GOP Debate: What's worse? Help thousands of children or HC for millions of Americans?

dont EVER EVER reward children for doing well and follwing the path society would want them to walk.

Its the 2012 is the election year in which the republicans have decided they will try and be as cold hearted as they possibly can be.

Cheer killing people (who cares if they are actually guilty), Cheer letting poor children die, Boo soldiers in war for not agreeing with who you like to hate and discriminate against.

The heartless party who couldnt get bin ladin, starts wars for lies and crashed the world economy want to double down on the distruction they gave you last time.

Remember Government cant do anything right and the repubulicans are ready to prove it to you yet again with their "leadership".

Boy your the idiot that just keeps on giving.
I like that, "Through no fault of their own".

Well is sure as fuck isn't my fault either so why should I and the other taxpayers foot the bill for illegals in this country??

Also why should all of us who have HC foot the bill for those that don't. Shit. Thats like telling me I have to pay someones mortgage or car payement because they can't.

Suggestion there Deany. START YOUR OWN CHARITY my man. You and all likeminded open your wallets, whip our your checkbooks and YOU foot the bill for all the illegals and anyone without HC. Spend your own money Dean because you obviously think its the RIGHT thing to do.

Please don't behave like a liberal.
Allowing children of illegal aliens to attend college at in-state tuition rates is NOT the government footing the bill.

You, Rick Santorum and the liberal base needs to wise up!

That's bullcrap and not what Santorum said at all. He said let them go to school, let them take out loans.. meaning.. let them do it the same damn way our kids have to do it, we don't need to subsidize illegals. And when you think it why should illegals from another country get in state tutition when a US citizen kid can't? does that make fucking walking around sense to you?

The US should demand that Mexico or whatever the country of origin is reimburse the US for the education dollars.

As a matter fact Rick did say that the government was subsidizing education for illegals. and that is not the case. The fact is they are allowed to PAY in-state tuition, no different than a legal Texas resident. Perry's argument is why punish the children that are here through no fault of their own and since they are here why not afford them the same education opportunity as everyone else to keep them from becoming a burden on the state but instead become productive members of society.

However those individuals that qualify would be allowed to a chance to recieve financial support which has always been available for every Texas student.

Now I'm not nessecarily defending Perry's stance, but I do feel that the facts should be considered.

HB 1403 Overview
dont EVER EVER reward children for doing well and follwing the path society would want them to walk.

Its the 2012 is the election year in which the republicans have decided they will try and be as cold hearted as they possibly can be.

Cheer killing people (who cares if they are actually guilty), Cheer letting poor children die, Boo soldiers in war for not agreeing with who you like to hate and discriminate against.

The heartless party who couldnt get bin ladin, starts wars for lies and crashed the world economy want to double down on the distruction they gave you last time.

Remember Government cant do anything right and the repubulicans are ready to prove it to you yet again with their "leadership".

Your current leadership proves you are a bunch of idiots willing to break any law for power.
No taxpayer, other than State, involved in this at all??

You're assuming that no illegal aliens pay taxes and that would be wrong.

But to answer your question, no, my tax dollars nor yours or theirs has any effect on the tuition we pay for our children to go to college.

Good to know.

So you have no problem with the tax breaks for illegal aliens in Texas??

Texas A&M Students Protest Tuition Break for Illegals

They're protesting "in-state tuition" which is not a "break" unless you compare it to out of state tuition.

I don't know what "tax breaks" for illegals you're referring to. Could you be more specific and possibly link to an example?
dont EVER EVER reward children for doing well and follwing the path society would want them to walk.

Its the 2012 is the election year in which the republicans have decided they will try and be as cold hearted as they possibly can be.

Cheer killing people (who cares if they are actually guilty), Cheer letting poor children die, Boo soldiers in war for not agreeing with who you like to hate and discriminate against.

The heartless party who couldnt get bin ladin, starts wars for lies and crashed the world economy want to double down on the distruction they gave you last time.

Remember Government cant do anything right and the repubulicans are ready to prove it to you yet again with their "leadership".
Speaking of the stupid stick....
dont EVER EVER reward children for doing well and follwing the path society would want them to walk.

Its the 2012 is the election year in which the republicans have decided they will try and be as cold hearted as they possibly can be.

Cheer killing people (who cares if they are actually guilty), Cheer letting poor children die, Boo soldiers in war for not agreeing with who you like to hate and discriminate against.

The heartless party who couldnt get bin ladin, starts wars for lies and crashed the world economy want to double down on the distruction they gave you last time.

Remember Government cant do anything right and the repubulicans are ready to prove it to you yet again with their "leadership".

Your current leadership proves you are a bunch of idiots willing to break any law for power.

Can you flesh out you claim with some cold hard facts?
Please don't behave like a liberal.
Allowing children of illegal aliens to attend college at in-state tuition rates is NOT the government footing the bill.

You, Rick Santorum and the liberal base needs to wise up!

That's bullcrap and not what Santorum said at all. He said let them go to school, let them take out loans.. meaning.. let them do it the same damn way our kids have to do it, we don't need to subsidize illegals. And when you think it why should illegals from another country get in state tutition when a US citizen kid can't? does that make fucking walking around sense to you?

