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GOP Hero and Legend George Zimmerman ‘Bragged’ About Trayvon Killing, Then Got Face Punched

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Or you are a racist who's all to willing to assume the "white guy" was a racist thug looking to kill a black man.
That is possible. However you should consider that I go back and forth on this subject. I truly see both sides arguments as valid. Are you being open to both sides arguments?

I can see why or how its possible that with our laws and the evidence, or lack of, that a George could walk. And maybe that's a good thing.

But I'm certainly not a George fan. Like skull I think George broke ccw rules. He was not a smart gun carrier. This was a death that didn't need to happen and it's not all treyvons fault. If you can agree George was a fuck up at least that's be something.

I think we need to rethink our laws. George was negligible and to me that's guilty. At least to a lesser charge.
They were/are both fuck ups... One less gangbanger on the street, another nut job will be watched closely the rest of his life... Case closed

My nephews 14 & 11 have never been in fights. Of course they go to private schools but I think kids don't fight like we used to. I think that's a good thing. I hope we never go to war with them as soldiers, but I do like the idea of a more civilized society.

And I'm all for two guys who want to fight fighting. What I'm not OK with is someone attacking someone who doesn't want to fight. So even if George racially profiled and offended trevon, it's no excuse to strike George.

This is a tough case because George was a fuck up who should never had a gun or he should have never put himself in the situation.

I think one needs to walk in the shoes of a teenage black young man before passing judgment. Zimmermann was more than a fuck up, he was a coward with a gun, a most dangerous coupling. The gun gave him 'dutch' comfort and his actions precipitated the encounter; without the gun it is very unlikely he would have mean mugged tyvonne.

so there are differences between the races?

There are differences in experience, sorry I had to deflate the obvious racism in your foolish question.
It doesn't matter who started it. Witnesses saw a ghetto thug beating a man viciously. That man had the right to defend himself.

GZ is responsible for the totality of the events is what I am saying.

He wanted to play cop and started following a guy for no real reason. He got out of his car and pursued on foot. The entire incident was of his own making because of his poor decisions.

And when you are carrying a concealed weapon it does matter who starts the altercation. Just ask any cop.

As a CCW permit holder carrying a weapon you have the responsibility to avoid confrontations not seek them out. Zimmerman sought out this confrontation
And women ask to be raped. Got it.
That is a clear fallacy of false equivalences.

TM did not ask to be raped. GZ stalked him.

Only in your alleged mind.
Says you, who has trouble tying shoes.

Where is the equivalency? It does not exist.

GZ did not stalk TM, that only exists in your alleged mind dumbass.
I focus on that part because that is the part that was witnessed. Dumbass.

Zimmerman pulling the gun on the kid unprovoked? If that was the case Martin would have grabbed the gun, not ignored it to beat Zimmerman "MMA style".

There is nothing diabolical about not wanting to put an innocent man who was just defending himself, though the torture of a trial.

What is diabolical, is your reflexive siding with the vicious criminal.

The "part that was witnessed" has no bearing on the part that was NOT witnessed you ignorant POS. The critical part was how the confrontation started. But you are too dense to understand that. And there are many scenarios that would explain why the gun wasn't grabbed. For instance GZ could have opened his jacket and placed his hand on the handle to draw the weapon. Depending on how far the tow were standing apart Martin may have had no recourse but to charge GZ and try to knock him down before he could pull the gun completely out. If GZ stumbled and fell backwards just before Martin reached him GZ would have bumped his head on the ground since his strong hand was on the gun. GZ could have reflectively used his free hand to grab Martin in order to break his fall and inadvertently pulled TM on top of him. Martin,in a panic,screamed for help while flailing away at GZ who then shot him. That scenario would explain a lot of things. Further, a lot of trace evidence was lost in the drizzle because the evidence was not properly protected
by the first officer on the scene.

Moron...the actual eyewitness who saw the fight said it was Zimmerman calling for help, not Martin

Next thing you will say ...Martin had his hands up saying don't shoot........

