GOP Georgia Recount Observers are being kept 50 feet away from viewing the recount.


Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.

Yeah. So how many of these whackadoodle fantasies are we obligated to "get to the bottom of"? There's quite a long list, you know. Trumpsters are really wigging out on this one.
There's a long list because Dims are prolific criminals. They've been planning this swindle since 2016. If they are given half a chance, they will make the deal permanent. Trump may be the last honestly elected president the US ever has.
People who didn't vote for trump in 2016 had to live with the results. People who did vote for trump in 2020 have to live with the results, too. They shouldn't act like babies.
The difference is, there was no election fraud on Trump's part. He actually received all the votes they counted for him.

Biden is a crook, as are all of his supporters.
As I just got done saying,that’s great that you remain positive,just don’t get cocky thinking there is no way he won’t be re-elected,be prepared if things don’t happen the way you expect them,none of us know what the outcome will be.
Actually what will happen is pretty much what was expected to happen. Biden pulled off a "huge" win, 306 to 232 in the EC. With many claims of voter fraud that the FBI, intelligence community and secretaries of state all said, DID NOT HAPPEN.
Biden only pulled of a huge swindle. The FBI and the intelligence community are in no position to make such a determination, and Soros put half of the secretaries of state in office. They are in on the swindle. So are you, douchebag. You're providing cover for the swindler. I don't know how scum like you can live with yourselves.
Like I said, tough many don't want to hear it.....if Biden and his minions are allowed to get away with such massive election fraud, seeing how Biden's entire platform mirrors The UN's Great Reset, and how Biden bows down to them, and will rejoin WHO, give Iran Nukes, Participate in the Great Reset Economy and place The US under Global Governance and enter in to the New 666 World Order cashless society......... then just open the Book of Revelation, because those who are left behind here on Earth after in those days are going to live that book word for word until the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ.

The Time of The Gentiles will end, and their dominance, our dominance will end, and the entire focus of The World will turn towards Israel in the final days of Human History.
Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.
Trumps lawyers have been taking their "evidence" to court, and having their lawsuits thrown out for lack of evidence.

As one set of lawyers had to admit, their affidavits of voter fraud were from a website where people filled them out online.
That's a DNC talking point. Everyone expected those corrupt Dim state courts to collude with the swindle. It's the first step in the process.
With many claims of voter fraud that the FBI, intelligence community and secretaries of state all said, DID NOT HAPPEN.
We've seen over the last four years those people never lie.....:icon_rolleyes:

Where have idiots like you been for the last four years?
This is why Trump has to go. He has cast doubt on all American institutions, to the point that people wouldn't trust the sun to rise. Trump has done more to harm America, and by that boost Russia, than any other president.
You mean he exposed the leftwing deep state. He turned on the lights, and now all the cockroaches are scurrying for cover. Trump only harmed the deep state. You idiots can't point to a single thing that Trump did to harm American accept make all you cockroaches unpopular with the cockroaches overseas.
First, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest vote.

Then, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest recount.

Next, Trump lost because the state judges weren't honest.

Following, Trump lost because the SCOTUS wasn't honest.

Finally, Trump lost because the Electoral college wasn't honest.

Because cult.
So if you are so certain that Biden won, why are you so terrified by an HONEST Recount.

I don't care if a Democratic poll watcher has access, and if an honest count goes against TRUMP, I can accept that. But physically preventing legitimate poll watchers is what Biden needs to prevail.
There’s no fraud. Stop spreading lies. The margin is in the range for a recount so go ahead and recount. It won’t make a difference. Biden won Georgia. It’s a landslide victory. There’s not even a fake narrative out there being pushed by a Trump that would turn this election around. He’s done. I want to hear a concession speech

Dont know about that. There are reports like this out there...

Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.

There are so many Democrats in power who look at Trump like he is Hitler. Why would they not cheat if they seriously believe he is a racist/ xenophobic hitler???
Rigging an election would seem almost like a patriotic duty if they really felt that way.. so the incentive is there.
4 years of media distortion has created palatable hatred for TRump... I would expect anything from the LEFT. Lets get to the bottom of it using LEGAL channels
That’s the thing. There are not enough witness accounts or evidence of anything that would flip the election. Nothing is landing in court because they doing have anything. He would need to flip 10s of thousands of votes in multiple states to turn the election. Not gonna happen. Accept it
Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.
Trumps lawyers have been taking their "evidence" to court, and having their lawsuits thrown out for lack of evidence.

