GOP Georgia Recount Observers are being kept 50 feet away from viewing the recount.

As I just got done saying,that’s great that you remain positive,just don’t get cocky thinking there is no way he won’t be re-elected,be prepared if things don’t happen the way you expect them,none of us know what the outcome will be.
Actually what will happen is pretty much what was expected to happen. Biden pulled off a "huge" win, 306 to 232 in the EC. With many claims of voter fraud that the FBI, intelligence community and secretaries of state all said, DID NOT HAPPEN.
Well I do realise this was the most blatant disregard for the laws
The problem with your theory is that no matter what law was violated, the remedy does not overturn the election. If they can identify individual illegal votes, they will be thrown out. If they can't identify individual illegal votes, they will remain.

Not even the USSC can disenfranchise legal votes in a hunt for illegal votes.
What's a RINO? ..

An acronym for, Republican In Name Only, like Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger'

Ah ... that counts me out ... too bad ... I've been invited to join the Republican Party ... kinda made my skin crawl ... how desperate are you folks anyway? ... "I wouldn't belong to a [political party] who would have me as a member" -- Marx
Independent election observers not allowed to view what election workers are doing.

Nothing corrupt or fishy about that. :icon_rolleyes:

Unfortunately if an election worker accepted 1,000 ballots without signatures, separating them from their outer envelopes and putting them into the tabulation stack. The remedy would be to disqualify those 1,000 votes. But once stacked up for tabulation, they would no longer be identifiable.
Unfortunately if an election worker accepted 1,000 ballots without signatures, separating them from their outer envelopes and putting them into the tabulation stack. The remedy would be to disqualify those 1,000 votes. But once stacked up for tabulation, they would no longer be identifiable.

Biden voters cleverly mark these outer envelopes so their co-conspirators on the "inside" knew which ballots to accept and which to toss ... post office workers on the take ditching ballots in the bayous ... every court stacked with Obama judges ... mercy ... the entire medical field through their media lap-dogs ... oh, and everybody with a degree in mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, etc etc etc ...

Someday, maybe someone will introduce evidence into a court of law ...
With many claims of voter fraud that the FBI, intelligence community and secretaries of state all said, DID NOT HAPPEN.
We've seen over the last four years those people never lie.....:icon_rolleyes:

Where have idiots like you been for the last four years?
This is why Trump has to go. He has cast doubt on all American institutions, to the point that people wouldn't trust the sun to rise. Trump has done more to harm America, and by that boost Russia, than any other president.
If The Left can find a way to cheat they will. Should there be a law suit over this? Also, they are not verifying signatures or date stamps. Reported with Video on American Agenda & Newsmax. Republican Inspectors are not being allowed to inspect the ballots.

I hope this fraudulent election does not eventually result in a Civil War.

It’s all a “ dog and pony show “
So if you are so certain that Biden won, why are you so terrified by an HONEST Recount.

I don't care if a Democratic poll watcher has access, and if an honest count goes against TRUMP, I can accept that. But physically preventing legitimate poll watchers is what Biden needs to prevail.

Honest recounts don't depend on observers ... and Biden doesn't need GA ... I'm sorry, your citation isn't credible ... your side has cried "wolf" too many times ... I don't believe for one second Georgia Republicans are flagrantly violating State law to throw the election to the Democrats ... an 8 foot Wookie wouldn't live on a planet of two foot Endorians, that's stupid ...
"Honest recounts don't depend on observers."

if the vote counters are honest. As of yesterday there were 240 affidavits of vote fraud that the GOP has collected.

"Biden does not need Georgia"

If Biden losses Georgia, recounts in other states will follow.

"Georgia Republicans are flagrantly violating State law to throw the election to the Democrats"

RINO'S would in a heart beat. Although I don't know if the Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, is too dumb or a rino.
Lol..Trump lost in a landslide because Americans had enough of the corrupt buffoon. Get over it.
You don't get recounts in a landslide. The false narrative the left is trying to peddle clearly doesn't resonate with reality.
Biden voters cleverly mark these outer envelopes so their co-conspirators on the "inside" knew which ballots to accept and which to toss ... post office workers on the take ditching ballots in the bayous ... every court stacked with Obama judges ... mercy ... the entire medical field through their media lap-dogs ... oh, and everybody with a degree in mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, etc etc etc ...
WOW. With hundreds of election boards in a state, each printing their own ballots, somehow kept such actions carried out by thousands of people, both election workers, and postal workers absolutely secret.

