GOP Congressman Calling for Impeachment of Trump

I think the RNC should announce they are cutting off all funding for his next campaign. Let them put their money behind somebody with solidarity. We don't need anymore backstabbers in our party.

Maybe what you don’t need in your party is a crook President.

Crazy idea, I know.

Why is that? He's the best President we've had in decades.

What did he do for you that Pence wouldn’t or couldn’t?

What does Pence have to do with this? Pence is beltway establishment. He's as phony as a guy in a dress.
I think the RNC should announce they are cutting off all funding for his next campaign. Let them put their money behind somebody with solidarity. We don't need anymore backstabbers in our party.

Maybe what you don’t need in your party is a crook President.

Crazy idea, I know.

Why is that? He's the best President we've had in decades.

What did he do for you that Pence wouldn’t or couldn’t?

What does Pence have to do with this? Pence is beltway establishment. He's as phony as a guy in a dress.

you actually don’t think Trump is a total phoney? Strange given that he lies non-stop.

If Trump is impeached Pence becomes the president.

He wouldn’t give you all the right winger SC nominations and tax cuts?
lol His father is a Palestinian and his mother is a Syrian, so of course he wants to get rid of the President who is the most supportive in history of Israel.
Walid Phares, Trump's foreign policy advisor is Lebanese, so is John Sununu, and Charles Boustany...all Trump suppoters
Not all Arabs/Muslims are ignorant bigots, but many are.
lol His father is a Palestinian and his mother is a Syrian, so of course he wants to get rid of the President who is the most supportive in history of Israel.
Walid Phares, Trump's foreign policy advisor is Lebanese, so is John Sununu, and Charles Boustany...all Trump suppoters
Not all Arabs/Muslims are ignorant bigots, but many are.
and what are you?
Trump did not invent Lying, One could argue criminal politicians did, although they did not but they perfected lying... We have many, many decades as proof.

Trump is doing everything a career politician would do only bigger. He lies more, spends more and sells out to plutocrats more and you still adore Him.
Clinton and Obama lied every second during their terms, And no one spent more than Obama...
Trump may not be conservative personally but he governs conservative… That’s all that matters.
He governs retarded. If that guy was your boss you would hate your life. That explains why the White House staff is in constant flux and look miserable.
Chaos in the federal government is a good thing, whatever hurts the federal government is good for the country
Remember that next time you are bitching about the government. You cannot want dysfunction and hate it at the same time. Well maybe you can but you're crazy.
I don’t want the collective, I have no desire to be part of it.
Manufacturing jobs haven't come back either, in fact they continue to leave.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months
Continuing trends...

It's not that complex dude.

Sure it is. We're talking about the quality of jobs more than quantity. And the feds only raise interest rates when the economy is starting to improve. That didn't happen until nearly the end of DumBama's second term, and the only reason for that is the price of fuel which greatly helped the economy and DumBama no part of. It was thanks to Fracking which Hussein and other Democrats were always against.
No, it's not that complicated. Unemployment has followed the same trend for a decade. Fracking has nothing to do with anything at the moment, low oil prices pretty much shut down the industry.

Wake up, look around with your own eyes. Stop depending on RWNJ "news" sources. They are lying to you.
Not in North Dakota....
The Presidential Oath:l
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Trump swore to " preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Yet Trump has attacked or totally ignored the Constitution. He has attacked the Judiciary, the nation’s constitutional system of checks and balances, viciously attacked freedom of the press, and violates Foreign or Domestic Emoluments Clauses.
The Oath of the US Armed Forces:
I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
About a million members of the Armed Services, gave their lives defending the Constitution. Now we have a president who has never sacrificed or never took the opportunity to defend the Constitution with his life, attacking the Constitution. What's that say about his respect for those who sacrificed and gave their lives for the Constitution?

There’s a reason why the military support Trump, he is not fucking retarded like yourself
lol His father is a Palestinian and his mother is a Syrian, so of course he wants to get rid of the President who is the most supportive in history of Israel.
Walid Phares, Trump's foreign policy advisor is Lebanese, so is John Sununu, and Charles Boustany...all Trump suppoters
Not all Arabs/Muslims are ignorant bigots, but many are.
and what are you?
A completely objective observer and commentator.
I revere The US Constitution; there is NO America without it.
The Constitution has no care for party, for partisanship, or for your bull shit.
Now, go fuck off.
It's amazing what non-stop hate propaganda can make people believe.... I think it is still premature until they get smaller 2 talk for a couple of days and a unretracted report.

Super Duper
To be a dupe you have to believe garbage propaganda. Are Hillary Obama holder Lerner in jail yet? And the rich still pay too much in taxes? Absolute idiocy.

