GOP blocks bill to hurt terrorists and tourism

You are like the more dishonest/better spelling version of truthmatters.
You are a far right wannabee Republican cock roach, prick. Either you oppose the jihadist threat and give government all the tools that it needs or you become part of the threat. That is your choice.
if I believed government would use all the tools to fight it, I would gladly bne open for a debate on what tools to give them.

But between Boston and Orlando we have 2 situations where we gave them the tools and they used the half know....watched the guys then dropped the ball on them because it was politically incorrect.

Seems the only tools those on the left want to give them are those that restrict the rights of the innocent.
You are like the more dishonest/better spelling version of truthmatters.
You are a far right wannabee Republican cock roach, prick. Either you oppose the jihadist threat and give government all the tools that it needs or you become part of the threat. That is your choice.
if I believed government would use all the tools to fight it, I would gladly bne open for a debate on what tools to give them.

But between Boston and Orlando we have 2 situations where we gave them the tools and they used the half know....watched the guys then dropped the ball on them because it was politically incorrect.

Seems the only tools those on the left want to give them are those that restrict the rights of the innocent.
That is an absolute bonehead response by you, Jarhead.

Hold them accountable. Give them the tools. And find leaders who will use them against the bad guys. If we elect Trump and give him the tools, he will use them against you and me.
Without due process denying Constitutional rights?
Chipping it away. Did you notice? Every time fucking Democrats introduce an all fucked up bill what has no chance to pass, then the Republicans compromise half way on it and there you go, yet another fucking right was curtailed what was the original plan of the Democrats anyway.
ban slyhunter who is as much a danger to American freedoms as jihadists.
He was a sick Puppy but thanks to the NRA even the sickest of puppies can buy assault rifles ...everybody knows that if psychotics lose the right to heavy weaponry that its then that terrorist will have won....

Obama Had This Haunting Confrontation With A Pro-Gun Activist Just Days Before The Orlando Massacre

On June 2, President Obama participated in a town hall sponsored by PBS in Elkhart, Indiana. Obama continued to answer questions from the audience after the broadcast was over.

One of those questions was from Doug Rhude, a gun shop owner. Rhude asked Obama why he wanted to “control and restrict and limit gun manufacturers, gun owners and responsible use of guns and ammunition… instead of holding the bad guys accountable for their actions?”

Obama’s answer was eerily prescient. He told Rhude that he had just come from the Situation Room and learned of citizens within the United States who were ISIS sympathizers. But because of the NRA, Obama said, “we’re allowed to put them on the no-fly list when it comes to airlines” but not “prohibit those people from buying a gun.”

Now, any one of these ISIS-sympathizers could “walk in to a gun store or a gun show right now and buy as much — as many weapons and ammo as he can,” Obama said.

You know, those kinds of laws won't stop terrorists. They'll still get their guns. Or they'll adapt to other tactics. It's still legal to go buy fertilizer. Maybe we need bull shit control legislation. Though, I guess we wouldn't see much of you anymore if that were to happen.
We need control of the crazies' access is what is needed.
He was a sick Puppy but thanks to the NRA even the sickest of puppies can buy assault rifles ...everybody knows that if psychotics lose the right to heavy weaponry that its then that terrorist will have won....

Obama Had This Haunting Confrontation With A Pro-Gun Activist Just Days Before The Orlando Massacre

On June 2, President Obama participated in a town hall sponsored by PBS in Elkhart, Indiana. Obama continued to answer questions from the audience after the broadcast was over.

One of those questions was from Doug Rhude, a gun shop owner. Rhude asked Obama why he wanted to “control and restrict and limit gun manufacturers, gun owners and responsible use of guns and ammunition… instead of holding the bad guys accountable for their actions?”

Obama’s answer was eerily prescient. He told Rhude that he had just come from the Situation Room and learned of citizens within the United States who were ISIS sympathizers. But because of the NRA, Obama said, “we’re allowed to put them on the no-fly list when it comes to airlines” but not “prohibit those people from buying a gun.”

Now, any one of these ISIS-sympathizers could “walk in to a gun store or a gun show right now and buy as much — as many weapons and ammo as he can,” Obama said.
I did not know the NRA had legislative power. Your propaganda is based on false premises. :cuckoo:
He was a sick Puppy but thanks to the NRA even the sickest of puppies can buy assault rifles ...everybody knows that if psychotics lose the right to heavy weaponry that its then that terrorist will have won....

Obama Had This Haunting Confrontation With A Pro-Gun Activist Just Days Before The Orlando Massacre

On June 2, President Obama participated in a town hall sponsored by PBS in Elkhart, Indiana. Obama continued to answer questions from the audience after the broadcast was over.

One of those questions was from Doug Rhude, a gun shop owner. Rhude asked Obama why he wanted to “control and restrict and limit gun manufacturers, gun owners and responsible use of guns and ammunition… instead of holding the bad guys accountable for their actions?”

Obama’s answer was eerily prescient. He told Rhude that he had just come from the Situation Room and learned of citizens within the United States who were ISIS sympathizers. But because of the NRA, Obama said, “we’re allowed to put them on the no-fly list when it comes to airlines” but not “prohibit those people from buying a gun.”

Now, any one of these ISIS-sympathizers could “walk in to a gun store or a gun show right now and buy as much — as many weapons and ammo as he can,” Obama said.
I did not know the NRA had legislative power. Your propaganda is based on false premises. :cuckoo:
You stupid fuck. The NRA's influence on Congress is nation threatening.
I did not know the NRA had legislative power. Your propaganda is based on false premises. :cuckoo:

Are you stupid or pretending..The NRA has no Lobby..the NRA does not literallyt control any number of legislators..get serious do not post such utterly stupid shit

So much for the murderous shooter being a devout Muslim...he was consuming alcohol and possibly maintaining a gay dating style at least part time and covert ...He was caught between what may be his own Homosexuality and the taboo from his cultural and Religious matrix....the internal tension between the two sought a solution...Unfortunately it was a Second Amendment solution to wipe out gays as proof he is not gay ...

The NRA supplied the Guns

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