GOP Congressman "Doug" Collins, 9th Dist, Georgia: This is NOT a democracy

Gotta love it. When Douglas A. "Doug" Collins, GOP Congressman, 9th District, Georgia said: This is NOT a democracy, I chuckled, or chucked.

He was asked the question, "You have 21% of your district without health care, is that OK with you?". He said, well, we don't know if Obamacare would cover them anyway, so who knows?

He was told that if the House, the Senate, the President passed it and the Supreme Court found it constitutional, and Obama was "re-elected" running on this law, who are you to decide you don't want it?

He said he didn't care. He said this is not a democracy.

Can't wait until the video hits the Internet. Should be great. He was asked if he would use the clip, "This is not a democracy" in his re-election campaign. He just laughed.

Now get the, the demographics from his district:

Georgia 9th District Race Profile - Election 2010 - The New York Times

Income District

Median income $49,065 (thousands of dollars below the median for the entire US. Strange for a district that over 80% white)

Poverty rate 10.0% (higher than the national average)

Below $25,000 21.5% (more than 1/5th make LESS than $25,000?)

$25,000-$50,000 27.6%

Seems to me, these are exactly the people who could use health care.

Collins said they won't fund Obamacare and if that means shut down the government, hurts the American people, or whatever, it's the fault of the Senate and of the Democrats. Either they get their way or that's it.

Our Government is a Constitutional Republic Governed by the Rule of Law. There are still idiots who think we are a Democracy.

Obamacare is the worst Bill ever signed into law.
Shoved down our throats by a Democratic Majority in both Houses of Congress who never read the Bill. The Unions supported it and came back to bite them in the ass!

We are a democracy fuckstain.

You really are that ignorant aren't you? I just thought you were messing with us.
Why do people think that being a republic and being a democracy are mutually exclusive?
I have a question here. I am poor enough I qualify for medicaid. If the 21% of people in his district are to poor to afford insurance why don't they get medicaid? Not that hard...

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