The US should demand that Mexico or whatever the country of origin is reimburse the US for the education dollars.

As a matter fact Rick did say that the government was subsidizing education for illegals. and that is not the case. The fact is they are allowed to PAY in-state tuition, no different than a legal Texas resident. Perry's argument is why punish the children that are here through no fault of their own and since they are here why not afford them the same education opportunity as everyone else to keep them from becoming a burden on the state but instead become productive members of society.

However those individuals that qualify would be allowed to a chance to recieve financial support which has always been available for every Texas student.

Now I'm not nessecarily defending Perry's stance, but I do feel that the facts should be considered.

HB 1403 Overview

So you're good with your tax dollars (that help pay for buidings, upkeep and professor pay) that is earmarked for Texas residents being used to help illegals? Then I guess you're alright with giving illegals subsidized housing and everything else that YOU help pay for?

Hey, it's a Texas thing and if you're alright with your tax dollars subsidizing the college education of illegals then more power to you. But I must ask.....

How does subsidizing the college education of illegals keep them from becoming a burden on the state and helps them become productive members of society? Can't you do that with a high school diploma?

And had my kids, who are American citizens, chose to go to Texas A&M then they would have to pay full tuition? And yet you put illegals over them?

dont ever ever reward children for doing well and follwing the path society would want them to walk.

Its the 2012 is the election year in which the republicans have decided they will try and be as cold hearted as they possibly can be.

Cheer killing people (who cares if they are actually guilty), cheer letting poor children die, boo soldiers in war for not agreeing with who you like to hate and discriminate against.

The heartless party who couldnt get bin ladin, starts wars for lies and crashed the world economy want to double down on the distruction they gave you last time.

Remember government cant do anything right and the repubulicans are ready to prove it to you yet again with their "leadership".

your current leadership proves you are a bunch of idiots willing to break any law for power.

can you flesh out you claim with some cold hard facts?

the state of the economy offers more proof then you can handle, its why you play stupid as often as you do.
That's bullcrap and not what Santorum said at all. He said let them go to school, let them take out loans.. meaning.. let them do it the same damn way our kids have to do it, we don't need to subsidize illegals. And when you think it why should illegals from another country get in state tutition when a US citizen kid can't? does that make fucking walking around sense to you?

The US should demand that Mexico or whatever the country of origin is reimburse the US for the education dollars.

As a matter fact Rick did say that the government was subsidizing education for illegals. and that is not the case. The fact is they are allowed to PAY in-state tuition, no different than a legal Texas resident. Perry's argument is why punish the children that are here through no fault of their own and since they are here why not afford them the same education opportunity as everyone else to keep them from becoming a burden on the state but instead become productive members of society.

However those individuals that qualify would be allowed to a chance to recieve financial support which has always been available for every Texas student.

Now I'm not nessecarily defending Perry's stance, but I do feel that the facts should be considered.

HB 1403 Overview

So you're good with your tax dollars (that help pay for buidings, upkeep and professor pay) that is earmarked for Texas residents being used to help illegals? Then I guess you're alright with giving illegals subsidized housing and everything else that YOU help pay for?

Hey, it's a Texas thing and if you're alright with your tax dollars subsidizing the college education of illegals then more power to you. But I must ask.....

How does subsidizing the college education of illegals keep them from becoming a burden on the state and helps them become productive members of society? Can't you do that with a high school diploma?

And had my kids, who are American citizens, chose to go to Texas A&M then they would have to pay full tuition? And yet you put illegals over them?


Tax dollars subsidize all public schools. Illegal aliens do pay taxes including property tax which goes to funding schools.

If you want to have a honest debate, then stick to the facts.

Oh by the way, my children have and do pay full tuition.
As a matter fact Rick did say that the government was subsidizing education for illegals. and that is not the case. The fact is they are allowed to PAY in-state tuition, no different than a legal Texas resident. Perry's argument is why punish the children that are here through no fault of their own and since they are here why not afford them the same education opportunity as everyone else to keep them from becoming a burden on the state but instead become productive members of society.

However those individuals that qualify would be allowed to a chance to recieve financial support which has always been available for every Texas student.

Now I'm not nessecarily defending Perry's stance, but I do feel that the facts should be considered.

HB 1403 Overview

So you're good with your tax dollars (that help pay for buidings, upkeep and professor pay) that is earmarked for Texas residents being used to help illegals? Then I guess you're alright with giving illegals subsidized housing and everything else that YOU help pay for?

Hey, it's a Texas thing and if you're alright with your tax dollars subsidizing the college education of illegals then more power to you. But I must ask.....

How does subsidizing the college education of illegals keep them from becoming a burden on the state and helps them become productive members of society? Can't you do that with a high school diploma?

And had my kids, who are American citizens, chose to go to Texas A&M then they would have to pay full tuition? And yet you put illegals over them?


Tax dollars subsidize all public schools. Illegal aliens do pay taxes including property tax which goes to funding schools.

If you want to have a honest debate, then stick to the facts.

