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GOP Hero and Legend George Zimmerman ‘Bragged’ About Trayvon Killing, Then Got Face Punched

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You have just described the last thoughts of Trayvon Martin. Because our system was soft on crime his killer remains free.
Holy shit I didn't even realize it until you pointed that out.

If somebody pointed a gun at you, like George did to trevon, and he never saw his family again, should George have got a slap on the wrist?

Zimmerman was not the criminal.

Martin was breaking the law when he decided to beat Zimmerman "mma style" as witnessed by a credible eyewitness.

Zimmerman should have been questioned and released, just like the cops did, before the Race Baiting Politicians got involved and tried to railroad an innocent man to prison to pander to the racist mob.

Exactly. A ton of taxpayer money was wasted on a trial that never should have happened.
I think the public demanded it. The trial should have happened but it should have been prosecuted by someone interested in justice… not someone who just went through the motions and bungled the job…seemingly, by design.

Of course the public demanded it. Due to the fact that the Race Grievance Industry made a ridiculous stink about it, backed up by a racist president and a racist AG. The public was mislead into thinking there was something there. There wasn't.
Better minds than yours think otherwise. In a civilized nation we cannot allow killers to deprive someone of life and then accept the killer's version of events without question. The cost of a trial might be high but the loss of life with such disdain as you posit is more costly. A trial opened up the possibility that a crucial witness might step forward. It also exposed the lackadaisical ignorance or out right incompetence of the officer who failed to preserve evidence that was destroyed in the drizzling rain.
When you make the choice between a wife beater with a record vs a black kid. Some people will chose the wife beater everytime

Irrelevant, race-baiting stupidity. Just what we have come to expect from you.

Ok, cool story bro
Here's one way they can rig a trial. Only charge him with 2nd degree murder. They should have given the jury an option for negligent homicide so he could get ten out in 5 for good behavior.

I may not have given him 2nd degree but I wouldn't have let him walk either.

There may not be enough evidence to convict unfortunately. And who knows what the truth is.

But it sounds to me like George is a good argument for why people should not be allowed to carry guns.

Here's one argument. Who put their hands on who first? If a guy comes running at me I'm going to get into fighting position. With or without a gun I'm in wrestling mode. But I don't attack or punch the guy first. I'd ask him what he wants. Im assuming Zimmerman was never the aggressor in the physical fight. He may have offended trevon but I don't think George swung first. So unfortunately, if trevon was the aggressor George may have a strong case for being able to defend himself.

So I'm torn. I know George is a pussy coward murderer but trevon shouldn't have put his hands on George.
And of course you are simply lying your ass off.

Try it and tell me how your trial goes.

There is no way to know who started the fight. The only evidence we have shows that Martin tried to kill GZ. Sufficient grounds for self-defense.
BS, there is NO evidence that Martin tried to kill GZ. GZ might have suffered those lacerations to the back of his head when he fell backwards. The "head banging on concrete" lie could not have occurred since there was no concrete where the struggle took place.
Doesn't have to be. There is evidence of assault justifying the use of force. There you go spouting off shit that you believe and has nothing at all to do with the truth.
We know technically your pussy ass coward is probably right and so the laws need to be changed.

Skull is right George played cops and robbers instead of staying put like he should have.

And he didnt argue stand your ground but used stand your ground arguments.

We need to fix the law. It allows pussies and cowards to get away with unnecessary murder

So you want to do away with everyone's right for self defense. ok we got dat.

BTW Florida's Self Defense law is very similar to most states. Perhaps you should read up on it...as it is obvious you have no clue as to what it is.

Stand your ground had nothing to do with the Zimmerman case...it was a simple case of self defense...of which...as pointed out...you know not a damn thing about.