You consider me rich. I am not. I pay a lot in taxes.
I consider you a brainwashed functional moron who is arguing with me about politics. I have no idea how much money you make. But if you're not rich you paid too much in taxes and if you are rich you don't pay enough and that is the reason this country is going to hell. End of story

You told me an AGI of $250k makes one rich. Dementia hitting you old men?
Quit pretending you GAF about the Constitution...We all know you don't, except when the context is convenient for you.

I revere The US Constitution; there is NO America without it.
The Constitution has no care for party, for partisanship, or for your bull shit.
Now, go fuck off.
It's amazing what non-stop hate propaganda can make people believe.... I think it is still premature until they get smaller 2 talk for a couple of days and a unretracted report.

Super Duper
To be a dupe you have to believe garbage propaganda. Are Hillary Obama holder Lerner in jail yet? And the rich still pay too much in taxes? Absolute idiocy.

Dude, you're the 3rd stupidest person here. #1 is caddo kid and #2 is JoeB.

Congrats on the Bronze Medal.
lol His father is a Palestinian and his mother is a Syrian, so of course he wants to get rid of the President who is the most supportive in history of Israel.
Walid Phares, Trump's foreign policy advisor is Lebanese, so is John Sununu, and Charles Boustany...all Trump suppoters
Not all Arabs/Muslims are ignorant bigots, but many are.
and what are you?
A completely objective observer and commentator.
so an Arab is not allowed to oppose trump without their motives being questioned? you're sick!
I saw that. I can now say there is one republican in congress with actual balls.

Only one though.

More balls than the Pelosi squad.

Not necessarily. The congress can impeach Trump next week. Then the senate holds the trial. 66 senators have to vote to convict. The senate is majority republican and they will not convict Trump. Amash is doing no more than the democrats. And in reality it is the McConnell squad that has no balls.

Trump's doing way too good of a job now and the voters will not approve of any impeachment. Democrats never do anything that might hurt their favorability.

As for Amish, he and his family have heavy investments in China where their tool business buys goods. He's a crook and pissed off because of Trumps trade war with his precious Communists. He's using his position as a politician for a personal vendetta just like John McCain.
What exactly do you think tRump is doing a good job at?

Getting rid of the manchurian muslims crippling unneccesary regulations and exposing deep state is taking too long but I have hope.
Manufacturing jobs haven't come back either, in fact they continue to leave.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months
Continuing trends...

It's not that complex dude.

Sure it is. We're talking about the quality of jobs more than quantity. And the feds only raise interest rates when the economy is starting to improve. That didn't happen until nearly the end of DumBama's second term, and the only reason for that is the price of fuel which greatly helped the economy and DumBama no part of. It was thanks to Fracking which Hussein and other Democrats were always against.
No, it's not that complicated. Unemployment has followed the same trend for a decade. Fracking has nothing to do with anything at the moment, low oil prices pretty much shut down the industry.

Wake up, look around with your own eyes. Stop depending on RWNJ "news" sources. They are lying to you.
Not in North Dakota....

Yes kid, even in the wastelands of North Dakota.
lol His father is a Palestinian and his mother is a Syrian, so of course he wants to get rid of the President who is the most supportive in history of Israel.
Walid Phares, Trump's foreign policy advisor is Lebanese, so is John Sununu, and Charles Boustany...all Trump suppoters
Not all Arabs/Muslims are ignorant bigots, but many are.
and what are you?
A completely objective observer and commentator.
so an Arab is not allowed to oppose trump without their motives being questioned? you're sick!
Of course he's allowed to but he is not above criticism just because he is an Arab as you have suggested. Try to use your head. No other President in history has been as supportive of Israel as Trump has been and that follows Obama who was the most hostile President toward Israel in history. Add to that the the Palestinians and Syrian are the two peoples who hate Israel the most, even more than the Iranians, and add to that that his reasons for wanting to get rid of Trump are vague and flimsy and if that doesn't make you suspicious of his motives, then you are either an idiot or a bigot.
As nasty as Trumpbots are to liberals it's nothing compared with what they do to turncoats. They are going to destroy this poor guy for showing a little integrity.
Its guys like this that will allow you to molest five year olds legally some day.

Sure it is. We're talking about the quality of jobs more than quantity. And the feds only raise interest rates when the economy is starting to improve. That didn't happen until nearly the end of DumBama's second term, and the only reason for that is the price of fuel which greatly helped the economy and DumBama no part of. It was thanks to Fracking which Hussein and other Democrats were always against.
No, it's not that complicated. Unemployment has followed the same trend for a decade. Fracking has nothing to do with anything at the moment, low oil prices pretty much shut down the industry.

Wake up, look around with your own eyes. Stop depending on RWNJ "news" sources. They are lying to you.
Not in North Dakota....

Yes kid, even in the wastelands of North Dakota.
It’s the largest employer in this whole region... dumbass

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