GOP Big Government wants to probe women's Vagina

Va House set to enact mandatory invasive ultrasound probe for women who seek abortions
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By Associated Press, Published: February 13

RICHMOND, Va. — House of Delegates Republicans have rejected a last-ditch bid by Democrats to allow women seeking abortions to opt out of an invasive ultrasonic procedure under anti-abortion legislation set for a final House vote Tuesday.

Legislation that has advanced on the strength of a GOP majority would force women to undergo a “transvaginal ultrasound” that produces fetal images.

Va House set to enact mandatory invasive ultrasound probe for women who seek abortions - The Washington Post

GOP is delivering on its promise of an unprecedented conservative turnaround in Va legislature -

House Republicans muscle abortion restrictions to passage over passionate Democratic protests

And on a 63-36 vote, the House passed a bill that requires women to have a "transvaginal ultrasound" before undergoing abortions.

House Republicans muscle abortion restrictions to passage over passionate Democratic protests -

Republicans want big government to invade a woman's Va Jay Jay? Really?

Thas nasty.

I think the state of Virginia will get slapped down by the U.S. Supreme court on this one based on the 4th amendment.

Rick Santorum's- stated that states have the right to ban birth control contraceptives was taken on by the U.S. Supreme court--and that was slapped down in 1965 by the Supreme's based on the 4th amendment regarding PRIVACY--although the word "privacy" is not mentioned in the Constitution--the Supreme's stated it is "implied."

This would fall under the same category as that case--so Virginia if imposed this-- they will be looking at a U.S. Supreme court challenge that they are certain to lose.
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I think rdean simply started this thread because he is obsessed with vaginas, never having actually seen one in person.
I think rdean simply started this thread because he is obsessed with vaginas, never having actually seen one in person.

He wants to. But he's scared.


You might be right. And I'm guessing his dick is smaller than the probe that he keeps posting, so embarrassment might factor in as well.

It's OK rdean, some girls won't laugh. You just have to pick the right ones.
I think rdean simply started this thread because he is obsessed with vaginas, never having actually seen one in person.

He wants to. But he's scared.


You might be right. And I'm guessing his dick is smaller than the probe that he keeps posting, so embarrassment might factor in as well.

It's OK rdean, some girls won't laugh. You just have to pick the right ones.

You found one. One that wouldn't press charges.
one procedure is requested. the other is required by the government.

One procedure terminates a human life, the other shows the woman what she is really about to do.

like i said in either this thread or another one, roe v wade won't be overturned. so what people who want to take the decision away from the pregnant woman must do is find creative ways to stop women from having abortions. this is one. they are hoping they can guilt the woman into doing what they think is correct.

So you consider it some sort of 'trick' for women to see and realize what they are actually undertaking?
Dead babes are unimportant to warped Socialists/Progressives. They just don't care. :cuckoo:
Wingnuts think an engine is a car. :lol:

:lol: You're one of the biggest Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters on this Board. So you should be applauding this. It's your Nanny State at its finest. Now shut up and deal with it.

You being OK with this just shows that you don't have a clue what Ron Paul stands for.

I bet you support him because you are hoping he will make meth legal. Sorry - it ain't gonna happen.

Read what an actual conservative has to say about this.


As a conservative, I have a problem with Republicans making such a mandate.
So, you have a problem with "invasive" vaginal ultrasounds, but you obviously don't have a problem with "invasive" vaginal abortion procedures that result in removing and killing unborn babies.

Got it.
In one example, it is done by request of the woman.

In the other example, it's done against the woman's wishes.

So much for Rightwing respect for personal liberty and being able to decide on your own without government interference. :lol:

Can you please provide a link to ANY story about a woman who was forced against her will to undergo an ultrasound as part of an abortion procedure?

That's like saying someone is forced to go through TSA screening, when they CHOSE to fly knowing the screening was part of the deal.
That's what this Virginia legislation will do, dope.
In one example, it is done by request of the woman.

In the other example, it's done against the woman's wishes.

So much for Rightwing respect for personal liberty and being able to decide on your own without government interference. :lol:

Can you please provide a link to ANY story about a woman who was forced against her will to undergo an ultrasound as part of an abortion procedure?

That's like saying someone is forced to go through TSA screening, when they CHOSE to fly knowing the screening was part of the deal.
That's what this Virginia legislation will do, dope.

I personally wouldn't mind some clarification. I really do not feel like reading the bill, but perhaps someone with a medical background can take a look and provide some insight.

My main question would be whether this is only mandatory for early term abortions involving taking pills to induce an "at-home" abortion, and which is considered a nonsurgical abortion. That can only be done in the first 7 weeks. Would a regular ultrasound provide enough information at that stage? Perhaps there is a medical reasoning for not giving the pills to someone after the 7 week mark, or perhaps there is a need to verify ectopic pregnancies, etc.

I mean, I get rdean's desire to flame the GOP wants to probe your vagina hysteria. It is dramatic.

However, what is the foundation of this bill? If there is medical reasoning, perhaps liberals might calm down, although, for some, I don't think that serves their agenda.

My guess is that this is only for those that don't want surgery and want to terminate their pregnancy as early as possible.

