GOP Congressman "Doug" Collins, 9th Dist, Georgia: This is NOT a democracy

i find it funny how rdean has to lie about republicans in order to cover up his fuck up that we are a democracy
he IS right. A simple democracy is a MOB rule - and that what happened the way obamacare was passed - as a mob would do - ramming through our throats blackmailing and threatening even their own - democrats who opposed it.

We are a REPUBLIC, not a democracy
Indeed it is. And why the Founders opted away from was a matter of Liberty of the Individual...NOT the collective/ MOB. Rule of LAW...order of the day.

Sadly? WE are now in a Tyranny...(Democracy), until we stand and tell these jerks in the District of Criminals otherwise and ENFORCE IT by will.

There are more of us than them and the ballot box is a frightening place to ANY politician.
we are a Federal Republic which is a type of Democracy.....


We are a CONSTITUTIONAL Republic.

While we elect our representatives in a democratic fashion our rights do NOT depend on majority rule !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


While many people describe the form of government in the United States as a democracy, it is technically defined as a federal republic; "federal" means that the individual states have some power but that a central national government has authority over them.

What kind of government does the United States have?: Information from

there is my link....where is yours?....

also the CIA Factbook says we are a ......Constitution-based federal republic
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i find it funny how rdean has to lie about republicans in order to cover up his fuck up that we are a democracy
Because he is still in the Spirit world...and NOT in reality. He thinks he can get away with it.
we are a Federal Republic which is a type of Democracy.....


We are a CONSTITUTIONAL Republic.

While we elect our representatives in a democratic fashion our rights do NOT depend on majority rule !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


While many people describe the form of government in the United States as a democracy, it is technically defined as a federal republic; "federal" means that the individual states have some power but that a central national government has authority over them.

What kind of government does the United States have?: Information from

there is my link....where is yours?....
Fair enough. Glad to see you're a Federalist, HD!
The United States of America is not, nor has it ever been, a democracy.

I'm certain that people with no knowledge of history, or the fundamental structure of our government, may chuckle (perhaps even chortle) at such an obvious, obvious statement.

In fact, we have proof of it in this thread.
We are a Republic with a representative (republican) government using democratic procedures.

The Constitution is so written for us protect against tyranny of the majority.

The problems with this situation are: (1) SCOTUS has opined the law is constitutional, and (2) we Republicans have yet to offer a program that ensures adequate health care for all Americans.

Our far right reactionaries in the GOP are guaranteeing Democratic rule for a generation if they keep acting so naively.
Gotta love it. When Douglas A. "Doug" Collins, GOP Congressman, 9th District, Georgia said: This is NOT a democracy, I chuckled, or chucked.

He was asked the question, "You have 21% of your district without health care, is that OK with you?". He said, well, we don't know if Obamacare would cover them anyway, so who knows?

He was told that if the House, the Senate, the President passed it and the Supreme Court found it constitutional, and Obama was "re-elected" running on this law, who are you to decide you don't want it?

He said he didn't care. He said this is not a democracy.

Can't wait until the video hits the Internet. Should be great. He was asked if he would use the clip, "This is not a democracy" in his re-election campaign. He just laughed.

Now get the, the demographics from his district:

Georgia 9th District Race Profile - Election 2010 - The New York Times

Income District

Median income $49,065 (thousands of dollars below the median for the entire US. Strange for a district that over 80% white)

Poverty rate 10.0% (higher than the national average)

Below $25,000 21.5% (more than 1/5th make LESS than $25,000?)

$25,000-$50,000 27.6%

Seems to me, these are exactly the people who could use health care.

Collins said they won't fund Obamacare and if that means shut down the government, hurts the American people, or whatever, it's the fault of the Senate and of the Democrats. Either they get their way or that's it.

I saw this as well, Sharpton absolutely DESTROYED that right wing idiot. I was literally laughing my ass off watching him take that fool to school :lol:

Sharpton looked like a a moron, not unusual since that's what he is. Of course, people who think shouting louder is winning an argument would think Sharpton "destroyed" his opponent.

Sharpton does have a tatent for amusing simpletons.
Gotta love it. When Douglas A. "Doug" Collins, GOP Congressman, 9th District, Georgia said: This is NOT a democracy, I chuckled, or chucked.

He was asked the question, "You have 21% of your district without health care, is that OK with you?". He said, well, we don't know if Obamacare would cover them anyway, so who knows?

He was told that if the House, the Senate, the President passed it and the Supreme Court found it constitutional, and Obama was "re-elected" running on this law, who are you to decide you don't want it?

He said he didn't care. He said this is not a democracy.

Can't wait until the video hits the Internet. Should be great. He was asked if he would use the clip, "This is not a democracy" in his re-election campaign. He just laughed.

Now get the, the demographics from his district:

Georgia 9th District Race Profile - Election 2010 - The New York Times

Income District

Median income $49,065 (thousands of dollars below the median for the entire US. Strange for a district that over 80% white)

Poverty rate 10.0% (higher than the national average)

Below $25,000 21.5% (more than 1/5th make LESS than $25,000?)

$25,000-$50,000 27.6%

Seems to me, these are exactly the people who could use health care.

Collins said they won't fund Obamacare and if that means shut down the government, hurts the American people, or whatever, it's the fault of the Senate and of the Democrats. Either they get their way or that's it.

I saw this as well, Sharpton absolutely DESTROYED that right wing idiot. I was literally laughing my ass off watching him take that fool to school :lol:

Sharpton looked like a a moron, not unusual since that's what he is. Of course, people who think shouting louder is winning an argument would think Sharpton "destroyed" his opponent.

