact that some adviser who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters,
is no reflection on the actual process that was run."

Why didn't he denounce EVERYTHING Gruber said and not just the phrase as Obama put "terms of the voters"... i.e. "Stupidity of American Voter"?
Where was Obama's denunciation of the "transparency statements"?
Again Obama truly believes he is smarter then everyone else! So he had NO problem with listening to his advisor Gruber!!!

So yes the Benghazi incident ONCE again shows the complete disdain these people have for YOU! Do you understand?
They have been fooling you and they KNOW it ..."flawed talking points" another term for giving people like you pablum! Making it easier for you to swallow!
A House report on the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, concludes that the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. military responded properly and that Obama administration “talking points” were flawed, but didn’t find that administration officials attempted to mislead the public.

Yes I am strongly suggesting that the GOP Benghazi report badly flawed for the following reason:
The Republican-led House intelligence committee flaw is NOT taking the TIMING of the below statements.
Mrs. Clinton, as well as on Susan Rice , then the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and now the White House national security adviser. Ms. Rice, appearing on television news programs a week after the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks, described the events in ways later found to be inaccurate.
The committee didn't seem to put the TIMING of the QUICK to judgement assessments by Obama's people which were made strictly for political considerations, i.e. re-election campaign was in full swing.
Rather then being above the political fray, Rice, including Obama wanted DESPERATELY to cast this as the fault of a video and not a fault of the administration.
And that is where the flaw is with the GOP Benghazi report.
EVERYTHING EVERYTHING done by Obama administration is what is best politically FIRST, then anything else afterwards. For example Obamacare... NEVER done for what was best for the country.. BUT totally oriented towards a political benefit. Obama's latest thumb to democracy his immigration plan. Totally designed for securing Democrat voters! NO consideration for the country first but what is good politically!

That is the flaw of the GOP overall. They think like most rational Americans that the country comes first, then the political equation. NOT Democrats and especially not this administration!
Whatever is GOOD POLITICALLY is what drives EVERYTHING!
And so Rice came out and to present the Benghazi event as caused by a video was totally politics driven!
Blaming the video shifted at the pre-election time frame the focus from the ineptness of the administration
which WAS pointed out in the GOP flawed Benghazi study.

"A bipartisan Senate intelligence committee report released in January sharply criticized American diplomats and intelligence officials, and found that the assault in Benghazi was “likely preventable” through improved security and intelligence operations."
Few people other than left wing shills are buying what's in this "report".
The HoR committee is buying what is in this report
The mainstream of the GOP is buying what is in this report.

Centrists and leftists are buying what is in this report.

Only the far right is not, and, just like I told them, no one cares what they think. They have no power.
Last edited:
The HoR committee is buying what is in this report
The mainstream of the GOP is buying what is in this report.

Centrists and leftists are buying what is in this report.

Only the far right is not, and, just like I told them, no one cares what they think. They have no power.

Lindsey Graham: New Benghazi Report 'Full of Crap'
A House committee's report released Friday that exonerates the CIA, the military and Obama administration officials for their response to the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, is "full of crap," South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham told CNN Sunday.

The latest findings come from a declassified two-year investigation by the House Intelligence Committee, which looked at all sides of the incident, including claims that the White House cooked up phony talking points for then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice.

"I'm saying the House Intelligence Committee is doing a lousy job policing their own," Graham told CNN correspondent Gloria Borger on the "State of the Union" program.

Read Latest Breaking News from
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
healthmyths, all you do is spin conspiracy with stats and analysis that leads to false conclusions.
The report: Obama administration “talking points” were flawed, but didn’t find that administration officials attempted to mislead the public
Let's accept the report's finding the "talking points” were flawed" we are flawed means made mistakes.
Now we are talking about ineptness that cause 4 Americans lives!

I think most Americans would agree that what happened in Benghazi should have been investigated in order to understand what mistakes led to those 4 Americans dying.

Certainly that is what was done after almost 300 U.S. Marines died in the bombing of their barracks in Lebanon.

But like yourself- the immediate Republican response this time was to figure out how to blame President Obama- and of course also future possible candidate Hilary.

Why wasn't Lebanon handled like Republicans have handled Benghazi?

