GOP Georgia Recount Observers are being kept 50 feet away from viewing the recount.

With many claims of voter fraud that the FBI, intelligence community and secretaries of state all said, DID NOT HAPPEN.
We've seen over the last four years those people never lie.....:icon_rolleyes:

Where have idiots like you been for the last four years?
This is why Trump has to go. He has cast doubt on all American institutions, to the point that people wouldn't trust the sun to rise. Trump has done more to harm America, and by that boost Russia, than any other president.
You mean he doesn't accept Democrat bullshit.

And not accepting Democrat bullshit is good for America.
The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?
I find it highly suspect that anyone with video would be allowed close enough to film a recount with this much scrutiny.
Both parties have observers there. They are hired by the town/city/state and vetted and certified to be in the room months
in advance.
Are you kidding? Dems put 100m+ dollars in apiece in 2 different senate races just out of revenge for the supreme court(they wasted it too). You think with that kind of money swirling around they could not cheat with the system in such chaos from their covid bullshit? What other reason a single one is there for not verifying signatures and voter id? Because it closes avenues they been using for decades to cheat.
Widespread voter fraud is a hoax being spread by Trump for the benefit of Trumpers whom he hopes to monetize for his financial benefit when he leaves office. Trumpers like good sheeple who flock to whatever new scam Trump will pull.
Conspiracy Theories is down the hall.
The giant protest in Washington Dc right now dwarfs anything they dems could put together. There is not a single one of you that can say honestly the way this election went down looks really bad. Every other state till the last ones when it was clear Biden was losing Trump did nothing but gain on the late counted votes. Then in teh wee hours of the morning while kicking GoP watchers out of the counting rooms Biden all of a sudden has a hail mary after a recovered onside kick? No clue how they did it or how they are keeping it a secret but it happened and it is not a matter of proving that it did you need to prove it did not or the people going to make the decision.
The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?
I find it highly suspect that anyone with video would be allowed close enough to film a recount with this much scrutiny.
Both parties have observers there. They are hired by the town/city/state and vetted and certified to be in the room months
in advance.
Are you kidding? Dems put 100m+ dollars in apiece in 2 different senate races just out of revenge for the supreme court(they wasted it too). You think with that kind of money swirling around they could not cheat with the system in such chaos from their covid bullshit? What other reason a single one is there for not verifying signatures and voter id? Because it closes avenues they been using for decades to cheat.

Ballots have already been canvassed and certified. Anything counted by hand, has already been verified as included. That's how votes are counted in state elections..especially after the fiasco of 2000.
First, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest vote.

Then, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest recount.

Next, Trump lost because the state judges weren't honest.

Following, Trump lost because the SCOTUS wasn't honest.

Finally, Trump lost because the Electoral college wasn't honest.

Because cult.
So if you are so certain that Biden won, why are you so terrified by an HONEST Recount.

I don't care if a Democratic poll watcher has access, and if an honest count goes against TRUMP, I can accept that. But physically preventing legitimate poll watchers is what Biden needs to prevail.
There’s no fraud. Stop spreading lies. The margin is in the range for a recount so go ahead and recount. It won’t make a difference. Biden won Georgia. It’s a landslide victory. There’s not even a fake narrative out there being pushed by a Trump that would turn this election around. He’s done. I want to hear a concession speech

Dont know about that. There are reports like this out there...

Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.

There are so many Democrats in power who look at Trump like he is Hitler. Why would they not cheat if they seriously believe he is a racist/ xenophobic hitler???
Rigging an election would seem almost like a patriotic duty if they really felt that way.. so the incentive is there.
4 years of media distortion has created palatable hatred for TRump... I would expect anything from the LEFT. Lets get to the bottom of it using LEGAL channels
That’s the thing. There are not enough witness accounts or evidence of anything that would flip the election. Nothing is landing in court because they doing have anything. He would need to flip 10s of thousands of votes in multiple states to turn the election. Not gonna happen. Accept it
DNC talking points that have already been discredited. You morons don't give a damn about facts. All you do is repeat the same lies over and over.
What talking points? These are just facts. I didn’t hear anybody else say these things. I just have to looked at the reported numbers. If others are saying the same stuff then it’s probably because they are able to understand facts as well. If you think you can discredit anything I said then go ahead and try to discredit it
First, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest vote.

Then, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest recount.

