GOP candidate Lindsey Graham tries to defend his racist state

Lindsey Graham tried to blame religion for the massacre, saying that they were killed because they were a different religion. Rick Santorum and Rudy Giuliani are lining up to blame religion too.
This is a blatant attempt to defend GOP's bigoted base.
I don't think the cons are going to get away with it from now on. They own the confederacy, and this attempt to hide their race war is exposed.

The Charleston Suspect Is a Racist But Republicans Claim His Motives The New Republic
Even the stupid Right won't fall for this tactic from the Right.
Lindsey Graham tried to blame religion for the massacre, saying that they were killed because they were a different religion. Rick Santorum and Rudy Giuliani are lining up to blame religion too.
This is a blatant attempt to defend GOP's bigoted base.
I don't think the cons are going to get away with it from now on. They own the confederacy, and this attempt to hide their race war is exposed.

The Charleston Suspect Is a Racist But Republicans Claim His Motives The New Republic

How racist can South Carolina be with an Indian woman as its governor and a Black US Senator? What does your state look like?
I guess that means Republicans aren't racist because we have a black president.

Neither is South Carolina
Lindsey Graham tried to blame religion for the massacre, saying that they were killed because they were a different religion. Rick Santorum and Rudy Giuliani are lining up to blame religion too.
This is a blatant attempt to defend GOP's bigoted base.
I don't think the cons are going to get away with it from now on. They own the confederacy, and this attempt to hide their race war is exposed.

The Charleston Suspect Is a Racist But Republicans Claim His Motives The New Republic

How racist can South Carolina be with an Indian woman as its governor and a Black US Senator? What does your state look like?
I guess that means Republicans aren't racist because we have a black president.

Neither is South Carolina
Yea sure. It only flies the Confederate Flag to show the world what a traitor's flag looks like.
Lindsey Graham tried to blame religion for the massacre, saying that they were killed because they were a different religion. Rick Santorum and Rudy Giuliani are lining up to blame religion too.
This is a blatant attempt to defend GOP's bigoted base.
I don't think the cons are going to get away with it from now on. They own the confederacy, and this attempt to hide their race war is exposed.

The Charleston Suspect Is a Racist But Republicans Claim His Motives The New Republic

How racist can South Carolina be with an Indian woman as its governor and a Black US Senator? What does your state look like?
I guess that means Republicans aren't racist because we have a black president.

Neither is South Carolina
Yea sure. It only flies the Confederate Flag to show the world what a traitor's flag looks like.

I could care less about a flag. Yea, they should remove the stars and bars flag at it symbolizes an ugly divisive time in our history. Despite a stupid flag, South Carolina has people of color leading its citizens and bringing jobs and good quality of life to the state when compared to say the whites leading California and New York. Irony defined.
Lindsey Graham tried to blame religion for the massacre, saying that they were killed because they were a different religion. Rick Santorum and Rudy Giuliani are lining up to blame religion too.
This is a blatant attempt to defend GOP's bigoted base.
I don't think the cons are going to get away with it from now on. They own the confederacy, and this attempt to hide their race war is exposed.

The Charleston Suspect Is a Racist But Republicans Claim His Motives The New Republic

How racist can South Carolina be with an Indian woman as its governor and a Black US Senator? What does your state look like?
I guess that means Republicans aren't racist because we have a black president.

Neither is South Carolina
Yea sure. It only flies the Confederate Flag to show the world what a traitor's flag looks like.

They were all Democrats, Deany. They wanted to keep the black man subservient and docile
Lindsey Graham tried to blame religion for the massacre, saying that they were killed because they were a different religion. Rick Santorum and Rudy Giuliani are lining up to blame religion too.
This is a blatant attempt to defend GOP's bigoted base.
I don't think the cons are going to get away with it from now on. They own the confederacy, and this attempt to hide their race war is exposed.

The Charleston Suspect Is a Racist But Republicans Claim His Motives The New Republic

How racist can South Carolina be with an Indian woman as its governor and a Black US Senator? What does your state look like?
I guess that means Republicans aren't racist because we have a black president.

Neither is South Carolina
Yea sure. It only flies the Confederate Flag to show the world what a traitor's flag looks like.

They were all Democrats, Deany. They wanted to keep the black man subservient and docile

Excellent point. The Confederate flag is a Democrat legacy. The more it flies, the more it reminds US how it was Democrats that wanted to keep slavery, deny blacks voting and other basic rights through Jim Crow, and how it was Southern Democrats that fought against Civil Rights legislation.
Lindsey Graham tried to blame religion for the massacre, saying that they were killed because they were a different religion. Rick Santorum and Rudy Giuliani are lining up to blame religion too.
This is a blatant attempt to defend GOP's bigoted base.
I don't think the cons are going to get away with it from now on. They own the confederacy, and this attempt to hide their race war is exposed.

The Charleston Suspect Is a Racist But Republicans Claim His Motives The New Republic

How racist can South Carolina be with an Indian woman as its governor and a Black US Senator? What does your state look like?
I guess that means Republicans aren't racist because we have a black president.

Neither is South Carolina
Yea sure. It only flies the Confederate Flag to show the world what a traitor's flag looks like.

They were all Democrats, Deany. They wanted to keep the black man subservient and docile
They're all republicans now and still flying the confederate flag.
so? What are you gonna do to fix it to help prevent it from happening again?
I'm going to do everything I can to expose the GOP as the party of racists. This next election will be to rid this country of the bigots in power.

It was your party that held slaves and wore white hoods. Don't think your going gloss over your racist party. They still are and growing worse.
so? What are you gonna do to fix it to help prevent it from happening again?
I'm going to do everything I can to expose the GOP as the party of racists. This next election will be to rid this country of the bigots in power.

