GOP has cost US credibility when it comes to promoting freedom and free speech

How can the US promote freedom and free speech around the world when they promote voter suppression here in this country?

You can't elect a president who has said the things Trump has said and expect the world to follow your lead in promoting equality. Look at Bill O'Reilly with his recent statements about Trump protecting white power.

Under a Trump administration, this country is telling the world Russia is a role model and Putin a "good guy" and the kind of leader countries need.

So if the US isn't promoting freedom, peace, free speech and civil rights around the world, then what is the US promoting?

Do I need to bring up Hillary lamenting not rigging the Palestinian elections? Yea, you go back to your propaganda now, ass hat. Nobody's even buying it any more.
How can the US promote freedom and free speech around the world when they promote voter suppression here in this country?

You can't elect a president who has said the things Trump has said and expect the world to follow your lead in promoting equality. Look at Bill O'Reilly with his recent statements about Trump protecting white power.

Under a Trump administration, this country is telling the world Russia is a role model and Putin a "good guy" and the kind of leader countries need.

So if the US isn't promoting freedom, peace, free speech and civil rights around the world, then what is the US promoting?
Your fucking nuts. The only people on this planet supporting free speech and democracy are conservatives.
How can the US promote freedom and free speech around the world when they promote voter suppression here in this country?

You can't elect a president who has said the things Trump has said and expect the world to follow your lead in promoting equality. Look at Bill O'Reilly with his recent statements about Trump protecting white power.

Under a Trump administration, this country is telling the world Russia is a role model and Putin a "good guy" and the kind of leader countries need.

So if the US isn't promoting freedom, peace, free speech and civil rights around the world, then what is the US promoting?

Explain to me this flight of fantasy ..... just exactly how did what Trump said promotes voter suppression?

Have you had your freedom, peace, free speech or civil rights violated lately?

Shakespeare had it right ----- "Much ado about nothing"
Republicans promote voter suppression. That why they closed hundreds of polling places in Red States. Even the courts said it was done with "surgical precision". Anyone who watches the news knows it to be true.

When we know nothing about Trump. How much he owes Russia and China. The fact that he so supports Putin and Russia. He gives no press conferences. Our right to know has been compromised. We know nothing about this guy and what we do know makes him very dangerous.

Talk about the kettle calling the pot black..

Shouldn't you clean up your own home?

How can the US promote freedom and free speech around the world when they promote voter suppression here in this country?

You can't elect a president who has said the things Trump has said and expect the world to follow your lead in promoting equality. Look at Bill O'Reilly with his recent statements about Trump protecting white power.

Under a Trump administration, this country is telling the world Russia is a role model and Putin a "good guy" and the kind of leader countries need.

So if the US isn't promoting freedom, peace, free speech and civil rights around the world, then what is the US promoting?

Explain to me this flight of fantasy ..... just exactly how did what Trump said promotes voter suppression?

Have you had your freedom, peace, free speech or civil rights violated lately?

Shakespeare had it right ----- "Much ado about nothing"
Republicans promote voter suppression. That why they closed hundreds of polling places in Red States. Even the courts said it was done with "surgical precision". Anyone who watches the news knows it to be true.

When we know nothing about Trump. How much he owes Russia and China. The fact that he so supports Putin and Russia. He gives no press conferences. Our right to know has been compromised. We know nothing about this guy and what we do know makes him very dangerous.
We know just about everything with Trump as he was vetted relentlessly by the MSM for decades....

We still know nothing about Obama....but that will change in under three weeks....
You have it completely opposite. Republicans learned their lesson when they invited Obama to their retreat with the intention of "showing that boy how it's done". And then he cleaned GOP clock. We know about Obama's parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, half brothers and sisters. We know where he went to grade school, High School and College. We know every job he ever had and how much money he's made to the cent, his wife, her family, where he went to church.