What is it with the libtards ignorance about the law?...time and again you see them demonstrating their ignorance about simple legal principles...and I do not mean stuff you have to go to law school to understand.
The "part that was witnessed" has no bearing on the part that was NOT witnessed you ignorant POS. The critical part was how the confrontation started. But you are too dense to understand that. And there are many scenarios that would explain why the gun wasn't grabbed. For instance GZ could have opened his jacket and placed his hand on the handle to draw the weapon. Depending on how far the tow were standing apart Martin may have had no recourse but to charge GZ and try to knock him down before he could pull the gun completely out. If GZ stumbled and fell backwards just before Martin reached him GZ would have bumped his head on the ground since his strong hand was on the gun. GZ could have reflectively used his free hand to grab Martin in order to break his fall and inadvertently pulled TM on top of him. Martin,in a panic,screamed for help while flailing away at GZ who then shot him. That scenario would explain a lot of things. Further, a lot of trace evidence was lost in the drizzle because the evidence was not properly protected
by the first officer on the scene.

Moron...the actual eyewitness who saw the fight said it was Zimmerman calling for help, not Martin

Next thing you will say ...Martin had his hands up saying don't shoot........

The thugs that you morons defend..........it is just nuts....
No question Zimmerman bit off more than he could chew that night. At minimum neglegent homicide

lol, no. An acquittal. Because a jury saw and heard what YOU didn't. You are an idiot on the internet who knows nothing and voices his opinions as fact. There never should have been a trial, the arresting officers had it right when they filed no charges.
Wrong. We know the court case was an injustice. I've heard other people explain how the jury was only given certain information and they were misled. Bottom line if the trial wasn't rigged George would at least have been found guilty of negligent homicide
Na, he was taking out the trash no one else wanted to. No better way, use trash to take out the trash good riddance... Lol
I wonder when the garbage truck will arrive to pick YOU up!
Holy shit I didn't even realize it until you pointed that out.

If somebody pointed a gun at you, like George did to trevon, and he never saw his family again, should George have got a slap on the wrist?

Zimmerman was not the criminal.

Martin was breaking the law when he decided to beat Zimmerman "mma style" as witnessed by a credible eyewitness.

Zimmerman should have been questioned and released, just like the cops did, before the Race Baiting Politicians got involved and tried to railroad an innocent man to prison to pander to the racist mob.

Exactly. A ton of taxpayer money was wasted on a trial that never should have happened.
I think the public demanded it. The trial should have happened but it should have been prosecuted by someone interested in justice… not someone who just went through the motions and bungled the job…seemingly, by design.

Of course the public demanded it. Due to the fact that the Race Grievance Industry made a ridiculous stink about it, backed up by a racist president and a racist AG. The public was mislead into thinking there was something there. There wasn't.
Better minds than yours think otherwise. In a civilized nation we cannot allow killers to deprive someone of life and then accept the killer's version of events without question. The cost of a trial might be high but the loss of life with such disdain as you posit is more costly. A trial opened up the possibility that a crucial witness might step forward. It also exposed the lackadaisical ignorance or out right incompetence of the officer who failed to preserve evidence that was destroyed in the drizzling rain.

Still insisting on demonstrating your stupidity I see...well continue on...the more you post the further behind you get....soon your head will be way up your ass. hehheh
And of course you are simply lying your ass off.

Try it and tell me how your trial goes.

There is no way to know who started the fight. The only evidence we have shows that Martin tried to kill GZ. Sufficient grounds for self-defense.
BS, there is NO evidence that Martin tried to kill GZ. GZ might have suffered those lacerations to the back of his head when he fell backwards. The "head banging on concrete" lie could not have occurred since there was no concrete where the struggle took place.
Doesn't have to be. There is evidence of assault justifying the use of force. There you go spouting off shit that you believe and has nothing at all to do with the truth.
We know technically your pussy ass coward is probably right and so the laws need to be changed.

Skull is right George played cops and robbers instead of staying put like he should have.

And he didnt argue stand your ground but used stand your ground arguments.

We need to fix the law. It allows pussies and cowards to get away with unnecessary murder
I'm sure that most people can comprehend that you disagree with the law and think it should be changed.

However, when somebody lies about the facts of the case they lose any semblance of credibility. And simply losing an argument regarding the relevant laws is not a good reason to get angry and advocate violent crimes against a vigilant humanitarian neighborhood safety volunteer such as George Zimmerman.