It was your party that held slaves and wore white hoods. Don't think your going gloss over your racist party. They still are and growing worse.
It's the Right who are the Neo-Nazis, Stormfront, Imperial Klans of America and various other names today.
so? What are you gonna do to fix it to help prevent it from happening again?
I'm going to do everything I can to expose the GOP as the party of racists. This next election will be to rid this country of the bigots in power.

It was your party that held slaves and wore white hoods. Don't think your going gloss over your racist party. They still are and growing worse.
It's the Right who are the Neo-Nazis, Stormfront, Imperial Klans of America and various other names today.

In your fantasy world...but nope that would be the left. The party of segregation, slavery, and dividing people into their own group.
so? What are you gonna do to fix it to help prevent it from happening again?
I'm going to do everything I can to expose the GOP as the party of racists. This next election will be to rid this country of the bigots in power.

It was your party that held slaves and wore white hoods. Don't think your going gloss over your racist party. They still are and growing worse.
It's the Right who are the Neo-Nazis, Stormfront, Imperial Klans of America and various other names today.

In your fantasy world...but nope that would be the left. The party of segregation, slavery, and dividing people into their own group.
Those who promote your view are either liars or ignorant cons that believe what the liars tell them.
For the Op.

Oh and you know everyone in SC is a racist??

Doubt it. Racists are everywhere in this country and abroad and if you don't know that then your just as stupid as I think you are.

Where did your read that I said everyone? Or are you just trying to deflect attention from the fact that there are a lot of Klu Klux Klan in SC?

It's Ku, not Klu, and having lived in South Carolina previously for six years, no, I was not aware there were a lot of them around.

Prior to moving to South Carolina I lived in Boston my entire life and you know what? I never heard the amount of racial slurs and bigoted comments from southerners that I heard from those blue collar union guys back in Boston. I always love how people who have never lived in the south think they know so much about it.

The fact is you can drive through rural Iowa, Pennsylvania, and yes, even heavily liberal Vermont and find a bigoted mentality among people. And it's not just white people, you'll find it among blacks as well. The only reason there is so much talk about South Carolina right now is because that's where this shooting was and then the left wing pundits began pointing out how the Confederate flag still flies at the capitol, which has no relevancy to the situation at all, and they handed you and all the other lemmings your talking points to fake your outage over.
For the Op.

Oh and you know everyone in SC is a racist??

Doubt it. Racists are everywhere in this country and abroad and if you don't know that then your just as stupid as I think you are.

Where did your read that I said everyone? Or are you just trying to deflect attention from the fact that there are a lot of Klu Klux Klan in SC? here

GOP candidate Lindsey Graham tries to defend his racist state
There aren't any hate crime laws in South Carolina. You gonna try to tell us it isn't to protect the KKK? Flying the confederate flag in SC is like Germans flying the Nazi flag today. At least the Germans have enough decency to make it a crime. Trying to defend those that fought for slavery, makes YOU a racist.
SC still flies the confederate flag.

Correct. It has for many, many years and yet none of you cared until three days ago when MSNBC told you to.
I didn't like that flag fifty years ago when I lived in Alabama, and there was a black side of town on the other side of the tracks, with a sign that said, "Ni**ers better not be on this side of the tracks after dark."
Lindsey Graham tried to blame religion for the massacre, saying that they were killed because they were a different religion. Rick Santorum and Rudy Giuliani are lining up to blame religion too.
This is a blatant attempt to defend GOP's bigoted base.
I don't think the cons are going to get away with it from now on. They own the confederacy, and this attempt to hide their race war is exposed.

The Charleston Suspect Is a Racist But Republicans Claim His Motives The New Republic
The shooter is not from his insufferable moron.
So that's your excuse for Lindsey trying to make it about religion, when Roof flat out said he was trying to start a race war? Think Roof might have done it in SC because there are no hate crime laws there?
For the Op.

Oh and you know everyone in SC is a racist??

Doubt it. Racists are everywhere in this country and abroad and if you don't know that then your just as stupid as I think you are.

Where did your read that I said everyone? Or are you just trying to deflect attention from the fact that there are a lot of Klu Klux Klan in SC? here

GOP candidate Lindsey Graham tries to defend his racist state

A racist state with a black US Senator??? That's a neat trick. Try again.
Flying the confederate flag in SC is like Germans flying the Nazi flag. Here's a clue, it's a crime to do that in Germany.
How racist can South Carolina be with an Indian woman as its governor and a Black US Senator? What does your state look like?
I guess that means Republicans aren't racist because we have a black president.

Neither is South Carolina
Yea sure. It only flies the Confederate Flag to show the world what a traitor's flag looks like.

They were all Democrats, Deany. They wanted to keep the black man subservient and docile

Excellent point. The Confederate flag is a Democrat legacy. The more it flies, the more it reminds US how it was Democrats that wanted to keep slavery, deny blacks voting and other basic rights through Jim Crow, and how it was Southern Democrats that fought against Civil Rights legislation.
No, it's a "conservative" legacy. It's the one thing Today's Republicans kept when they fled the Democratic Party after blacks started to join in the middle 60's.

No wonder Republicans hate education. It reminds them of their true legacy.
Lindsey Graham tried to blame religion for the massacre, saying that they were killed because they were a different religion. Rick Santorum and Rudy Giuliani are lining up to blame religion too.
This is a blatant attempt to defend GOP's bigoted base.
I don't think the cons are going to get away with it from now on. They own the confederacy, and this attempt to hide their race war is exposed.

The Charleston Suspect Is a Racist But Republicans Claim His Motives The New Republic

What does this episode have to do with the GOP? If conservatives used the same propaganda technique, they would blame all blacks for the murder of a white cop or for the criminality in Baltimore. All you're proving is that there's no bar so low that a libturd won't slither under it.

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