Sharpton does have a tatent for amusing simpletons.
And attracting RACISTS of his stripe.
it's not, it is a republic

poor rdean :lol:

I saw an interview on Al Sharpton's show tonight.
Al asks the republican why they want to shut down the government?
The response...We are not looking to shut down the government.
We will fund the government,we will not fund ObamaCare.

Al Sharpton.Don't you think shutting down the government will cause major problems?
The republican again says they will fund the government.

Sharpton goes on again about all the problems shutting down the government will cause
so why is the republican party choosing this cause of action that will shut down the government.

The poor guy kept stating the position that they are not looking to shut down the government.If that happens it will be because Obama and Harry Reid chooses that.

So it went on for a bit and Sharpton says it's law it was voted in and Obama signed it and the Supreme court gave it's blessing so why is this guy for shutting down the government.
The guest says we are a republic.

So after the interview Al doesn't care what the guy had to say the only thing Sharpton cared about was the guy said we are a republic.

Al wasn't interested in what his guest had to say about the republican position Al had his gotcha moment where the guy defended his position by saying we are a republic after all.

This is what MSNBC is all about.They have a guest on and don't pay attention to the answers to their questions.
We are a Republic with a representative (republican) government using democratic procedures.

The Constitution is so written for us protect against tyranny of the majority.

The problems with this situation are: (1) SCOTUS has opined the law is constitutional, and (2) we Republicans have yet to offer a program that ensures adequate health care for all Americans.

Our far right reactionaries in the GOP are guaranteeing Democratic rule for a generation if they keep acting so naively.

Round about WAY of telling them to shut up you FAKE?

Jake? YOU are pathetic. SHUT UP.

Protecting the Founder's vision and the Constitution is reactionary? JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP.
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Funny how BL is getting blown apart for saying the US is a Democracy. My oh my, how his assumptions of conservatives betray him.
Thank the tax exempt left wing propaganda networks like Media Matters for their 24/7 search for provocative statements by (only) republicans. Meanwhile the Country is going to hell in a handbasket.
Worse is that he doesn't seem to know that they cannot "repeal" or "defund" ObamaCare.

My question is, will the rw's ever get that through their thick heads?

Even Cruz finally admitted its not possible.

Like how the Executive Branch can modify said law and change the dates of implementation?

We've all been alive long enough to know that the CongressCritters can, will and DO any-damned-thing they want.

What are you going to do?
Vote 'em out?
Never fuckin happen
Thank the tax exempt left wing propaganda networks like Media Matters for their 24/7 search for provocative statements by (only) republicans. Meanwhile the Country is going to hell in a handbasket.
Forget REPUBLICANS try Constitutional Conservatives...
We are a Republic with a representative (republican) government using democratic procedures.

The Constitution is so written for us protect against tyranny of the majority.

The problems with this situation are: (1) SCOTUS has opined the law is constitutional, and (2) we Republicans have yet to offer a program that ensures adequate health care for all Americans.

Our far right reactionaries in the GOP are guaranteeing Democratic rule for a generation if they keep acting so naively.

i finally found one thing i agree with fake jakey on...
We are a Republic with a representative (republican) government using democratic procedures.

The Constitution is so written for us protect against tyranny of the majority.

The problems with this situation are: (1) SCOTUS has opined the law is constitutional, and (2) we Republicans have yet to offer a program that ensures adequate health care for all Americans.

Our far right reactionaries in the GOP are guaranteeing Democratic rule for a generation if they keep acting so naively.

i finally found one thing i agree with fake jakey on...

and do you consider it to be the most burning issue of the year 2009 and 2010? when we were in a financial crisis?

or, for that matter - NOW? when we are not in a crisis but on a brink and about to fall head down?
Worse is that he doesn't seem to know that they cannot "repeal" or "defund" ObamaCare.

My question is, will the rw's ever get that through their thick heads?

Even Cruz finally admitted its not possible.
Funny...CRUZ is at the FOREFRONT to repeal it...Jackass...

Sen. Cruz: Obama Administration Continues to Glaze Over Fundamental Problems with Obamacare; It Must be Defunded and Repealed

Sens. Lee, Cruz discuss party unity in Washington

Try again...LIAR
Ted Cruz Admits His Plan To Defund Obamacare Won?t Succeed

With House Republicans set to put themselves on record yet again as being opposed to the Affordable Care Act and seemingly sign on to the “defund Obamacare” plan put forward by Senator Ted Cruz, Cruz himself is essentially admitting that his own plan cannot possibly succeed:
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) didn’t have much to say Thursday in response to House Republicans fuming at him for conceding that the Democrat-controlled Senate doesn’t have the votes to repeal Obamacare and leaving the battle — and all its political perils — for House conservatives to fight.
it's not, it is a republic

poor rdean :lol:

I saw an interview on Al Sharpton's show tonight.
Al asks the republican why they want to shut down the government?
The response...We are not looking to shut down the government.
We will fund the government,we will not fund ObamaCare.

Al Sharpton.Don't you think shutting down the government will cause major problems?
The republican again says they will fund the government.

Sharpton goes on again about all the problems shutting down the government will cause
so why is the republican party choosing this cause of action that will shut down the government.

The poor guy kept stating the position that they are not looking to shut down the government.If that happens it will be because Obama and Harry Reid chooses that.

So it went on for a bit and Sharpton says it's law it was voted in and Obama signed it and the Supreme court gave it's blessing so why is this guy for shutting down the government.
The guest says we are a republic.

So after the interview Al doesn't care what the guy had to say the only thing Sharpton cared about was the guy said we are a republic.

Al wasn't interested in what his guest had to say about the republican position Al had his gotcha moment where the guy defended his position by saying we are a republic after all.

This is what MSNBC is all about.They have a guest on and don't pay attention to the answers to their questions.

At this point, I hope Republicans shut it down. I can't wait to see the results of that happening.

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