GOP Georgia Recount Observers are being kept 50 feet away from viewing the recount.

Dude, you are a fucking retard!

It's not Biden's lawyers who are 1-11 in court cases.

It's not Biden's lawyers who are having their cases thrown out of court, and admitting that they have no standing.

God, you are dumber than a sack of hammers.
We're going to see just how good Biden's lawyers are when they stand up in front of the nation and
try to defend the indefensible. I can't wait. And you?

then you'll be waiting...alone. :)
Exactly right Mr President! :thup:

Donald J. Trump

Georgia Secretary of State, a so-called Republican (RINO), won’t let the people checking the ballots see the signatures for fraud. Why? Without this the whole process is very unfair and close to meaningless. Everyone knows that we won the state. Where is
Soon-to-be Mr. ex-President

Sorry to break it to you Toro....but you are profoundly wrong.

President Trump will be your President for four more years! :clap::clap::clap:

What? You mean they actually want to count ballots accuracy instead of having bubba breathe on their shoulder...I'm mortified
Another idiot chimes in. No one, especially no "Bubbas", were breathing on anyone's shoulders from a vantage point so far away binoculars had to be used to try to observe the counting, when windows weren't completely blocked off. Such idiocy. Stop drinking.
Damn talk about desperation,the lies these morons will come up with to try and save face is priceless.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:
The douchebag is currently running the GA recount swindle, moron. Why would we want people who are fucking us up the ass? That's what RINOs do.

Yes, everyone who causes you to lose is a liberal or a RINO.

No, it couldn't possibly be your fault.

No, you couldn't be a REAL conservative and take responsibility for your failures.

It's always someone else's fault.

You sound like a liberal.

A losing one lol
Put on Ignore.
You mean you waited to do that to this lying paid shill all these years?

he always has his head up his bed lover langley shill wrongwingers ass who has never been able to open his mouth without lying so I did that years ago with him.I guess you must have been more fortunate than I was to not have as near as many discussions with him as I did is why you waited much longer than me to not feed the troll anymore.



Give it up, dude. You're finished.
If Alzheimer Joe really had an insurmountable lead, with no illegalities or shenanigans, as impossible as that is to believe, why are you so eager to stop the digging around?

Wouldn't you be unafraid to inspect the ruins of this election, knowing you have nothing to fear?

Of course you would! You are full of crap, just like your corrupt China friendly God, Joe Biden.
Did you seriously think you could steal an election and no one would try to stop you?

You're as dumb as a box of rat turds!
If The Left can find a way to cheat they will. Should there be a law suit over this? Also, they are not verifying signatures or date stamps. Reported with Video on American Agenda & Newsmax. Republican Inspectors are not being allowed to inspect the ballots.

I hope this fraudulent election does not eventually result in a Civil War.

It won't.

The disputed elections must recounted properly, or the states should refuse to certify the results.

The Republicans control the legislatures of all four of the disputed states. It is in the power of these legislatures to choose to not certify any winners for president in their states if the results are not verified. If they do this, neither Biden nor Trump will get the needed 270 electoral votes necessary to become president.

If that happens, the Constitution is clear. The decision moves to the House of Representatives in Congress. According to the 12th amendment
In choosing the president, the votes will be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice.
In other words, each state’s delegation of House representatives will vote as group, and result of that vote will determine the choice of their state for president.

Furthermore, it will be the newly elected House that makes this decision. In that case the balance strongly favors Trump.

Will the state legislatures in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Michigan have the courage to recognize the unreliable vote results in their states, and refuse to certify them without rigid robust recounts that remove all illegitimate and illegal votes?

Well, the Republican speaker in the Pennsylvania house has already made it clear that without a full audit of the election there will be no certification of the results. And without that certification, no candidate gets Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes.

There are indications that one or more of the other four states will do the same. As another author argues properly,
The Republican legislatures [should] follow his lead and say no certification without the following:
  • a full audit, by hand of every vote
  • any court or election official mandate not approved by the Legislature does not count — take out those votes
If Biden won these states legitimately, a full audit and recount will prove that, and will also remove the clouds of suspicion presently hanging over the election results in these states. To resist such audits only increases the suspicion that the Democrats did fake the result by fraudulent means, and now wish to hide this fact. The only way they can convince everyone that Biden won legally is to eagerly embrace such audits and recounts, and prove they are innocent of that accusation.

It is the responsibility of these state legislatures — elected by the people — to make sure the vote has been counted honestly, and to demonstrate that fact to all voters, from both parties. To allow a cloud to remain over this result cannot be tolerated.

It is my hope that the Democrats will agree, and will help make possible detailed and honest recounts in these states. If they don’t, if they block full audits or act to sabotage that effort in any way, then the state legislatures must refuse to certify the results, thus letting the House decide who should be president.

And if Trump wins in that case, the Democrats will have only themselves to blame.
GOOD!!!! Its for the safety of counters. Angry MAGAs hovering over those poor ladies trying to count votes would be scary. And maybe even considered election interference?
Hey stupid fuck, people thst were appointed to do their jobs and overlook the voting of ballots were turned away jerk.
GOOD!!!! Its for the safety of counters. Angry MAGAs hovering over those poor ladies trying to count votes would be scary. And maybe even considered election interference?
Hey stupid fuck, people thst were appointed to do their jobs and overlook the voting of ballots were turned away jerk.
Great news then. This level of resistance can't go overlooked, and displays their desperation to hide criminality. We'll see how it goes, but I grow more optimistic by the day. Trump 2020.
The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?
I find it highly suspect that anyone with video would be allowed close enough to film a recount with this much scrutiny.
Both parties have observers there. They are hired by the town/city/state and vetted and certified to be in the room months
in advance.
These folks are going to believe what they want to believe, and it doesn't matter if we've ever heard of their "sources".