Look, I understand that you probably think that guns should be banned and the 2nd amendment of the US constitution changed. That is not what this is about. It is about left wing assholes who think it is morally acceptable to break the law via violently breaking the law and running away with their tails between their legs.
I focus on that part because that is the part that was witnessed. Dumbass.

Zimmerman pulling the gun on the kid unprovoked? If that was the case Martin would have grabbed the gun, not ignored it to beat Zimmerman "MMA style".

There is nothing diabolical about not wanting to put an innocent man who was just defending himself, though the torture of a trial.

What is diabolical, is your reflexive siding with the vicious criminal.

The "part that was witnessed" has no bearing on the part that was NOT witnessed you ignorant POS. The critical part was how the confrontation started. But you are too dense to understand that. And there are many scenarios that would explain why the gun wasn't grabbed. For instance GZ could have opened his jacket and placed his hand on the handle to draw the weapon. Depending on how far the tow were standing apart Martin may have had no recourse but to charge GZ and try to knock him down before he could pull the gun completely out. If GZ stumbled and fell backwards just before Martin reached him GZ would have bumped his head on the ground since his strong hand was on the gun. GZ could have reflectively used his free hand to grab Martin in order to break his fall and inadvertently pulled TM on top of him. Martin,in a panic,screamed for help while flailing away at GZ who then shot him. That scenario would explain a lot of things. Further, a lot of trace evidence was lost in the drizzle because the evidence was not properly protected
by the first officer on the scene.

Moron...the actual eyewitness who saw the fight said it was Zimmerman calling for help, not Martin

Next thing you will say ...Martin had his hands up saying don't shoot........

The thugs that you morons defend..........it is just nuts....
No question Zimmerman bit off more than he could chew that night. At minimum neglegent homicide

lol, no. An acquittal. Because a jury saw and heard what YOU didn't. You are an idiot on the internet who knows nothing and voices his opinions as fact. There never should have been a trial, the arresting officers had it right when they filed no charges.
Wrong. We know the court case was an injustice. I've heard other people explain how the jury was only given certain information and they were misled. Bottom line if the trial wasn't rigged George would at least have been found guilty of negligent homicide

Do you even understand what 'negligent homicide' means?

There was nothing 'negligent' about George's actions....he pulled his gun out and deliberately shot Trayvon...nothing negligent about that.

The only negligence I see is that of his community not awarding him a medal..often heroes like George are invited to the white house....I guess obama was too busy. hehheh he and the attorney general were probably conferring in regards to something like.....what the hell happened we thought we had dat cracker railroaded. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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When you make the choice between a wife beater with a record vs a black kid. Some people will chose the wife beater everytime

Irrelevant, race-baiting stupidity. Just what we have come to expect from you.

Ok, cool story bro
Here's one way they can rig a trial. Only charge him with 2nd degree murder. They should have given the jury an option for negligent homicide so he could get ten out in 5 for good behavior.

I may not have given him 2nd degree but I wouldn't have let him walk either.

There may not be enough evidence to convict unfortunately. And who knows what the truth is.

But it sounds to me like George is a good argument for why people should not be allowed to carry guns.

Here's one argument. Who put their hands on who first? If a guy comes running at me I'm going to get into fighting position. With or without a gun I'm in wrestling mode. But I don't attack or punch the guy first. I'd ask him what he wants. Im assuming Zimmerman was never the aggressor in the physical fight. He may have offended trevon but I don't think George swung first. So unfortunately, if trevon was the aggressor George may have a strong case for being able to defend himself.

So I'm torn. I know George is a pussy coward murderer but trevon shouldn't have put his hands on George.
Various reports have GZ stating that he inadvertently exposed his gun when reaching for his telephone during his confrontation with Martin and that TM then tried to grab GZ's weapon. The struggle was on from that point.
When you make the choice between a wife beater with a record vs a black kid. Some people will chose the wife beater everytime

Irrelevant, race-baiting stupidity. Just what we have come to expect from you.

