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GOP Hero and Legend George Zimmerman ‘Bragged’ About Trayvon Killing, Then Got Face Punched

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Trayvon Martin shows us that Republicans are just like Radical Islamics. They would kill if they could get away with it. It's only our laws that keep them in check. The question is, how much longer will that last.
I don't know how many times I have to say this but whether or not GZ was justified to shoot has never been my argument

I have been saying that the totality of events were set in motion by Zimmerman's poor decisions and irresponsibility of trying to play cop. He wanted a confrontation. Well he got it and got his ass kicked for it. He put himself in the situation where he needed to pull his gun.

There is no support for your claim that Zimmerman wanted a confrontation.

We have the 911 tape because Zimmerman called the cops to come and "confront" the guy.

Yeah then he confronted him. so he wanted to play cop

There is no evidence that Zimmerman confronted Martin, nor eyewitness testimony to that effect.

There is no evidence that Martin was the initial aggressor either which has been my point all along that no one knows how the altercation started

For all we know Zimmerman pulled his gun first and Martin charged him because he thought he was going to be shot.

And yes he was playing cop. He chased who he thought was a burglary suspect and he should have assumed would be armed. Any cop would have assumed that but as I said GZ was out of his depth

You are the one out of your depth as in you have no analytical ability, logic or common sense in addition to not being 'street smart' if you know what that term means....but above all you did not watch the trial, you do not know the facts brought out in court nor do you know the time line of the events which is crucial to understanding the whole scenario which you have misconstrued based on nothing more than personal prejudice against Zimmerman.

Bottom Line: a excellent jury listened to all the evidence, listened to the witnesses and the forensic experts, watched as the lawyers presented the time line of events (which is crucial to understanding the case) etc.etc. and so on and so forth....(which you did not and still refuse to do though the facts are available online) and they issued a verdict of not guilty even though there was great pressure on them to convict George.

Case closed....but continue to make a fool of yourself if you wish.
Did you watch the entire trial? I've read and seen videos of the testimonies
You have more faith in juries than I ever will. What makes the opinion of 12 random people irrefutable?

The fact is that no one saw the initial contact. It was all speculation based on cell phone conversations and a few people who heard someone yelling. No one could tell who was yelling. No one can say if Martin or Zimmerman was the initial aggressor.

The truth has nothing to do with a court trial just ask any lawyer.

And the trial was only to determine whether or not Z was justified to shoot when he did. I already said that he was

But he put himself in that situation it was not thrust upon him.
In most states, when witnesses say you provoked someone into a fight and then shot and killed them, you'll be prosecuted. If there are no witnesses, you will be eating at McDonalds the very next day, free as a bird, unless some other evidence surfaces such as a surveillance camera video.
IF the jury believes your story.

And IMO George provoked trevon into a fight. He ran up on him aggressively. But is that enough to justify punching someone?

But then what if some creep comes up showing off a gun and I feel threatened? I don't think I'd go for the guys gun. I'd probably do what he says
I think there are circumstances where you might decide to try and grab the gun if you are close enough and think the guy is about to shoot you.
Trayvon was where he shouldn't have been, he played with the bull and he got the horns. Like I said karma fucked him up...
This should have went like oj. He should have been found guilty in civil court and owe the martins 2 million

Guilty of what? Everything George did was legal. You may not like it...but that is the way it went down. You might wish the black guy won but the black guy lost...just the way it went down...try and deal wid it.
I know. I've talked to ccw buddies and they've explained how I could've been shot and I need to learn I can't put my hands on other people.
In most states, when witnesses say you provoked someone into a fight and then shot and killed them, you'll be prosecuted. If there are no witnesses, you will be eating at McDonalds the very next day, free as a bird, unless some other evidence surfaces such as a surveillance camera video.
IF the jury believes your story.

And IMO George provoked trevon into a fight. He ran up on him aggressively. But is that enough to justify punching someone?

But then what if some creep comes up showing off a gun and I feel threatened? I don't think I'd go for the guys gun. I'd probably do what he says
I think there are circumstances where you might decide to try and grab the gun if you are close enough and think the guy is about to shoot you.
Trayvon was where he shouldn't have been, he played with the bull and he got the horns. Like I said karma fucked him up...
This should have went like oj. He should have been found guilty in civil court and owe the martins 2 million

Guilty of what? Everything George did was legal. You may not like it...but that is the way it went down. You might wish the black guy won but the black guy lost...just the way it went down...try and deal wid it.

BTW Eric Holder wanted to pursue Federal Civil Rights charges against George but was forced to drop the case for lack of any evidence of that sort.

