GOP has already given obama FIVE increases in the debt ceiling

1. The Republican House has never produced a budget that did not require future debt ceiling increases, including the impending one.

2. The Republicans are therefore making a debt ceiling freeze demand that even they themselves cannot comply with.

3. That makes their position insane.
History of United States debt ceiling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes people, five in five years!!!! What kind of "ceiling" is that? And now the spenddthrift in chief wants a 6th one. Repubs have to put their foot down sometime and tell obozo the govt has gotten big enough.

how many debt ceiling increases did Bush get?

Who cares. This shit has got to stop sometime.

Yes, BUT: It needs to stop before they spend the money. Not after.
Did you bitch during Reagan when it was raised a 18 times?

Of course not

Reagan economy's had real GDP growth and real job increases
So, they knew what they were doing


The amount under GOP administrations has been smaller on average than increases that occurred during the tenure of Democratic presidents.

You're an idiot.

Reagan raised the debt ceiling 3 times during the 81 - 82 recession...

...where was the real GDP growth and real job increases then?
1. The Republican House has never produced a budget that did not require future debt ceiling increases, including the impending one.

2. The Republicans are therefore making a debt ceiling freeze demand that even they themselves cannot comply with.

3. That makes their position insane.
Real cuts in spending would alleviate the need for additional debt.


Did you bitch during Reagan when it was raised a 18 times?

Of course not

Reagan economy's had real GDP growth and real job increases
So, they knew what they were doing


The amount under GOP administrations has been smaller on average than increases that occurred during the tenure of Democratic presidents.

You're an idiot.

Reagan raised the debt ceiling 3 times during the 81 - 82 recession...

...where was the real GDP growth and real job increases then?
When Reagan was in office, the debt was about 35% of GDP....Now it is over 100%. Different circumstances call for different actions.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
I read this thread and saw a lot of BS thrown around as if they were facts. Let's see some bonafide links.
also gave him two debt ceiling crises and a sequester that each costs at least a per cent in growth for a year- gd disasters on wheels...the default's ANOTHER 2 PER CENT- AND THAT'S A RECESSION AT LEAST. GREAT JOB, BRAINWASHED TOOLS LOL...

so you are saying obama has no real plan. just spend more and more and more. a bandaid that puts us in huge debt
also gave him two debt ceiling crises and a sequester that each costs at least a per cent in growth for a year- gd disasters on wheels...the default's ANOTHER 2 PER CENT- AND THAT'S A RECESSION AT LEAST. GREAT JOB, BRAINWASHED TOOLS LOL...

so you are saying obama has no real plan. just spend more and more and more. a bandaid that puts us in huge debt


[ame=]AT&T TV Commercial - It's Not Complicated "More" - YouTube[/ame]
at least the democrats are spending the money in America and not Iraqi.


Yeah, democrats spend money in America, like laundering money through unions to help their elections, funding the IRS to harass their perceived enemies, increased unlawful wire tapping, increased money for food stamps and welfare since this their job policies suck, spending $634 million on the Obamacare website which isn't even ready for beta testing, and needs a major overhaul, IT experts have said its poorly designed....oh and how have those trillions of dollars spent by Democrats from LBJ's "war on poverty" worked out?

... spending $634 million on the Obamacare website which isn't even ready for beta testing

thanks for the rundown and for proving the Ds at least spend the money here and not in Iraqi -

* and never worry, everyone knows throwing money at a web-site eventually works and will bear fruit and will become an even greater success than LBJ's Great Society ...

1. The Republican House has never produced a budget that did not require future debt ceiling increases, including the impending one.

2. The Republicans are therefore making a debt ceiling freeze demand that even they themselves cannot comply with.

3. That makes their position insane.
Real cuts in spending would alleviate the need for additional debt.


Of course not

Reagan economy's had real GDP growth and real job increases
So, they knew what they were doing


The amount under GOP administrations has been smaller on average than increases that occurred during the tenure of Democratic presidents.

You're an idiot.

Reagan raised the debt ceiling 3 times during the 81 - 82 recession...

