GOP Budget 'Priorities'...and Social Values


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Yesterday, the GOP-led Senate revealed its latest budget proposal (see the AP story below)...The question arises regarding the underlying values that ultimately define the difference between the priorities of the two major parties.....

It is striking to learn that, not only is the GOP (in an election cycle) still steadfast in trying to defund the ACA, but also wants to throw MORE funds to the Pentagon, while cutting back on Medicare, food stamps and other social programs.....

QUESTION: Does our country need more spending on armaments and we need to increase spending on our own population including JOB creation and infrastructure programs?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate on Tuesday adopted a GOP budget that paves the way for an assault on President Barack Obama's health care law this summer and a partisan showdown over spending bills this fall.

The Senate passed the nonbinding measure by a nearly party-line 51-48 vote. The House adopted it last week.

The measure sets a potential path for a balanced budget within a decade. It promises to cut domestic agencies and safety net programs like Medicaid and food stamps, carve up transportation spending and student aid, and curb tax breaks for the poor.

Republicans don't plan to adhere to most of its cuts in follow-up legislation, however.

And in the near term the GOP plan promises a $38 billion, 7 percent increase for the Pentagon that is possible only by padding war accounts.
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So – building roads to nowhere are jobs programs but bombs and aircraft are not….

I think you're referring to "bridges-to-nowhere"....If that is so, check with the GOP in Alaska.
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Don't forget about high speed trains that nobody is asking for. other words we DO NOT need any infrastructure improvements, but we DO need another nuclear submarine to fight insurgents in Yemen's deserts........Do I have that right?
Don't forget about high speed trains that nobody is asking for. other words we DO NOT need any infrastructure improvements, but we DO need another nuclear submarine to fight insurgents in Yemen's deserts........Do I have that right?

What we need are the right infrastructure improvements, but those are best done at the state level. States handle mass transit, the feds handle defense, and that's the way its supposed to be.

Until the Russians and the Chinese get rid of their navies, we need submarines. And to a lesser extent Iran.
Yesterday, the GOP-led Senate revealed its latest budget proposal (see the AP story below)...The question arises regarding the underlying values that ultimately define the difference between the priorities of the two major parties.....

It is striking to learn that, not only is the GOP (in an election cycle) still steadfast in trying to defund the ACA, but also wants to throw MORE funds to the Pentagon, while cutting back on Medicare, food stamps and other social programs.....

QUESTION: Does our country need more spending on armaments and we need to increase spending on our own population including JOB creation and infrastructure programs?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate on Tuesday adopted a GOP budget that paves the way for an assault on President Barack Obama's health care law this summer and a partisan showdown over spending bills this fall.

The Senate passed the nonbinding measure by a nearly party-line 51-48 vote. The House adopted it last week.

The measure sets a potential path for a balanced budget within a decade. It promises to cut domestic agencies and safety net programs like Medicaid and food stamps, carve up transportation spending and student aid, and curb tax breaks for the poor.

Republicans don't plan to adhere to most of its cuts in follow-up legislation, however.

And in the near term the GOP plan promises a $38 billion, 7 percent increase for the Pentagon that is possible only by padding war accounts.
That is the Right's version of a moral of "goodwill toward men"; if you can afford it.
.in other words we DO NOT need any infrastructure improvements, but we DO need another nuclear submarine to fight insurgents in Yemen's deserts........Do I have that right?

No nono not right at all. You ever read the book Dune? We need Sand Worms. Yep that's what we need. Big ole Sand Worms. Them babies will suck up everything in the sand. And spit it back out when done eating it. Sounds about right for desert warfare.
Until the Russians and the Chinese get rid of their navies, we need submarines.

Good lord, all that money we've spent on defense and offense and now we have run out of submarines? Where'd they go? Converted to Sand Worms?
What we need are the right infrastructure improvements, but those are best done at the state level.

Precisely......interstate highways and bridges should become INTRAstate concerns......correct?
Is pointing at the GOP and screaming bogyman all you have.

The "screaming" is all in your own head......This thread is about the values (or lack of) between the 2 major parties.
Yesterday, the GOP-led Senate revealed its latest budget proposal (see the AP story below)...The question arises regarding the underlying values that ultimately define the difference between the priorities of the two major parties.....