George is and was a innocent man that the state and Federal Government attempted to railroad based on nothing more than a fallacious liberal narrative of black victimhood...which was stirred up and essentially initiated by a biased media who was quite deceptive and biased in regards to the whole affair...showing the world a old picture of trayvon when he was like l2 yrs. old to begin with....which made most think that was the way he looked the night he was killed. The problem however was that the innocent looking child had grown up and turned into a thug.

10 Photos That Show The REAL Trayvon Martin
Your version is possible OR you're a racist who's all too willing to assume the black was a thug who deserved to die.

Or both.

Skull says it best. George should have stayed in the car
IF the jury believes your story.

And IMO George provoked trevon into a fight. He ran up on him aggressively. But is that enough to justify punching someone?

But then what if some creep comes up showing off a gun and I feel threatened? I don't think I'd go for the guys gun. I'd probably do what he says
I think there are circumstances where you might decide to try and grab the gun if you are close enough and think the guy is about to shoot you.
Trayvon was where he shouldn't have been, he played with the bull and he got the horns. Like I said karma fucked him up...
This should have went like oj. He should have been found guilty in civil court and owe the martins 2 million

Guilty of what? Everything George did was legal. You may not like it...but that is the way it went down. You might wish the black guy won but the black guy lost...just the way it went down...try and deal wid it.

BTW Eric Holder wanted to pursue Federal Civil Rights charges against George but was forced to drop the case for lack of any evidence of that sort.

George is and was a innocent man that the state and Federal Government attempted to railroad based on nothing more than a fallacious liberal narrative of black victimhood...which was stirred up and essentially initiated by a biased media who was quite deceptive and biased in regards to the whole affair...showing the world a old picture of trayvon when he was like l2 yrs. old to begin with....which made most think that was the way he looked the night he was killed. The problem however was that the innocent looking child had grown up and turned into a thug.

10 Photos That Show The REAL Trayvon Martin
Your version is possible OR you're a racist who's all too willing to assume the black was a thug who deserved to die.

Or both.

Skull says it best. George should have stayed in the car
Trayvon should not have been where he was... But then again thugs are stupid like that. One thug took the other out, water under the bridge best be forgotten. Lol
You have just described the last thoughts of Trayvon Martin. Because our system was soft on crime his killer remains free.
Holy shit I didn't even realize it until you pointed that out.

If somebody pointed a gun at you, like George did to trevon, and he never saw his family again, should George have got a slap on the wrist?

Zimmerman was not the criminal.

Martin was breaking the law when he decided to beat Zimmerman "mma style" as witnessed by a credible eyewitness.

Zimmerman should have been questioned and released, just like the cops did, before the Race Baiting Politicians got involved and tried to railroad an innocent man to prison to pander to the racist mob.
Tell me you are joking! Yes, Trayvon was whipping GZ's ass but no one knows how that scenario developed except GZ. And he wasn't about to say anything except Martin attacked him.. You keep focusing on the final moments of the altercation when Martin was on top of Zimmerman as if THAT is the justification for murder. You haven't even considered that GZ might have done something to cause Martin to react the way he did.; like pull out the gun during their brief conversation. That gesture would have certainly caused Martin to start fighting for his life. The sole witness didn't see how the fight started. And the scream could have been that of Martin when he saw the gun since it was never proven conclusively just who was screaming.

Look, fool. If you are so confident in GZ's innocence, based on his version of events, you are just as much a menace to society as he is.. You don't respect life at all if you can be so callously presumptive and judgmental. But the most diabolical thing about you and your ilk is the notion that a killer should just be able to kill someone and walk away without having to be tried.

I focus on that part because that is the part that was witnessed. Dumbass.

Zimmerman pulling the gun on the kid unprovoked? If that was the case Martin would have grabbed the gun, not ignored it to beat Zimmerman "MMA style".

There is nothing diabolical about not wanting to put an innocent man who was just defending himself, though the torture of a trial.

What is diabolical, is your reflexive siding with the vicious criminal.

The "part that was witnessed" has no bearing on the part that was NOT witnessed you ignorant POS. The critical part was how the confrontation started. But you are too dense to understand that. And there are many scenarios that would explain why the gun wasn't grabbed. For instance GZ could have opened his jacket and placed his hand on the handle to draw the weapon. Depending on how far the tow were standing apart Martin may have had no recourse but to charge GZ and try to knock him down before he could pull the gun completely out. If GZ stumbled and fell backwards just before Martin reached him GZ would have bumped his head on the ground since his strong hand was on the gun. GZ could have reflectively used his free hand to grab Martin in order to break his fall and inadvertently pulled TM on top of him. Martin,in a panic,screamed for help while flailing away at GZ who then shot him. That scenario would explain a lot of things. Further, a lot of trace evidence was lost in the drizzle because the evidence was not properly protected
by the first officer on the scene.

