GOP has already given obama FIVE increases in the debt ceiling

doesnt change the fact.
I rarely agree with this loon, but he is right. the gov't is big enough!
Republicans have approved the spending.

They have to approve the borrowing or they are a bunch of liars, cheats, and thieves.
Did you bitch during Reagan when it was raised a 18 times?

Of course not

Reagan economy's had real GDP growth and real job increases
So, they knew what they were doing


The amount under GOP administrations has been smaller on average than increases that occurred during the tenure of Democratic presidents.
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You must believe Comrade
As has been posted in the past. the numbers have only gone up

Move Over Einstein, there is a new kid in town



We know that many on the racist right have tried to play up Papa Obama's deficit spending as having no end in sight.
But, through my sources at DNC, I have been given inside knowledge of Papa Obama's theory on deficit spending.
Papa Obama has actually found a universal constant to spending.

Apparently, he has based it on another's work but not as smart as Papa Obama to see the big picture

E= MC2
E= socialist egalitarianism
M= Gross National Product
C= speed of spending- which is a constant
It is so simple and beautiful

Let us approximate on our current deficit spending to show us how this works
(using 365 days) h/t to RealDealPolitics

At 4 trillion dollars a year, what we actually have....
Per actual day $10,958,904,110
Per actual hour $456,621,005
Per actual minute $7,610,350
Per actual second $126,839

Indeed as spending approaches the same number of units per second for the speed of light or 186,282 miles per second, we will reach our Progressive Utopia.
In Papa Obama's theory, as we approach this speed of spending constant the National Debt will actually slow down. Of course, once achieving this Utopia,
the masses will respond in kind by being the most productive ever in history and at that point the Deficit will just "wither away". Man will truly become free...

Man, at last the master of his own form of social organization, becomes at the same time the lord over Nature, his own master — free.

Trying to build on Papa Obama's theory, some progressives, like Krugman, are hard at work to see if we can break this constant of spending to see if it would be possible to even reverse the National Debt.

These are most exciting times we live in comrades

Papa Obama IS working, we just need more spending to get there ! -
Reagan went up to a 35% deficit in 1983, but Republicans don't care about that.

Shrub went up to a 22% deficit in 2004, but Republicans don't care about that.

Obama came into office in the worst recession since 1935, and inherited a deficit of 67% due to a MASSIVE 17% decrease in revenue over one single year.

He has brought the deficit down to around 36% in only four years.
Did you bitch during Reagan when it was raised a 18 times?

Hey stupid. When ronnie left the debt ceiling was $3T. Obozo wants $17T. THINK

Stop giving rich people a lower tax thresh hold than the average citizen.
Stop spending so much on entitlements for the rich and poor.
Stop spending a billion+ a year on defense.
Stop blaming one president for continued abuse of the economy and fiscal policy that has been going on for decades.
And I'll think about it.
Reagan went up to a 35% deficit in 1983, but Republicans don't care about that.

Shrub went up to a 22% deficit in 2004, but Republicans don't care about that.

Obama came into office in the worst recession since 1935, and inherited a deficit of 67% due to a MASSIVE 17% decrease in revenue over one single year.

He has brought the deficit down to around 36% in only four years.

Quite an accomplishment if you ask me.
Actually, Reagan had a worse recession

You do know that Papa Obama signed most of the FY 2009
Congress did not complete work by September 30, 2008.
Bush did sign some appropriations bills and a continuing resolution to keep the government running

A Democrat controlled Congress held off on the big spending portions of the bills until Papa Obama took office.

They wanted to jack up spending.
Papa Obama signed the final FY2009 spending bills on March 11, 2009.
Reagan went up to a 35% deficit in 1983, but Republicans don't care about that.

Shrub went up to a 22% deficit in 2004, but Republicans don't care about that.

Obama came into office in the worst recession since 1935, and inherited a deficit of 67% due to a MASSIVE 17% decrease in revenue over one single year.

He has brought the deficit down to around 36% in only four years.

Quite an accomplishment if you ask me.

You still think opening day for Papa Obamacare was a big success
So, one is not sure how much that is worth

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