GOP Big Government wants to probe women's Vagina

Uh, yes it is. I've had it done (I had uterine polyps). A small clump of cells doesn't show up in an external sonogram, so they use "the wand" instead and it's VERY intrusive and it's awful. Just awful, if you must know.

Someone who has been through the procedure and all they can do is joke or yell "liar".

Right wingers complain about the "stories" I come up with. Just like this "story", I didn't make it up. It's what their party does. And they refuse to believe what their own party does. Why is that? Then when it's rubbed in their noses, they "spin" it into a direction that makes sense in their little minds. Well, sometimes, you just can't spin it that much. It is what it is.

I didn't joke or call anybody a liar.
You, on the other hand, just falsely portrayed my post as such and then you claim other people "make it up".
Of course, I won't claim that your party does that, just that you do.
Nice ad hominem with the "little minds" comment.

You were responding to this post: An ultrasound is not invasive, but an abortion is.

My comment was about that post: Someone who has been through the procedure and all they can do is joke or yell "liar".

Transvaginal ultra sound is most certainly "invasive". Someone just told you it wasn't. That wasn't right.

It's OK. I understand you're sensitive about the subject. If I had been through it, I would be too.
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I have never seen the level of anger over an issue like this one.

The people of Virginia are pissed.

The poll in the local paper this morning was 4 in favor of this bill and 444 against.

And this is a Republican area.

I'm amazed at the sneaky ways they work to get things done. This, voter suppression, the way than "name" their destructive policies. If they ever put those sneaky minds to a good use, they could really do great things for this country.

yea Democrats dont do sneaky things to get things done......come to California wanna see things done behind your back....

I grew up in California. I just like Chicago better.
Someone who has been through the procedure and all they can do is joke or yell "liar".

Right wingers complain about the "stories" I come up with. Just like this "story", I didn't make it up. It's what their party does. And they refuse to believe what their own party does. Why is that? Then when it's rubbed in their noses, they "spin" it into a direction that makes sense in their little minds. Well, sometimes, you just can't spin it that much. It is what it is.

I didn't joke or call anybody a liar.
You, on the other hand, just falsely portrayed my post as such and then you claim other people "make it up".
Of course, I won't claim that your party does that, just that you do.
Nice ad hominem with the "little minds" comment.

You were responding to this post: An ultrasound is not invasive, but an abortion is.

My comment was about that post: Someone who has been through the procedure and all they can do is joke or yell "liar".

Transvaginal ultra sound is most certainly "invasive". Someone just told you it wasn't. That wasn't right.

It's OK. I understand you're sensitive about the subject. If I had been through it, I would be too.

Again, I didn't joke or call anybody a liar.
I didn't try and falsely portray another's position (you did).
I didn't use ad hominem (you did).
I'm not sensitive about the subject, but you go ahead and imply (make up) whatever helps you to feel better about it.
Every man that voted for this should have to get a transvaginal probe up the rectum to the handle.
HB 462 Abortion; informed consent, shall undergo ultrasound imaging.
Kathy J. Byron | all patrons ... notes | add to my profiles

Summary as passed House:
Abortion; informed consent. Requires that, as a component of informed consent to an abortion, to determine gestation age, every pregnant female shall undergo ultrasound imaging and be given an opportunity to view the ultrasound image of her fetus prior to the abortion. The medical professional performing the ultrasound must obtain written certification from the woman that the opportunity was offered and whether the woman availed herself of the opportunity to see the ultrasound image or hear the fetal heartbeat. A copy of the ultrasound and the written certification shall be maintained in the woman's medical records at the facility where the abortion is to be performed. This bill incorporates HB 261.

LIS > Bill Tracking > HB462 > 2012 session

Why do I keep falling for rdean's troll threads?

Obviously because you have a desire to learn something and I can help. So let me get started.

From the bill you linked to:

Requires that, as a component of informed consent to an abortion, to determine gestation age, every pregnant female shall undergo ultrasound imaging and be given an opportunity to view the ultrasound image of her fetus prior to the abortion.


Notice the word "requires".

There are more than one kind of unltrasound. The normal, outside ultrasound can only take readings at about 12 weeks or more. ONLY the trans vaginal ultrasound can make out the features of fetus younger than 12 weeks. ONLY the trans vaginal ultrasound gives enough detail to determine the age of the fetus.

So if you follow the letter of the bill, you are telling women to go home, wait three months, and then come back and if we can get a good picture to try to torture you with, we will preform the abortion. Oh, by the way, if you do have the baby, you are on your own. That's what you get for fucking around. And if you were raped, try to learn how to take "lemons" and make "LemonAIDS".

How was that? Did that help? Do you understand now the insidious nature of the bill? I'm not sure if Republicans simply don't understand or their favorite color really is "Potato".
So your beef is with all ultrasounds? Do you think abortions are magic, and they can just happen without much going on around them? :cuckoo:

I see your need to move the goal posts to save face, but I will repeat:

and the pregnant woman declines to provide written consent to an ultrasound requiring vaginal penetration, then the provisions of this section related to performance of fetal ultrasound imaging shall not apply and fetal ultrasound imaging for the purpose of determining fetal age shall not be required.

