GOP Has Enough State Houses to Call a Convention of the States


May 23, 2014
Convention of States
The GOP now controls enough state houses to call for an Article 5 Convention of the States. Our federalist system is supposed to guarantee shared powers and states rights. I want the 14th Amendment GONE. It has been abused. Selective incorporation applies the Bill of Rights to the states so it's unecessary. Also, the federal government has bestowed upon itself too much power through the Elastic Clause. The federal government was born out of the will of the states. (Baker v. Carr).
So you want to get rid of Due Process and giving every equal rights? Brilliant! Let's get rid of the 13th Amendment too then, since it is worthless without the 14th Amendment... oh yeah and get rid of the Bill of Rights too. Actually, might as well scrap the entire Constitution since it won't matter without the 14th Amendment that requires States to follow the Constitution.

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So you want to get rid of Due Process and giving every equal rights? Brilliant! Let's get rid of the 13th Amendment too then, since it is worthless without the 14th Amendment... oh yeah and get rid of the Bill of Rights too. Actually, might as well scrap the entire Constitution since it won't matter without the 14th Amendment that requires States to follow the Constitution.

Are you a Mensa member?
You have due process in the Bill of Rights. 14th Amendment was added by a bunch of Radical Republican kooks who did it for purely political reasons. Citizenship clause is misguided as well.
So you want to get rid of Due Process and giving every equal rights? Brilliant! Let's get rid of the 13th Amendment too then, since it is worthless without the 14th Amendment... oh yeah and get rid of the Bill of Rights too. Actually, might as well scrap the entire Constitution since it won't matter without the 14th Amendment that requires States to follow the Constitution.

Are you a Mensa member?
You have due process in the Bill of Rights. 14th Amendment was added by a bunch of Radical Republican kooks who did it for purely political reasons. Citizenship clause is misguided as well.

Really? Show me. this should be a fun learning experience... funny I've been studying law the last couple of years in my Criminal Justice program, and it always says that the 14th Amendment is what extends Federal law to the states. I'd like to see you prove them all wrong.
So you want to get rid of Due Process and giving every equal rights? Brilliant! Let's get rid of the 13th Amendment too then, since it is worthless without the 14th Amendment... oh yeah and get rid of the Bill of Rights too. Actually, might as well scrap the entire Constitution since it won't matter without the 14th Amendment that requires States to follow the Constitution.

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No it does not. Many Supreme Court rulings have bound thevstates to follow it. Supremacy Clause does that. Federal government is operating in an unconstitutional manner.
I don't see why whites can't have whites only communities and blacks have black only communities.

Whites moved out of Detroit to get away from blacks and blacks followed. Ask usmb blacks and they say they don't even want to live with us.

Maybe a condo community wants to be white only. So what? I get why it's wrong but freedom is freedom.

Doesn't the owner of dominos pizza own a Christian community down in Florida? No Muslims allowed I'm sure
So you want to get rid of Due Process and giving every equal rights? Brilliant! Let's get rid of the 13th Amendment too then, since it is worthless without the 14th Amendment... oh yeah and get rid of the Bill of Rights too. Actually, might as well scrap the entire Constitution since it won't matter without the 14th Amendment that requires States to follow the Constitution.

Are you a Mensa member?
You have due process in the Bill of Rights. 14th Amendment was added by a bunch of Radical Republican kooks who did it for purely political reasons. Citizenship clause is misguided as well.

Really? Show me. this should be a fun learning experience... funny I've been studying law the last couple of years in my Criminal Justice program, and it always says that the 14th Amendment is what extends Federal law to the states. I'd like to see you prove them all wrong.
14th...according to Gideon v. Wainright 1964 applied "The Bill of Rights" to the states. Supremacy Clause applies federal law to the states when they are signed by the POTUS. Education enough for you?
So you want to get rid of Due Process and giving every equal rights? Brilliant! Let's get rid of the 13th Amendment too then, since it is worthless without the 14th Amendment... oh yeah and get rid of the Bill of Rights too. Actually, might as well scrap the entire Constitution since it won't matter without the 14th Amendment that requires States to follow the Constitution.

Are you a Mensa member?
No it does not. Many Supreme Court rulings have bound thevstates to follow it. Supremacy Clause does that. Federal government is operating in an unconstitutional manner.

It doesn't huh? Ok... gotcha, your answer is the Federal Government is unConstitutional. Gotcha. So first you start a thread about the government using force against its own citizens, and then you start this thread where you want to take control away from the Federal government because they are unConstitutonal. Yep, that makes sense.
So you want to get rid of Due Process and giving every equal rights? Brilliant! Let's get rid of the 13th Amendment too then, since it is worthless without the 14th Amendment... oh yeah and get rid of the Bill of Rights too. Actually, might as well scrap the entire Constitution since it won't matter without the 14th Amendment that requires States to follow the Constitution.

Are you a Mensa member?
You have due process in the Bill of Rights. 14th Amendment was added by a bunch of Radical Republican kooks who did it for purely political reasons. Citizenship clause is misguided as well.