You are bending over backwards searching for excuses for the criminal who's side you are reflexively on.

The "part that was witnessed, ie Martin beating a man who was screaming for help, and not stopping even when a witness yelled at him that the cops had been called,

has a bearing on the type of thug that Martin was.

Which gives us information on how he likely responded to the provocation of being followed by a "creepy assed cracker".

Hey! That's a racist slur! Aren't racist bad people in your world? Or is that just white racists who are bad people?

Anywhooo, sure we can speculate on scenarios. Let's consider yours.

1. GZ goes to pull gun at close range. Martin, 17 year old "child" reacts like a professional street soldier and charges, because in his world, a man pulling a gun is going to kill you, not hold you till the police show.

BUT, then suddenly loses his cool and instead of securing the pistol, as his training and experience tells him to, just "flails" and screams for help.

Analysis: Low probability.

2. MT knocks GZ to ground to prevent him from pulling his gun. Odd tactic, but Zimmerman, reflectively pulls his attacker over on top of him as he is trying to pull his gun, and then Martin panics at being on top of his attacker, and instead of securing the gun, flails at the man under him and screams for help.

Analysis: Low probability.

3. Compared to Zimmerman's timeline, which is validated by eyewitness account of which Zimmerman could not have known what it would exactly be.

After the following and the watching he is returning to his truck as was he mentioned on the 911 tape.

Martin, pissed off that he had been watched and followed, confronted him.

The young man, angry that a "cracker" was following him, sucker punches him in the face and GZ drops.

Martin, the football player jumps on him and begins beating his ass.

While sitting on his torso, and beating him, as was witnesses, Martin feels GZ guns and moves to secure it.

While stating, that he was going to kill Zimmerman.

As a former young man, I can tell you young men say shit like that all the time, especially in fist fights. Do you deny that?

We can speculate whether he was actually gong to kill Zimmerman, but regardless Zimmerman believed him, and in the struggle, ended up with the gun and shot the man sitting on him beating him.

Analysis: Very believable, and supported by eyewitness account, of which Zimmerman could NOT have knows exactly what was seen, if he was lying.

AND not contradicted by the physical evidence.

Which Zimmerman could not have known exactly what it would be, nor that it was not "properly protected".

Treyvon Martin, forever 17.
IF the jury believes your story.

And IMO George provoked trevon into a fight. He ran up on him aggressively. But is that enough to justify punching someone?

But then what if some creep comes up showing off a gun and I feel threatened? I don't think I'd go for the guys gun. I'd probably do what he says
I think there are circumstances where you might decide to try and grab the gun if you are close enough and think the guy is about to shoot you.
Trayvon was where he shouldn't have been, he played with the bull and he got the horns. Like I said karma fucked him up...
This should have went like oj. He should have been found guilty in civil court and owe the martins 2 million

Guilty of what? Everything George did was legal. You may not like it...but that is the way it went down. You might wish the black guy won but the black guy lost...just the way it went down...try and deal wid it.

BTW Eric Holder wanted to pursue Federal Civil Rights charges against George but was forced to drop the case for lack of any evidence of that sort.

George is and was a innocent man that the state and Federal Government attempted to railroad based on nothing more than a fallacious liberal narrative of black victimhood...which was stirred up and essentially initiated by a biased media who was quite deceptive and biased in regards to the whole affair...showing the world a old picture of trayvon when he was like l2 yrs. old to begin with....which made most think that was the way he looked the night he was killed. The problem however was that the innocent looking child had grown up and turned into a thug.

10 Photos That Show The REAL Trayvon Martin
Your version is possible OR you're a racist who's all too willing to assume the black was a thug who deserved to die.

Or both.

Skull says it best. George should have stayed in the car

Or you are a racist who's all to willing to assume the "white guy" was a racist thug looking to kill a black man.
Zimmerman was not the criminal.

Martin was breaking the law when he decided to beat Zimmerman "mma style" as witnessed by a credible eyewitness.

Zimmerman should have been questioned and released, just like the cops did, before the Race Baiting Politicians got involved and tried to railroad an innocent man to prison to pander to the racist mob.
Tell me you are joking! Yes, Trayvon was whipping GZ's ass but no one knows how that scenario developed except GZ. And he wasn't about to say anything except Martin attacked him.. You keep focusing on the final moments of the altercation when Martin was on top of Zimmerman as if THAT is the justification for murder. You haven't even considered that GZ might have done something to cause Martin to react the way he did.; like pull out the gun during their brief conversation. That gesture would have certainly caused Martin to start fighting for his life. The sole witness didn't see how the fight started. And the scream could have been that of Martin when he saw the gun since it was never proven conclusively just who was screaming.

