GOP has already given obama FIVE increases in the debt ceiling

Did you bitch during Reagan when it was raised a 18 times?

Of course not

Reagan economy's had real GDP growth and real job increases
So, they knew what they were doing


The amount under GOP administrations has been smaller on average than increases that occurred during the tenure of Democratic presidents.

Under Reagan we went from a creditor nation to a hugely indebted nation.

Study what happened to household debt starting in 1980.

When you couple the Reagan boom years with his deficit spending and post 1982 tax increases he looks like a Democrat.

Why do you think we all started receiving 3 credit cards a week starting in the 80s.

The economy transitioned from wage based consumption to debt based consumption.

Morning in America brought to you by American Express, Visa and MasterCard.

Starting with Reagan the USA went on a 30 years borrowing binge that ended with the insolvency of the middle class. We, as a nation, borrowed the money that was supposed to trickle down into better jobs and more competitive pricing. Who knew that the jobs would trickle to China and most of our large sectors would be handed to anti-competitive monopolies.

With the rise of Reagan we saw an era of mega-mergers where companies would buy eachother rather than compete.

Trickle down economics has been roundly disputed as a ploy for the upward transfer of wealth.

America swallowed poison in 1980.
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Reagan went up to a 35% deficit in 1983, but Republicans don't care about that.

Shrub went up to a 22% deficit in 2004, but Republicans don't care about that.

Obama came into office in the worst recession since 1935, and inherited a deficit of 67% due to a MASSIVE 17% decrease in revenue over one single year.

He has brought the deficit down to around 36% in only four years.

Like hell. Obama's debt to GDP ratio is way over 100%. He doesn't count money borrowed from the fed as debt.!!! THINK
Actually, Reagan had a worse recession....

how much did unemployment go up during his recession?

how far did the dow jones crash?

how negative was our economic growth?

how many banks had to be bailed out?

how many insurance companies had to be bailed out?

did the banks stop lending?
statement still stands

The amount under GOP administrations has been smaller on average than increases that occurred during the tenure of Democratic presidents.

Note, they also got better results for the money
Sure increase it, but not to the extreme left and Papa Obama
Not to somebody who does not know what they are doing

Do Papa Obama's lowest unemployment numbers still come from the day he took office from Bush
or is Bush's average unemployment rate still better?

so hard to remember all this data
Reagan went up to a 35% deficit in 1983, but Republicans don't care about that.

Shrub went up to a 22% deficit in 2004, but Republicans don't care about that.

Obama came into office in the worst recession since 1935, and inherited a deficit of 67% due to a MASSIVE 17% decrease in revenue over one single year.

He has brought the deficit down to around 36% in only four years.

Quite an accomplishment if you ask me.

You still think opening day for Papa Obamacare was a big success
So, one is not sure how much that is worth

I've seen worse. I am not anyway involved in the ACA so I have not kept up with every little detail.
Under Reagan we went from a creditor nation to a hugely indebted nation.

Study what happened to household debt starting in 1980.

When you couple the Reagan boom years with his deficit spending and post 1982 tax increases he looks like a Democrat.

Why do you think we all started receiving 3 credit cards a week starting in the 80s.

The economy transitioned from wage based consumption to debt based consumption.

Morning in America brought to you by American Express, Visa and MasterCard.

Starting with Reagan the USA went on a 30 years borrowing binge that ended with the insolvency of the middle class. We, as a nation, borrowed the money that was supposed to trickle down into better jobs and more competitive pricing. Who knew that the jobs would trickle to China and most of our large sectors would be handed to anti-competitive monopolies.

With the rise of Reagan we saw an era of mega-mergers where companies would buy eachother rather than compete.

Trickle down economics has been roundly disputed as a ploy for the upward transfer of wealth.

America swallowed poison in 1980.

Hey stupid. The economy was stronger under ronnie than under obozo. Ronnie's screw-up (and it's a big one) was his amnesty for illegals. But obozo's amnesty for illegals has been even worse.

with the extreme left
all is good

and unicorns


and opening day for Papa Obamacare was a big success

Just blame Bush and cry racism all the time
You will get the hang of it
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Reagan went up to a 35% deficit in 1983, but Republicans don't care about that.

Shrub went up to a 22% deficit in 2004, but Republicans don't care about that.

Obama came into office in the worst recession since 1935, and inherited a deficit of 67% due to a MASSIVE 17% decrease in revenue over one single year.

He has brought the deficit down to around 36% in only four years.
Obama took the debt from about 8 trillion to 17 trillion in no time at all...

Imagine that! DOUBLE THE problem!
at least the democrats are spending the money in America and not Iraqi.


Yeah, democrats spend money in America, like laundering money through unions to help their elections, funding the IRS to harass their perceived enemies, increased unlawful wire tapping, increased money for food stamps and welfare since this their job policies suck, spending $634 million on the Obamacare website which isn't even ready for beta testing, and needs a major overhaul, IT experts have said its poorly designed....oh and how have those trillions of dollars spent by Democrats from LBJ's "war on poverty" worked out?
History of United States debt ceiling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes people, five in five years!!!! What kind of "ceiling" is that? And now the spenddthrift in chief wants a 6th one. Repubs have to put their foot down sometime and tell obozo the govt has gotten big enough.

how many debt ceiling increases did Bush get?

Who cares. This shit has got to stop sometime.
Just not when a republican is president, right?

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Also gave him a meltdown that cost 3 trillion to stop and 2 trillion in ue and welfare to save the victims from starvation and homelessness, brainwashed a-holes...
also gave him two debt ceiling crises and a sequester that each costs at least a per cent in growth for a year- gd disasters on wheels...the default's ANOTHER 2 PER CENT- AND THAT'S A RECESSION AT LEAST. GREAT JOB, BRAINWASHED TOOLS LOL...
also gave him two debt ceiling crises and a sequester that each costs at least a per cent in growth for a year- gd disasters on wheels...the default's ANOTHER 2 PER CENT- AND THAT'S A RECESSION AT LEAST. GREAT JOB, BRAINWASHED TOOLS LOL...

Whenever you reply to a thread, I get this image of you being some belligerent drunk trying to talk while your mouth is full oatmeal.
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If these bastards cause a DEPRESSION like the 1930's = the end of the republican tea-party shitholes.
Did you bitch during Reagan when it was raised a 18 times?

Of course not

Reagan economy's had real GDP growth and real job increases
So, they knew what they were doing


The amount under GOP administrations has been smaller on average than increases that occurred during the tenure of Democratic presidents.

Bullshit. Get out if the bubble. You are suffocating with stupid.

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