GOP candidates HAVE to come out gunning for Trump

Walker cannot win. The public will never support a person with only a high school education for president. He is a good man, not bad mouthing him but he lacks the education for the office.

The moonbat messiah has all sorts of "education" or so where told, because there's no proof of it but I wouldn't give a rip if Walker dropped out of High School.

These ivy league sociopaths are how we got this fucked up.

You got a point you really do. But is the whole of America ready to buy it? I don't think so.
Trump is not so much a leader as he is a bully with a big wallet who can buy his way through life.

He isn't & won't buy my vote

He's pretty low on my list, but I would still for for him if he wins.

I will not vote for one of the 3 establishment RINOs. I'd rather vote for the anti-establishment RINO because the establisment is just as big a problem as the democrook party.

I'm sure the feckless buffoons will. Trump's a leader. I can see how that could upset corrupt assholes like Bush, MCConnell, Boehner, and so on.
Trump is not so much a leader as he is a bully with a big wallet who can buy his way through life.

He isn't & won't buy my vote
I'm sure the feckless buffoons will. Trump's a leader. I can see how that could upset corrupt assholes like Bush, MCConnell, Boehner, and so on.
Trump is not so much a leader as he is a bully with a big wallet who can buy his way through life.

He isn't & won't buy my vote

He's a leader. And that's something the Republican Party hasn't had in many many years. He's gonna actually do something about this never-ending Illegal Invasion. The others are completely useless. Boehner and McConnell especially. Two bought off corrupt assholes. Obama got his entire agenda passed on their watch. Trump has my full support.

And the dementia continues.

Seriously get a big talking idiot (just like you) to run for President and you don't support him. That tells us one of two things; you don't believe the nonsense you post OR you realize that you're a total moron.

Either way, the mental issues are with you.

PS: How's business? Going down the tubes (obviously you're not working if you're here). Good. Love to see bad people fail.
Hard as you try you fail. You NEVER post anything on topic. Take this thread for instance. You SHOULD agree with the op. But since you're stuck in "stupid teenage girl" mode you jump straight to personal nonsense. The op IS NOT ABOUT ME but you in your infinite wisdom think it is. And thanks to the dumbass mods on this site you'll get away with it.
I'm sure the feckless buffoons will. Trump's a leader. I can see how that could upset corrupt assholes like Bush, MCConnell, Boehner, and so on.
Trump is not so much a leader as he is a bully with a big wallet who can buy his way through life.

He isn't & won't buy my vote
I'm sure the feckless buffoons will. Trump's a leader. I can see how that could upset corrupt assholes like Bush, MCConnell, Boehner, and so on.
Trump is not so much a leader as he is a bully with a big wallet who can buy his way through life.

He isn't & won't buy my vote

He's a leader. And that's something the Republican Party hasn't had in many many years. He's gonna actually do something about this never-ending Illegal Invasion. The others are completely useless. Boehner and McConnell especially. Two bought off corrupt assholes. Obama got his entire agenda passed on their watch. Trump has my full support.
He will TRY to do something about it. Without a willing congress shit will come of it. After that then what? Donate some more big bucks to the next democrat in the wings?

And the dementia continues.

Seriously get a big talking idiot (just like you) to run for President and you don't support him. That tells us one of two things; you don't believe the nonsense you post OR you realize that you're a total moron.

Either way, the mental issues are with you.

PS: How's business? Going down the tubes (obviously you're not working if you're here). Good. Love to see bad people fail.
Hard as you try you fail. You NEVER post anything on topic. Take this thread for instance. You SHOULD agree with the op. But since you're stuck in "stupid teenage girl" mode you jump straight to personal nonsense. The op IS NOT ABOUT ME but you in your infinite wisdom think it is. And thanks to the dumbass mods on this site you'll get away with it.

You're a republican you dumbass.
Trump sounds just like you. He hates everyone not like him.

Yet here you are saying he doesn't accurately represent you.

Diagnosis: You hate yourself. Simple

And the dementia continues.

Seriously get a big talking idiot (just like you) to run for President and you don't support him. That tells us one of two things; you don't believe the nonsense you post OR you realize that you're a total moron.

Either way, the mental issues are with you.

PS: How's business? Going down the tubes (obviously you're not working if you're here). Good. Love to see bad people fail.
Hard as you try you fail. You NEVER post anything on topic. Take this thread for instance. You SHOULD agree with the op. But since you're stuck in "stupid teenage girl" mode you jump straight to personal nonsense. The op IS NOT ABOUT ME but you in your infinite wisdom think it is. And thanks to the dumbass mods on this site you'll get away with it.

You're a republican you dumbass.
Trump sounds just like you. He hates everyone not like him.

Yet here you are saying he doesn't accurately represent you.

Diagnosis: You hate yourself. Simple
I don't know why i ever bother taking you off ignore. Just like this thread you've never offered a reason to bother talking to you.

I'm sure the feckless buffoons will. Trump's a leader. I can see how that could upset corrupt assholes like Bush, MCConnell, Boehner, and so on.
Trump is not so much a leader as he is a bully with a big wallet who can buy his way through life.

He isn't & won't buy my vote
I'm sure the feckless buffoons will. Trump's a leader. I can see how that could upset corrupt assholes like Bush, MCConnell, Boehner, and so on.
Trump is not so much a leader as he is a bully with a big wallet who can buy his way through life.