Look, fool. If you are so confident in GZ's innocence, based on his version of events, you are just as much a menace to society as he is.. You don't respect life at all if you can be so callously presumptive and judgmental. But the most diabolical thing about you and your ilk is the notion that a killer should just be able to kill someone and walk away without having to be tried.

I focus on that part because that is the part that was witnessed. Dumbass.

Zimmerman pulling the gun on the kid unprovoked? If that was the case Martin would have grabbed the gun, not ignored it to beat Zimmerman "MMA style".

There is nothing diabolical about not wanting to put an innocent man who was just defending himself, though the torture of a trial.

What is diabolical, is your reflexive siding with the vicious criminal.

The "part that was witnessed" has no bearing on the part that was NOT witnessed you ignorant POS. The critical part was how the confrontation started. But you are too dense to understand that. And there are many scenarios that would explain why the gun wasn't grabbed. For instance GZ could have opened his jacket and placed his hand on the handle to draw the weapon. Depending on how far the tow were standing apart Martin may have had no recourse but to charge GZ and try to knock him down before he could pull the gun completely out. If GZ stumbled and fell backwards just before Martin reached him GZ would have bumped his head on the ground since his strong hand was on the gun. GZ could have reflectively used his free hand to grab Martin in order to break his fall and inadvertently pulled TM on top of him. Martin,in a panic,screamed for help while flailing away at GZ who then shot him. That scenario would explain a lot of things. Further, a lot of trace evidence was lost in the drizzle because the evidence was not properly protected
by the first officer on the scene.

Moron...the actual eyewitness who saw the fight said it was Zimmerman calling for help, not Martin

Next thing you will say ...Martin had his hands up saying don't shoot........

The thugs that you morons defend..........it is just nuts....
Screwball, that "witness" later recanted saying he wasn't sure who was screaming because he couldn't see their mouths in the dark. ....

Lawyer bullshit. The asshole lawyer pushed on maybe this and maybe that, trying to gin up some reasonable doubt.

It's bullshit.

The guy looked out his fucking window and saw what he saw, and he told it to the jury and they believed him.
And women ask to be raped. Got it.

Not even analogous

Now if you say a woman armed with a gun walked up to a guy and initiated contact then shot the guy you might have a valid analogy

Zimmerman had absolutely no reason to pursue Martin. NONE. He made a string of decisions that put him int he position where he felt he had to shoot someone.

And as I said we still don't know what happened at the start of the fight for all we know GZ reached for his gun because he was afraid and then Martin fearing he might get shot took him to the ground. We just do not know.

So it matters who does what and when. And like I said any and all CCW permit holders who are carrying a weapon have the responsibility to avoid confrontations not seek them out.

SO IMO GZ wanted to play cop and made a string of irresponsible decisions that resulted in him killing someone.

Zimmerman had a completely valid reason to follow Martin.

He did not recognize Martin as someone who lived in the Gate Community, AND he matched the description of at large burglar.

Actually, I guess that is TWO good reasons.

MARTIN had no reason or right to attack Zimmerman and beat him while he screamed for help.

We do not know how the fight started so do not presume.

For all we know Zimmerman reached for his gun because he was scared shitless and Martin took him down because he thought he was going to be shot.

He was playing cop Martin was not observed doing anything wrong and you presume Zimmerman knew absolutely every person who lived in the neighborhood and anyone who might be visiting soemone. Sorry there was no reason for him to pursue Martin. In fact by GZ's comments to the dispatcher he was convinced Martin was doing something wrong with no evidence of that whatsoever.

1. I presume nothing. Of course Zimmerman did not know everyone. But asking the police to check a stranger who fit the description of a local burglar was completely reasonable.

2. Yes, GZ was quite suspicious of the stranger in the gated community that matched the description of the local burglar and who was looking at a lot of houses.

3. Calling the cops is not playing cops. Even following Martin to tell the cops where he went is not playing cops.

4. Considering that Martin was so vicious that he would not stop beating the man screaming for help, even when the one eyewitness yelled that he was calling the cops, I think that we DO have reason to "presume" that Martin the vicious thug was the one that started the fight.

These fucking assholes always get away with it

sound familiar? Zimmerman was convinced of Martin being guilty of something. That attitude colored every one of his choices.

And have you ever been in a real fistfight? I've seen people so amped up they had to be pulled off of a guy. I'll wager Martin didn't even hear Zimmerman screaming like a little girl.

1. Agreed. Zimmerman was suspicious of the stranger in the gated community that matched the description of the local burglar and who was looking at a lot of houses.