Because Democrats valued national security over political partisanship.
healthmyths, all you do is spin conspiracy with stats and analysis that leads to false conclusions.
The report: Obama administration “talking points” were flawed, but didn’t find that administration officials attempted to mislead the public
Let's accept the report's finding the "talking points” were flawed" we are flawed means made mistakes.
Now we are talking about ineptness that cause 4 Americans lives!

I think most Americans would agree that what happened in Benghazi should have been investigated in order to understand what mistakes led to those 4 Americans dying.

Certainly that is what was done after almost 300 U.S. Marines died in the bombing of their barracks in Lebanon.

But like yourself- the immediate Republican response this time was to figure out how to blame President Obama- and of course also future possible candidate Hilary.

Why wasn't Lebanon handled like Republicans have handled Benghazi?

Because Democrats valued national security over political partisanship.
So Democrats value "national security" you say? What about our military? Do you think they value and are circumspect whenever a discussion of the US Military comes up?
Please give me some concrete examples BECAUSE I'm going to if you aren't aware of how Democrat leaders' statements were responsible for US soldiers' deaths.
healthmyths, all you do is spin conspiracy with stats and analysis that leads to false conclusions.
The report: Obama administration “talking points” were flawed, but didn’t find that administration officials attempted to mislead the public
Let's accept the report's finding the "talking points” were flawed" we are flawed means made mistakes.
Now we are talking about ineptness that cause 4 Americans lives!

I think most Americans would agree that what happened in Benghazi should have been investigated in order to understand what mistakes led to those 4 Americans dying.

Certainly that is what was done after almost 300 U.S. Marines died in the bombing of their barracks in Lebanon.

But like yourself- the immediate Republican response this time was to figure out how to blame President Obama- and of course also future possible candidate Hilary.

Why wasn't Lebanon handled like Republicans have handled Benghazi?

Because Democrats valued national security over political partisanship.
So Democrats value "national security" you say? What about our military? Do you think they value and are circumspect whenever a discussion of the US Military comes up?
Please give me some concrete examples BECAUSE I'm going to if you aren't aware of how Democrat leaders' statements were responsible for US soldiers' deaths.

Feel free to show me how Democrat leaders statements lead to U.S. soldiers deaths more than the signature of Ronald Reagan sending almost 300 marines to their deaths in Lebanon.

For those of you with little memory of history-
October 23, 1983 - 241 U.S. service personnel, 220 Marines and 21 other service personnel, are killed by a truck bomb at a Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon.

300 service members had been living at the four-story building at the airport in Beirut. There were 1,800 Marines stationed in Beirut at the time.

A multi-national force with units from France, Italy and the United Kingdom is also on peacekeeping duty in Lebanon at the same time.
1982 - President Ronald Reagan sends Marines to Lebanon on a peacekeeping mission.

October 23, 1983 - At 6:22 am, a truck carrying 2000 pounds of explosives drives into the Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon and crashes into the 1st Battalion, 8th Marine Regimental Battalion Landing Team barracks.

February 1984 - U.S. troops withdraw from Lebanon.

Instead of attempting to blame Reagan for the loss of American lives, Democrats and Republicans pulled together.
RR, no one else, was responsible for sending almost 300 Marines to an acquaintance with death that could have been avoided.
Last edited:
healthmyths, all you do is spin conspiracy with stats and analysis that leads to false conclusions.
The report: Obama administration “talking points” were flawed, but didn’t find that administration officials attempted to mislead the public
Let's accept the report's finding the "talking points” were flawed" we are flawed means made mistakes.
Now we are talking about ineptness that cause 4 Americans lives!

I think most Americans would agree that what happened in Benghazi should have been investigated in order to understand what mistakes led to those 4 Americans dying.

Certainly that is what was done after almost 300 U.S. Marines died in the bombing of their barracks in Lebanon.

But like yourself- the immediate Republican response this time was to figure out how to blame President Obama- and of course also future possible candidate Hilary.

Why wasn't Lebanon handled like Republicans have handled Benghazi?

Because Democrats valued national security over political partisanship.
So Democrats value "national security" you say? What about our military? Do you think they value and are circumspect whenever a discussion of the US Military comes up?
Please give me some concrete examples BECAUSE I'm going to if you aren't aware of how Democrat leaders' statements were responsible for US soldiers' deaths.

Feel free to show me how Democrat leaders statements lead to U.S. soldiers deaths more than the signature of Ronald Reagan sending almost 300 marines to their deaths in Lebanon.