It is striking to learn that, not only is the GOP (in an election cycle) still steadfast in trying to defund the ACA, but also wants to throw MORE funds to the Pentagon, while cutting back on Medicare, food stamps and other social programs.....

QUESTION: Does our country need more spending on armaments and we need to increase spending on our own population including JOB creation and infrastructure programs?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate on Tuesday adopted a GOP budget that paves the way for an assault on President Barack Obama's health care law this summer and a partisan showdown over spending bills this fall.

The Senate passed the nonbinding measure by a nearly party-line 51-48 vote. The House adopted it last week.

The measure sets a potential path for a balanced budget within a decade. It promises to cut domestic agencies and safety net programs like Medicaid and food stamps, carve up transportation spending and student aid, and curb tax breaks for the poor.

Republicans don't plan to adhere to most of its cuts in follow-up legislation, however.

And in the near term the GOP plan promises a $38 billion, 7 percent increase for the Pentagon that is possible only by padding war accounts.
You don't spend government money to create jobs. That is your whole problem right there.

Cut regulations and remove government from the free market and jobs will be created.
Yesterday, the GOP-led Senate revealed its latest budget proposal (see the AP story below)...The question arises regarding the underlying values that ultimately define the difference between the priorities of the two major parties.....

It is striking to learn that, not only is the GOP (in an election cycle) still steadfast in trying to defund the ACA, but also wants to throw MORE funds to the Pentagon, while cutting back on Medicare, food stamps and other social programs.....

QUESTION: Does our country need more spending on armaments and we need to increase spending on our own population including JOB creation and infrastructure programs?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate on Tuesday adopted a GOP budget that paves the way for an assault on President Barack Obama's health care law this summer and a partisan showdown over spending bills this fall.

The Senate passed the nonbinding measure by a nearly party-line 51-48 vote. The House adopted it last week.

The measure sets a potential path for a balanced budget within a decade. It promises to cut domestic agencies and safety net programs like Medicaid and food stamps, carve up transportation spending and student aid, and curb tax breaks for the poor.

Republicans don't plan to adhere to most of its cuts in follow-up legislation, however.

And in the near term the GOP plan promises a $38 billion, 7 percent increase for the Pentagon that is possible only by padding war accounts.
What we need to do is elect a Congress and a president that will stop foreign aid unless there's an emergency, stop subsidies, stop pork spending, end the care and support of illegal immigrants, stop building mosques on foreign soil, stop senseless deadly costly wars, stop bailouts, stop wasteful spending such as the stupid fence along our southern border, end the ridiculous perks and benefits given to members of Congress, stop unnecessary government travel, stop lavish expensive White House parties and lavish expensive vacations for the first family, stop no-bid government contracts ( Halliburton ), stop the bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, stop supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, stop wasteful military spending, stop Medicare and Medicaid fraud and corruption, end tax loopholes for the rich and corporations, stop funding grants such as those that study the sex habits of cockroaches, stop exploring the far reaches of the universe until we have the funds to do so, and funding terrorists and armies in foreign countries.

The above mentioned items should greatly help the budget, and should also keep tax dollars here at home to benefit Americans. Cutting the above items should be enough to fund infrastructure, education, health care, protect the environment, fund R&D for alternative energy sources, and other much needed programs that would greatly benefit ALL Americans.

But, the above will never be accomplished nor realized as long as voters continue to elect and to re-elect professional politicians to serve in government. Before any changes occur, voters must change. It's totally up to voters whether or not we have a representative government seated in Washington that will spend tax dollars to directly benefit all Americans, and keep tax dollars here at home. If it doesn't matter to you, then keep electing and re-electing professional politicians to serve in government. Just keep playing party politics, blaming one side or the other, stay divided, and sit back and watch the further deterioration and decline of this once great nation.
Until the Russians and the Chinese get rid of their navies, we need submarines.

Good lord, all that money we've spent on defense and offense and now we have run out of submarines? Where'd they go? Converted to Sand Worms?
The Right can't seem to muster good patriots or good capitalists for their Cause. Some on the left believe we should start looking on EquityNet instead of SympathyNet to find some capitalists on the Right--simply because, only bad capitalists can't justify wartime tax rates for their wars or make more money with an official Mint at their disposal.
Yesterday, the GOP-led Senate revealed its latest budget proposal (see the AP story below)...The question arises regarding the underlying values that ultimately define the difference between the priorities of the two major parties.....