Oh by the way, my children have and do pay full tuition.

Tax dollars subsidize all public schools.

That's what I've been saying.

Illegal aliens do pay taxes including property tax which goes to funding schools.

But they shouldn't be owning homes or paying taxes. They shouldn't even be here!!

If you want to have a honest debate, then stick to the facts.

I have been unless you can prove otherwise.

Oh by the way, my children have and do pay full tuition.

Sooo.....they aren't paying the subsidized rate for Texas residents? :confused: :cuckoo:

So you're good with your tax dollars (that help pay for buidings, upkeep and professor pay) that is earmarked for Texas residents being used to help illegals? Then I guess you're alright with giving illegals subsidized housing and everything else that YOU help pay for?

Hey, it's a Texas thing and if you're alright with your tax dollars subsidizing the college education of illegals then more power to you. But I must ask.....

How does subsidizing the college education of illegals keep them from becoming a burden on the state and helps them become productive members of society? Can't you do that with a high school diploma?

And had my kids, who are American citizens, chose to go to Texas A&M then they would have to pay full tuition? And yet you put illegals over them?


Tax dollars subsidize all public schools. Illegal aliens do pay taxes including property tax which goes to funding schools.

If you want to have a honest debate, then stick to the facts.

Oh by the way, my children have and do pay full tuition.

That's what I've been saying.

But they shouldn't be owning homes or paying taxes. They shouldn't even be here!!

If you want to have a honest debate, then stick to the facts.

I have been unless you can prove otherwise.

Oh by the way, my children have and do pay full tuition.

Sooo.....they aren't paying the subsidized rate for Texas residents? :confused: :cuckoo:


My children or rather I , pay in-state tuition for my children.

Whether or not they should or shouldn't be here is irrelevant. Fact is they are here and they do pay taxes.
Tax dollars subsidize all public schools. Illegal aliens do pay taxes including property tax which goes to funding schools.

If you want to have a honest debate, then stick to the facts.

Oh by the way, my children have and do pay full tuition.

That's what I've been saying.

But they shouldn't be owning homes or paying taxes. They shouldn't even be here!!

I have been unless you can prove otherwise.

Oh by the way, my children have and do pay full tuition.

Sooo.....they aren't paying the subsidized rate for Texas residents? :confused: :cuckoo:


My children or rather I , pay in-state tuition for my children.

Whether or not they should or shouldn't be here is irrelevant. Fact is they are here and they do pay taxes.

Then if you are paying the "in state" rate then you are not paying the "full tuition". The taxpayers are picking up most of the tab, right? And the fact that you and "they" are taxpayers is irrelevant. You and "they" would be paying them anyway.

I'm not knocking "in state tutition". It's a great way to get a bargain on higher, taxpayer supported education. Many, many kids could not afford to go otherwise. But it should be a program (read it "perk") for legal Texas residents. When it's opened to illegals then that just gives them another public tit to suck and reason to flood our country.

Would you think it right for me to send MY kids to Texas and expect YOUR TAXES to help pay for THEIR college education?

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Should children of illegals be punished even when those children are "American Citizens" who were born here? Seems that's what the right wing is saying.

dont EVER EVER reward children for doing well and follwing the path society would want them to walk.

Its the 2012 is the election year in which the republicans have decided they will try and be as cold hearted as they possibly can be.

Cheer killing people (who cares if they are actually guilty), Cheer letting poor children die, Boo soldiers in war for not agreeing with who you like to hate and discriminate against.

The heartless party who couldnt get bin ladin, starts wars for lies and crashed the world economy want to double down on the distruction they gave you last time.

Remember Government cant do anything right and the repubulicans are ready to prove it to you yet again with their "leadership".

Your current leadership proves you are a bunch of idiots willing to break any law for power.

Can you flesh out you claim with some cold hard facts?

How about you do it first.
What is the best way to help AMERICAN children? Create an environment where people can open business and companies can actually hire people!

What is the worst way to help AMERICAN children? Keep promoting the fable that illegals only do jobs that Americans won't, that the children of illegal and anchor babies always become productive members of society and that American children are not HARMED by schools that spend god awful of money for programs like English as a second language!

What is the worst myths about Obamacare? It will decrease the rate of uninsured, healthcare costs and health insurance costs. First, the uninsurance rate will skyrocket when the small businesses get nailed with LIBERAL STUPIDITY costs and we see a further spike in unemployment. Second, healthcare and insurance costs are going up not down from Obaminationcare!
Please don't behave like a liberal.

Allowing children of illegal aliens to attend college at in-state tuition rates is NOT the government footing the bill.

You, Rick Santorum and the liberal base needs to wise up!'ll have to explain that comment.


I pay in-state tuition for my children. How is the government footing the bill?

The state government generally pays about 3/4s of in-state tuition. Any illegal getting the same deal would be recieving a huge taxpayer subsidy.
Should children of illegals be punished even when those children are "American Citizens" who were born here? Seems that's what the right wing is saying.

If they are American citizens then they are legally entitled to in-state tuition. The kids under discussion here were not born here. They are illegals. Do you understand what that term means?

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