GOP Debate Thread 9/16...Here we go!

What the corporations do to people when they can get away is very well documented and it is wrong. We need a minimum wage and regulations to assure this doesn't happen!
Lets get rid of the minimum wage so corporations can pay people pennies like labor slaves in africa or asia.

This is sick.

The minimum wage is to assure people can survive while working their asses off.

Min. wage hasn't helped the 94 million people out of the work force... they need jobs, not min. wage!

What good would a job be if it doesn't even pay your monthy rent?
Lets get rid of the minimum wage so corporations can pay people pennies like labor slaves in africa or asia.

This is sick.

The minimum wage is to assure people can survive while working their asses off.

Min. wage hasn't helped the 94 million people out of the work force... they need jobs, not min. wage!

Well, most of that is caused by baby boomers retiring. idiot.

Some of that is caused by corporations outsourcing and using slave labor in asia and africa. This is what you want for people that work hard? YOu piece of filth.

No, it's not, that just a subversive talking point!

Isn't that what Trump is fighting for, having most work done in America?
Walker turned me off too. Yap yap yap about minimum wage and none of it workable. Pun intended.
Carson's minimum wage answer was silly.

That was surprisingly weak for him, probably a low moment for Carson.
Not as weak as Walkers non answer about how he is going to get such great jobs that minimum wage will not be necessary

Without funding education and giving out grants for college in fields that pay well? Not bloody likely! What will happen is most people will be treated like the low paid labor of asia and africa. Is this what America wants?

Most people will end up on the bottom.
And the winner is......................................Trump!
Liking Carson more and more.
He's too mellow. I can't see him battling over a big ol table with Putin. Just can't.
I think Trump could "deal" with many of the worlds leader if he is put in a muzzle, ala Hannibal.
What the corporations do to people when they can get away is very well documented and it is wrong. We need a minimum wage and regulations to assure this doesn't happen!

They don't pay enough, they don't get anyone to work for them!
According to an analysis done for the progressive advocacy group Policy Matters Ohio by the nonpartisan Institute of Taxation and Economic Policy, fully half of this year’s $400 million tax cut will go to the top 5 percent of Ohio taxpayers.

Ohio’s 1 percent — those with average annual incomes of more than $1 million — will get tax relief of $1,846 this year, on average. The poorest 20 percent of Ohioans — those who earn less than $19,000 a year — will get an average tax cut of $4.

Comfort the comfortable

Every time Republicans talk about cutting taxes, it's always the top 5% who get the tax cuts. And when they say they balanced the budget, they mean they cut money for schools. It's always the same for every Republican.
Lets get rid of the minimum wage so corporations can pay people pennies like labor slaves in africa or asia.

This is sick.

The minimum wage is to assure people can survive while working their asses off.

Min. wage hasn't helped the 94 million people out of the work force... they need jobs, not min. wage!

What good would a job be if it doesn't even pay your monthy rent?

You do realize that UNEMPLOYMENT has set the benchmark for wages, don't you?

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