Really? Show me. this should be a fun learning experience... funny I've been studying law the last couple of years in my Criminal Justice program, and it always says that the 14th Amendment is what extends Federal law to the states. I'd like to see you prove them all wrong.
14th...according to Gideon v. Wainright 1964 applied "The Bill of Rights" to the states. Supremacy Clause applies federal law to the states when they are signed by the POTUS. Education enough for you?

Whatever you want to believe... I'll let you continue with your ignorance. The 14th Amendment was established specifically to make sure the 13th Amendment was followed by the states, and was later interpreted to mean it covered ALL the Amendments including the Bill of Rights.
So you want to get rid of Due Process and giving every equal rights? Brilliant! Let's get rid of the 13th Amendment too then, since it is worthless without the 14th Amendment... oh yeah and get rid of the Bill of Rights too. Actually, might as well scrap the entire Constitution since it won't matter without the 14th Amendment that requires States to follow the Constitution.

Are you a Mensa member?
You have due process in the Bill of Rights. 14th Amendment was added by a bunch of Radical Republican kooks who did it for purely political reasons. Citizenship clause is misguided as well.

Really? Show me. this should be a fun learning experience... funny I've been studying law the last couple of years in my Criminal Justice program, and it always says that the 14th Amendment is what extends Federal law to the states. I'd like to see you prove them all wrong.
14th...according to Gideon v. Wainright 1964 applied "The Bill of Rights" to the states. Supremacy Clause applies federal law to the states when they are signed by the POTUS. Education enough for you?

Whatever you want to believe... I'll let you continue with your ignorance. The 14th Amendment was established specifically to make sure the 13th Amendment was followed by the states, and was later interpreted to mean it covered ALL the Amendments including the Bill of Rights.
Ohhhhh...was interpreted. I see. So where does the 14th say, "and all other amendments?" 13th ended slavery, period, on its own. 14th is superfluous.
So you want to get rid of Due Process and giving every equal rights? Brilliant! Let's get rid of the 13th Amendment too then, since it is worthless without the 14th Amendment... oh yeah and get rid of the Bill of Rights too. Actually, might as well scrap the entire Constitution since it won't matter without the 14th Amendment that requires States to follow the Constitution.

Are you a Mensa member?
You have due process in the Bill of Rights. 14th Amendment was added by a bunch of Radical Republican kooks who did it for purely political reasons. Citizenship clause is misguided as well.

Really? Show me. this should be a fun learning experience... funny I've been studying law the last couple of years in my Criminal Justice program, and it always says that the 14th Amendment is what extends Federal law to the states. I'd like to see you prove them all wrong.
14th...according to Gideon v. Wainright 1964 applied "The Bill of Rights" to the states. Supremacy Clause applies federal law to the states when they are signed by the POTUS. Education enough for you?

Whatever you want to believe... I'll let you continue with your ignorance. The 14th Amendment was established specifically to make sure the 13th Amendment was followed by the states, and was later interpreted to mean it covered ALL the Amendments including the Bill of Rights.
Fourteenth Amendment
Read about selective incorporation.
Liberals are so insane they think that in 2016 we STILL need EXPLICIT Amendments against slavery and a women's right to vote.
What a bunch of paranoid whackos.
So you want to get rid of Due Process and giving every equal rights? Brilliant! Let's get rid of the 13th Amendment too then, since it is worthless without the 14th Amendment... oh yeah and get rid of the Bill of Rights too. Actually, might as well scrap the entire Constitution since it won't matter without the 14th Amendment that requires States to follow the Constitution.

Are you a Mensa member?
You have due process in the Bill of Rights. 14th Amendment was added by a bunch of Radical Republican kooks who did it for purely political reasons. Citizenship clause is misguided as well.

Really? Show me. this should be a fun learning experience... funny I've been studying law the last couple of years in my Criminal Justice program, and it always says that the 14th Amendment is what extends Federal law to the states. I'd like to see you prove them all wrong.
14th...according to Gideon v. Wainright 1964 applied "The Bill of Rights" to the states. Supremacy Clause applies federal law to the states when they are signed by the POTUS. Education enough for you?

Whatever you want to believe... I'll let you continue with your ignorance. The 14th Amendment was established specifically to make sure the 13th Amendment was followed by the states, and was later interpreted to mean it covered ALL the Amendments including the Bill of Rights.
Ohhhhh...was interpreted. I see. So where does the 14th say, "and all other amendments?" 13th ended slavery, period, on its own. 14th is superfluous.

What is so superflous about an Amendment that states that Federal laws trump state laws and that states have to follow the U.S. Constitution before their own laws and can't create new laws that contradict Federal ones? It's pretty simple... it makes it so that the Constitution is king... so why do you want to get rid of that? You want to allow racism in government? You wanna bring slavery back? You want to get rid of gay rights? So it's a bad idea to think of getting rid of the Electoral College, but getting rid of an Amendment that gives the Federal government power and gives people Due Process and Equal rights is wrong? Gotcha. Cool story bro.
Liberals are so insane they think that in 2016 we STILL need EXPLICIT Amendments against slavery and a women's right to vote.
What a bunch of paranoid whackos.

Well hell yeah we do. I'm not going to just take your word for it that you are going to treat everyone equal. You're absolutely fucking insane if you think that. And I'm not a Liberal.

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