Nice try.
In case it STILL didn't make sense. The only alternative to ultrasound at less than 12 weeks is "trans vaginal ultrasound". I was afraid that FACT was somehow missed as obvious as it is.

Then they can CHOOSE to wait until 12 weeks.

Abortion isn't magic, information is needed.
Every man that voted for this should have to get a transvaginal probe up the rectum to the handle.

Ever heard of a Colonoscopy?
It's a medical procedure that helps doctors decide upon the best course of action.
I'm amazed at the sneaky ways they work to get things done. This, voter suppression, the way than "name" their destructive policies. If they ever put those sneaky minds to a good use, they could really do great things for this country.

yea Democrats dont do sneaky things to get things done......come to California wanna see things done behind your back....

I grew up in California. I just like Chicago better.

California way back then is much different than California of today Dean......ok let me put it this way.....come back to wanna see things done behind your back.....
Just saw this in the paper here in Virginia.....

CALL FOR ACTION: On Feb 20th at 11 am, we call for as many women as possible (but men are very welcome and wanted!) to line either side of the walkway between the General Assembly building and the Capitol in SILENCE as our Senators and Representatives pass between the two buildings. And this is just the beginning. We will not take such abuse of the public trust lying down.
Just saw this in the paper here in Virginia.....

CALL FOR ACTION: On Feb 20th at 11 am, we call for as many women as possible (but men are very welcome and wanted!) to line either side of the walkway between the General Assembly building and the Capitol in SILENCE as our Senators and Representatives pass between the two buildings. And this is just the beginning. We will not take such abuse of the public trust lying down.

Just saw this in the paper here in Virginia.....

CALL FOR ACTION: On Feb 20th at 11 am, we call for as many women as possible (but men are very welcome and wanted!) to line either side of the walkway between the General Assembly building and the Capitol in SILENCE as our Senators and Representatives pass between the two buildings. And this is just the beginning. We will not take such abuse of the public trust lying down.

So what will this be called? Occupy The Womb ?

Chris? YOU and your fellow travellers are such twerps. You're twisting the entire issue and you look so fucking stupid as you engage in it.
LIS > Bill Tracking > HB462 > 2012 session

Why do I keep falling for rdean's troll threads?

Obviously because you have a desire to learn something and I can help. So let me get started.

From the bill you linked to:

Requires that, as a component of informed consent to an abortion, to determine gestation age, every pregnant female shall undergo ultrasound imaging and be given an opportunity to view the ultrasound image of her fetus prior to the abortion.


Notice the word "requires".

There are more than one kind of unltrasound. The normal, outside ultrasound can only take readings at about 12 weeks or more. ONLY the trans vaginal ultrasound can make out the features of fetus younger than 12 weeks. ONLY the trans vaginal ultrasound gives enough detail to determine the age of the fetus.

So if you follow the letter of the bill, you are telling women to go home, wait three months, and then come back and if we can get a good picture to try to torture you with, we will preform the abortion. Oh, by the way, if you do have the baby, you are on your own. That's what you get for fucking around. And if you were raped, try to learn how to take "lemons" and make "LemonAIDS".

How was that? Did that help? Do you understand now the insidious nature of the bill? I'm not sure if Republicans simply don't understand or their favorite color really is "Potato".
So your beef is with all ultrasounds? Do you think abortions are magic, and they can just happen without much going on around them? :cuckoo:

I see your need to move the goal posts to save face, but I will repeat:

and the pregnant woman declines to provide written consent to an ultrasound requiring vaginal penetration, then the provisions of this section related to performance of fetal ultrasound imaging shall not apply and fetal ultrasound imaging for the purpose of determining fetal age shall not be required.

Nice try.

Exactly where did that quote come from and why is it edited?

You can read the full text right here:

Bill Tracking - 2012 session > Legislation

and here:

Bill Tracking - 2012 session > Legislation

The only time the ultra sound is skipped in in case of an extreme emergency. This is what the bill says:

The qualified medical professional performing fetal ultrasound imaging pursuant to subsection B shall offer the woman an opportunity to view and receive a printed copy of the ultrasound image and hear auscultation of fetal heart tone and shall obtain from the woman written certification that this opportunity was offered and whether or not it was accepted

What that means is the women doesn't have to view the ultra sound, BUT THE ULTRA SOUND IS STILL REQUIRED. Get it? She doesn't have to look at it, but if she wants an abortion, it's mandatory she gets the ultrasound. And if it's less than 12 weeks, the only ultra sound that can tell the age of the fetus is "transvaginal".

They means they stick a big metal probe into a woman's vagina. She has to be tortured a little before she can terminate an unwanted pregnancy.


This is a party that's not interested in helping the child after it's born. They don't celebrate the birth of a new life. They see this child as "punishment" for women who are sinners. It's all about punishment not parenthood.

Exactly where did that quote come from and why is it edited?


Bill Tracking - 2012 session > Amendment

I linked it earlier in the thread, which is why it was edited the second time around. Because you, and the other liberals, chose to ignore it once.

And to your other points. The woman can choose to wait until 12 weeks. Medical personnel must verify the stage of the pregnancy in some way.
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