Ok, cool story bro
Here's one way they can rig a trial. Only charge him with 2nd degree murder. They should have given the jury an option for negligent homicide so he could get ten out in 5 for good behavior.

I may not have given him 2nd degree but I wouldn't have let him walk either.

There may not be enough evidence to convict unfortunately. And who knows what the truth is.

But it sounds to me like George is a good argument for why people should not be allowed to carry guns.

Here's one argument. Who put their hands on who first? If a guy comes running at me I'm going to get into fighting position. With or without a gun I'm in wrestling mode. But I don't attack or punch the guy first. I'd ask him what he wants. Im assuming Zimmerman was never the aggressor in the physical fight. He may have offended trevon but I don't think George swung first. So unfortunately, if trevon was the aggressor George may have a strong case for being able to defend himself.

So I'm torn. I know George is a pussy coward murderer but trevon shouldn't have put his hands on George.
They both were/are worthless fucks, taking each other out was a good thing.
A tiny, tiny percentage of a percentage of firearm owners are fucked up... No reason to punish the majority with more unconstitutional frivolous dumbass gun laws...
Holy shit I didn't even realize it until you pointed that out.

If somebody pointed a gun at you, like George did to trevon, and he never saw his family again, should George have got a slap on the wrist?

Zimmerman was not the criminal.

Martin was breaking the law when he decided to beat Zimmerman "mma style" as witnessed by a credible eyewitness.

Zimmerman should have been questioned and released, just like the cops did, before the Race Baiting Politicians got involved and tried to railroad an innocent man to prison to pander to the racist mob.

Exactly. A ton of taxpayer money was wasted on a trial that never should have happened.
I think the public demanded it. The trial should have happened but it should have been prosecuted by someone interested in justice… not someone who just went through the motions and bungled the job…seemingly, by design.

Of course the public demanded it. Due to the fact that the Race Grievance Industry made a ridiculous stink about it, backed up by a racist president and a racist AG. The public was mislead into thinking there was something there. There wasn't.
Better minds than yours think otherwise. In a civilized nation we cannot allow killers to deprive someone of life and then accept the killer's version of events without question. The cost of a trial might be high but the loss of life with such disdain as you posit is more costly. A trial opened up the possibility that a crucial witness might step forward. It also exposed the lackadaisical ignorance or out right incompetence of the officer who failed to preserve evidence that was destroyed in the drizzling rain.
Let's be honest. Who do you think hit who first? I just don't see George as the kind of guy to chase down and attack trevon. If I'm a concealed weapon holder and I walk up and tell you to move your black ass can you legally hit me?

I hate stand your ground because I beat up a lot of guys back in my day. I could have been shot dead 100 times in my youth if I whipped a concealed weapons holder. They could start a fight then use a gun if they feel they are losing.

The point is, I don't believe he struck first. If he didn't he may have the right.

Lesson to be learned? We need to be more civilized. I never struck first. You don't put your hands on another person. You never know if they are strapping.

I still think George should have got ten years
Moron...the actual eyewitness who saw the fight said it was Zimmerman calling for help, not Martin

Next thing you will say ...Martin had his hands up saying don't shoot........

The thugs that you morons defend..........it is just nuts....
No question Zimmerman bit off more than he could chew that night. At minimum neglegent homicide

lol, no. An acquittal. Because a jury saw and heard what YOU didn't. You are an idiot on the internet who knows nothing and voices his opinions as fact. There never should have been a trial, the arresting officers had it right when they filed no charges.
Wrong. We know the court case was an injustice. I've heard other people explain how the jury was only given certain information and they were misled. Bottom line if the trial wasn't rigged George would at least have been found guilty of negligent homicide
Na, he was taking out the trash no one else wanted to. No better way, use trash to take out the trash good riddance... Lol
I wonder when the garbage truck will arrive to pick YOU up!
When you make the choice between a wife beater with a record vs a black kid. Some people will chose the wife beater everytime

Irrelevant, race-baiting stupidity. Just what we have come to expect from you.