2. Yes, I have been a real fistfights, at least when I was young like Martin. But, no, if Zimmerman was screaming, Martin knew it, and had a choice between trying to really hurt the guy under him, or backing off. Martin choose to keep beating.

3. Martin called Zimmerman a "creepy assed cracker" and his girlfriend suggested that Zimmerman might be a homosexual rapist. That racist and homophobic attitude colored everyone of HIS choices.
I think there are circumstances where you might decide to try and grab the gun if you are close enough and think the guy is about to shoot you.
Trayvon was where he shouldn't have been, he played with the bull and he got the horns. Like I said karma fucked him up...
This should have went like oj. He should have been found guilty in civil court and owe the martins 2 million

Guilty of what? Everything George did was legal. You may not like it...but that is the way it went down. You might wish the black guy won but the black guy lost...just the way it went down...try and deal wid it.

BTW Eric Holder wanted to pursue Federal Civil Rights charges against George but was forced to drop the case for lack of any evidence of that sort.

George is and was a innocent man that the state and Federal Government attempted to railroad based on nothing more than a fallacious liberal narrative of black victimhood...which was stirred up and essentially initiated by a biased media who was quite deceptive and biased in regards to the whole affair...showing the world a old picture of trayvon when he was like l2 yrs. old to begin with....which made most think that was the way he looked the night he was killed. The problem however was that the innocent looking child had grown up and turned into a thug.

10 Photos That Show The REAL Trayvon Martin
Your version is possible OR you're a racist who's all too willing to assume the black was a thug who deserved to die.

Or both.

Skull says it best. George should have stayed in the car

Or you are a racist who's all to willing to assume the "white guy" was a racist thug looking to kill a black man.
That is possible. However you should consider that I go back and forth on this subject. I truly see both sides arguments as valid. Are you being open to both sides arguments?

I can see why or how its possible that with our laws and the evidence, or lack of, that a George could walk. And maybe that's a good thing.

But I'm certainly not a George fan. Like skull I think George broke ccw rules. He was not a smart gun carrier. This was a death that didn't need to happen and it's not all treyvons fault. If you can agree George was a fuck up at least that's be something.

I think we need to rethink our laws. George was negligible and to me that's guilty. At least to a lesser charge.
There is no way to know who started the fight. The only evidence we have shows that Martin tried to kill GZ. Sufficient grounds for self-defense.

I don't know how many times I have to say this but whether or not GZ was justified to shoot has never been my argument

I have been saying that the totality of events were set in motion by Zimmerman's poor decisions and irresponsibility of trying to play cop. He wanted a confrontation. Well he got it and got his ass kicked for it. He put himself in the situation where he needed to pull his gun.

There is no support for your claim that Zimmerman wanted a confrontation.

We have the 911 tape because Zimmerman called the cops to come and "confront" the guy.

Yeah then he confronted him. so he wanted to play cop

There is no evidence that Zimmerman confronted Martin, nor eyewitness testimony to that effect.

There is no evidence that Martin was the initial aggressor either which has been my point all along that no one knows how the altercation started

For all we know Zimmerman pulled his gun first and Martin charged him because he thought he was going to be shot.

And yes he was playing cop. He chased who he thought was a burglary suspect and he should have assumed would be armed. Any cop would have assumed that but as I said GZ was out of his depth

1. Chased implied an attempt to catch. All the evidence suggests that he was just following so as to relay information to the cops.

2. There is no evidence as to how the altercation started.

3. The 17 year old "child" charged the grown man with the gun? That's an interesting "child".

4. High school fights, are generally not prosecuted as crimes. It is far more likely that a high schooler, pissed off that a creepy assed cracker was following him, would start a fight, than a 28 year old Neighbor Watch Captain.

5. The type of person that would continue to beat a man while he screamed for help? That man is more likely to have started the fight.
Trayvon was where he shouldn't have been, he played with the bull and he got the horns. Like I said karma fucked him up...
This should have went like oj. He should have been found guilty in civil court and owe the martins 2 million

Guilty of what? Everything George did was legal. You may not like it...but that is the way it went down. You might wish the black guy won but the black guy lost...just the way it went down...try and deal wid it.

BTW Eric Holder wanted to pursue Federal Civil Rights charges against George but was forced to drop the case for lack of any evidence of that sort.

George is and was a innocent man that the state and Federal Government attempted to railroad based on nothing more than a fallacious liberal narrative of black victimhood...which was stirred up and essentially initiated by a biased media who was quite deceptive and biased in regards to the whole affair...showing the world a old picture of trayvon when he was like l2 yrs. old to begin with....which made most think that was the way he looked the night he was killed. The problem however was that the innocent looking child had grown up and turned into a thug.