He isn't & won't buy my vote

He's a leader. And that's something the Republican Party hasn't had in many many years. He's gonna actually do something about this never-ending Illegal Invasion. The others are completely useless. Boehner and McConnell especially. Two bought off corrupt assholes. Obama got his entire agenda passed on their watch. Trump has my full support.
He will TRY to do something about it. Without a willing congress shit will come of it. After that then what? Donate some more big bucks to the next democrat in the wings?

He's gonna do something. And that's a whole lot more than the feckless buffoon GOP 'leadership' will ever do. Seriously, how the hell did Barack Hussein Obama get his entire agenda passed on Boehner and McConnell's watch? Answer is, they're bought-off incompetent assholes. Other than Rand Paul and possibly Cruz, Trump's the choice.
He will TRY to do something about it. Without a willing congress shit will come of it. After that then what? Donate some more big bucks to the next democrat in the wings?

If Trump wins a significant victory, the congress critters will trip over each other to kiss his ass. They're not going to buck their own voters in the face of a result like that.

I'm sure the feckless buffoons will. Trump's a leader. I can see how that could upset corrupt assholes like Bush, MCConnell, Boehner, and so on.
Trump is not so much a leader as he is a bully with a big wallet who can buy his way through life.

He isn't & won't buy my vote
I'm sure the feckless buffoons will. Trump's a leader. I can see how that could upset corrupt assholes like Bush, MCConnell, Boehner, and so on.
Trump is not so much a leader as he is a bully with a big wallet who can buy his way through life.

He isn't & won't buy my vote

He's a leader. And that's something the Republican Party hasn't had in many many years. He's gonna actually do something about this never-ending Illegal Invasion. The others are completely useless. Boehner and McConnell especially. Two bought off corrupt assholes. Obama got his entire agenda passed on their watch. Trump has my full support.
He will TRY to do something about it. Without a willing congress shit will come of it. After that then what? Donate some more big bucks to the next democrat in the wings?

He'll have a pen.
He's gonna do something. And that's a whole lot more than the feckless buffoon GOP 'leadership' will ever do. Seriously, how the hell did Barack Hussein Obama get his entire agenda passed on Boehner and McConnell's watch? Answer is, they're bought-off incompetent assholes. Other than Rand Paul and possibly Cruz, Trump's the choice.

Cruz, Paul, Walker in that order. Trump just comes up tied for forth with 10 other candidates.

Tied for 5th are the 3 establishment RINOs and I'll write in Mickey Mouse before I vote for one of them.

He will TRY to do something about it. Without a willing congress shit will come of it. After that then what? Donate some more big bucks to the next democrat in the wings?

If Trump wins a significant victory, the congress critters will trip over each other to kiss his ass. They're not going to buck their own voters in the face of a result like that.

I don't see ANY possible way Trump can win let alone a significant victory. Unless some democrats switch he will lose.
Riding his bandwagon WILL NOT get you nominated. Taking the high road WILL NOT get you nominated.
If Donald Trump wins the nomination he WILL lose the general election and do irreparable damage to the GOP.

Start supporting Walker!
Trump succeeds because the GOP has not enough cumulative vertabrae to make a spine. The GOP turned into jellyfish sometime in the mid 90s.

There isn't anyone intelligent enough or man enough to take down Trump. Considering just how stupid and cowardly Trump is, that's saying a lot about the state of affairs in the GOP.

Trump will take himself down. No one else will.
Riding his bandwagon WILL NOT get you nominated. Taking the high road WILL NOT get you nominated.
If Donald Trump wins the nomination he WILL lose the general election and do irreparable damage to the GOP.

Start supporting Walker!
Trump succeeds because the GOP has not enough cumulative vertabrae to make a spine. The GOP turned into jellyfish sometime in the mid 90s.

There isn't anyone intelligent enough or man enough to take down Trump. Considering just how stupid and cowardly Trump is, that's saying a lot about the state of affairs in the GOP.

Trump will take himself down. No one else will.
It is amazing to watch these grown men and woman candidates all terrified of pointing out that Trump is full of shit.
I don't know why i ever bother taking you off ignore. Just like this thread you've never offered a reason to bother talking to you.


Most bed wetters aren't worth talking too. They're to be ridiculed and marginalized. If you want a frustrating political debate with at least a little bit of intellectual quality, get a parrot and teach him to be a moonbat by keeping it in front of a TV with MSLSD on for about a week.

The parrot might kill itself though.

Riding his bandwagon WILL NOT get you nominated. Taking the high road WILL NOT get you nominated.
If Donald Trump wins the nomination he WILL lose the general election and do irreparable damage to the GOP.

Start supporting Walker!
How about they stop gunning for each other and go after the democrats for a change?
I don't see ANY possible way Trump can win let alone a significant victory. Unless some democrats switch he will lose.

I think some democrooks will switch, particularly the sort that don't give a shit about abortion, taking away guns, enjoy not having to compete with illegals for work and like his idea of keeping the taxes on the wealthy high.

He is not a real conservative, but he does have good economic credentials and isn't wrapped up in social issues. I think he has a better shot everyday.

Like I said though, I'm not excited about him, or disgusted with him. I really want to see Cruz, Paul or Walker on top of a ticket.

Riding his bandwagon WILL NOT get you nominated. Taking the high road WILL NOT get you nominated.
If Donald Trump wins the nomination he WILL lose the general election and do irreparable damage to the GOP.

Start supporting Walker!

NO! They do not have to do that. They have to stand in their principles, tell us what they will be doing and how, and gun for the Democrats. It would be a mistake to give Trump any more publicity.

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