Your problem is you just want there to be a scandal so bad you can taste it. Look how the GOP went after Hillary for 30 years and found nothing. Even the so called email scandal is so over the top considering the two Secretary's of State before her turned over zero emails after being ordered to do so. Rules are different for Republicans. And the Democratic base is very angry the party leadership lets Republicans get away with so much. Jesus, the GOP let Bin Laden go, stop looking for him and invaded the wrong country. And they are upset about Hillary's fucking emails? And Trump's new national security advisor GAVE AWAY classified material to foreign countries and they are worried about Hillary's emails? Fuck that.

Look at all the time the media spend chasing waterfalls with the Clinton Foundation. Only a single reporter brought down the Trump Foundation. So far, the media has been totally uninterested in what Trump has done. Well, that's about to change. As the president, he will soon be the only game in town. The press will finally have to actually vett him.

Trump said he has no Russian connections? What did his son say?

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.Recently discovered secret ledgers in Ukraine contained references to $12.7 million in payments earmarked for Paul Manafort, Trump's previous campaign manager who was also a longtime consultant to Viktor Yanukovich. His Trump connection was less public after the connection was uncovered.

The press has given Trump a bye. But that's not going to last. The media wanted Trump to be president. They know he will be news for years. And he will be, if he lasts that long.
Why were we in Iraq? How many will killed in New York under Bush and the GOP? 3,000 in a single blow. And they let the murderer go and stopped looking for him.

Chicago is one Democratic City surrounded by a Republican state. You can leave Chicago and buy guns like popcorn.

But if I were Republicans, I would worry about all those poor whites in Appalachia Trump is about to screw over. Most of those killed by guns in the United States are white Republicans. You may have a few Democratic areas, but the majority are whites in Red States. Them's just the facts.
How can the US promote freedom and free speech around the world when they promote voter suppression here in this country?

You can't elect a president who has said the things Trump has said and expect the world to follow your lead in promoting equality. Look at Bill O'Reilly with his recent statements about Trump protecting white power.

Under a Trump administration, this country is telling the world Russia is a role model and Putin a "good guy" and the kind of leader countries need.

So if the US isn't promoting freedom, peace, free speech and civil rights around the world, then what is the US promoting?

Explain to me this flight of fantasy ..... just exactly how did what Trump said promotes voter suppression?

Have you had your freedom, peace, free speech or civil rights violated lately?

Shakespeare had it right ----- "Much ado about nothing"
Republicans promote voter suppression. That why they closed hundreds of polling places in Red States. Even the courts said it was done with "surgical precision". Anyone who watches the news knows it to be true.

When we know nothing about Trump. How much he owes Russia and China. The fact that he so supports Putin and Russia. He gives no press conferences. Our right to know has been compromised. We know nothing about this guy and what we do know makes him very dangerous.
We know just about everything with Trump as he was vetted relentlessly by the MSM for decades....

We still know nothing about Obama....but that will change in under three weeks....
You have it completely opposite. Republicans learned their lesson when they invited Obama to their retreat with the intention of "showing that boy how it's done". And then he cleaned GOP clock. We know about Obama's parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, half brothers and sisters. We know where he went to grade school, High School and College. We know every job he ever had and how much money he's made to the cent, his wife, her family, where he went to church.

Your problem is you just want there to be a scandal so bad you can taste it. Look how the GOP went after Hillary for 30 years and found nothing. Even the so called email scandal is so over the top considering the two Secretary's of State before her turned over zero emails after being ordered to do so. Rules are different for Republicans. And the Democratic base is very angry the party leadership lets Republicans get away with so much. Jesus, the GOP let Bin Laden go, stop looking for him and invaded the wrong country. And they are upset about Hillary's fucking emails? And Trump's new national security advisor GAVE AWAY classified material to foreign countries and they are worried about Hillary's emails? Fuck that.

Look at all the time the media spend chasing waterfalls with the Clinton Foundation. Only a single reporter brought down the Trump Foundation. So far, the media has been totally uninterested in what Trump has done. Well, that's about to change. As the president, he will soon be the only game in town. The press will finally have to actually vett him.

Trump said he has no Russian connections? What did his son say?

