GOP candidate Lindsey Graham tries to defend his racist state

For the Op.

Oh and you know everyone in SC is a racist??

Doubt it. Racists are everywhere in this country and abroad and if you don't know that then your just as stupid as I think you are.

Where did your read that I said everyone? Or are you just trying to deflect attention from the fact that there are a lot of Klu Klux Klan in SC?

you called sc a racist state.
SC still flies the confederate flag.

so, wait, are you understanding now why he thought you called everyone in the state racist?
What is it about SC flying the confederate flag as supporting racism that you don't comprehend?

why won't you answer the question?

you answer mine, i will answer yours.

are you understanding why he thought you called everyone in the state racist?
dimocraps are scum --

Charleston Shooter Was on Drug Linked to Violent Outbursts Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

According to a CBS News report, earlier this year when cops searched Roof after he was acting suspiciously inside a Bath and Body Works store, they found “orange strips” that Roof told officers was suboxone, a narcotic that is used to treat opiate addiction.

Suboxone is a habit-forming drug that has been connected with sudden outbursts of aggression.

A user on the MD Junction website relates how her husband “became violent, smashing things and threatening me,” after just a few days of coming off suboxone.

Another poster on the website tells the story of how his personality completely changed as a result of taking suboxone.

The individual relates how he became “nasty” and “violent” just weeks into taking the drug, adding that he would “snap” and be mean to people for no reason.

Another poster reveals how his son-in-law “completely changed on suboxone,” and that the drug sent him into “self-destruct mode.”

A user named ‘Jhalloway’ also tells the story of how her husband’s addiction to suboxone was “ruining our life.”

A poster on a separate forum writes about how he became “horribly aggressive” towards his partner after taking 8mg of suboxone.

A website devoted to horror stories about the drug called also features a post by a woman whose husband obtained a gun and began violently beating his 15-year-old son after taking suboxone.

According to a Courier-Journal report, suboxone “is increasingly being abused, sold on the streets and inappropriately prescribed” by doctors. For some users, it is even more addictive than the drugs it’s supposed to help them quit.

As we previously highlighted, virtually every major mass shooter was taking some form of SSRI or other pharmaceutical drug at the time of their attack, including Columbine killer Eric Harris, ‘Batman’ shooter James Holmes and Sandy Hook gunman Adam Lanza.

As the website SSRI Stories profusely documents, there are literally hundreds of examples of mass shootings, murders and other violent episodes that have been committed by individuals on psychiatric drugs over the past three decades.

Pharmaceutical giants who produce drugs like Zoloft, Prozac and Paxil spend around $2.4 billion dollars a year on direct-to-consumer television advertising every year. By running negative stories about prescription drugs, networks risk losing tens of millions of dollars in ad revenue, which is undoubtedly one of the primary reasons why the connection is habitually downplayed or ignored entirely.

Asked if he had any contraband, Mr. Roof said no, according to the report, but the officer searched him and found Suboxone, a prescription drug used to treat opiate addiction and frequently sold in illegal street transactions. Mr. Roof admitted that he did not have a prescription for the drug, the report said, and he was arrested and charged with felony drug possession. The case is pending.

In April, Mr. Roof was charged with trespassing at the same mall. The police report said he had been barred from the mall for a year after the drug arrest. Mr. Roof was convicted on that charge, a misdemeanor.
Too bad Shooter didn't have to pass a Back Ground check since his Dad gave him the gun.

Is that right OP?
LMAO In case you haven't noticed, The OP is a fucking idiot.
I agree, but I just like asking questions to find out how much a person knows about whatever it is he/she is spouting off about.

Well in this case all the op can say is the Republicans are all racist because Graham defended his State.

Of course the op sounds like the biggest bigot on the board and he's biased to boot.

What a winner he/she/it is. LOL
Lindsey Graham tried to blame religion for the massacre, saying that they were killed because they were a different religion. Rick Santorum and Rudy Giuliani are lining up to blame religion too.
This is a blatant attempt to defend GOP's bigoted base.
I don't think the cons are going to get away with it from now on. They own the confederacy, and this attempt to hide their race war is exposed.

The Charleston Suspect Is a Racist But Republicans Claim His Motives The New Republic

Honestly, I've been very touched by the outpouring of genuine emotion and support from the people of South Carolina in the face of this. They seem deeply hurt and sincerely effected by this happening.

Its raised my estimation of the people of that state.
The real story is that he's another Frankenstein produced by US pharmaceuticals

Which pharmaceutical causes white supremacy?