Next, Trump lost because the state judges weren't honest.

Following, Trump lost because the SCOTUS wasn't honest.

Finally, Trump lost because the Electoral college wasn't honest.

Because cult.
So if you are so certain that Biden won, why are you so terrified by an HONEST Recount.

I don't care if a Democratic poll watcher has access, and if an honest count goes against TRUMP, I can accept that. But physically preventing legitimate poll watchers is what Biden needs to prevail.
There’s no fraud. Stop spreading lies. The margin is in the range for a recount so go ahead and recount. It won’t make a difference. Biden won Georgia. It’s a landslide victory. There’s not even a fake narrative out there being pushed by a Trump that would turn this election around. He’s done. I want to hear a concession speech

Dont know about that. There are reports like this out there...

Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.

There are so many Democrats in power who look at Trump like he is Hitler. Why would they not cheat if they seriously believe he is a racist/ xenophobic hitler???
Rigging an election would seem almost like a patriotic duty if they really felt that way.. so the incentive is there.
4 years of media distortion has created palatable hatred for TRump... I would expect anything from the LEFT. Lets get to the bottom of it using LEGAL channels
That’s the thing. There are not enough witness accounts or evidence of anything that would flip the election. Nothing is landing in court because they doing have anything. He would need to flip 10s of thousands of votes in multiple states to turn the election. Not gonna happen. Accept it
DNC talking points that have already been discredited. You morons don't give a damn about facts. All you do is repeat the same lies over and over.
What talking points? These are just facts. I didn’t hear anybody else say these things. I just have to looked at the reported numbers. If others are saying the same stuff then it’s probably because they are able to understand facts as well. If you think you can discredit anything I said then go ahead and try to discredit it
They are Dim talking points - lies, in other words.

Who do you think you're fooling?
The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?

Sadly Jack, all of the big news orgs are too busy celebrating figuring what a new Biden Admin will do for them to care about reporting these stories.

That would be because there's no truth or validity to them. Just opinion and grievance designed to whip the lemmings up into outrage, hoping they can
make something stick, hoping they can get some judge or politicians attention to make enough waves to derail the process.
Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.
Trumps lawyers have been taking their "evidence" to court, and having their lawsuits thrown out for lack of evidence.

As one set of lawyers had to admit, their affidavits of voter fraud were from a website where people filled them out online.
That's a DNC talking point. Everyone expected those corrupt Dim state courts to collude with the swindle. It's the first step in the process.
Which dim state courts are you talking about? Arizona? Georgia? Pennsylvania?
Atlanta, Pittsburg, Philidelphia, Detroit and Milwaukee are all run by Dims, moron.
Oh the dim cities. Gotchya. So what exactly are these courts doing? Not listening to Trumps non evidence?
First, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest vote.

Then, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest recount.

Next, Trump lost because the state judges weren't honest.

Following, Trump lost because the SCOTUS wasn't honest.

Finally, Trump lost because the Electoral college wasn't honest.

Because cult.
So if you are so certain that Biden won, why are you so terrified by an HONEST Recount.

I don't care if a Democratic poll watcher has access, and if an honest count goes against TRUMP, I can accept that. But physically preventing legitimate poll watchers is what Biden needs to prevail.
There’s no fraud. Stop spreading lies. The margin is in the range for a recount so go ahead and recount. It won’t make a difference. Biden won Georgia. It’s a landslide victory. There’s not even a fake narrative out there being pushed by a Trump that would turn this election around. He’s done. I want to hear a concession speech

Dont know about that. There are reports like this out there...

Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.

There are so many Democrats in power who look at Trump like he is Hitler. Why would they not cheat if they seriously believe he is a racist/ xenophobic hitler???
Rigging an election would seem almost like a patriotic duty if they really felt that way.. so the incentive is there.
4 years of media distortion has created palatable hatred for TRump... I would expect anything from the LEFT. Lets get to the bottom of it using LEGAL channels
That’s the thing. There are not enough witness accounts or evidence of anything that would flip the election. Nothing is landing in court because they doing have anything. He would need to flip 10s of thousands of votes in multiple states to turn the election. Not gonna happen. Accept it

I think its all still under review, so no. I'm not going to accept it yet. If it is determined that there was no widespread and co-ordinated voter fraud, then i will accept a Biden win without a problem.