...where was the real GDP growth and real job increases then?
When Reagan was in office, the debt was about 35% of GDP....Now it is over 100%. Different circumstances call for different actions.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!

That makes no sense. Your record is intact.
1. The Republican House has never produced a budget that did not require future debt ceiling increases, including the impending one.

2. The Republicans are therefore making a debt ceiling freeze demand that even they themselves cannot comply with.

3. That makes their position insane.
Real cuts in spending would alleviate the need for additional debt.

Again you miss the point. The Republicans aren't offering those cuts. It takes about a trillion dollar immediate cut in spending to stay under the current debt ceiling. The Republicans aren't even close to that in their budget.

They are bluffing, and thankfully this President has finally decided to start calling their bluffs.
so you are saying obama has no real plan. just spend more and more and more. a bandaid that puts us in huge debt

His plan is to get everybody on welfare where they will then vote democrat (the welfare party) forever.
at least the democrats are spending the money in America and not Iraqi.


Yeah, democrats spend money in America, like laundering money through unions to help their elections, funding the IRS to harass their perceived enemies, increased unlawful wire tapping, increased money for food stamps and welfare since this their job policies suck, spending $634 million on the Obamacare website which isn't even ready for beta testing, and needs a major overhaul, IT experts have said its poorly designed....oh and how have those trillions of dollars spent by Democrats from LBJ's "war on poverty" worked out?

... spending $634 million on the Obamacare website which isn't even ready for beta testing

thanks for the rundown and for proving the Ds at least spend the money here and not in Iraqi -

* and never worry, everyone knows throwing money at a web-site eventually works and will bear fruit and will become an even greater success than LBJ's Great Society ...


The company hired to set up the (un)aca website is Canadian. Actually, the company excels at single payer systems. Boy, that obama is thinking ahead!

Was President Barack Obama aiming for a tech company well-versed in designing websites for a single-payer health system when he awarded the now glitch-riddled contract to Canadian CGI?

Behind all the glitches, and at the heart of the utterly stalled, that’s exactly what CGI is: the Canadian tech firm—Canada’s largest—that has provided to Canada’s single-payer health system.

Obama was looking for company with single-payer expertise

Oh look, the parent company of CGI was fired for failing to meet deadlines. Hmmm, that sounds familiar.

Canadian provincial health officials last year fired the parent company of CGI Federal, the prime contractor for the problem-plagued Obamacare health exchange websites, the Washington Examiner has learned.

CGI Federal’s parent company, Montreal-based CGI Group, was officially terminated in September 2012 by an Ontario government health agency after the firm missed three years of deadlines and failed to deliver the province’s flagship online medical registry.

The online registry was supposed to be up and running by June 2011.

Canadian officials fired IT firm behind troubled Obamacare website |

Boy, obama sure is good at this business stuff, isn't he?
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how many debt ceiling increases did Bush get?

Who cares. This shit has got to stop sometime.

Yes, BUT: It needs to stop before they spend the money. Not after.

Then there should be NO debt ceiling increases without an across-the-board spending freeze. I understand they need this ceiling increase to cover what they've already spent, but to continue to spend more is insane. We all know they'll just need another increase when this one runs out.
Who cares. This shit has got to stop sometime.

Yes, BUT: It needs to stop before they spend the money. Not after.

Then there should be NO debt ceiling increases without an across-the-board spending freeze. I understand they need this ceiling increase to cover what they've already spent, but to continue to spend more is insane. We all know they'll just need another increase when this one runs out.

Someday, nutters will get it. Cutting spending now is retarded.
Also gave him a meltdown that cost 3 trillion to stop and 2 trillion in ue and welfare to save the victims from starvation and homelessness, brainwashed a-holes...

BS when you're 100grand in debt you don't go out and spend 3 billion to pull out of it. This types of thinking is just bizarre.
Did you bitch during BushII when it was raised a 7 times?


Speaking of Bush II and the debt ceiling, here's Obama in 2006:

"Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that 'the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.

I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit"

Obama the F-ing HYPOCRITE.

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