Maybe it has to do with the reality that MOST blacks end up destroying their communities and smart whites wish for better??? Blacks destroy the housing value, commit half of the murders in this country and attack whites constantly...But, yet, we're the bad guys for wanting better and speaking out that we're NOT the violent ones. It is true that woof storm did something wrong but in general we just want to live in peace and raise families.
Too bad Shooter didn't have to pass a Back Ground check since his Dad gave him the gun.

Is that right OP?
LMAO In case you haven't noticed, The OP is a fucking idiot.
I agree, but I just like asking questions to find out how much a person knows about whatever it is he/she is spouting off about.

Well in this case all the op can say is the Republicans are all racist because Graham defended his State.

Of course the op sounds like the biggest bigot on the board and he's biased to boot.

What a winner he/she/it is. LOL

Its funny how these emotional idiots have no facts and avoid them in order to attack all republicans. Yes, they're bigots as I generally want better for my family but they're doing it as they hate whites.
For the Op.

Oh and you know everyone in SC is a racist??

Doubt it. Racists are everywhere in this country and abroad and if you don't know that then your just as stupid as I think you are.

Where did your read that I said everyone? Or are you just trying to deflect attention from the fact that there are a lot of Klu Klux Klan in SC?
I was surprised to see that incident in Seneca SC (where I live) last year make it national now, it was a few kids , we laughed at them.
Lindsey Graham tried to blame religion for the massacre, saying that they were killed because they were a different religion. Rick Santorum and Rudy Giuliani are lining up to blame religion too.
This is a blatant attempt to defend GOP's bigoted base.
I don't think the cons are going to get away with it from now on. They own the confederacy, and this attempt to hide their race war is exposed.

The Charleston Suspect Is a Racist But Republicans Claim His Motives The New Republic

Hey jerkweed, did you get a good look at South Carolina's other senator, Tim Scott recently or their Governor? Get back to us when you do.
For the Op.

Oh and you know everyone in SC is a racist??

Doubt it. Racists are everywhere in this country and abroad and if you don't know that then your just as stupid as I think you are.

Where did your read that I said everyone? Or are you just trying to deflect attention from the fact that there are a lot of Klu Klux Klan in SC? here

GOP candidate Lindsey Graham tries to defend his racist state
Lindsey Graham tried to blame religion for the massacre, saying that they were killed because they were a different religion. Rick Santorum and Rudy Giuliani are lining up to blame religion too.
This is a blatant attempt to defend GOP's bigoted base.
I don't think the cons are going to get away with it from now on. They own the confederacy, and this attempt to hide their race war is exposed.

The Charleston Suspect Is a Racist But Republicans Claim His Motives The New Republic
The shooter is not from his insufferable moron.
For the Op.

Oh and you know everyone in SC is a racist??

Doubt it. Racists are everywhere in this country and abroad and if you don't know that then your just as stupid as I think you are.

Where did your read that I said everyone? Or are you just trying to deflect attention from the fact that there are a lot of Klu Klux Klan in SC? here

GOP candidate Lindsey Graham tries to defend his racist state

A racist state with a black US Senator??? That's a neat trick. Try again.
It sure is easy for ignorant emotional sissie progs to label an entire freaking (southern) state "racist" because of a horrific murder when 154 Black citizens were victims of homicide in the city of Chicago in 2015.
It sure is easy for ignorant emotional sissie progs to label an entire freaking (southern) state "racist" because of a horrific murder when 154 Black citizens were victims of homicide in the city of Chicago in 2015.

When it comes to Chicago, Detroit ect you will hear crickets from the left.
Lindsey Graham tried to blame religion for the massacre, saying that they were killed because they were a different religion. Rick Santorum and Rudy Giuliani are lining up to blame religion too.
This is a blatant attempt to defend GOP's bigoted base.
I don't think the cons are going to get away with it from now on. They own the confederacy, and this attempt to hide their race war is exposed.

The Charleston Suspect Is a Racist But Republicans Claim His Motives The New Republic

How racist can South Carolina be with an Indian woman as its governor and a Black US Senator? What does your state look like?
What were two Republicans thinking calling Obama tar baby and boy -

GOP Bigot Eruption Rep. Lynn Westmoreland Calls Obama Uppity - Oliver Willis

Republicans are who they are. Romney showed us how Republicans respect minorities when he went in "brownface" to blend in.

Lindsey Graham tried to blame religion for the massacre, saying that they were killed because they were a different religion. Rick Santorum and Rudy Giuliani are lining up to blame religion too.
This is a blatant attempt to defend GOP's bigoted base.
I don't think the cons are going to get away with it from now on. They own the confederacy, and this attempt to hide their race war is exposed.

The Charleston Suspect Is a Racist But Republicans Claim His Motives The New Republic

How racist can South Carolina be with an Indian woman as its governor and a Black US Senator? What does your state look like?
I guess that means Republicans aren't racist because we have a black president.

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