And even if he gets into office despite fraud, I would still respect the office of the presidency. I would never behave as an ANTIFA scum or promote violence against fellow citizens.

10s of thousands of votes is easily done with computer software glitches. There is no reason to rush at this point unless you are trying to sweep things under the rug.
Kudos on having the right oppositional attitude. I have no problem with small margin recounts or investigations into fraud claims. I do have a problem when the president lies and says he won and the election was stolen and then to see thousands of his supports gathering to parrot the same lies. I also have a problem with not allowing Biden to prepare for office. Especially when it comes to blocking him from talking to the COVID task force as he is actually trying to make a plan to address this issue.
The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?
I find it highly suspect that anyone with video would be allowed close enough to film a recount with this much scrutiny.
Both parties have observers there. They are hired by the town/city/state and vetted and certified to be in the room months
in advance.
These folks are going to believe what they want to believe, and it doesn't matter if we've ever heard of their "sources".

We'll see who's standing up there on Inauguration Day. Until then, all these conspiracy theories, the thousands of them, are noise.
You used to pretend to be a moderate, Mac, but now that lie is revealed. You are firmly in the leftist camp.

And they are an asshole...don't forget that.
Sadly Jack, all of the big news orgs are too busy celebrating figuring what a new Biden Admin will do for them to care about reporting these stories.
They are covering much of this news like they did the Hunter Biden revelations. Which is to say, not at all.

Or, they are covering it like a big blanket, and holding it real tight until all struggling and breathing stops.
The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?
I find it highly suspect that anyone with video would be allowed close enough to film a recount with this much scrutiny.
Both parties have observers there. They are hired by the town/city/state and vetted and certified to be in the room months
in advance.
These folks are going to believe what they want to believe, and it doesn't matter if we've ever heard of their "sources".

We'll see who's standing up there on Inauguration Day. Until then, all these conspiracy theories, the thousands of them, are noise.
You used to pretend to be a moderate, Mac, but now that lie is revealed. You are firmly in the leftist camp.

And they are an asshole...don't forget that.

Then produce a credible source of voter fraud rampant enough to swing enough votes to Trump to change the results of the election.
And not from assholes on Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook, and not from any alt-right media source that isn't dipping into the
conspiracy theory toilet that you seem to like to swim in. Otherwise, the only person/people coming off as (sore losing) assholes...are you! :)
It is OBVIOUS that Mail-In-Ballots can easily tampered with and that TRUMP would have won an in-person vote.

But, since that is a mote point, getting back to the hear and now, I was wondering that since the Georgia recount is being done by teams of two, that if one was a Democrat and one was a Republican, the chances of a more honest recount go up.

If these mail-in ballots were already switched out it is too late to remedy that and likewise if mail-in TRUMP votes were thrown away.
First, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest vote.

Then, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest recount.

Next, Trump lost because the state judges weren't honest.

Following, Trump lost because the SCOTUS wasn't honest.

Finally, Trump lost because the Electoral college wasn't honest.

Because cult.
So if you are so certain that Biden won, why are you so terrified by an HONEST Recount.

I don't care if a Democratic poll watcher has access, and if an honest count goes against TRUMP, I can accept that. But physically preventing legitimate poll watchers is what Biden needs to prevail.
There’s no fraud. Stop spreading lies. The margin is in the range for a recount so go ahead and recount. It won’t make a difference. Biden won Georgia. It’s a landslide victory. There’s not even a fake narrative out there being pushed by a Trump that would turn this election around. He’s done. I want to hear a concession speech

Dont know about that. There are reports like this out there...

Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.

There are so many Democrats in power who look at Trump like he is Hitler. Why would they not cheat if they seriously believe he is a racist/ xenophobic hitler???
Rigging an election would seem almost like a patriotic duty if they really felt that way.. so the incentive is there.
4 years of media distortion has created palatable hatred for TRump... I would expect anything from the LEFT. Lets get to the bottom of it using LEGAL channels
That’s the thing. There are not enough witness accounts or evidence of anything that would flip the election. Nothing is landing in court because they doing have anything. He would need to flip 10s of thousands of votes in multiple states to turn the election. Not gonna happen. Accept it

I think its all still under review, so no. I'm not going to accept it yet. If it is determined that there was no widespread and co-ordinated voter fraud, then i will accept a Biden win without a problem.