As one set of lawyers had to admit, their affidavits of voter fraud were from a website where people filled them out online.
That's a DNC talking point. Everyone expected those corrupt Dim state courts to collude with the swindle. It's the first step in the process.
Which dim state courts are you talking about? Arizona? Georgia? Pennsylvania?
You used to pretend to be a moderate, Mac, but now that lie is revealed. You are firmly in the leftist camp.
And that's a lie. Line 2 of my sig:

2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/middle of the road/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter:
OK, you deny being a moderate too? So what? You're a fucking joke, whatever you are.
The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?
I find it highly suspect that anyone with video would be allowed close enough to film a recount with this much scrutiny.
Both parties have observers there. They are hired by the town/city/state and vetted and certified to be in the room months
in advance.

Not to mention just about every politician in Geogia that oversees the elections are Republicans. Tree never gives up he stay in his own little hole lookin for conspiracy theories on the internet.

If I am correct Georgia allow one Democratic Party member, one GOP member and two independent members to observe, and Georgia officials have stated a certain amount of feet rule during counting...

If the Trump voting base can not abide by those rules then it is them trying to obstruct our voting process because they can not accept the reality Trump did not win!
Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.
Trumps lawyers have been taking their "evidence" to court, and having their lawsuits thrown out for lack of evidence.

As one set of lawyers had to admit, their affidavits of voter fraud were from a website where people filled them out online.
That's a DNC talking point. Everyone expected those corrupt Dim state courts to collude with the swindle. It's the first step in the process.
Which dim state courts are you talking about? Arizona? Georgia? Pennsylvania?

They can not accept the reality that Joe Biden defeated Trump and nothing will change their mind!

Just imagine the type of beating Trump would have gotten had someone like Newsom or Manchin ran against Trump?

Reality is this election is over and once the Congress states Biden is President then Trump and his voting base have two options accept it or go Rogue and fight a war and I know damn well they will never accept it...
If The Left can find a way to cheat they will.

If there is any problem with the way the recount is being conducted then it is only fitting to hold accountable the man in charge. Who, as your article points out, is a Republican.
Last edited:
First, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest vote.

Then, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest recount.

Next, Trump lost because the state judges weren't honest.

Following, Trump lost because the SCOTUS wasn't honest.

Finally, Trump lost because the Electoral college wasn't honest.

Because cult.
So if you are so certain that Biden won, why are you so terrified by an HONEST Recount.

I don't care if a Democratic poll watcher has access, and if an honest count goes against TRUMP, I can accept that. But physically preventing legitimate poll watchers is what Biden needs to prevail.
There’s no fraud. Stop spreading lies. The margin is in the range for a recount so go ahead and recount. It won’t make a difference. Biden won Georgia. It’s a landslide victory. There’s not even a fake narrative out there being pushed by a Trump that would turn this election around. He’s done. I want to hear a concession speech

Dont know about that. There are reports like this out there...

Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.

There are so many Democrats in power who look at Trump like he is Hitler. Why would they not cheat if they seriously believe he is a racist/ xenophobic hitler???
Rigging an election would seem almost like a patriotic duty if they really felt that way.. so the incentive is there.
4 years of media distortion has created palatable hatred for TRump... I would expect anything from the LEFT. Lets get to the bottom of it using LEGAL channels
That’s the thing. There are not enough witness accounts or evidence of anything that would flip the election. Nothing is landing in court because they doing have anything. He would need to flip 10s of thousands of votes in multiple states to turn the election. Not gonna happen. Accept it
DNC talking points that have already been discredited. You morons don't give a damn about facts. All you do is repeat the same lies over and over.
The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?
I find it highly suspect that anyone with video would be allowed close enough to film a recount with this much scrutiny.
Both parties have observers there. They are hired by the town/city/state and vetted and certified to be in the room months
in advance.

Not to mention just about every politician in Geogia that oversees the elections are Republicans. Tree never gives up he stay in his own little hole lookin for conspiracy theories on the internet.

If I am correct Georgia allow one Democratic Party member, one GOP member and two independent members to observe, and Georgia officials have stated a certain amount of feet rule during counting...

If the Trump voting base can not abide by those rules then it is them trying to obstruct our voting process because they can not accept the reality Trump did not win!
Nothing in the election law gives the officials the authority to tell observers they have to keep 20 feet away, and they have limited the observers to on for every 10 vote counters, so your claims are horseshoe on their face.
Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.
Trumps lawyers have been taking their "evidence" to court, and having their lawsuits thrown out for lack of evidence.

As one set of lawyers had to admit, their affidavits of voter fraud were from a website where people filled them out online.
That's a DNC talking point. Everyone expected those corrupt Dim state courts to collude with the swindle. It's the first step in the process.
Which dim state courts are you talking about? Arizona? Georgia? Pennsylvania?
Atlanta, Pittsburg, Philidelphia, Detroit and Milwaukee are all run by Dims, moron.
Widespread voter fraud is a hoax being spread by Trump for the benefit of Trumpers whom he hopes to monetize for his financial benefit when he leaves office. Trumpers like good sheeple who flock to whatever new scam Trump will pull.
The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?
I find it highly suspect that anyone with video would be allowed close enough to film a recount with this much scrutiny.
Both parties have observers there. They are hired by the town/city/state and vetted and certified to be in the room months
in advance.
Why should video not be allowed?