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.Recently discovered secret ledgers in Ukraine contained references to $12.7 million in payments earmarked for Paul Manafort, Trump's previous campaign manager who was also a longtime consultant to Viktor Yanukovich. His Trump connection was less public after the connection was uncovered.

The press has given Trump a bye. But that's not going to last. The media wanted Trump to be president. They know he will be news for years. And he will be, if he lasts that long.

Republicans learned their lesson when they invited Obama to their retreat with the intention of "showing that boy how it's done". And then he cleaned GOP clock.

Is that why he's been such a failure?
Too busy cleaning clocks?
A start for me would be to see Trumps tax returns. normal process of being the president. even if I did not like them, would still feel better about him .
Wikileaks showed that the Democratic Party is one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. Democrats especially, are in no position to preach from high horses. So i'm gonna go ahead and call Bullshit on the OP.
There was really nothing of importance there.

Too bad they didn't expose Republican emails. Could you imagine? After what they say in public what they really say in private?

What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'?

The 10 Worst Moments of Disrespect Towards President Obama | Politic365

Your Party is one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. Maybe only 2nd to the UN in that regard. You don't have any credibility.
Not having credibility with Republicans is a badge of honor. They believe in "let him die" and elected a pu$$y grabbing racist as president. They have no shame. Republicans are laughed at and ridiculed all over the world.

Except in the White House, the House of Representatives, The Senate, 39 state governorships, 66 of 90 state legislatures, boardrooms, and the stock market.
Isn't that about what they had under Bush? And how did that turn out?

Trump will be worse. He's even more stupid.

That, of course, is apples and oranges .... or, as my grandpa used to say, you're looking in the roses for a barrel of bullshit.

Are you suggesting that the people don't know what they're doing ---- and that they should just rely on the effete elite to take care of them and make all the tough decisions?
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How can the US promote freedom and free speech around the world when they promote voter suppression here in this country?

You can't elect a president who has said the things Trump has said and expect the world to follow your lead in promoting equality. Look at Bill O'Reilly with his recent statements about Trump protecting white power.

Under a Trump administration, this country is telling the world Russia is a role model and Putin a "good guy" and the kind of leader countries need.

So if the US isn't promoting freedom, peace, free speech and civil rights around the world, then what is the US promoting?

Explain to me this flight of fantasy ..... just exactly how did what Trump said promotes voter suppression?

Have you had your freedom, peace, free speech or civil rights violated lately?

Shakespeare had it right ----- "Much ado about nothing"
Republicans promote voter suppression. That why they closed hundreds of polling places in Red States. Even the courts said it was done with "surgical precision". Anyone who watches the news knows it to be true.

When we know nothing about Trump. How much he owes Russia and China. The fact that he so supports Putin and Russia. He gives no press conferences. Our right to know has been compromised. We know nothing about this guy and what we do know makes him very dangerous.

LOL! It still hurts, doesn't it?

But, I have to admit --- you are a fair-minded person who is willing to accept the results of the election and reserve judgement until something actually happens.

Oh wait ---- no, you're not.
How can the US promote freedom and free speech around the world when they promote voter suppression here in this country?

You can't elect a president who has said the things Trump has said and expect the world to follow your lead in promoting equality. Look at Bill O'Reilly with his recent statements about Trump protecting white power.

Under a Trump administration, this country is telling the world Russia is a role model and Putin a "good guy" and the kind of leader countries need.

So if the US isn't promoting freedom, peace, free speech and civil rights around the world, then what is the US promoting?

Explain to me this flight of fantasy ..... just exactly how did what Trump said promotes voter suppression?

Have you had your freedom, peace, free speech or civil rights violated lately?

Shakespeare had it right ----- "Much ado about nothing"
Republicans promote voter suppression. That why they closed hundreds of polling places in Red States. Even the courts said it was done with "surgical precision". Anyone who watches the news knows it to be true.

When we know nothing about Trump. How much he owes Russia and China. The fact that he so supports Putin and Russia. He gives no press conferences. Our right to know has been compromised. We know nothing about this guy and what we do know makes him very dangerous.
We know just about everything with Trump as he was vetted relentlessly by the MSM for decades....