And even if he gets into office despite fraud, I would still respect the office of the presidency. I would never behave as an ANTIFA scum or promote violence against fellow citizens.

10s of thousands of votes is easily done with computer software glitches. There is no reason to rush at this point unless you are trying to sweep things under the rug.
Kudos on having the right oppositional attitude. I have no problem with small margin recounts or investigations into fraud claims. I do have a problem when the president lies and says he won and the election was stolen and then to see thousands of his supports gathering to parrot the same lies. I also have a problem with not allowing Biden to prepare for office. Especially when it comes to blocking him from talking to the COVID task force as he is actually trying to make a plan to address this issue.

In the end, peaceful transition of power is the most important thing. With that I agree. At some point we may have to accept a Biden win.... and with that I would not be happy for my own reasons. So as long as there is time to legally investigate claims of fraud, I wouldn't just simply accept saying its over.

You have a problem with Trump supporters gathering to protest????? right or wrong, unless they are setting cars on fire, throwing objects at police, smashing windows, starting fires, vandalizing and graffiti'ing buildings.... its simply exercizing their rights to free speech.

You should have a problem if they were denied that right!
First, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest vote.

Then, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest recount.

Next, Trump lost because the state judges weren't honest.

Following, Trump lost because the SCOTUS wasn't honest.

Finally, Trump lost because the Electoral college wasn't honest.

Because cult.
So if you are so certain that Biden won, why are you so terrified by an HONEST Recount.

I don't care if a Democratic poll watcher has access, and if an honest count goes against TRUMP, I can accept that. But physically preventing legitimate poll watchers is what Biden needs to prevail.
There’s no fraud. Stop spreading lies. The margin is in the range for a recount so go ahead and recount. It won’t make a difference. Biden won Georgia. It’s a landslide victory. There’s not even a fake narrative out there being pushed by a Trump that would turn this election around. He’s done. I want to hear a concession speech

Dont know about that. There are reports like this out there...

Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.

There are so many Democrats in power who look at Trump like he is Hitler. Why would they not cheat if they seriously believe he is a racist/ xenophobic hitler???
Rigging an election would seem almost like a patriotic duty if they really felt that way.. so the incentive is there.
4 years of media distortion has created palatable hatred for TRump... I would expect anything from the LEFT. Lets get to the bottom of it using LEGAL channels
That’s the thing. There are not enough witness accounts or evidence of anything that would flip the election. Nothing is landing in court because they doing have anything. He would need to flip 10s of thousands of votes in multiple states to turn the election. Not gonna happen. Accept it
DNC talking points that have already been discredited. You morons don't give a damn about facts. All you do is repeat the same lies over and over.
What talking points? These are just facts. I didn’t hear anybody else say these things. I just have to looked at the reported numbers. If others are saying the same stuff then it’s probably because they are able to understand facts as well. If you think you can discredit anything I said then go ahead and try to discredit it
They are Dim talking points - lies, in other words.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Go ahead and discredit them then. Let’s see what you got.
First, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest vote.

Then, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest recount.

Next, Trump lost because the state judges weren't honest.

Following, Trump lost because the SCOTUS wasn't honest.

Finally, Trump lost because the Electoral college wasn't honest.

Because cult.
So if you are so certain that Biden won, why are you so terrified by an HONEST Recount.

I don't care if a Democratic poll watcher has access, and if an honest count goes against TRUMP, I can accept that. But physically preventing legitimate poll watchers is what Biden needs to prevail.
There’s no fraud. Stop spreading lies. The margin is in the range for a recount so go ahead and recount. It won’t make a difference. Biden won Georgia. It’s a landslide victory. There’s not even a fake narrative out there being pushed by a Trump that would turn this election around. He’s done. I want to hear a concession speech

Dont know about that. There are reports like this out there...

Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.

There are so many Democrats in power who look at Trump like he is Hitler. Why would they not cheat if they seriously believe he is a racist/ xenophobic hitler???
Rigging an election would seem almost like a patriotic duty if they really felt that way.. so the incentive is there.
4 years of media distortion has created palatable hatred for TRump... I would expect anything from the LEFT. Lets get to the bottom of it using LEGAL channels
That’s the thing. There are not enough witness accounts or evidence of anything that would flip the election. Nothing is landing in court because they doing have anything. He would need to flip 10s of thousands of votes in multiple states to turn the election. Not gonna happen. Accept it
DNC talking points that have already been discredited. You morons don't give a damn about facts. All you do is repeat the same lies over and over.
What talking points? These are just facts. I didn’t hear anybody else say these things. I just have to looked at the reported numbers. If others are saying the same stuff then it’s probably because they are able to understand facts as well. If you think you can discredit anything I said then go ahead and try to discredit it
They are Dim talking points - lies, in other words.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Go ahead and discredit them then. Let’s see what you got.
Spare me. You're using a typical leftwing tactic: make me do endless amounts of work that you will dismiss with the wave of your hand.

