GOP Dares Call Gorsuch Filibuster Unprecedented—While Ignoring Their Blockade Of Garland

A mass amnesia has fallen upon Republican senators.

They seem to have forgotten about that time they refused to give President Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court an up-or-down vote – or even a hearing – last year. Now they are claiming that Democrats are the norm-breakers for threatening to filibuster President Trump’s own Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch.

Republicans are in a full-scale pressure campaign to convince 41 Democrats not to vote against invoking “cloture” on the debate over Gorsuch, which would prevent him from moving to a floor vote, where he would need only a simple majority to be confirmed.

The two conditions are not comparable. Republicans stopped the Garland process via simple majority votes, and via control of the committees responsible for setting up a nomination process.
Obama did not meet with Republicans for over a year after he was elected. he by-passed Congress constantly, using EOs to get his way. The Democrats rammed the nearly $1 TRILLION FAILED Stimulus bill - containing over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork through which resulted in a cost of a reported $774,000 per job claimed to have been created / saved, and rammed a MINORITY-SUPPORTED Socialist Agenda/Obama Legacy-driven health care bill down the throats of the majority of Americans who did NOT want it.

Pardon me if I do NOT weep for the assholes who now want to whine about the same thing happening to them, ESPECIALLY when the latest news / polls are showing the majority of the country wants Gorsuch and only 39 Democrats actually want to filibuster him anyway. Sounds like the Democratic Party leadership who have declared their sole purpose in life for the next 4 years is to be Obstructionists are just being royal pricks.
The liberals are going to spend the next 4 generations wondering why they cant get back in power, in the Congress, Senate or Presidency. They(liberals) really are that stupid.

And the Democrats who are now threatening a filibuster have forgotten they were the ones demanding the straight up or down vote for Garland. Welcome to the wonderful world of politics.
That is exactly why this nomination will be filibustered- Garland!
And that's exactly why the nuclear option will be used thank then Senate Majority leader Harry Reid for setting that precedent.
A mass amnesia has fallen upon Republican senators.

They seem to have forgotten about that time they refused to give President Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court an up-or-down vote – or even a hearing – last year. Now they are claiming that Democrats are the norm-breakers for threatening to filibuster President Trump’s own Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch.

Republicans are in a full-scale pressure campaign to convince 41 Democrats not to vote against invoking “cloture” on the debate over Gorsuch, which would prevent him from moving to a floor vote, where he would need only a simple majority to be confirmed.

Amnesia is the last issue the left should be crying about... you have to be kidding me. BIDEN set the precedent that SCOTUS nominations should not be placed during an election season, instead wait for the next regime to make the nomination. Republicans just did the same with garland. That's not a filibuster. Filibustering a nominee that unanimously appointed by the right and left for his current position is ridiculous. Where were these objections before haha?

And since Reid used the nuclear option against filibusters for lesser things, are you going to all a sudden gain amnesia if that happens? I don't even think it will, he'll probably be nominated with little trouble .
A mass amnesia has fallen upon Republican senators.

They seem to have forgotten about that time they refused to give President Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court an up-or-down vote – or even a hearing – last year. Now they are claiming that Democrats are the norm-breakers for threatening to filibuster President Trump’s own Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch.

Republicans are in a full-scale pressure campaign to convince 41 Democrats not to vote against invoking “cloture” on the debate over Gorsuch, which would prevent him from moving to a floor vote, where he would need only a simple majority to be confirmed.
/---- The GOP invoked the Crazy Joe Biden Rule on Obozo's nominee. View attachment 119331
Humorous: Women Take Joe Biden's 'Buy a Shotgun!' Advice
A parody video showing women taking Joe Biden's “buy a shotgun!” advice illustrates the difference between shooting a shotgun and an AR-15-style semi-automatic rifle. Hilarity ensues.
Good ole Joking Joe Biden. What a Joke he and Obama really are.
There never was a rule, idiot!


"It’s been freezing in Washington for the past few months, but it wasn’t the nuclear winter some predicted when Sen. Harry Reid ushered in the most important changes to Senate procedure in a generation.

A major chapter will be his work to return the Senate to its tradition of providing up-or-down votes on most presidential nominees. It will be titled the “Reid Rule.”

The Senate acted in the wake of unprecedented obstruction: Republicans at the time were blocking up-or-down votes on
appellate judges, high-level administration officials and even a member of Congress nominated to lead an agency.

Those leading the blockade were transparent about their motives: They had
no problems with the credentials of many of these nominees; they just wanted to leave some vacancies unfilled. And so they invoked the 60-vote filibuster rule over-and-over again, which essentially allowed a minority of 41 senators to grind everything to a halt.

In the aftermath of Sen. Reid’s decision to end filibusters on most nominations, the Senate confirmed more than 385 nominees to courts and executive agencies, rendering hollow the hyperbolic claims that eliminating the filibuster for most nominations would destroy civilization as we know it."

The Reid Rule | The Huffington Post

Karma is such a bitch, isn't it, snowflakes?

Now it is the Democrats who are trying to be the Obstructionists. What was said about the GOP then is applicable to the Democrats now:

"These sorts of partisan games are profoundly harmful to a functioning democracy. Nominees who put themselves forward for public service — and the Americans they will serve — should not pay the price of indefinite limbo because a few squabbling politicians are upset with the consequences of an election or unrelated legislation. They deserve the courtesy of at least receiving a yes or no from the United States Senate.

Senator Reid’s legacy will include his efforts to restore the Senate’s constitutional role as the provider of advice and consent on nominees. But it still takes senators who are willing to fulfill their obligation to do their job - and voters to hold accountable those who do otherwise."

