GOP Candidate Normalizes Pedophilia Because The Bible


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Michigan State Senate candidate Mike Saari argues men being attracted to 12-year-old girls is normal because it’s in the Bible.

Saari made headlines last February after making deplorable comments about the female judge in the Larry Nassar trial concerning the sexual abuse of underage gymnasts, at one point calling the judge a “feminazi” and making crude reference to her sex life.

After Judge Rosemarie Aquilina sentenced Larry Nassar to a cumulative 175-year prison sentence on multiple counts of sexually abusing young girls, Saari wrote:





More: GOP Candidate Normalizes Pedophilia Because The Bible

Wow! That is some scary Stuff. Is this really how the GOP wants to govern? What do you think?

Michigan State Senate candidate Mike Saari argues men being attracted to 12-year-old girls is normal because it’s in the Bible.

Saari made headlines last February after making deplorable comments about the female judge in the Larry Nassar trial concerning the sexual abuse of underage gymnasts, at one point calling the judge a “feminazi” and making crude reference to her sex life.

After Judge Rosemarie Aquilina sentenced Larry Nassar to a cumulative 175-year prison sentence on multiple counts of sexually abusing young girls, Saari wrote:





More: GOP Candidate Normalizes Pedophilia Because The Bible

Wow! That is some scary Stuff. Is this really how the GOP wants to govern? What do you think?

I am no fan of the GOP- but this guy dropped out in February- so to call him a GOP candidate now is incorrect

Candidate Who Slammed Nassar Judge Drops Out Of State Senate Race
Color me not surprised.

Really? Using the Bible to justify marrying and having sex with prepubescent girls?

But, Sessions used it to justify his "zero tolerance" policy, so I guess anything can be justified if you can find a Bible verse about it.

When can we start stoning adulterers? I vote that Trump be the first one for cheating on his many wives, as well as having sex with Ms. Daniels shortly after the birth of Baron.

Michigan State Senate candidate Mike Saari argues men being attracted to 12-year-old girls is normal because it’s in the Bible.

Saari made headlines last February after making deplorable comments about the female judge in the Larry Nassar trial concerning the sexual abuse of underage gymnasts, at one point calling the judge a “feminazi” and making crude reference to her sex life.

After Judge Rosemarie Aquilina sentenced Larry Nassar to a cumulative 175-year prison sentence on multiple counts of sexually abusing young girls, Saari wrote:





More: GOP Candidate Normalizes Pedophilia Because The Bible

Wow! That is some scary Stuff. Is this really how the GOP wants to govern? What do you think?
Sounds like half the posters here...
I found this Liberal Feminist who advocates killing all men and male babies. So this is how the Democrats want to govern? Wheeeee it's fun to paint an entire Party based on the statements of one whacko!
I found this Liberal Feminist who advocates killing all men and male babies. So this is how the Democrats want to govern? Wheeeee it's fun to paint an entire Party based on the statements of one whacko!

What democratic office is she running for?
I found this Liberal Feminist who advocates killing all men and male babies. So this is how the Democrats want to govern? Wheeeee it's fun to paint an entire Party based on the statements of one whacko!

You might have had a point if she were actually running for office.

But.................she's not, so you don't.

Michigan State Senate candidate Mike Saari argues men being attracted to 12-year-old girls is normal because it’s in the Bible.

Saari made headlines last February after making deplorable comments about the female judge in the Larry Nassar trial concerning the sexual abuse of underage gymnasts, at one point calling the judge a “feminazi” and making crude reference to her sex life.

After Judge Rosemarie Aquilina sentenced Larry Nassar to a cumulative 175-year prison sentence on multiple counts of sexually abusing young girls, Saari wrote:





More: GOP Candidate Normalizes Pedophilia Because The Bible

Wow! That is some scary Stuff. Is this really how the GOP wants to govern? What do you think?

I think this guy is just as disgusting on the radical Right, as similar loosening of moral fact is on the radical Left. Mr. Saari's tweet is inexcusable. With three nieces under age twenty there's no way I personally could condone or support his words. And lastly, he does not speak collectively for either Christianity or belief in God; this guy speaks only for himself.
Anyone notice that there are more and more crazy people running for office for the GOP?

