GOP Big Government wants to probe women's Vagina

All liberals are liars.

really?.....every single one?......

Please point to one in this thread that isn't a lying hack.

ETA: Upon reflection, I think there is a significant amount of liberals that are useful tools and misinformed and/or gullible idiots.

Thank you Harry for forcing me to consider the issue more deeply.
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We get it. This is why Stephanopolus peppered Romney with the "can states ban birth control."

This is why Obama is trying to force free birth control on Catholic Hospitals and how to force insurance companies to pay for it.

You want to convince people with the fictitious fear that Republicans want to ban birth control.

So, here's the thing.

Give me ONE EXAMPLE of a Republican Gov, President, Congressman, etc, EVER banning birth control and you will have your argument.

Until then, this is all just BS fear mongering by a desperate president who can't run on his own record, because his own record SUCKS.

So, bring it. Give us the examples.

My guess is, there will stuipid quotes of Santorum from six years ago. There will be NO EXAMPLES OF Republicans trying to ban birth control. There will be total silence. OR there will be just the usual sputtering from outraged liberals because no one should ever dare pin them down on their total preposterous lies.

Bring it libs. I'm waiting. I know I won't get a straight answer.

PS, ABORTION IS NOT BIRTH CONTROL. That's infanticide. There are plenty of methods of birth control that prevents conception.

You know why you libs have changed the subject to birth control. You have lost the argument on abortion. Most people are against it now.

You started the subject, so don't change it, because someone's pinned you down on it. BIRTH CONTROL. Give us the examples.

I'm waiting, but I won't hold my breathe.

Here ya go Teabagger With the Sumo Thighs........

Because the amendment would define a fertilized egg as a person with full legal rights, it could have an impact on a woman's ability to get the morning-after pill or birth control pills that destroy fertilized eggs.

It could make in vitro fertilization treatments more difficult because it could become illegal to dispose of unused fertilized eggs. This could lead to a nationwide debate about women's rights and abortion while setting up a possible challenge to the landmark Roe v. Wade case, which makes abortion legal.

The ballot initiative is part of a national campaign brought by Personhood USA. The Colorado-based group describes itself as a nonprofit Christian ministry that "serves the pro-life community by assisting local groups to initiate citizen, legislative, and political action focusing on the ultimate goal of the pro-life movement: personhood rights for all innocent humans."

Mississippi amendment on 'personhood' divides Christians

The idea for personhood was born during Roe v. Wade's oral arguments, when Justice Potter Stewart said, "If it were established that an unborn fetus is a person, you would have an impossible case here." Now, Personhood USA is trying to use the amendment to establish "personhood" as a direct challenge to the Roe v. Wade ruling.

Mississippi voting on 'personhood' amendment - CNN

Under this legislation, many forms of birth control would be banned.
Many? Like what? Abortion pills?

Do you consider abortion birth control?
All liberals are liars.

really?.....every single one?......

Please point to one in this thread that isn't a lying hack.

ETA: Upon reflection, I think there is a significant amount of liberals that are useful tools and misinformed and/or gullible idiots.

Thank you Harry for forcing me to consider the issue more deeply.
you said ALL Liberals.....that has to mean more than just this board....there are a fair amount of Conservatives here who also seem to be lying hacks themselves OR spin a link or two to fit what they want to say OR are just as Dishonest.....just sayin......
Contradictory messages from the sissie left. They celebrate homosexuality and all of a sudden they use a woman's body part to make a political statement. Note to Dean: you don't have to specify a "woman"s" vagina. In case you missed "sexuality 101" only a woman has a vagina.
really?.....every single one?......

Please point to one in this thread that isn't a lying hack.

ETA: Upon reflection, I think there is a significant amount of liberals that are useful tools and misinformed and/or gullible idiots.

Thank you Harry for forcing me to consider the issue more deeply.
you said ALL Liberals.....that has to mean more than just this board....there are a fair amount of Conservatives here who also seem to be lying hacks themselves OR spin a link or two to fit what they want to say OR are just as Dishonest.....just sayin......

No doubt. :lol:
HB 462 Abortion; informed consent, shall undergo ultrasound imaging.
Kathy J. Byron | all patrons ... notes | add to my profiles

Summary as passed House:
Abortion; informed consent. Requires that, as a component of informed consent to an abortion, to determine gestation age, every pregnant female shall undergo ultrasound imaging and be given an opportunity to view the ultrasound image of her fetus prior to the abortion. The medical professional performing the ultrasound must obtain written certification from the woman that the opportunity was offered and whether the woman availed herself of the opportunity to see the ultrasound image or hear the fetal heartbeat. A copy of the ultrasound and the written certification shall be maintained in the woman's medical records at the facility where the abortion is to be performed. This bill incorporates HB 261.

LIS > Bill Tracking > HB462 > 2012 session

Why do I keep falling for rdean's troll threads?

Obviously because you have a desire to learn something and I can help. So let me get started.

From the bill you linked to:

Requires that, as a component of informed consent to an abortion, to determine gestation age, every pregnant female shall undergo ultrasound imaging and be given an opportunity to view the ultrasound image of her fetus prior to the abortion.


Notice the word "requires".

There are more than one kind of unltrasound. The normal, outside ultrasound can only take readings at about 12 weeks or more. ONLY the trans vaginal ultrasound can make out the features of fetus younger than 12 weeks. ONLY the trans vaginal ultrasound gives enough detail to determine the age of the fetus.

So if you follow the letter of the bill, you are telling women to go home, wait three months, and then come back and if we can get a good picture to try to torture you with, we will preform the abortion. Oh, by the way, if you do have the baby, you are on your own. That's what you get for fucking around. And if you were raped, try to learn how to take "lemons" and make "LemonAIDS".