10 Photos That Show The REAL Trayvon Martin
Your version is possible OR you're a racist who's all too willing to assume the black was a thug who deserved to die.

Or both.

Skull says it best. George should have stayed in the car

Or you are a racist who's all to willing to assume the "white guy" was a racist thug looking to kill a black man.
That is possible. However you should consider that I go back and forth on this subject. I truly see both sides arguments as valid. Are you being open to both sides arguments?

I can see why or how its possible that with our laws and the evidence, or lack of, that a George could walk. And maybe that's a good thing.

But I'm certainly not a George fan. Like skull I think George broke ccw rules. He was not a smart gun carrier. This was a death that didn't need to happen and it's not all treyvons fault. If you can agree George was a fuck up at least that's be something.

I think we need to rethink our laws. George was negligible and to me that's guilty. At least to a lesser charge.

There was some shooting a couple of weeks after the Zimmerman verdict.

Some white guy, (an actual white guy this time) shot some black guy at a gas station over loud music or some such bs.

The lefties on this site posted it as evidence of STand your ground being back, or white guys being racist, or gun ower being bad,

and fully expected that those who supported Zimmerman's right to self defense would do the same with the second shooting.

Except that the situation was completely different.

The second shooter was NOT on the ground getting beaten "MMA style" when he pulled the gun and shot.

So, to a man, the Right was happy to condemn the shooter, he was arrested tried and convicted, and, the issue never became an issue, because we on the Right,

Zimmerman was in charge of recruiting block captains for a neighborhood watch program and, after having been asked, was also part of a group to enforce parking rules in his community.

The president of the homeowners association for the community where the shooting took place testified that he didn't think a neighborhood watch program was needed and that Zimmerman was in charge of the community's program from the very beginning.

Donald O'Brien stressed that the homeowners association had nothing to do with the neighborhood watch program but that he did attend a meeting to start it. Residents were told to "stay away" from suspicious people and call police, O'Brien said.

He said he once text messaged Zimmerman with praises for a group of workers who followed a burglar. Their actions led to the arrest of a young black man, who was charged with burglaries in the neighborhood, O'Brien said.

O'Brien added that police indicated it was acceptable to follow suspicious persons at a safe distance. He also said he signed an agreement with police to increase patrol of the area and to tow illegally parked cars.

Trial turns to Zimmerman's neighborhood-watch role

THAT'S very interesting.

Sort of shoots down the theory that was Zimmerman did was beyond the pale.

You do remember that GZ was NOT on duty as a neighborhood watchman when he killed the thug right?

You do not have to be "on duty" to call 911.

My point stands, the above link and quote shoots down the theory that what Zimmerman did was beyond the pale.

Yes you do if you're going to state that what he did was "beyond the pale".




I think there are circumstances where you might decide to try and grab the gun if you are close enough and think the guy is about to shoot you.
Trayvon was where he shouldn't have been, he played with the bull and he got the horns. Like I said karma fucked him up...
This should have went like oj. He should have been found guilty in civil court and owe the martins 2 million

Guilty of what? Everything George did was legal. You may not like it...but that is the way it went down. You might wish the black guy won but the black guy lost...just the way it went down...try and deal wid it.

BTW Eric Holder wanted to pursue Federal Civil Rights charges against George but was forced to drop the case for lack of any evidence of that sort.

George is and was a innocent man that the state and Federal Government attempted to railroad based on nothing more than a fallacious liberal narrative of black victimhood...which was stirred up and essentially initiated by a biased media who was quite deceptive and biased in regards to the whole affair...showing the world a old picture of trayvon when he was like l2 yrs. old to begin with....which made most think that was the way he looked the night he was killed. The problem however was that the innocent looking child had grown up and turned into a thug.

10 Photos That Show The REAL Trayvon Martin
Your version is possible OR you're a racist who's all too willing to assume the black was a thug who deserved to die.

Or both.

Skull says it best. George should have stayed in the car

Or you are a racist who's all to willing to assume the "white guy" was a racist thug looking to kill a black man.
A. He was told to stay put.
B. How do you have a gun and let a big black suspicious guy wearing a hoodie jump you? I really wish I were there to see exactly how this went down

C. No doubt George's story is cleaned up by lawyers. Ever been to court? You practice what you're going to say. We won't know if George was a creepy asshole. Seems like one to me.

D. I've heard ccw holders talk about what scenarios they can shoot. If George did want to shoot someone, which I don't think he did, but if he did he found the perfect scenario. No witnesses, he scrame like a bitch, called the cops first, found a victim no one cares about, then let an unarmed guy jump him.