Prove your talking points are facts.
The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?
I find it highly suspect that anyone with video would be allowed close enough to film a recount with this much scrutiny.
Both parties have observers there. They are hired by the town/city/state and vetted and certified to be in the room months
in advance.
Why should video not be allowed?

Because the civil servants and volunteers counting would be put in physical harm from those who are not satisfied by their conclusion. We saw outside in Phoenix on election night some ^$$%%^*&s carrying firearms.
A lot of people in Arizona carry firearms. You don't even need a CCW permit to carry concealed and open carry has always been legal here. Out of thirteen people on my motorcycle ride last week, three were carrying pistols.
First, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest vote.

Then, Trump lost because it wasn't an honest recount.

Next, Trump lost because the state judges weren't honest.

Following, Trump lost because the SCOTUS wasn't honest.

Finally, Trump lost because the Electoral college wasn't honest.

Because cult.
So if you are so certain that Biden won, why are you so terrified by an HONEST Recount.

I don't care if a Democratic poll watcher has access, and if an honest count goes against TRUMP, I can accept that. But physically preventing legitimate poll watchers is what Biden needs to prevail.
There’s no fraud. Stop spreading lies. The margin is in the range for a recount so go ahead and recount. It won’t make a difference. Biden won Georgia. It’s a landslide victory. There’s not even a fake narrative out there being pushed by a Trump that would turn this election around. He’s done. I want to hear a concession speech

Dont know about that. There are reports like this out there...

Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.

There are so many Democrats in power who look at Trump like he is Hitler. Why would they not cheat if they seriously believe he is a racist/ xenophobic hitler???
Rigging an election would seem almost like a patriotic duty if they really felt that way.. so the incentive is there.
4 years of media distortion has created palatable hatred for TRump... I would expect anything from the LEFT. Lets get to the bottom of it using LEGAL channels
That’s the thing. There are not enough witness accounts or evidence of anything that would flip the election. Nothing is landing in court because they doing have anything. He would need to flip 10s of thousands of votes in multiple states to turn the election. Not gonna happen. Accept it

I think its all still under review, so no. I'm not going to accept it yet. If it is determined that there was no widespread and co-ordinated voter fraud, then i will accept a Biden win without a problem.

And even if he gets into office despite fraud, I would still respect the office of the presidency. I would never behave as an ANTIFA scum or promote violence against fellow citizens.

10s of thousands of votes is easily done with computer software glitches. There is no reason to rush at this point unless you are trying to sweep things under the rug.
Kudos on having the right oppositional attitude. I have no problem with small margin recounts or investigations into fraud claims. I do have a problem when the president lies and says he won and the election was stolen and then to see thousands of his supports gathering to parrot the same lies. I also have a problem with not allowing Biden to prepare for office. Especially when it comes to blocking him from talking to the COVID task force as he is actually trying to make a plan to address this issue.

In the end, peaceful transition of power is the most important thing. With that I agree. At some point we may have to accept a Biden win.... and with that I would not be happy for my own reasons. So as long as there is time to legally investigate claims of fraud, I wouldn't just simply accept saying its over.

You have a problem with Trump supporters gathering to protest????? right or wrong, unless they are setting cars on fire, throwing objects at police, smashing windows, starting fires, vandalizing and graffiti'ing buildings.... its simply exercizing their rights to free speech.

You should have a problem if they were denied that right!
I have no problem with gatherings but I do have a problem if they are protesting based on lies that our president has spread. Don’t you?

Biden can prepare his transition while Trump challenges the election. They can both happen at the same time. The problem here is Trump is lying and fabricating conspiracies. His claims are not legitimate and it appears he is just doing this to raise money and to protect his ego because he can’t ever admit defeat. I think last time I checked he was 0 for 18 with his lawsuits. Doesnt that tell you something?

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