How was that? Did that help? Do you understand now the insidious nature of the bill? I'm not sure if Republicans simply don't understand or their favorite color really is "Potato".
In case it STILL didn't make sense. The only alternative to ultrasound at less than 12 weeks is "trans vaginal ultrasound". I was afraid that FACT was somehow missed as obvious as it is.
Oh no. Did I chase away the right wingers with the truth? AGAIN?

I feel so bad..:dance:
Republicans in Virginia want to force women to get a vaginal probe ultrasound in order to get an abortion.

I think they should require Virginia Republicans to get an anal probe for Viagra.
Oh no. Did I chase away the right wingers with the truth? AGAIN?

I feel so bad..:dance:

yea everyone is just scared of you you ever think that when people see your shit they also might think its just more of your dishonest bullshit and ignore it?....

I have standards. I'm always as honest as I can be. It's part of who I am. You on the other hand. All I can say is, "Shame, shame, shame". And you can't even figure out why. And that deserves another "shame". I don't have to make up stuff about Republicans. The truth is more than I could ever imagine.
Republicans in Virginia want to force women to get a vaginal probe ultrasound in order to get an abortion.

I think they should require Virginia Republicans to get an anal probe for Viagra.

I don't know. They might forget to pick up the Viagra again and again.
I have never seen the level of anger over an issue like this one.

The people of Virginia are pissed.

The poll in the local paper this morning was 4 in favor of this bill and 444 against.

And this is a Republican area.
I have never seen the level of anger over an issue like this one.

The people of Virginia are pissed.

The poll in the local paper this morning was 4 in favor of this bill and 444 against.

And this is a Republican area.

I'm amazed at the sneaky ways they work to get things done. This, voter suppression, the way than "name" their destructive policies. If they ever put those sneaky minds to a good use, they could really do great things for this country.
An ultrasound is not invasive, but an abortion is.

Uh, yes it is. I've had it done (I had uterine polyps). A small clump of cells doesn't show up in an external sonogram, so they use "the wand" instead and it's VERY intrusive and it's awful. Just awful, if you must know.

Someone who has been through the procedure and all they can do is joke or yell "liar".

Right wingers complain about the "stories" I come up with. Just like this "story", I didn't make it up. It's what their party does. And they refuse to believe what their own party does. Why is that? Then when it's rubbed in their noses, they "spin" it into a direction that makes sense in their little minds. Well, sometimes, you just can't spin it that much. It is what it is.

I didn't joke or call anybody a liar.
You, on the other hand, just falsely portrayed my post as such and then you claim other people "make it up".
Of course, I won't claim that your party does that, just that you do.
Nice ad hominem with the "little minds" comment.
just take a step back for a minute and look at this issue without emotion.

roe v wade is not going to be over turned
(and, to be honest, i'm not sure all republicans want it to be since so many republicans have abortions). so the next best thing is to try to do an end around on that ruling. how do you do that? you have to make the woman not want an abortion. that's what this is.

Key point is in red.
A president/governor/house(state or federal)/senate(state or federal) cannot overturn Roe V Wade, so why is it that some get their panties in a wad over this?
Oh no. Did I chase away the right wingers with the truth? AGAIN?

I feel so bad..:dance:

yea everyone is just scared of you you ever think that when people see your shit they also might think its just more of your dishonest bullshit and ignore it?....

I have standards. I'm always as honest as I can be. It's part of who I am. You on the other hand. All I can say is, "Shame, shame, shame". And you can't even figure out why. And that deserves another "shame". I don't have to make up stuff about Republicans. The truth is more than I could ever imagine.

if thats as good as you can be....then you sure dont have very high standards.....i am still waiting for your link saying how Republicans want to END Education....where is your honesty Dean in that?.....the only links you can come up with is Republicans want to CUT the Education Budget....but NOT END IT.....cutting is not ending.....and your so fucking honest that when that one poster showed you 7-8 links from Democratic led States doing the same dam thing.....your such an honest guy that you had no comment on that......yea your such an honest guy with great i have been telling you post real good links that are worth discussing.....its what you interject about Republicans after you post the links that most people have problems with......90% of it is unsubstantiated know it and so does everyone one else.....and if you were as honest as you say you would not be saying shit like you stick your non-existant honesty up your dont exist....
I have never seen the level of anger over an issue like this one.

The people of Virginia are pissed.

The poll in the local paper this morning was 4 in favor of this bill and 444 against.

And this is a Republican area.

I'm amazed at the sneaky ways they work to get things done. This, voter suppression, the way than "name" their destructive policies. If they ever put those sneaky minds to a good use, they could really do great things for this country.

yea Democrats dont do sneaky things to get things done......come to California wanna see things done behind your back....
Uh, yes it is. I've had it done (I had uterine polyps). A small clump of cells doesn't show up in an external sonogram, so they use "the wand" instead and it's VERY intrusive and it's awful. Just awful, if you must know.

Someone who has been through the procedure and all they can do is joke or yell "liar".

Right wingers complain about the "stories" I come up with. Just like this "story", I didn't make it up. It's what their party does. And they refuse to believe what their own party does. Why is that? Then when it's rubbed in their noses, they "spin" it into a direction that makes sense in their little minds. Well, sometimes, you just can't spin it that much. It is what it is.

I didn't joke or call anybody a liar.
You, on the other hand, just falsely portrayed my post as such and then you claim other people "make it up".
Of course, I won't claim that your party does that, just that you do.
Nice ad hominem with the "little minds" comment.
thats Honesty.....

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