GOP has given up on black vote

All I see is screaming 'racism' from the left. They are as guilty, if not more so, of using all minorities.

Oh, yeah, that must be why minorities consistently vote Democrat. How do Dems use minorities, and be prepared to prove it.

They create fear within minorities about Republicans, and treat minorities as 'pet projects' and decry any minority that dares to think differently.

How do they create fear about Republicans? What pet projects did you have in mind? HUD? LMAO!!

And you have proof of what you are saying? Well prove it!!! I am fascinated in wonderment!!! Tell us about how we don't care, just want votes and instill fear. Come on, you can do it..................LMAO!!

They have done nothing for blacks.

Is that why fearful Blacks (shaking in their boots) consistently vote Democrats?

They ride on the coattails of the 'Civil Rights Act' and pretend they're the ones protecting minorities. No one needs to 'protect' minorities - there is no enemy. At least, not one that can hurt minorities. Those days are gone, Charlie. No one sees you as 'black', we see you as 'Americans'. By 'we' I mean, in general, conservatives.

Nah, no enemy, so how is it they frighten blacks about republicans??

Well, I am getting somewhere. It seems she can't answer that many logical questions. :lol:
Well...she certainly DESERVES all the ridicule she's getting from you.


Why is it that every time rightwingers are challenged to present proof that Republitards reach out and care about black voters that the rightwingers talk about what Democrats and don't present any evidence that Republitards do care for black voters? Its always "the Democrats are this and that" and that they're deceiving blacks[as if we can't see BS ourselves and need to be treated like customers at a hamburger stand looking for assistance] and its never "this is what we are doing to reach out to black voters". Regardless of what Democrats are doing, blacks want to know what is the *REPUBLICAN PARTY* doing, since they're doing nothing all they're going to do is talk about Democrats.

The Republitards are the same party that tells blacks its in their best interests to vote against affirmative action, not because its helpful to blacks but because its helpful for white men who cry "reverse racism" and if we don't vote to end it its going to make white men less likely to hire us and generally piss off whites. Thats the Republitards Party, they can't cite anything that would suggest affirmative action isn't in their best interests.
Black GOP Candidates Accuse Part of Ignoring Them - Yahoo! News

What are you Republitards going to say now, that Black Republicans are playing the race card against their own party? LMAO!
Nice try...
Smith's campaign manager, Lisa Creeden, said she wishes her boss could count on the party's help; no Republican has held Virginia's 3rd district in 18 years.

Smith is running against nine-term Rep. Robert C. Scott (D). Scott won the 2008 election with 97 percent of the vote.

Now, explain why the RNC or the State GOP committee should waste vaulable resources on a district where the GOP candidate has vitually no chance of winning.

It's like spending $1,000 on a car that is worth 50 bucks.
There are House districts across the country that will not change parites unless one of two( or both) things happen. One the district is redrawn to include a more equal mix of GOP and Dem voters. Two a massive change in demographics.
Failing one or both of those criteria, these districts are unlikely to change parites for years to come.
If that is somehow racist, so be it. These whine and cheesers can cry out for funding all they want.
I wonder if anyone bothered to ask these candidates how much work their campaign offices did to raise funds for the candidates..

You're pathetic, you can't even admit that your party is abandoning its own Negroes, it further proves my point, I thought it was only blacks on the left who whine and cheese about racism, not your well trained Negroes in the your party, you have to make up excuses for why they shouldn't have been helped. Black Democrats are sitting back and saying "We're not surprised," lol.
Not an excuse, oh great one. It's called limited resources.
You don't call a plumber to fix pipes in a burining house.
Of course you lefties are so accustomed to limitless funding from your parents( the US Government) you've lost all touch as to the realities of a budget.
"Well trained negroes"....Another backhanded racist coment. You lefties think any black person who in your eyes has gone off the liberal reservation is soemhow cowtowing to the white man. Talk about pathetic. You cannot get past a perception that has been passed down from one generation of black people to the next. That is "don't vote for republicans. Republicans are all white people who hate you"....

Yeah yeah yeah. GO cry me a friggin river.
BTW, WTF do you care about a few seats that a republican couldn't win anyway? This is much ado about nothing.
Why is it that every time rightwingers are challenged to present proof that Republitards reach out and care about black voters that the rightwingers talk about what Democrats and don't present any evidence that Republitards do care for black voters? Its always "the Democrats are this and that" and that they're deceiving blacks[as if we can't see BS ourselves and need to be treated like customers at a hamburger stand looking for assistance] and its never "this is what we are doing to reach out to black voters". Regardless of what Democrats are doing, blacks want to know what is the *REPUBLICAN PARTY* doing, since they're doing nothing all they're going to do is talk about Democrats.

The Republitards are the same party that tells blacks its in their best interests to vote against affirmative action, not because its helpful to blacks but because its helpful for white men who cry "reverse racism" and if we don't vote to end it its going to make white men less likely to hire us and generally piss off whites. Thats the Republitards Party, they can't cite anything that would suggest affirmative action isn't in their best interests.
Affirmative action is garbage. Always was. Always has been. AA was a liberal plot to buy minority votes as well as create an air of suspicion and resentment between blacks and whites. Divide and conquer. Liberal black leaders touted AA as a succesful plan to "level the paying field" and "pay back black people for decades of discrimination and mistreatment". AA did nothing of the kind. All AA is, is a quota system. AA ignores qualification and merit. I', glad AA is all but dead. AA tells well qualified blacks that they aren't good enough to make it on their own. It is degrading and insulting.
In anyt event what does AA have to do with three House districts the GOP hasn't held in almost 20 years in the first place?. Nothing. Just more angry rhetoric from a person who would feel they had nothing left if he could not continue fanning the flames of racism and hate. Hey genius, this racial thing, what's in it for you?. Are you one of these activists that hangs around waiting to pounce on any opportunity to point out how blacks are victims in perpetuity?
You people in lefty land have established an MO that states, "It is not whether guilt can be proved, what matters is the seriousness of the charges".
Well, we don't care what you think or say anymore. We no longer fear the very utterance of "you GOP people did(fill in the blank)....Reason being, no matter what facts are found to controvert your stupid charges , in your perception all conservatives are guilty by design. We choose to no longer bother defending these accusations.
So take them and shove them up your asses. In fact you can do that then fart them out and fly away like a deflating balloon.

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