The thugs that you morons defend..........it is just nuts....
No question Zimmerman bit off more than he could chew that night. At minimum neglegent homicide

lol, no. An acquittal. Because a jury saw and heard what YOU didn't. You are an idiot on the internet who knows nothing and voices his opinions as fact. There never should have been a trial, the arresting officers had it right when they filed no charges.
Wrong. We know the court case was an injustice. I've heard other people explain how the jury was only given certain information and they were misled. Bottom line if the trial wasn't rigged George would at least have been found guilty of negligent homicide

Lol, keep believing that moron, reality disagrees with you.
There is no support for your claim that Zimmerman wanted a confrontation.

We have the 911 tape because Zimmerman called the cops to come and "confront" the guy.

Yeah then he confronted him. so he wanted to play cop

There is no evidence that Zimmerman confronted Martin, nor eyewitness testimony to that effect.

There is no evidence that Martin was the initial aggressor either which has been my point all along that no one knows how the altercation started

For all we know Zimmerman pulled his gun first and Martin charged him because he thought he was going to be shot.

And yes he was playing cop. He chased who he thought was a burglary suspect and he should have assumed would be armed. Any cop would have assumed that but as I said GZ was out of his depth

You are the one out of your depth as in you have no analytical ability, logic or common sense in addition to not being 'street smart' if you know what that term means....but above all you did not watch the trial, you do not know the facts brought out in court nor do you know the time line of the events which is crucial to understanding the whole scenario which you have misconstrued based on nothing more than personal prejudice against Zimmerman.

Bottom Line: a excellent jury listened to all the evidence, listened to the witnesses and the forensic experts, watched as the lawyers presented the time line of events (which is crucial to understanding the case) etc.etc. and so on and so forth....(which you did not and still refuse to do though the facts are available online) and they issued a verdict of not guilty even though there was great pressure on them to convict George.

Case closed....but continue to make a fool of yourself if you wish.
Did you watch the entire trial? I've read and seen videos of the testimonies
You have more faith in juries than I ever will. What makes the opinion of 12 random people irrefutable?

The fact is that no one saw the initial contact. It was all speculation based on cell phone conversations and a few people who heard someone yelling. No one could tell who was yelling. No one can say if Martin or Zimmerman was the initial aggressor.

The truth has nothing to do with a court trial just ask any lawyer.

And the trial was only to determine whether or not Z was justified to shoot when he did. I already said that he was

But he put himself in that situation it was not thrust upon him.
I agreed with every thing you said up until you posited that GZ was justified in shooting Martin. On What do you base that justification if you don't know who was the aggressor?
And of course you are simply lying your ass off.

Try it and tell me how your trial goes.

There is no way to know who started the fight. The only evidence we have shows that Martin tried to kill GZ. Sufficient grounds for self-defense.
BS, there is NO evidence that Martin tried to kill GZ. GZ might have suffered those lacerations to the back of his head when he fell backwards. The "head banging on concrete" lie could not have occurred since there was no concrete where the struggle took place.
Doesn't have to be. There is evidence of assault justifying the use of force. There you go spouting off shit that you believe and has nothing at all to do with the truth.
We know technically your pussy ass coward is probably right and so the laws need to be changed.

Skull is right George played cops and robbers instead of staying put like he should have.

And he didnt argue stand your ground but used stand your ground arguments.

We need to fix the law. It allows pussies and cowards to get away with unnecessary murder

You are stupid enough to think that calling me a pussy means you are right.
The laws do not need to be changed.
GZ did not play cop, he was protecting his neighborhood.
It wasn't a case of stand your ground, it was pure self-defense. You know nothing about stand your ground laws.
The law doesn't need to be changed, it worked perfectly. A violent thug attacked someone and got what he deserved.
GZ is responsible for the totality of the events is what I am saying.