Ok, cool story bro
Trayvon was a worthless gangbanger, who is taking a dirt nap... Rightly so. He will not be missed. Lol
Best if you just stay in your moms basement. Bed wetter
You aren't all that valuable either and I doubt YOU will be missed when the garbage truck comes for YOU!
Zimmerman was not the criminal.

Martin was breaking the law when he decided to beat Zimmerman "mma style" as witnessed by a credible eyewitness.

Zimmerman should have been questioned and released, just like the cops did, before the Race Baiting Politicians got involved and tried to railroad an innocent man to prison to pander to the racist mob.

Exactly. A ton of taxpayer money was wasted on a trial that never should have happened.
I think the public demanded it. The trial should have happened but it should have been prosecuted by someone interested in justice… not someone who just went through the motions and bungled the job…seemingly, by design.

Of course the public demanded it. Due to the fact that the Race Grievance Industry made a ridiculous stink about it, backed up by a racist president and a racist AG. The public was mislead into thinking there was something there. There wasn't.
Better minds than yours think otherwise. In a civilized nation we cannot allow killers to deprive someone of life and then accept the killer's version of events without question. The cost of a trial might be high but the loss of life with such disdain as you posit is more costly. A trial opened up the possibility that a crucial witness might step forward. It also exposed the lackadaisical ignorance or out right incompetence of the officer who failed to preserve evidence that was destroyed in the drizzling rain.
Let's be honest. Who do you think hit who first? I just don't see George as the kind of guy to chase down and attack trevon. If I'm a concealed weapon holder and I walk up and tell you to move your black ass can you legally hit me?

I hate stand your ground because I beat up a lot of guys back in my day. I could have been shot dead 100 times in my youth if I whipped a concealed weapons holder. They could start a fight then use a gun if they feel they are losing.

The point is, I don't believe he struck first. If he didn't he may have the right.

Lesson to be learned? We need to be more civilized. I never struck first. You don't put your hands on another person. You never know if they are strapping.

I still think George should have got ten years
When you make the choice between a wife beater with a record vs a black kid. Some people will chose the wife beater everytime

Irrelevant, race-baiting stupidity. Just what we have come to expect from you.

Ok, cool story bro
Here's one way they can rig a trial. Only charge him with 2nd degree murder. They should have given the jury an option for negligent homicide so he could get ten out in 5 for good behavior.

I may not have given him 2nd degree but I wouldn't have let him walk either.

There may not be enough evidence to convict unfortunately. And who knows what the truth is.

But it sounds to me like George is a good argument for why people should not be allowed to carry guns.

Here's one argument. Who put their hands on who first? If a guy comes running at me I'm going to get into fighting position. With or without a gun I'm in wrestling mode. But I don't attack or punch the guy first. I'd ask him what he wants. Im assuming Zimmerman was never the aggressor in the physical fight. He may have offended trevon but I don't think George swung first. So unfortunately, if trevon was the aggressor George may have a strong case for being able to defend himself.

So I'm torn. I know George is a pussy coward murderer but trevon shouldn't have put his hands on George.
Various reports have GZ stating that he inadvertently exposed his gun when reaching for his telephone during his confrontation with Martin and that TM then tried to grab GZ's weapon. The struggle was on from that point.
Then George is innocent but also stupid for getting that close. Irresponsible careless sloppy foolish scary. I would have had my hand on the weapon and stayed 20 feet away
When you make the choice between a wife beater with a record vs a black kid. Some people will chose the wife beater everytime

Irrelevant, race-baiting stupidity. Just what we have come to expect from you.

Ok, cool story bro
Trayvon was a worthless gangbanger, who is taking a dirt nap... Rightly so. He will not be missed. Lol
Best if you just stay in your moms basement. Bed wetter
You aren't all that valuable either and I doubt YOU will be missed when the garbage truck comes for YOU!
I know better than to randomly attack an armed man… LOL
Trayvon was a classic case of a gangbanger too big for his britches... Karma kicked his ass - well and good
When you make the choice between a wife beater with a record vs a black kid. Some people will chose the wife beater everytime

Irrelevant, race-baiting stupidity. Just what we have come to expect from you.