We still know nothing about Obama....but that will change in under three weeks....
You have it completely opposite. Republicans learned their lesson when they invited Obama to their retreat with the intention of "showing that boy how it's done". And then he cleaned GOP clock. We know about Obama's parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, half brothers and sisters. We know where he went to grade school, High School and College. We know every job he ever had and how much money he's made to the cent, his wife, her family, where he went to church.

Your problem is you just want there to be a scandal so bad you can taste it. Look how the GOP went after Hillary for 30 years and found nothing. Even the so called email scandal is so over the top considering the two Secretary's of State before her turned over zero emails after being ordered to do so. Rules are different for Republicans. And the Democratic base is very angry the party leadership lets Republicans get away with so much. Jesus, the GOP let Bin Laden go, stop looking for him and invaded the wrong country. And they are upset about Hillary's fucking emails? And Trump's new national security advisor GAVE AWAY classified material to foreign countries and they are worried about Hillary's emails? Fuck that.

Look at all the time the media spend chasing waterfalls with the Clinton Foundation. Only a single reporter brought down the Trump Foundation. So far, the media has been totally uninterested in what Trump has done. Well, that's about to change. As the president, he will soon be the only game in town. The press will finally have to actually vett him.

Trump said he has no Russian connections? What did his son say?

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.Recently discovered secret ledgers in Ukraine contained references to $12.7 million in payments earmarked for Paul Manafort, Trump's previous campaign manager who was also a longtime consultant to Viktor Yanukovich. His Trump connection was less public after the connection was uncovered.

The press has given Trump a bye. But that's not going to last. The media wanted Trump to be president. They know he will be news for years. And he will be, if he lasts that long.

Republicans learned their lesson when they invited Obama to their retreat with the intention of "showing that boy how it's done". And then he cleaned GOP clock.

Is that why he's been such a failure?
Too busy cleaning clocks?
Cleaning GOP clock made him feared, not a failure.
GOP attacks on ethics a great start. Doing just what we thought they would do. But faster.
How can the US promote freedom and free speech around the world when they promote voter suppression here in this country?

You can't elect a president who has said the things Trump has said and expect the world to follow your lead in promoting equality. Look at Bill O'Reilly with his recent statements about Trump protecting white power.

Under a Trump administration, this country is telling the world Russia is a role model and Putin a "good guy" and the kind of leader countries need.

So if the US isn't promoting freedom, peace, free speech and civil rights around the world, then what is the US promoting?
Thank God no one is doing that. That would be bad.
Explain to me this flight of fantasy ..... just exactly how did what Trump said promotes voter suppression?

Have you had your freedom, peace, free speech or civil rights violated lately?

Shakespeare had it right ----- "Much ado about nothing"
Republicans promote voter suppression. That why they closed hundreds of polling places in Red States. Even the courts said it was done with "surgical precision". Anyone who watches the news knows it to be true.

When we know nothing about Trump. How much he owes Russia and China. The fact that he so supports Putin and Russia. He gives no press conferences. Our right to know has been compromised. We know nothing about this guy and what we do know makes him very dangerous.
We know just about everything with Trump as he was vetted relentlessly by the MSM for decades....

We still know nothing about Obama....but that will change in under three weeks....
You have it completely opposite. Republicans learned their lesson when they invited Obama to their retreat with the intention of "showing that boy how it's done". And then he cleaned GOP clock. We know about Obama's parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, half brothers and sisters. We know where he went to grade school, High School and College. We know every job he ever had and how much money he's made to the cent, his wife, her family, where he went to church.

Your problem is you just want there to be a scandal so bad you can taste it. Look how the GOP went after Hillary for 30 years and found nothing. Even the so called email scandal is so over the top considering the two Secretary's of State before her turned over zero emails after being ordered to do so. Rules are different for Republicans. And the Democratic base is very angry the party leadership lets Republicans get away with so much. Jesus, the GOP let Bin Laden go, stop looking for him and invaded the wrong country. And they are upset about Hillary's fucking emails? And Trump's new national security advisor GAVE AWAY classified material to foreign countries and they are worried about Hillary's emails? Fuck that.

