GOP candidates HAVE to come out gunning for Trump

Riding his bandwagon WILL NOT get you nominated. Taking the high road WILL NOT get you nominated.
If Donald Trump wins the nomination he WILL lose the general election and do irreparable damage to the GOP.

Start supporting Walker!

As a longtime conservative I'm done supporting GOP establishment LIARS! Every damn election they LIE to get elected then turn around and do the opposite of what they said they would. Plus we gave them back control of congress and rather than thanking us the assholes mock us at every turn so screw them.

Spot On. I hear ya. Boehner and McConnell are feckless bought-off assholes. Barack Hussein Obama got his entire agenda passed on their watch. They're even resorting to calling their fellow Party members 'Extremists' for merely speaking out and wanting to address the problems.

They'd rather everyone just shut up and not rock the boat. They got a good corrupt thing goin. They're traitors. So i'm very happy Trump's upsetting them. He's definitely onto something. Good for him.

BOOM you nailed it!!
He will TRY to do something about it. Without a willing congress shit will come of it. After that then what? Donate some more big bucks to the next democrat in the wings?

If Trump wins a significant victory, the congress critters will trip over each other to kiss his ass. They're not going to buck their own voters in the face of a result like that.

I don't see ANY possible way Trump can win let alone a significant victory. Unless some democrats switch he will lose.

On this, you're right.

Of course he sounds just like you (if you were to compare your quotes to his, they sound identical)....
Basically, like him, you're a loser.
I can almost see Trump winning, but I dont think it would be a significant victory by number. The fact that a non-politician won would however carry great significance.
The question would then be if congress was smart enough to realize the public is tired of their current policies.
Spot On. I hear ya. Boehner and McConnell are feckless bought-off assholes. Barack Hussein Obama got his entire agenda passed on their watch. They're even resorting to calling their fellow Party members 'Extremists' for merely speaking out and wanting to address the problems.

They'd rather everyone just shut up and not rock the boat. They got a good corrupt thing goin. They're traitors. So i'm very happy Trump's upsetting them. He's definitely onto something. Good for him.

You know, with all that NSA spying I wonder if obozo doesn't have pictures of Mconnell, bonner and even Judge Roberts sticking their peckers in the wrong places, or something else he's blackmailing them with.

J. Edgar Hoover apparently controlled DC with such tactics according to stories I've heard.

Spot On. I hear ya. Boehner and McConnell are feckless bought-off assholes. Barack Hussein Obama got his entire agenda passed on their watch. They're even resorting to calling their fellow Party members 'Extremists' for merely speaking out and wanting to address the problems.

They'd rather everyone just shut up and not rock the boat. They got a good corrupt thing goin. They're traitors. So i'm very happy Trump's upsetting them. He's definitely onto something. Good for him.

You know, with all that NSA spying I wonder if obozo doesn't have pictures of Mconnell, bonner and even Judge Roberts sticking their peckers in the wrong places, or something else he's blackmailing them with.

J. Edgar Hoover apparently controlled DC with such tactics according to stories I've heard.

There's clearly been some pay-offs. He's gotten his entire agenda passed. How does that happen?
Spot On. I hear ya. Boehner and McConnell are feckless bought-off assholes. Barack Hussein Obama got his entire agenda passed on their watch. They're even resorting to calling their fellow Party members 'Extremists' for merely speaking out and wanting to address the problems.

They'd rather everyone just shut up and not rock the boat. They got a good corrupt thing goin. They're traitors. So i'm very happy Trump's upsetting them. He's definitely onto something. Good for him.

You know, with all that NSA spying I wonder if obozo doesn't have pictures of Mconnell, bonner and even Judge Roberts sticking their peckers in the wrong places, or something else he's blackmailing them with.

J. Edgar Hoover apparently controlled DC with such tactics according to stories I've heard.

There's clearly been some pay-offs. He's gotten his entire agenda passed. How does that happen?

I think the word you are looking for is RINO.
Bottom line is, Trump's gonna at least try to dispel the myth 'Nothing can be done' about the never-ending Illegal Invasion. That's more than any other Candidate in either Party is offering. So good on him. I wish him the best.
Bottom line is, Trump's gonna at least try to dispel the myth 'Nothing can be done' about the never-ending Illegal Invasion. That's more than any other Candidate in either Party is offering. So good on him. I wish him the best.
They all know something can be done, the fear is losing the votes from the illegals, those are needed.
Riding his bandwagon WILL NOT get you nominated. Taking the high road WILL NOT get you nominated.
If Donald Trump wins the nomination he WILL lose the general election and do irreparable damage to the GOP.

Start supporting Walker!

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