Gop Defends Billionaires With Citizens United

Someone has to defend billionaires. They've been so maligned.
Thank God for Republicans living in trailers.


A liberal cause - education.

A conservative cause - throwing pennies at the poor and expecting to be treated like gods and then being disappointed and angry at those ungrateful poor people who are only poor by choice.

Bill Melinda Gates Foundation
Post a link that proves his is wrong.

And, uh, you don't get to talk about free speech while defending CU. That's like saying marshmallows put out forest fires.

The very purpose of CU is to restrict free speech and crush our constitution.

Now THAT's funny! :biggrin:
How do we remove money from politics?

By restricting politicians to acting within the strictly limited enumerated powers of the Constitution. After all, if politicians could not meddle to the financial benefit of themselves or those that support them, there would be no impetus to inject large amounts of money into the political process...because there would be no expectation of an adequate return. Limit government as was originally intended and you limit the money in politics.

Absolutely. I'm going back to an archived copy of the old site and repping you!
Someone has to defend billionaires. They've been so maligned.
Thank God for Republicans living in trailers.


A liberal cause - education.

A conservative cause - throwing pennies at the poor and expecting to be treated like gods and then being disappointed and angry at those ungrateful poor people who are only poor by choice.

Bill Melinda Gates Foundation

If you had a 2 digit IQ, you'd have one more digit than you have now!


Liberals protest Koch s 100 million donation to hospital The Daily Caller
You know they aren't going to give a cent more than what they can write off in taxes. The Kock's aren't the Gates.

Besides, how many of those sick children got sick because of Kock pollution?

Why Do These Koch Industries Neighbors Have Cancer

Chicago Communities Fight Back Against Koch Brothers Petcoke Pollution

Exposing the Koch brothers polluted response Robert Greenwald

Koch Industries accused of polluting waterway - CBS News

The Kochs Stake in Pollution Dirt Diggers Digest

And these are the guys USMB Republicans call the good guys.

I can sort of understand why:

Oh, who do you think made that cute little pamphlet ?

Who cares? Do you deny its accuracy?

I would not depend on it.

I wouldn't I confirmed it's accuracy. Now don't you think too deeply on this. Remember, it's all about what feels right. :thup:

Provide link, if you can. Never mind. I beat you too it.
What they’re saying about Save Jersey:

“Matt Rooney is one of our State’s most passionate and dedicated YR leaders. His tireless efforts are leading the GOP netroots revolution in New Jersey, conveying our party’s conservative message to a new generation of Republicans. Matt’s hard work is already paying dividends here in the Garden State…”

- Governor Chris Christie (R-New Jersey), endorsing Matt Rooney for Young Republican national office in 2009

Yes its just GOP propaganda.
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Well...your link...not exactly an objective view of the issue. "Overwhelmingly biased" comes to mind, as do the numerous example of extreme hyperbole. That the best you can do?

In any case, let's get to the heart of the matter. Do you believe the government should be able to restrict free speech near to an election? That is what CU was all about...the fact government passed a law banning political speech before an election. They banned a that case, a movie from Citizen's United. The SC, rightly in my mind, said 'you can't do that'.

So, you cool with government restricting speech or not?

Post a link that proves his is wrong.

And, uh, you don't get to talk about free speech while defending CU. That's like saying marshmallows put out forest fires.

The very purpose of CU is to restrict free speech and crush our constitution.

The very purpose of CU is to restrict free speech and crush our constitution.

Well when you see a post like this ya know they are totally lost.

CU does the very opposite,that's why the court did what it did. Free speech has a long reach.

You people have been watching FOX for so long, your gray matter is beginning to melt away. The GOP masters laugh and laugh when they hear you defend their positions. The corporations keep writing the checks and the millionaire congressmen keep cashing them.

John Boehner Admits To Giving Bribes From Big Tobacco On The House Floor...Why Does The Media Consider Him Credible Crooks and Liars
Post a link that proves his is wrong.

And, uh, you don't get to talk about free speech while defending CU. That's like saying marshmallows put out forest fires.

The very purpose of CU is to restrict free speech and crush our constitution.

Puddly, you're stupid as a dried dog turd.

Citizens United made a movie "Hillary the Movie." Despite the fact that fat little turd Micheal Moore had run his slander fest Fahrenheit 911 to the joy of Khmer Rouge fuckwads in 2004 - the shit of the earth democrats thought they could prohibit a movie critical of the Hilda Beast.

The CU decision stopped you from censorship of views not approved of by your filthy party.

Learn something; cretin.
good grief, who can take any of you serious anymore?

you don't just support millionaires you ELECT them to be your master IN CONGRESS

you're both a joke and so is BRAD

Stoopid Stuff Speaks from ignorance as usual.

Its the RWs like you who elect those who ONLY support big money.

Who are these subversive donor, Nuttley....Billionairs!!!


Oh, so NOW you're against big money laws the right forced on us.

All of their money together does not even come close to what the Koch's are using to buy YOUR vote.

Maybe you should check the contribution roles before you print such nonsense.
Well...your link...not exactly an objective view of the issue. "Overwhelmingly biased" comes to mind, as do the numerous example of extreme hyperbole. That the best you can do?

In any case, let's get to the heart of the matter. Do you believe the government should be able to restrict free speech near to an election? That is what CU was all about...the fact government passed a law banning political speech before an election. They banned a that case, a movie from Citizen's United. The SC, rightly in my mind, said 'you can't do that'.

So, you cool with government restricting speech or not? got nothing. Telling. Pathetic, but telling.
Oh, who do you think made that cute little pamphlet ?

Who cares? Do you deny its accuracy?

I would not depend on it.

I wouldn't I confirmed it's accuracy. Now don't you think too deeply on this. Remember, it's all about what feels right. :thup:

Provide link, if you can. Never mind. I beat you too it.
What they’re saying about Save Jersey:

“Matt Rooney is one of our State’s most passionate and dedicated YR leaders. His tireless efforts are leading the GOP netroots revolution in New Jersey, conveying our party’s conservative message to a new generation of Republicans. Matt’s hard work is already paying dividends here in the Garden State…”

- Governor Chris Christie (R-New Jersey), endorsing Matt Rooney for Young Republican national office in 2009

Yes its just GOP propaganda.

Ah! The "because I say so" retort. Works every time. Dolt.
Show me corporate protection and special treatment in the Constitution....not there.
Show me corporate protection and special treatment in the Constitution....not there.

Correct, not there.

Not there for Union protection either.

Not there for regulating speech either.

Thanks for making my point.

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