GOP Debate Thread 9/16...Here we go!

Wooaa, Republicans defending W. Bush and his disastrous presidency. Trump and Paul on same side.
Lets get rid of the minimum wage so corporations can pay people pennies like labor slaves in africa or asia.

This is sick.

The minimum wage is to assure people can survive while working their asses off.

Min. wage hasn't helped the 94 million people out of the work force... they need jobs, not min. wage!

In the dot. com city San Francisco that I live in there are plenty of jobs, thing is it is so expensive to live here you need to work 24 hours a day just to pay your rent on minimum wage.

Time for the business's to MOVE to a cheaper city, so their people can enjoy the fruits of their labor...
The Republican debate....

Dear Jeb: It was Dubya who negotiated the pull back with Iraq. Doesn't the fucker know that?????????????????????
You can't go by the crowd noise, those are all liberals. Trump is killing it.

I'd make college free so people can go into fields that pay well. We need skills to compete!

Can't do it. Sorry.

Europe does it
Some of our states did it

We should allow people to go after their dreams and get into those high paying jobs.

What states made college "free"?
As far as I know, Jr. College in some places in Illinois is free. They should all be free. Then, if someone decides to continue, they could transfer their credits making a dramatic cut in the cost of their education.
Walker is so ROBOTIC....he needs to put some emotion into how he talks. How can anyone stand to listen to him?
Cruz keeps mugging for the camera and putting his politician-say-nothing-face-but-make-alot-of-noise on.
Lets get rid of the minimum wage so corporations can pay people pennies like labor slaves in africa or asia.

This is sick.

The minimum wage is to assure people can survive while working their asses off.

Min. wage hasn't helped the 94 million people out of the work force... they need jobs, not min. wage!
Jobs doing what?

Job Openings Hit Record High as Hires, Quits Flatten

Remember, Republicans don't want education. They don't support it. They slash funding for it when ever they can.

Scott Walker Takes A National Risk With State Education Cuts - NBC News

Do you know that a high school educated plumber or electrician makes more money than most college graduates?

Maybe we need educational reforms. Of course, you or your party won't bring this up.

And yours does? They had the presidency and Congress for 2 years under Obyuma, and what did they do...NOT A FUCKING THING!
You mean closer to two months. If you feel you have a strong position, then you don't need to lie. Otherwise, you look like an ignorant nitwit and you don't want to look like an ignorant nitwit do you? Not again?
Ohhh, didn't like Carson's talk about not going into Afghanistan. I liked Christie's answer.
So far...I'm kinda liking Rubio.

I hate saying it but given so many people on stage.....
CNN is doing a much better job then FOX on this debate.....

And I am a FOX watcher.

This is coming across as a debate.....
No snarky comments from the moderators....Hear that FOX....

I blew off the FOX debate after an hour....
Two hours in I am still watching this debate.....

Again,with so many people on stage it's tough to get to everyone.

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