Ok, cool story bro
Here's one way they can rig a trial. Only charge him with 2nd degree murder. They should have given the jury an option for negligent homicide so he could get ten out in 5 for good behavior.

I may not have given him 2nd degree but I wouldn't have let him walk either.

There may not be enough evidence to convict unfortunately. And who knows what the truth is.

But it sounds to me like George is a good argument for why people should not be allowed to carry guns.

Here's one argument. Who put their hands on who first? If a guy comes running at me I'm going to get into fighting position. With or without a gun I'm in wrestling mode. But I don't attack or punch the guy first. I'd ask him what he wants. Im assuming Zimmerman was never the aggressor in the physical fight. He may have offended trevon but I don't think George swung first. So unfortunately, if trevon was the aggressor George may have a strong case for being able to defend himself.

So I'm torn. I know George is a pussy coward murderer but trevon shouldn't have put his hands on George.
Various reports have GZ stating that he inadvertently exposed his gun when reaching for his telephone during his confrontation with Martin and that TM then tried to grab GZ's weapon. The struggle was on from that point.
Then George is innocent but also stupid for getting that close. Irresponsible careless sloppy foolish scary. I would have had my hand on the weapon and stayed 20 feet away

George was innocent...of course.

George thought trayvon had run away...in fact he witnessed trayvon running away...if it were you--- would you have thought a suspect would run away and then return?

That is the kind of stupidity most would not expect...what is open to conjecture about is why did Trayvon return after running away? Did he have second thoughts? Was there something his g/f said on the phone that motivated him to go back and attack George?

Irregardless.....George did what any good nightwatchman would do....see a suspicious person and report it to the police. This was not George's first rodeo...he had done this many times...never had a problem. In fact the head of the homeowners association had praised him for his work.

Something else many do not know ...though it has been posted on here a few times already....George was not engaged in his nightwatchman patrol on that dark and rainy night...he was on the way to Target to do some shopping when by chance he just happened to spot a suspicious individual in a hoodie on a dark and rainy night lurking about, looking in windows when a normal person would have been hurrying home to get out of the rain.
Zimmerman was not the criminal.

Martin was breaking the law when he decided to beat Zimmerman "mma style" as witnessed by a credible eyewitness.

Zimmerman should have been questioned and released, just like the cops did, before the Race Baiting Politicians got involved and tried to railroad an innocent man to prison to pander to the racist mob.

Exactly. A ton of taxpayer money was wasted on a trial that never should have happened.
I think the public demanded it. The trial should have happened but it should have been prosecuted by someone interested in justice… not someone who just went through the motions and bungled the job…seemingly, by design.

Of course the public demanded it. Due to the fact that the Race Grievance Industry made a ridiculous stink about it, backed up by a racist president and a racist AG. The public was mislead into thinking there was something there. There wasn't.
Better minds than yours think otherwise. In a civilized nation we cannot allow killers to deprive someone of life and then accept the killer's version of events without question. The cost of a trial might be high but the loss of life with such disdain as you posit is more costly. A trial opened up the possibility that a crucial witness might step forward. It also exposed the lackadaisical ignorance or out right incompetence of the officer who failed to preserve evidence that was destroyed in the drizzling rain.
Let's be honest. Who do you think hit who first? I just don't see George as the kind of guy to chase down and attack trevon. If I'm a concealed weapon holder and I walk up and tell you to move your black ass can you legally hit me?

I hate stand your ground because I beat up a lot of guys back in my day. I could have been shot dead 100 times in my youth if I whipped a concealed weapons holder. They could start a fight then use a gun if they feel they are losing.

The point is, I don't believe he struck first. If he didn't he may have the right.

Lesson to be learned? We need to be more civilized. I never struck first. You don't put your hands on another person. You never know if they are strapping.