For those of you with little memory of history-
October 23, 1983 - 241 U.S. service personnel, 220 Marines and 21 other service personnel, are killed by a truck bomb at a Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon.

300 service members had been living at the four-story building at the airport in Beirut. There were 1,800 Marines stationed in Beirut at the time.

A multi-national force with units from France, Italy and the United Kingdom is also on peacekeeping duty in Lebanon at the same time.
1982 -
President Ronald Reagan sends Marines to Lebanon on a peacekeeping mission.

October 23, 1983 - At 6:22 am, a truck carrying 2000 pounds of explosives drives into the Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon and crashes into the 1st Battalion, 8th Marine Regimental Battalion Landing Team barracks.

February 1984 - U.S. troops withdraw from Lebanon.

Instead of attempting to blame Reagan for the loss of American lives, Democrats and Republicans pulled together.


"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

The resounding answer WAS YES!!!
according to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.
Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war.
In Iraqi provinces that were broadly comparable in social and economic terms, attacks increased between 7 percent and 10 percent following what the researchers call "high-mention weeks," like the two just before the November 2006 election.

If the Harvard study is right, we may be looking at a virtuous circle: Less violence means less media coverage, which in turn means less violence, says the Wall Street Journal.

“Sometimes words are mistakes; they’re just poorly put. But sometimes they’re a manifestation of one’s deep belief in the world and that’s what you really get with President Obama.”

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "
healthmyths, all you do is spin conspiracy with stats and analysis that leads to false conclusions.
The report: Obama administration “talking points” were flawed, but didn’t find that administration officials attempted to mislead the public
Let's accept the report's finding the "talking points” were flawed" we are flawed means made mistakes.
Now we are talking about ineptness that cause 4 Americans lives!

I think most Americans would agree that what happened in Benghazi should have been investigated in order to understand what mistakes led to those 4 Americans dying.

Certainly that is what was done after almost 300 U.S. Marines died in the bombing of their barracks in Lebanon.

But like yourself- the immediate Republican response this time was to figure out how to blame President Obama- and of course also future possible candidate Hilary.

Why wasn't Lebanon handled like Republicans have handled Benghazi?

Because Democrats valued national security over political partisanship.
So Democrats value "national security" you say? What about our military? Do you think they value and are circumspect whenever a discussion of the US Military comes up?
Please give me some concrete examples BECAUSE I'm going to if you aren't aware of how Democrat leaders' statements were responsible for US soldiers' deaths.

Feel free to show me how Democrat leaders statements lead to U.S. soldiers deaths more than the signature of Ronald Reagan sending almost 300 marines to their deaths in Lebanon.

For those of you with little memory of history-
October 23, 1983 - 241 U.S. service personnel, 220 Marines and 21 other service personnel, are killed by a truck bomb at a Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon.

300 service members had been living at the four-story building at the airport in Beirut. There were 1,800 Marines stationed in Beirut at the time.

A multi-national force with units from France, Italy and the United Kingdom is also on peacekeeping duty in Lebanon at the same time.
1982 -
President Ronald Reagan sends Marines to Lebanon on a peacekeeping mission.

October 23, 1983 - At 6:22 am, a truck carrying 2000 pounds of explosives drives into the Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon and crashes into the 1st Battalion, 8th Marine Regimental Battalion Landing Team barracks.

February 1984 - U.S. troops withdraw from Lebanon.

Instead of attempting to blame Reagan for the loss of American lives, Democrats and Republicans pulled together.


"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

The resounding answer WAS YES!!!
according to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.
Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war."

That is proof of what?

We would not have had any troop deaths in Lebanon if we had not sent our Marines to be sitting ducks there.
We would not have had any troops deaths in Iraq if those who had argued against our invasion had prevented the invasion.

Our level of troop deaths in Iraq has gone down
Iraq Coalition Military Fatalities By Year
Year US UK Other Total
2003 486 53 41 580
2004 849 22 35 906
2005 846 23 28 897
2006 823 29 21 873
2007 904 47 10 961
2008 314 4 4 322
2009 149 1 0 150
2010 60 0 0 60
2011 54 0 0 54
2012 1 0 0 1
2014 2 0 0 2
Total 4488 179 139 4806

Looks to me like the 'Embolden Effect' is saving American lives.

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