Because that video ends up on alt-right internet sites with no context and no explanation other than to verify the site's bias.


My guess is that the state is filming it. These operations are very tight. No room for screwing around. Any user error is immediately
checked, screened, re-checked, and verified.

Did you post any actual facts? . . . . . .. no.

Just a little experience (general) with the process. See, here's the thing. States take the integrity of their elections seriously. Doesn't matter whether they are Republican or Democrat run states.
It's a reflection on their state and the myriad of people that are involved with keeping the elections above board an above reproach.

So when assholes like you, or the OP, or just about every Trump sycophant out there come to their state and start blaring shit about "rigged" elections, "fraudlent" votes, or some other bug-eyed
conspiracy theory..they get PISSED. You are impugning their credibility and undermining their right to hold a free and fair election.
State officials take that shit seriously.
Sorry, turd, but we all know that Dims thrive on corruption. They can't win without it. If anyone deserved to be pissed, it's Trump voters.

You're a sleazy lying piece of shit. Just admit it so we can quit wasting time debating the point.

Keep spewing that bile. Trump lost. And right now, you and the rest of Trump nation are acting like the total shitheels everyone knew you were.
A year ago you were just amusing and sycophantic. Now, you've become cancers.
This election was the result of massive fraud. It's the Democrat Reichstag fire. No one is fooled.

Democrats are scum.

The election was the result of Donald John Trump being a shitty President. No interest in the job. You're right, no one was fooled.
He doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. And voters showed him the door. Deal with it.
It was the result of voter fraud. You Biden scum knew the people didn't want you, so you started arranging this scam two months ago, and possibly six months ago. No decent person would vote for that senile piece of shit.

Which you have no credible evidence of. Just sour grape loss. Trump has been a blight and an eyesore for four years. And the voters took the hose of the election to squeegee the shitstain out of the White House.
And if you haven't been paying attention, Trumpybear is the one that's been setting up the whole "rigged" election bullshit for months. Take this crap back to your alt-right circle jerk...whatever site that might be on.
Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie.

Say it a few more times. Maybe it will be true then. It must be. You lost. Over and out. Sit down, and shut up. :)
First, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest vote.

Then, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest recount.

Next, Trump lost because the state judges weren't honest.

Following, Trump lost because the SCOTUS wasn't honest.

Finally, Trump lost because the Electoral college wasn't honest.

Because cult.
So if you are so certain that Biden won, why are you so terrified by an HONEST Recount.

I don't care if a Democratic poll watcher has access, and if an honest count goes against TRUMP, I can accept that. But physically preventing legitimate poll watchers is what Biden needs to prevail.
There’s no fraud. Stop spreading lies. The margin is in the range for a recount so go ahead and recount. It won’t make a difference. Biden won Georgia. It’s a landslide victory. There’s not even a fake narrative out there being pushed by a Trump that would turn this election around. He’s done. I want to hear a concession speech

Dont know about that. There are reports like this out there...

Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.

There are so many Democrats in power who look at Trump like he is Hitler. Why would they not cheat if they seriously believe he is a racist/ xenophobic hitler???
Rigging an election would seem almost like a patriotic duty if they really felt that way.. so the incentive is there.
4 years of media distortion has created palatable hatred for TRump... I would expect anything from the LEFT. Lets get to the bottom of it using LEGAL channels
That’s the thing. There are not enough witness accounts or evidence of anything that would flip the election. Nothing is landing in court because they doing have anything. He would need to flip 10s of thousands of votes in multiple states to turn the election. Not gonna happen. Accept it

I think its all still under review, so no. I'm not going to accept it yet. If it is determined that there was no widespread and co-ordinated voter fraud, then i will accept a Biden win without a problem.

And even if he gets into office despite fraud, I would still respect the office of the presidency. I would never behave as an ANTIFA scum or promote violence against fellow citizens.

10s of thousands of votes is easily done with computer software glitches. There is no reason to rush at this point unless you are trying to sweep things under the rug.
Widespread voter fraud is a hoax being spread by Trump for the benefit of Trumpers whom he hopes to monetize for his financial benefit when he leaves office. Trumpers like good sheeple who flock to whatever new scam Trump will pull.
Widespread election fraud is thoroughly documented, douchebag. Turds like you do nothing but regurgitate DNC talking points - lies, in other words.

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