E. People who ccw need to be more responsible. If we the people let you ccw you have to stay put when cops say stay put! George got himself into this on purpose or not.

F. Skull is right. Trevon got himself killed but George is 50% responsible. Or 49%. Or at least some %
Trayvon was where he shouldn't have been, he played with the bull and he got the horns. Like I said karma fucked him up...
This should have went like oj. He should have been found guilty in civil court and owe the martins 2 million

Guilty of what? Everything George did was legal. You may not like it...but that is the way it went down. You might wish the black guy won but the black guy lost...just the way it went down...try and deal wid it.

BTW Eric Holder wanted to pursue Federal Civil Rights charges against George but was forced to drop the case for lack of any evidence of that sort.

George is and was a innocent man that the state and Federal Government attempted to railroad based on nothing more than a fallacious liberal narrative of black victimhood...which was stirred up and essentially initiated by a biased media who was quite deceptive and biased in regards to the whole affair...showing the world a old picture of trayvon when he was like l2 yrs. old to begin with....which made most think that was the way he looked the night he was killed. The problem however was that the innocent looking child had grown up and turned into a thug.

10 Photos That Show The REAL Trayvon Martin
Your version is possible OR you're a racist who's all too willing to assume the black was a thug who deserved to die.

Or both.

Skull says it best. George should have stayed in the car

Or you are a racist who's all to willing to assume the "white guy" was a racist thug looking to kill a black man.
That is possible. However you should consider that I go back and forth on this subject. I truly see both sides arguments as valid. Are you being open to both sides arguments?

I can see why or how its possible that with our laws and the evidence, or lack of, that a George could walk. And maybe that's a good thing.

But I'm certainly not a George fan. Like skull I think George broke ccw rules. He was not a smart gun carrier. This was a death that didn't need to happen and it's not all treyvons fault. If you can agree George was a fuck up at least that's be something.

I think we need to rethink our laws. George was negligible and to me that's guilty. At least to a lesser charge.
They were/are both fuck ups... One less gangbanger on the street, another nut job will be watched closely the rest of his life... Case closed
There is no way to know who started the fight. The only evidence we have shows that Martin tried to kill GZ. Sufficient grounds for self-defense.

I don't know how many times I have to say this but whether or not GZ was justified to shoot has never been my argument

I have been saying that the totality of events were set in motion by Zimmerman's poor decisions and irresponsibility of trying to play cop. He wanted a confrontation. Well he got it and got his ass kicked for it. He put himself in the situation where he needed to pull his gun.

That is 100% your opinion, backed up by nothing at all. That is my point. You don't know that GZ started it, you don't know that he was trying to play cop, you don't in fact know anything at all. You are basing his guilt on what your opinion is. That isn't reality no matter how many times you repeat it.

And you don't know that Martin started it

which has been my point all along

And I haven't talked about guilt or innocence. I even said when he fired he was justified

If you bothered to actually read what I have written I have been talking about the totality of events and how Zimmerman's poor decisions put him in the completely avoidable situation where he felt he had to shoot someone

READ my posts please ffs. You are IN FACT assigning guilt when you state that he made bad decisions that led to the death. You can sugar coat it all you want but again, no basis in reality. You are assigning blame.

Blame yes guilt or innocence no.

GZ's chain of poor decisions is what set up the altercation.

And yes it is my opinion that anyone carrying a weapon should avoid any and all confrontations that are 100% avoidable. This falls into that category.

You carry a gun you don't flip off the guy that didn't use a blinker.
You carry a gun you walk away from the loud mouthed asshole at the game
You carry a gun you don't chase a suspected criminal down the street

You carry a gun you are held to a higher standard

Zimmerman fell short of being a responsible concealed carry permit holder

Zimmerman was a little reckless.

Martin was a thug who almost certain attacked the "creepy assed cracker" following him and beat him while he screamed for help.

Martin's choice to do that is what led to his death.
Trayvon was where he shouldn't have been, he played with the bull and he got the horns. Like I said karma fucked him up...
This should have went like oj. He should have been found guilty in civil court and owe the martins 2 million

Guilty of what? Everything George did was legal. You may not like it...but that is the way it went down. You might wish the black guy won but the black guy lost...just the way it went down...try and deal wid it.

BTW Eric Holder wanted to pursue Federal Civil Rights charges against George but was forced to drop the case for lack of any evidence of that sort.

George is and was a innocent man that the state and Federal Government attempted to railroad based on nothing more than a fallacious liberal narrative of black victimhood...which was stirred up and essentially initiated by a biased media who was quite deceptive and biased in regards to the whole affair...showing the world a old picture of trayvon when he was like l2 yrs. old to begin with....which made most think that was the way he looked the night he was killed. The problem however was that the innocent looking child had grown up and turned into a thug.

