GOP firebrand Mark Levin proves he's a government agent and controlled opposition

Sorry mark, but calling Trump a 911 truther will backfire on you .It's been 14 years and everybody knows about building 7 - the smokiest gun in history.

Prison » Conservative Host Labels Trump A ‘Radical Kook,’ ‘Close’ To Being A 9/11 Truther

feb 16 2016 Talk show host Mark Levin labeled Trump a “radical kook”:

“But the fact that he attacked George Bush as a commander-in-chief. Not because he disagreed with him. He attacked him as a liar who knew there were not weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and said he was responsible for 9/11 and he was responsible for those towers coming down.” Levin added.

“All the rest aside. All of it aside. I know too many Gold Star families who lost sons over there to hear this 9/11 truther crap, which is pretty close to it. Pretty damn close to it.”

I love watching shit eat the dogs.
Sorry mark, but calling Trump a 911 truther will backfire on you .It's been 14 years and everybody knows about building 7 - the smokiest gun in history.

Prison » Conservative Host Labels Trump A ‘Radical Kook,’ ‘Close’ To Being A 9/11 Truther

feb 16 2016 Talk show host Mark Levin labeled Trump a “radical kook”:

“But the fact that he attacked George Bush as a commander-in-chief. Not because he disagreed with him. He attacked him as a liar who knew there were not weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and said he was responsible for 9/11 and he was responsible for those towers coming down.” Levin added.

“All the rest aside. All of it aside. I know too many Gold Star families who lost sons over there to hear this 9/11 truther crap, which is pretty close to it. Pretty damn close to it.”

I love watching shit eat the dogs.

Honestly.....its like the GOP became the avatar of roosting chickens.
Could this thread be more evident that the wheels are coming off the GOP clown bus?
Could this thread be more evident that the wheels are coming off the GOP clown bus?
Could you repeat that in English?

The wheels are not coming off the GOP nomination; the Establishment is getting their ass handed to them by the rank and file and the neocon owned media is pulling out all the stops to try to discredit Cruz and Trump.

They are idiots to believe that anyone is falling for their dirty tricks and lies.
Sorry mark, but calling Trump a 911 truther will backfire on you .It's been 14 years and everybody knows about building 7 - the smokiest gun in history.

Prison » Conservative Host Labels Trump A ‘Radical Kook,’ ‘Close’ To Being A 9/11 Truther

feb 16 2016 Talk show host Mark Levin labeled Trump a “radical kook”:

“But the fact that he attacked George Bush as a commander-in-chief. Not because he disagreed with him. He attacked him as a liar who knew there were not weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and said he was responsible for 9/11 and he was responsible for those towers coming down.” Levin added.

“All the rest aside. All of it aside. I know too many Gold Star families who lost sons over there to hear this 9/11 truther crap, which is pretty close to it. Pretty damn close to it.”

Wow. Conservatives have just abandoned all pretense and turned completely into the batshit conspiracy skid.

No, just the Know Nothing Dixicrat Tea Party supporter...
Could this thread be more evident that the wheels are coming off the GOP clown bus?
Could you repeat that in English?

The wheels are not coming off the GOP nomination; the Establishment is getting their ass handed to them by the rank and file and the neocon owned media is pulling out all the stops to try to discredit Cruz and Trump.

They are idiots to believe that anyone is falling for their dirty tricks and lies.

Trump is discrediting Cruz and Trump is discrediting himself, oh what I mean by that is they're both RINO's not worth even considering as being true Republicans and their supporters are not the brightest either...
Could this thread be more evident that the wheels are coming off the GOP clown bus?
Could you repeat that in English?

The wheels are not coming off the GOP nomination; the Establishment is getting their ass handed to them by the rank and file and the neocon owned media is pulling out all the stops to try to discredit Cruz and Trump.

They are idiots to believe that anyone is falling for their dirty tricks and lies.
Since that was impeccable English, perhaps you should take the time to learn the language?

In the meantime, Trump is doing a masterful job at wrecking the GOP

He isn't wrong. Trump could seriously murder someone in cold blood and you guys wouldn't care. We have a candidate who would actually obey the constitution in Cruz and you guys are going to support Trump despite him being clear that he isn't conservative and doesn't give a damn about the constitution.

We will truly get what we deserve but your blood won't be on my hands
He isn't wrong. Trump could seriously murder someone in cold blood and you guys wouldn't care. We have a candidate who would actually obey the constitution in Cruz and you guys are going to support Trump despite him being clear that he isn't conservative and doesn't give a damn about the constitution.

We will truly get what we deserve but your blood won't be on my hands
Cruz has shown himself to be either the most rank liar or so ideological that if you are not 100% pure in all your issues as he is, then you are against everything he believes in. If you support any gun control at all, then you are anti-Second Amendment. IF you think that Planned Parenthood has any useful value, then you are in favor of abortion on demand, etc.

To Cruz everything is black and white with 90% of the spectrum to his left being black and everything to his right being white.

I am no longer considering Cruz for my vote as he has a problem with integrity and honesty.
Wow. Conservatives have just abandoned all pretense and turned completely into the batshit conspiracy skid.

HAHAHA. Thanks for proving you're a paid govt shill. Everybody knows about bldg 7.
He isn't wrong. Trump could seriously murder someone in cold blood and you guys wouldn't care.

Your god obama is dropping bombs on women and children every day in the mideast and you say cool.

So you elect Trump who will do the same?

And please don't pretend I've been supporting Obama because I won't support an Obama on the Republican side as well
Well we know he is a birther. Though even he is too embarrassed to field questions on the matter at this point.

Everyone is a birther. Everyone knows that obozo's own literary agency for 16 years published a brochure that said obozo was born in kenya,

Similarly everyone knows about bldg 7 and is a 911 truther.

Your denial proves you're a paid govt shill.
Wow. Conservatives have just abandoned all pretense and turned completely into the batshit conspiracy skid.

HAHAHA. Thanks for proving you're a paid govt shill. Everybody knows about bldg 7.'re just completely surrounded, aren't you buddy. Government agents everywhere!

Or, you just don't know what the fuck you're talking about regarding Building 7. And you've gobbled down another batshit conspiracy theory.

Occam's Razor. It the antidote for paranoia.

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