We'll see who's standing up there on Inauguration Day. Until then, all these conspiracy theories, the thousands of them, are noise.
Four years of conspiracy theories from the left, and now everyone has to shut up. Hypocrites.



Give it up, dude. You're finished.
If Alzheimer Joe really had an insurmountable lead, with no illegalities or shenanigans, as impossible as that is to believe, why are you so eager to stop the digging around?

Wouldn't you be unafraid to inspect the ruins of this election, knowing you have nothing to fear?

Of course you would! You are full of crap, just like your corrupt China friendly God, Joe Biden.
Did you seriously think you could steal an election and no one would try to stop you?

You're as dumb as a box of rat turds!
Exactly right Mr President! :thup:

Donald J. Trump

Georgia Secretary of State, a so-called Republican (RINO), won’t let the people checking the ballots see the signatures for fraud. Why? Without this the whole process is very unfair and close to meaningless. Everyone knows that we won the state. Where is
Soon-to-be Mr. ex-President

Sorry to break it to you Toro....but you are profoundly wrong.

President Trump will be your President for four more years! :clap::clap::clap:

Skye I would not get too confidant of that,it’s always good to stay optimistic but you are overlooking we got the most corrupt court system in the world and the elite pretty much always get what they want.keep being positive and stay optimistic but at the same time,be prepared if things don’t go the way you want them to so you won’t be so letdown if they don’t.
If The Left can find a way to cheat they will. Should there be a law suit over this? Also, they are not verifying signatures or date stamps. Reported with Video on American Agenda & Newsmax. Republican Inspectors are not being allowed to inspect the ballots.

I hope this fraudulent election does not eventually result in a Civil War.

50 feet away from you. The Stench.

The only stench is you fucking sick lying america haters.



Give it up, dude. You're finished.
If Alzheimer Joe really had an insurmountable lead, with no illegalities or shenanigans, as impossible as that is to believe, why are you so eager to stop the digging around?

Wouldn't you be unafraid to inspect the ruins of this election, knowing you have nothing to fear?

Of course you would! You are full of crap, just like your corrupt China friendly God, Joe Biden.
Did you seriously think you could steal an election and no one would try to stop you?

You're as dumb as a box of rat turds!
Exactly right Mr President! :thup:

Donald J. Trump

Georgia Secretary of State, a so-called Republican (RINO), won’t let the people checking the ballots see the signatures for fraud. Why? Without this the whole process is very unfair and close to meaningless. Everyone knows that we won the state. Where is
Soon-to-be Mr. ex-President

Sorry to break it to you Toro....but you are profoundly wrong.

President Trump will be your President for four more years! :clap::clap::clap:

Skye I would not get too confidant of that,it’s always good to stay optimistic but you are overlooking we got the most corrupt court system in the world and the elite pretty much always get what they want.keep being positive and stay optimistic but at the same time,be prepared if things don’t go the way you want them to so you won’t be so letdown if they don’t.

I AM very confidant LA RAM FAN. :up:

I am confidant because this was not just another four year election.

This was different.....have faith wait and see.
GOOD!!!! Its for the safety of counters. Angry MAGAs hovering over those poor ladies trying to count votes would be scary. And maybe even considered election interference?
Hey stupid fuck, people thst were appointed to do their jobs and overlook the voting of ballots were turned away jerk.
Great news then. This level of resistance can't go overlooked, and displays their desperation to hide criminality. We'll see how it goes, but I grow more optimistic by the day. Trump 2020.
As I just got done saying,that’s great that you remain positive,just don’t get cocky thinking there is no way he won’t be re-elected,be prepared if things don’t happen the way you expect them,none of us know what the outcome will be.



Give it up, dude. You're finished.
If Alzheimer Joe really had an insurmountable lead, with no illegalities or shenanigans, as impossible as that is to believe, why are you so eager to stop the digging around?

Wouldn't you be unafraid to inspect the ruins of this election, knowing you have nothing to fear?

Of course you would! You are full of crap, just like your corrupt China friendly God, Joe Biden.
Did you seriously think you could steal an election and no one would try to stop you?

You're as dumb as a box of rat turds!
Exactly right Mr President! :thup:

Donald J. Trump

Georgia Secretary of State, a so-called Republican (RINO), won’t let the people checking the ballots see the signatures for fraud. Why? Without this the whole process is very unfair and close to meaningless. Everyone knows that we won the state. Where is
Soon-to-be Mr. ex-President

Sorry to break it to you Toro....but you are profoundly wrong.

President Trump will be your President for four more years! :clap::clap::clap:

Skye I would not get too confidant of that,it’s always good to stay optimistic but you are overlooking we got the most corrupt court system in the world and the elite pretty much always get what they want.keep being positive and stay optimistic but at the same time,be prepared if things don’t go the way you want them to so you won’t be so letdown if they don’t.

I AM very confidant LA RAM FAN. :up:

I am confidant because this was not just another four year election.

This was different.....have faith wait and see.
Well I do realise this was the most blatant disregard for the laws
And most obvious rigged election with far more evidence than any other past election in the past which is why I remain optimistic and believe there is a slight chance he gets re-elected but again,I know how powerful our corrupt government is that it’s like a mouse fighting a gorilla the fact we have the most corrupt system in the world. I have seen too many times in the past that despite the overwhelming g evidence,the government always gets their way,this would be the first time they did not so it’s a huge long shot,just be prepared for it if it doesn’t go our way is all I’m saying,

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