10 Photos That Show The REAL Trayvon Martin
Your version is possible OR you're a racist who's all too willing to assume the black was a thug who deserved to die.

Or both.

Skull says it best. George should have stayed in the car

Or you are a racist who's all to willing to assume the "white guy" was a racist thug looking to kill a black man.
A. He was told to stay put.
B. How do you have a gun and let a big black suspicious guy wearing a hoodie jump you? I really wish I were there to see exactly how this went down

C. No doubt George's story is cleaned up by lawyers. Ever been to court? You practice what you're going to say. We won't know if George was a creepy asshole. Seems like one to me.

D. I've heard ccw holders talk about what scenarios they can shoot. If George did want to shoot someone, which I don't think he did, but if he did he found the perfect scenario. No witnesses, he scrame like a bitch, called the cops first, found a victim no one cares about, then let an unarmed guy jump him.

E. People who ccw need to be more responsible

a. No, he was told to stop following the suspect. Which all indication are that he did so.

b. Because you don't pull a gun just because a guy is talking to you.

c. Not his initial statement.

c2 And the "creepy assed cracker" statement was a Martin quote speaking to his racist frame of mind.

d He heard the man yelling that he had called the cops. For all he knew that guy was still watching during the whole time.

e Your whole scenario of racist white gun carriers plotting for chances to kill black guys is ridiculous and speaks to the bullshit that your authority figures have been pouring into your mind for way too long.

f Especially compared to the massively more likely scenario of a young punk being pissed of that he was being followed by a "creepy assed cracker" and deciding to kick the guy's ass.

g DO you think that Martin though he was being watched and followed because he was black?
All the important current events throughout the world and the left still follows Zimmerman around. No surprises here.

Murder has no statute of limitations, Zimmerman may not be tried again, but some of us remember Dan White who avoided the death penalty but In a verdict where a Twinkie Defense got him off of a murder charge, he was found guilty of manslaughter rather than murder.

He served five years of a seven-year prison sentence and returned to San Francisco and committed suicide. Zimmerman will be lucky to if he takes his own life, there are many who see him as a coward and would put him down with no more remorse than one has in killing a rabid rodent.

I find it so amusing that you gloat about the possibility of a tit for tat racial murder, right above your sig line whining that the New Right is such a threat to our American way of life.
This should have went like oj. He should have been found guilty in civil court and owe the martins 2 million

Guilty of what? Everything George did was legal. You may not like it...but that is the way it went down. You might wish the black guy won but the black guy lost...just the way it went down...try and deal wid it.

BTW Eric Holder wanted to pursue Federal Civil Rights charges against George but was forced to drop the case for lack of any evidence of that sort.

George is and was a innocent man that the state and Federal Government attempted to railroad based on nothing more than a fallacious liberal narrative of black victimhood...which was stirred up and essentially initiated by a biased media who was quite deceptive and biased in regards to the whole affair...showing the world a old picture of trayvon when he was like l2 yrs. old to begin with....which made most think that was the way he looked the night he was killed. The problem however was that the innocent looking child had grown up and turned into a thug.

10 Photos That Show The REAL Trayvon Martin
Your version is possible OR you're a racist who's all too willing to assume the black was a thug who deserved to die.

Or both.

Skull says it best. George should have stayed in the car

Or you are a racist who's all to willing to assume the "white guy" was a racist thug looking to kill a black man.
That is possible. However you should consider that I go back and forth on this subject. I truly see both sides arguments as valid. Are you being open to both sides arguments?

I can see why or how its possible that with our laws and the evidence, or lack of, that a George could walk. And maybe that's a good thing.

But I'm certainly not a George fan. Like skull I think George broke ccw rules. He was not a smart gun carrier. This was a death that didn't need to happen and it's not all treyvons fault. If you can agree George was a fuck up at least that's be something.

I think we need to rethink our laws. George was negligible and to me that's guilty. At least to a lesser charge.
They were/are both fuck ups... One less gangbanger on the street, another nut job will be watched closely the rest of his life... Case closed

My nephews 14 & 11 have never been in fights. Of course they go to private schools but I think kids don't fight like we used to. I think that's a good thing. I hope we never go to war with them as soldiers, but I do like the idea of a more civilized society.

And I'm all for two guys who want to fight fighting. What I'm not OK with is someone attacking someone who doesn't want to fight. So even if George racially profiled and offended trevon, it's no excuse to strike George.

This is a tough case because George was a fuck up who should never had a gun or he should have never put himself in the situation.
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