GOP Benghazi report is badly flawed ... doesn't fault the re-election environment..

RR, no one else, was responsible for sending almost 300 Marines to an acquaintance with death could have been avoided.

The stark difference between the tragedy in Lebanon and the tragedy in Benghazi- other than the scale of Americans deaths- is that when Ronald Reagan was President there was not an immediate effort to blame Reagan for the deaths.
"GOP Benghazi report is badly flawed ... doesn't fault the re-election environment.."

The only thing badly flawed is the 'reasoning' of conservatives as they seek to keep the phony Benghazi scandal alive.
The report: Obama administration “talking points” were flawed, but didn’t find that administration officials attempted to mislead the public
Let's accept the report's finding the "talking points” were flawed" we are flawed means made mistakes.
Now we are talking about ineptness that cause 4 Americans lives!

I think most Americans would agree that what happened in Benghazi should have been investigated in order to understand what mistakes led to those 4 Americans dying.

Certainly that is what was done after almost 300 U.S. Marines died in the bombing of their barracks in Lebanon.

But like yourself- the immediate Republican response this time was to figure out how to blame President Obama- and of course also future possible candidate Hilary.

Why wasn't Lebanon handled like Republicans have handled Benghazi?

Because Democrats valued national security over political partisanship.
So Democrats value "national security" you say? What about our military? Do you think they value and are circumspect whenever a discussion of the US Military comes up?
Please give me some concrete examples BECAUSE I'm going to if you aren't aware of how Democrat leaders' statements were responsible for US soldiers' deaths.

Feel free to show me how Democrat leaders statements lead to U.S. soldiers deaths more than the signature of Ronald Reagan sending almost 300 marines to their deaths in Lebanon.

For those of you with little memory of history-
October 23, 1983 - 241 U.S. service personnel, 220 Marines and 21 other service personnel, are killed by a truck bomb at a Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon.

300 service members had been living at the four-story building at the airport in Beirut. There were 1,800 Marines stationed in Beirut at the time.

A multi-national force with units from France, Italy and the United Kingdom is also on peacekeeping duty in Lebanon at the same time.
1982 -
President Ronald Reagan sends Marines to Lebanon on a peacekeeping mission.

October 23, 1983 - At 6:22 am, a truck carrying 2000 pounds of explosives drives into the Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon and crashes into the 1st Battalion, 8th Marine Regimental Battalion Landing Team barracks.

February 1984 - U.S. troops withdraw from Lebanon.

Instead of attempting to blame Reagan for the loss of American lives, Democrats and Republicans pulled together.


"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

The resounding answer WAS YES!!!
according to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.
Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war."

That is proof of what?

We would not have had any troop deaths in Lebanon if we had not sent our Marines to be sitting ducks there.
We would not have had any troops deaths in Iraq if those who had argued against our invasion had prevented the invasion.

Our level of troop deaths in Iraq has gone down
Iraq Coalition Military Fatalities By Year
Year US UK Other Total
2003 486 53 41 580
2004 849 22 35 906
2005 846 23 28 897
2006 823 29 21 873
2007 904 47 10 961
2008 314 4 4 322
2009 149 1 0 150
2010 60 0 0 60
2011 54 0 0 54
2012 1 0 0 1
2014 2 0 0 2
Total 4488 179 139 4806

Looks to me like the 'Embolden Effect' is saving American lives.

So as I've the "stupidity of American Voter" clan several times... are you against treaties? Against agreements? Are you against invasions?
More importantly though the "stupidity of American Voter" clan which obviously you are a firm committed member tell me are 1.2 million children that are
alive today important to you or were you with Saddam totally in agreement to let them starve RATHER then admit he had NO WMDs!
Think if you can about this...
YOU would rather have 1.2 million to have starved which would have happened as the NYT reports..
In five years 576,000 children starved BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
The sanctions were imposed by the Security Council after Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1990. Led by the United States, the Council has rejected many Iraqi appeals to lift the restrictions, which have crippled the economy, until Iraq accounts for all its weapons of mass destruction and United Nations inspectors can certify that they have been destroyed in accordance with several Council resolutions.
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children U.N. Reports - New York Times

You and all the Saddam lovers would have preferred also that the 28 million Iraqis still be living in gross poverty?
You and your "stupidity American Voter" clan are obviously uninformed that when Saddam was in power (which you obviously be a tyrant yourself you'd
love to see still in power!!!) the GDP per person was $507.
Per capita GDP during the period followed the downward trend seen in overall GDP. GDP per capita went from approximately $2304 in 1989 to $938 in 1990. From 1991 until 1996 per capita GDP never rose above $507. During this period income inequality was a problem as the wealth was concentrated in the hands of Regime loyalists and traders while most Iraqis subsisted on much less income.
Iraq Economic Data 1989-2003 Central Intelligence Agency
Today it is $7,100 per person BUT of course THAT would never have happened if you had your way!

Again.. the "Stupidity of american voter" clan totally ignore these facts along with the FACT Saddam let 576,000 children starve RATHER then admit
he had no WMDs! Even someone in the "stupidity of American Voter clan like you must ask the simple humane question...
why would any leader let his people starve when all he had to do was certify he had no WMDs?
RR, no one else, was responsible for sending almost 300 Marines to an acquaintance with death could have been avoided.

The stark difference between the tragedy in Lebanon and the tragedy in Benghazi- other than the scale of Americans deaths- is that when Ronald Reagan was President there was not an immediate effort to blame Reagan for the deaths.
Yea and Reagan didn't come out right afterwards and blame it on a stupid video!
Come on!
whiskey tango foxtrot does saddam have to do with an ambassador getting killed while serving the country?

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