It is striking to learn that, not only is the GOP (in an election cycle) still steadfast in trying to defund the ACA, but also wants to throw MORE funds to the Pentagon, while cutting back on Medicare, food stamps and other social programs.....

QUESTION: Does our country need more spending on armaments and we need to increase spending on our own population including JOB creation and infrastructure programs?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate on Tuesday adopted a GOP budget that paves the way for an assault on President Barack Obama's health care law this summer and a partisan showdown over spending bills this fall.

The Senate passed the nonbinding measure by a nearly party-line 51-48 vote. The House adopted it last week.

The measure sets a potential path for a balanced budget within a decade. It promises to cut domestic agencies and safety net programs like Medicaid and food stamps, carve up transportation spending and student aid, and curb tax breaks for the poor.

Republicans don't plan to adhere to most of its cuts in follow-up legislation, however.

And in the near term the GOP plan promises a $38 billion, 7 percent increase for the Pentagon that is possible only by padding war accounts.
You don't spend government money to create jobs. That is your whole problem right there.

Cut regulations and remove government from the free market and jobs will be created.
let's cut the regulatory burden on Commerce known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror.
Yesterday, the GOP-led Senate revealed its latest budget proposal (see the AP story below)...The question arises regarding the underlying values that ultimately define the difference between the priorities of the two major parties.....

It is striking to learn that, not only is the GOP (in an election cycle) still steadfast in trying to defund the ACA, but also wants to throw MORE funds to the Pentagon, while cutting back on Medicare, food stamps and other social programs.....

QUESTION: Does our country need more spending on armaments and we need to increase spending on our own population including JOB creation and infrastructure programs?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate on Tuesday adopted a GOP budget that paves the way for an assault on President Barack Obama's health care law this summer and a partisan showdown over spending bills this fall.

The Senate passed the nonbinding measure by a nearly party-line 51-48 vote. The House adopted it last week.

The measure sets a potential path for a balanced budget within a decade. It promises to cut domestic agencies and safety net programs like Medicaid and food stamps, carve up transportation spending and student aid, and curb tax breaks for the poor.

Republicans don't plan to adhere to most of its cuts in follow-up legislation, however.

And in the near term the GOP plan promises a $38 billion, 7 percent increase for the Pentagon that is possible only by padding war accounts.
You don't spend government money to create jobs. That is your whole problem right there.

Cut regulations and remove government from the free market and jobs will be created.
let's cut the regulatory burden on Commerce known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror.
Well, we can cut two of those four....the other two are requirements for a safe society.
Yesterday, the GOP-led Senate revealed its latest budget proposal (see the AP story below)...The question arises regarding the underlying values that ultimately define the difference between the priorities of the two major parties.....

It is striking to learn that, not only is the GOP (in an election cycle) still steadfast in trying to defund the ACA, but also wants to throw MORE funds to the Pentagon, while cutting back on Medicare, food stamps and other social programs.....

QUESTION: Does our country need more spending on armaments and we need to increase spending on our own population including JOB creation and infrastructure programs?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate on Tuesday adopted a GOP budget that paves the way for an assault on President Barack Obama's health care law this summer and a partisan showdown over spending bills this fall.

The Senate passed the nonbinding measure by a nearly party-line 51-48 vote. The House adopted it last week.

The measure sets a potential path for a balanced budget within a decade. It promises to cut domestic agencies and safety net programs like Medicaid and food stamps, carve up transportation spending and student aid, and curb tax breaks for the poor.

Republicans don't plan to adhere to most of its cuts in follow-up legislation, however.

And in the near term the GOP plan promises a $38 billion, 7 percent increase for the Pentagon that is possible only by padding war accounts.
You don't spend government money to create jobs. That is your whole problem right there.

Cut regulations and remove government from the free market and jobs will be created.
let's cut the regulatory burden on Commerce known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror.
Well, we can cut two of those four....the other two are requirements for a safe society.
Are we safe?

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