I still think George should have got ten years

In most states, when witnesses say you provoked someone into a fight and then shot and killed them, you'll be prosecuted. If there are no witnesses, you will be eating at McDonalds the very next day, free as a bird, unless some other evidence surfaces such as a surveillance camera video.
Exactly. A ton of taxpayer money was wasted on a trial that never should have happened.
I think the public demanded it. The trial should have happened but it should have been prosecuted by someone interested in justice… not someone who just went through the motions and bungled the job…seemingly, by design.

Of course the public demanded it. Due to the fact that the Race Grievance Industry made a ridiculous stink about it, backed up by a racist president and a racist AG. The public was mislead into thinking there was something there. There wasn't.
Better minds than yours think otherwise. In a civilized nation we cannot allow killers to deprive someone of life and then accept the killer's version of events without question. The cost of a trial might be high but the loss of life with such disdain as you posit is more costly. A trial opened up the possibility that a crucial witness might step forward. It also exposed the lackadaisical ignorance or out right incompetence of the officer who failed to preserve evidence that was destroyed in the drizzling rain.
Let's be honest. Who do you think hit who first? I just don't see George as the kind of guy to chase down and attack trevon. If I'm a concealed weapon holder and I walk up and tell you to move your black ass can you legally hit me?

I hate stand your ground because I beat up a lot of guys back in my day. I could have been shot dead 100 times in my youth if I whipped a concealed weapons holder. They could start a fight then use a gun if they feel they are losing.

The point is, I don't believe he struck first. If he didn't he may have the right.

Lesson to be learned? We need to be more civilized. I never struck first. You don't put your hands on another person. You never know if they are strapping.

I still think George should have got ten years

I like dat. Yep...the peacemaker...the great equalizer. The colt 45...the gun that won the west.
Irrelevant, race-baiting stupidity. Just what we have come to expect from you.

Ok, cool story bro
Here's one way they can rig a trial. Only charge him with 2nd degree murder. They should have given the jury an option for negligent homicide so he could get ten out in 5 for good behavior.

I may not have given him 2nd degree but I wouldn't have let him walk either.

There may not be enough evidence to convict unfortunately. And who knows what the truth is.

But it sounds to me like George is a good argument for why people should not be allowed to carry guns.

Here's one argument. Who put their hands on who first? If a guy comes running at me I'm going to get into fighting position. With or without a gun I'm in wrestling mode. But I don't attack or punch the guy first. I'd ask him what he wants. Im assuming Zimmerman was never the aggressor in the physical fight. He may have offended trevon but I don't think George swung first. So unfortunately, if trevon was the aggressor George may have a strong case for being able to defend himself.

So I'm torn. I know George is a pussy coward murderer but trevon shouldn't have put his hands on George.
Various reports have GZ stating that he inadvertently exposed his gun when reaching for his telephone during his confrontation with Martin and that TM then tried to grab GZ's weapon. The struggle was on from that point.
Then George is innocent but also stupid for getting that close. Irresponsible careless sloppy foolish scary. I would have had my hand on the weapon and stayed 20 feet away

George was innocent...of course.

George thought trayvon had run away...in fact he witnessed trayvon running away...if it were you--- would you have thought a suspect would run away and then return?

That is the kind of stupidity most would not expect...what is open to conjecture about is why did Trayvon return after running away? Did he have second thoughts? Was there something his g/f said on the phone that motivated him to go back and attack George?

Irregardless.....George did what any good nightwatchman would do....see a suspicious person and report it to the police. This was not George's first rodeo...he had done this many times...never had a problem. In fact the head of the homeowners association had praised him for his work.

Something else many do not know ...though it has been posted on here a few times already....George was not engaged in his nightwatchman patrol on that dark and rainy night...he was on the way to Target to do some shopping when by chance he just happened to spot a suspicious individual in a hoodie on a dark and rainy night lurking about, looking in windows when a normal person would have been hurrying home to get out of the rain.
I have already addressed how Martin might have ran past his "home" because he wasn't familiar with the neighborhood and got lost. He doubled back to find GZ standing between him and his "home."

And stop lying about Trayvon looking in windows. Do you have a credible link for that BS?
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