Are there? I haven't seen any shortage of crazy on either side. In fact, it seems as time goes on you're all getting nuttier by the day.
I found this Liberal Feminist who advocates killing all men and male babies. So this is how the Democrats want to govern? Wheeeee it's fun to paint an entire Party based on the statements of one whacko!

You might have had a point if she were actually running for office.

But.................she's not, so you don't.

Neither is the guy cited in the article.

Read both the articles I cited in my response- interesting- probably a good thing this guy dropped out.

Now- the GOP do have a real nazi running for office as a Republican- now that is true.

Michigan State Senate candidate Mike Saari argues men being attracted to 12-year-old girls is normal because it’s in the Bible.

Saari made headlines last February after making deplorable comments about the female judge in the Larry Nassar trial concerning the sexual abuse of underage gymnasts, at one point calling the judge a “feminazi” and making crude reference to her sex life.

After Judge Rosemarie Aquilina sentenced Larry Nassar to a cumulative 175-year prison sentence on multiple counts of sexually abusing young girls, Saari wrote:





More: GOP Candidate Normalizes Pedophilia Because The Bible

Wow! That is some scary Stuff. Is this really how the GOP wants to govern? What do you think?
tRump's GOP folks, let's give him.a big hand.
I found this Liberal Feminist who advocates killing all men and male babies. So this is how the Democrats want to govern? Wheeeee it's fun to paint an entire Party based on the statements of one whacko!

Was she running for Senate?
I agree that the guy made an awful comment, but I have one question for you: Were you equally outraged when Ruth Bader Ginsburg said that the age of consent should be lowered to 12?

Although PC "fact checkers" argue that this is a smear, Ginsburg did in fact say this:

Slate’s Noah on Graham and Ginsburg: Wrong Again | National Review

The Volokh Conspiracy - Justice Ginsburg's Past Endorsement of Lowering the Age of Consent to 12:
I found this Liberal Feminist who advocates killing all men and male babies. So this is how the Democrats want to govern? Wheeeee it's fun to paint an entire Party based on the statements of one whacko!

You might have had a point if she were actually running for office.

But.................she's not, so you don't.

Neither is the guy cited in the article.

Read both the articles I cited in my response- interesting- probably a good thing this guy dropped out.

Now- the GOP do have a real nazi running for office as a Republican- now that is true.

Yes, there is a Nazi running for office as a Republican, but the GOP has condemned him. He apparently got the nod because he ran unopposed.

An Actual Nazi Is GOP’s Uncontested Candidate for Congressional Seat in Illinois (Video)
I found this Liberal Feminist who advocates killing all men and male babies. So this is how the Democrats want to govern? Wheeeee it's fun to paint an entire Party based on the statements of one whacko!

You might have had a point if she were actually running for office.

But.................she's not, so you don't.

Neither is the guy cited in the article.

Read both the articles I cited in my response- interesting- probably a good thing this guy dropped out.

Now- the GOP do have a real nazi running for office as a Republican- now that is true.

Yes, there is a Nazi running for office as a Republican, but the GOP has condemned him. He apparently got the nod because he ran unopposed.

An Actual Nazi Is GOP’s Uncontested Candidate for Congressional Seat in Illinois (Video)

Yeah- the story is actually rather amusing in a sick way.

This happens to both parties- and inevitably the one whacked out Nazi or Guevarist gets denounced by the parties, but the opposition will always point and go 'aha! Just like we always said!'
I agree that the guy made an awful comment, but I have one question for you: Were you equally outraged when Ruth Bader Ginsburg said that the age of consent should be lowered to 12?

Although PC "fact checkers" argue that this is a smear, Ginsburg did in fact say this:

Slate’s Noah on Graham and Ginsburg: Wrong Again | National Review

The Volokh Conspiracy - Justice Ginsburg's Past Endorsement of Lowering the Age of Consent to 12:

Except of course Ginsberg didn't say that the age of consent should be lowered to 12- which is why you don't have a quote of her saying that.

Here is her actual article- you show me the quote where she said that?

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