Not to mention the tens of thousands of voters, who would have also had to be in on it.
Biden voters cleverly mark these outer envelopes so their co-conspirators on the "inside" knew which ballots to accept and which to toss ... post office workers on the take ditching ballots in the bayous ... every court stacked with Obama judges ... mercy ... the entire medical field through their media lap-dogs ... oh, and everybody with a degree in mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, etc etc etc ...
WOW. With hundreds of election boards in a state, each printing their own ballots, somehow kept such actions carried out by thousands of people, both election workers, and postal workers absolutely secret.

Not to mention the tens of thousands of voters, who would have also had to be in on it.

One measure of the validity of a Conspiracy Theory is how many people on the inside ... we're in professional grade CT now ... approaching NASA grade ...
You don't get recounts in a landslide. The false narrative the left is trying to peddle clearly doesn't resonate with reality.
If a candidate contests an election, they perform a recount, whether the difference margin is one vote or a million votes.

Can a candidate or voter request a recount? (2020) - Ballotpedia

As of the November 2020 election, 43 states, allowed a candidate to request a recount. In 35 states, a voter or group of voters was allowed to request a recount
You don't get recounts in a landslide. The false narrative the left is trying to peddle clearly doesn't resonate with reality.
If a candidate contests an election, they perform a recount, whether the difference margin is one vote or a million votes.

Can a candidate or voter request a recount? (2020) - Ballotpedia

As of the November 2020 election, 43 states, allowed a candidate to request a recount. In 35 states, a voter or group of voters was allowed to request a recount
Georgia's recount was automatic, other states are less than 1% difference. That fact excludes the very idea of 'landslide' being a viable descriptor of this election.
Georgia's recount was automatic, other states are less than 1% difference. That fact excludes the very idea of 'landslide' being a viable descriptor of this election.
Landslide refers to the overall result, such as 306 EC votes to 232 votes. Not the result in a any single state.

A close election is where you have dozens of states holding recounts.
First, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest vote.

Then, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest recount.

Next, Trump lost because the state judges weren't honest.

Following, Trump lost because the SCOTUS wasn't honest.

Finally, Trump lost because the Electoral college wasn't honest.

Because cult.
So if you are so certain that Biden won, why are you so terrified by an HONEST Recount.

I don't care if a Democratic poll watcher has access, and if an honest count goes against TRUMP, I can accept that. But physically preventing legitimate poll watchers is what Biden needs to prevail.
There’s no fraud. Stop spreading lies. The margin is in the range for a recount so go ahead and recount. It won’t make a difference. Biden won Georgia. It’s a landslide victory. There’s not even a fake narrative out there being pushed by a Trump that would turn this election around. He’s done. I want to hear a concession speech

Dont know about that. There are reports like this out there...

Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.

There are so many Democrats in power who look at Trump like he is Hitler. Why would they not cheat if they seriously believe he is a racist/ xenophobic hitler???
Rigging an election would seem almost like a patriotic duty if they really felt that way.. so the incentive is there.
4 years of media distortion has created palatable hatred for TRump... I would expect anything from the LEFT. Lets get to the bottom of it using LEGAL channels
Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.
Trumps lawyers have been taking their "evidence" to court, and having their lawsuits thrown out for lack of evidence.

As one set of lawyers had to admit, their affidavits of voter fraud were from a website where people filled them out online.
People who didn't vote for trump in 2016 had to live with the results. People who did vote for trump in 2020 have to live with the results, too. They shouldn't act like babies.

Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.

Yeah. So how many of these whackadoodle fantasies are we obligated to "get to the bottom of"? There's quite a long list, you know. Trumpsters are really wigging out on this one.
As I just got done saying,that’s great that you remain positive,just don’t get cocky thinking there is no way he won’t be re-elected,be prepared if things don’t happen the way you expect them,none of us know what the outcome will be.
Actually what will happen is pretty much what was expected to happen. Biden pulled off a "huge" win, 306 to 232 in the EC. With many claims of voter fraud that the FBI, intelligence community and secretaries of state all said, DID NOT HAPPEN.
Biden only pulled of a huge swindle. The FBI and the intelligence community are in no position to make such a determination, and Soros put half of the secretaries of state in office. They are in on the swindle. So are you, douchebag. You're providing cover for the swindler. I don't know how scum like you can live with yourselves.

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