Look at all the time the media spend chasing waterfalls with the Clinton Foundation. Only a single reporter brought down the Trump Foundation. So far, the media has been totally uninterested in what Trump has done. Well, that's about to change. As the president, he will soon be the only game in town. The press will finally have to actually vett him.

Trump said he has no Russian connections? What did his son say?

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.Recently discovered secret ledgers in Ukraine contained references to $12.7 million in payments earmarked for Paul Manafort, Trump's previous campaign manager who was also a longtime consultant to Viktor Yanukovich. His Trump connection was less public after the connection was uncovered.

The press has given Trump a bye. But that's not going to last. The media wanted Trump to be president. They know he will be news for years. And he will be, if he lasts that long.

Republicans learned their lesson when they invited Obama to their retreat with the intention of "showing that boy how it's done". And then he cleaned GOP clock.

Is that why he's been such a failure?
Too busy cleaning clocks?
Cleaning GOP clock made him feared, not a failure.

His failure is what made him a failure.
How can the US promote freedom and free speech around the world when they promote voter suppression here in this country?

You can't elect a president who has said the things Trump has said and expect the world to follow your lead in promoting equality. Look at Bill O'Reilly with his recent statements about Trump protecting white power.

Under a Trump administration, this country is telling the world Russia is a role model and Putin a "good guy" and the kind of leader countries need.

So if the US isn't promoting freedom, peace, free speech and civil rights around the world, then what is the US promoting?
voter suppression?


What about those precincts in Detroit where more votes exist than registered voters. how is that suppression? It was in black precincts btw. And proven to be fact.
America has always been an illusion; founded upon "liberty and freedom", along with genocide, slavery, and only wealthy land holding white males with the vote. If you can begin with that, yu can get 'em to buy into anything.

Someone seems butthurt by objective reality. Not to worry, it's reality america now.
not really until Jan 20th. but we're almost there. Don't you worry yourself now.
America has always been an illusion; founded upon "liberty and freedom", along with genocide, slavery, and only wealthy land holding white males with the vote. If you can begin with that, yu can get 'em to buy into anything.

Someone seems butthurt by objective reality. Not to worry, it's reality america now.
not really until Jan 20th. but we're almost there. Don't you worry yourself now.

Looking forward to the first season of reality america, it's gonna be a great show.
America has always been an illusion; founded upon "liberty and freedom", along with genocide, slavery, and only wealthy land holding white males with the vote. If you can begin with that, yu can get 'em to buy into anything.

Not genocide...never happened......slavery was a democrat thing, brought here from Africa and Europe and fought for by the democrat party...........and of course the lie about voting......

The best, and greatest country actually created on the idea that all men....and women, are created equal.....and fighting to make that the reality......

Only fools can't see this.......
Democrat or conservative?

You know, when your kind tries those "democrats created the KKK" threads, I always ask, "Why is the north mostly Democrats and the south mostly Confederate Republican? Did all the Democrats move north and all the Republicans move south? And no one ever, ever answers the most obvious of questions.
how does that remove the history behind the fact that the democrats created the KKK?
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I don't know who those people are, but the least you can do is provide the links.

Yes, you know who they are...they have been posted about for you morons keep lying about democrats and republicans...

A "dark operative"? What the hell is that? No wonder I never heard of him before.

Hillary never said she would pay fines for her people that attack others. She never said they should be carried out on a stretcher.

This is one of those things where someone does something odious and their defenders search desperately for some kind of equivalency. They do that because they can't defend the actions of who they support.

Instead of whining to the world, "But they do it to", they should lead through example. Tell their candidate not to do that anymore.


Well. . .

Leave it to the black guy to reconcile first.

You have a serious problem with facts, don't you.

the word 'fact' is unfamiliar to him. You should read some of his posts from other threads. he repeats the same stuff over and over, it's call ad hominem and he does it very well. off topic.

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