So much for Harry's 'effort to restore the Senate to a Constitutional Role'...of doing their job instead of being Obstructionists.

Funny how snowflakes and their supporters think this should only be the case when the GOP does what they themselves are doing now. There is a word for that - HYPOCRISY!
Like I said...Karma is a bitch - deal with it or begin setting the example for others to follow, not declare, "Do as I say, not as I DO".

The Reid Rule | The Huffington Post

And the Democrats who are now threatening a filibuster have forgotten they were the ones demanding the straight up or down vote for Garland. Welcome to the wonderful world of politics.

Nobody forgot anything. Garland never got a strait up or down vote, did he?
A mass amnesia has fallen upon Republican senators.

They seem to have forgotten about that time they refused to give President Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court an up-or-down vote – or even a hearing – last year. Now they are claiming that Democrats are the norm-breakers for threatening to filibuster President Trump’s own Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch.

Republicans are in a full-scale pressure campaign to convince 41 Democrats not to vote against invoking “cloture” on the debate over Gorsuch, which would prevent him from moving to a floor vote, where he would need only a simple majority to be confirmed.
Garland was/is nothing other than a partisan extremist/hack...
Nobody forgot anything. Garland never got a strait up or down vote, did he?
No he did not...and the Democrats were so pissed and so determined to make sure no one ever got treated that way again Harry Reid created the 'Reid Rule'....until now when the butt-hurt snowflakes are pissed about the results of the election and don't give a damn about the Reid Rule or that judges get an up or down vote anymore. They just want to make sure that happens when THEY are in power.
And the Democrats who are now threatening a filibuster have forgotten they were the ones demanding the straight up or down vote for Garland. Welcome to the wonderful world of politics.

Nobody forgot anything. Garland never got a strait up or down vote, did he?
No and as we found out during that time the Democrats namely Chuck Schumer were ready to do the exact same thing if President Bush got nominate to another Supreme Court justice in his last two years in office. Kind of ironic the Republicans doing what the Democrats never got the chance to do.
Nobody forgot anything. Garland never got a strait up or down vote, did he?
No he did not...and the Democrats were so pissed and so determined to make sure no one ever got treated that way again Harry Reid created the 'Reid Rule'....until now when the butt-hurt snowflakes are pissed about the results of the election and don't give a damn about the Reid Rule or that judges get an up or down vote anymore. They just want to make sure that happens when THEY are in power.

The Reid Rule was created long before Garland was considered for SCOTUS
Nobody forgot anything. Garland never got a strait up or down vote, did he?
No he did not...and the Democrats were so pissed and so determined to make sure no one ever got treated that way again Harry Reid created the 'Reid Rule'....until now when the butt-hurt snowflakes are pissed about the results of the election and don't give a damn about the Reid Rule or that judges get an up or down vote anymore. They just want to make sure that happens when THEY are in power.

The Reid Rule was created long before Garland was considered for SCOTUS
Yep, Karma is a bitch... elections have consequences
Nobody forgot anything. Garland never got a strait up or down vote, did he?
No he did not...and the Democrats were so pissed and so determined to make sure no one ever got treated that way again Harry Reid created the 'Reid Rule'....until now when the butt-hurt snowflakes are pissed about the results of the election and don't give a damn about the Reid Rule or that judges get an up or down vote anymore. They just want to make sure that happens when THEY are in power.

So why did the right set that precedent? If you didn't want it to be followed, why did you set it?
A mass amnesia has fallen upon Republican senators.

They seem to have forgotten about that time they refused to give President Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court an up-or-down vote – or even a hearing – last year. Now they are claiming that Democrats are the norm-breakers for threatening to filibuster President Trump’s own Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch.

Republicans are in a full-scale pressure campaign to convince 41 Democrats not to vote against invoking “cloture” on the debate over Gorsuch, which would prevent him from moving to a floor vote, where he would need only a simple majority to be confirmed.

Welcome to politics newbie!

Wait until the GOP uses the nuclear option, then the left will be screaming "This is unprecedented!!!"
It is, skumbucket

For the most part, appointing a Justice late term is not the norm. Just another sign of a dysfunctional political system.
A mass amnesia has fallen upon Republican senators.

They seem to have forgotten about that time they refused to give President Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court an up-or-down vote – or even a hearing – last year. Now they are claiming that Democrats are the norm-breakers for threatening to filibuster President Trump’s own Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch.

Republicans are in a full-scale pressure campaign to convince 41 Democrats not to vote against invoking “cloture” on the debate over Gorsuch, which would prevent him from moving to a floor vote, where he would need only a simple majority to be confirmed.

Welcome to politics newbie!

Wait until the GOP uses the nuclear option, then the left will be screaming "This is unprecedented!!!"
It is, skumbucket

For the most part, appointing a Justice late term is not the norm. Just another sign of a dysfunctional political system.

For the most part, appointing a Justice when there is a vacancy on the court is the norm
Nobody forgot anything. Garland never got a strait up or down vote, did he?
No he did not...and the Democrats were so pissed and so determined to make sure no one ever got treated that way again Harry Reid created the 'Reid Rule'....until now when the butt-hurt snowflakes are pissed about the results of the election and don't give a damn about the Reid Rule or that judges get an up or down vote anymore. They just want to make sure that happens when THEY are in power.

So why did the right set that precedent? If you didn't want it to be followed, why did you set it?
Why did Reid and the Democrats create the 'Reid Rule' if they felt so passionately about EVERY Judge getting an up or down vote? The answer is they NEVER meant for EVERY judge to get an up or down vote - only THEIRS when they are in power, as their actions now show. HYPOCRITS and Partisan Political Theater Actors!

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