That doesn't sound so evil, does it?
The qualified medical professional performing fetal ultrasound imaging pursuant to subsection B shall determine whether a fetal ultrasound image can be obtained without the use of a transvaginal ultrasound or other ultrasound method requiring vaginal penetration. The qualified medical professional performing fetal ultrasound imaging pursuant to subsection B shall not perform an ultrasound requiring vaginal penetration without the prior written consent of the pregnant woman. If the qualified medical professional performing the fetal ultrasound imaging pursuant to subsection B determines that a fetal ultrasound image can only be obtained with an ultrasound requiring vaginal penetration and the pregnant woman declines to provide written consent to an ultrasound requiring vaginal penetration, then the provisions of this section related to performance of fetal ultrasound imaging shall not apply and fetal ultrasound imaging for the purpose of determining fetal age shall not be required.

Rape? Really rdean? Really Ravi?
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HB 462 Abortion; informed consent, shall undergo ultrasound imaging.
Kathy J. Byron | all patrons ... notes | add to my profiles

Summary as passed House:
Abortion; informed consent. Requires that, as a component of informed consent to an abortion, to determine gestation age, every pregnant female shall undergo ultrasound imaging and be given an opportunity to view the ultrasound image of her fetus prior to the abortion. The medical professional performing the ultrasound must obtain written certification from the woman that the opportunity was offered and whether the woman availed herself of the opportunity to see the ultrasound image or hear the fetal heartbeat. A copy of the ultrasound and the written certification shall be maintained in the woman's medical records at the facility where the abortion is to be performed. This bill incorporates HB 261.

LIS > Bill Tracking > HB462 > 2012 session

Why do I keep falling for rdean's troll threads?
That's the Republican line. Pretending something like this "necessary".

Right wingers scream I make this stuff up. Stuff like this wouldn't even enter my mind. Why they get mad at me for spelling out their policies is a mystery.

once again Dean.....its not your link....its what YOU say that brings on the Dean bashing.....if you dont understand that,i will get Mr. Shamen to draw you a picture.....

Don't make the claim if you can't give an example.

90% of your posts will many threads that you started do you want me to pick out? about this one.....where YOU say Republicans HATE Education and want to END it ....but the link you supplied says they want to cut the Educational budget.....not END it......meanwhile your shown a link showing about 7-8 States run by Democrats doing the same thing,cutting Education.....and i tell you how the great Democratic run State i live in is doing the same thing.......but to a severe hack like you.....Republicans cutting Education means they hate it and want to END it......while if Democrats do it.....they are just doing is that?......need more?.....
I mean, maybe their medical expertise is just more complete than the doctors' expertise?

Right winger "expertise" is always "better". Better than scientists. Better than "engineers". Better than "historians". Because the right wing doesn't need pesky facts or unreliable data. They have "gut feelings" and can "talk to Gawd".

If they can talk to God, then why do they keep acting in ways that He would find abhorrent?

Proverbs 6:16-19

New International Version (NIV)

16 There are six things the LORD hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

Proverbs 6:16-19 NIV - There are six things the LORD hates, - Bible Gateway

They don't believe they do. They make it up as they go along and rewrite history when they are finished.

your the bolded one there Dean......spinning what your link says to fit what you want it to say is bearing false witness....
"Republicans to cut Education Budget".......then you say......"Republicans HATE Education and want to END it".......:nono:......bring your A/C may need it "down below".....
They don't believe they do. They make it up as they go along and rewrite history when they are finished.

But, you can't "rewrite" the Bible.

No, but you can ignore the parts you don't like. Many Republicans do it all the time. They do the same with the constitution.

you do the same fucking thing with so many of your links, its laughable that you are even commenting on this....
We get it. This is why Stephanopolus peppered Romney with the "can states ban birth control."

This is why Obama is trying to force free birth control on Catholic Hospitals and how to force insurance companies to pay for it.

You want to convince people with the fictitious fear that Republicans want to ban birth control.

So, here's the thing.

Give me ONE EXAMPLE of a Republican Gov, President, Congressman, etc, EVER banning birth control and you will have your argument.

Until then, this is all just BS fear mongering by a desperate president who can't run on his own record, because his own record SUCKS.

So, bring it. Give us the examples.

My guess is, there will stuipid quotes of Santorum from six years ago. There will be NO EXAMPLES OF Republicans trying to ban birth control. There will be total silence. OR there will be just the usual sputtering from outraged liberals because no one should ever dare pin them down on their total preposterous lies.

Bring it libs. I'm waiting. I know I won't get a straight answer.

PS, ABORTION IS NOT BIRTH CONTROL. That's infanticide. There are plenty of methods of birth control that prevents conception.

You know why you libs have changed the subject to birth control. You have lost the argument on abortion. Most people are against it now.

You started the subject, so don't change it, because someone's pinned you down on it. BIRTH CONTROL. Give us the examples.

I'm waiting, but I won't hold my breathe.
All of the people having fits on this must be either men, or lesbian women who so hate men they have never had REAL sex or even thought about having kids.

You are so damn worried about a "transvaginal ultrasound?"


I don't see ANY OF YOU HYPOCRITES having a fit about THAT!

How the hell do you think she has kids in the first place.

Something goes up the HOO HOO!

And trust me the ultrasound will not hurt her or her kid!

I should know! I've had ultrasounds. They are completely painless.

Can you say the same for abortions for women AND ESPECIALLY THE KID?!

You ever have a man put his fist up you to check how many centimeters you dialated? Or to check if the baby is positioned right?

Honey! You are already pregnant. Trust me. YOU DO NOT CARE.

The only reason you libs care is you don't want women to get a good look at what they are killing. Because you sure don't care what they stick up her hoo hoo to kill the kid!

What hypocrites!


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