He wanted to play cop and started following a guy for no real reason. He got out of his car and pursued on foot. The entire incident was of his own making because of his poor decisions.

And when you are carrying a concealed weapon it does matter who starts the altercation. Just ask any cop.

As a CCW permit holder carrying a weapon you have the responsibility to avoid confrontations not seek them out. Zimmerman sought out this confrontation
And women ask to be raped. Got it.
That is a clear fallacy of false equivalences.

TM did not ask to be raped. GZ stalked him.

Only in your alleged mind.
Says you, who has trouble tying shoes.

Where is the equivalency? It does not exist.

GZ did not stalk TM, that only exists in your alleged mind dumbass.

The facts in evidence do not support the opinions you pull from your ass. Don't try to rewrite history, when most of the readers followed the event as a current event.
IF the jury believes your story.

And IMO George provoked trevon into a fight. He ran up on him aggressively. But is that enough to justify punching someone?

But then what if some creep comes up showing off a gun and I feel threatened? I don't think I'd go for the guys gun. I'd probably do what he says
I think there are circumstances where you might decide to try and grab the gun if you are close enough and think the guy is about to shoot you.
Trayvon was where he shouldn't have been, he played with the bull and he got the horns. Like I said karma fucked him up...
This should have went like oj. He should have been found guilty in civil court and owe the martins 2 million

Guilty of what? Everything George did was legal. You may not like it...but that is the way it went down. You might wish the black guy won but the black guy lost...just the way it went down...try and deal wid it.
I know. I've talked to ccw buddies and they've explained how I could've been shot and I need to learn I can't put my hands on other people.

The lesson I have learned is to get a CCW and let the chips fall where they may if I am ever in such a predicament as Martin found himself . The days of hand to hand combat are over.
Holy shit I didn't even realize it until you pointed that out.

If somebody pointed a gun at you, like George did to trevon, and he never saw his family again, should George have got a slap on the wrist?

Zimmerman was not the criminal.

Martin was breaking the law when he decided to beat Zimmerman "mma style" as witnessed by a credible eyewitness.

Zimmerman should have been questioned and released, just like the cops did, before the Race Baiting Politicians got involved and tried to railroad an innocent man to prison to pander to the racist mob.

Exactly. A ton of taxpayer money was wasted on a trial that never should have happened.
I think the public demanded it. The trial should have happened but it should have been prosecuted by someone interested in justice… not someone who just went through the motions and bungled the job…seemingly, by design.

Of course the public demanded it. Due to the fact that the Race Grievance Industry made a ridiculous stink about it, backed up by a racist president and a racist AG. The public was mislead into thinking there was something there. There wasn't.

Better minds than yours think otherwise.

No, better minds than yours, understand the law and can tell the difference between reality and what they want to be true. You lack this ability.

In a civilized nation we cannot allow killers to deprive someone of life and then accept the killer's version of events without question.

Yes, that is why we have things like investigations, witness interviews, forensic evidence. We cannot allow, in a civilized society, people like you to deny all of the evidence just because \you don't like the result.

The cost of a trial might be high but the loss of life with such disdain as you posit is more costly. A trial opened up the possibility that a crucial witness might step forward. It also exposed the lackadaisical ignorance or out right incompetence of the officer who failed to preserve evidence that was destroyed in the drizzling rain.

Bull shit. There never should have been a trial, the original investigators got it exactly right. You just didn't like the result. Too fucking bad, it was justice.
And women ask to be raped. Got it.
That is a clear fallacy of false equivalences.

TM did not ask to be raped. GZ stalked him.

Only in your alleged mind.
Says you, who has trouble tying shoes.

Where is the equivalency? It does not exist.

GZ did not stalk TM, that only exists in your alleged mind dumbass.

The facts in evidence do not support the opinions you pull from your ass. Don't try to rewrite history, when most of the readers followed the event as a current event.

No matter how many lies morons like you tell, facts don't change.
Ok, cool story bro
Here's one way they can rig a trial. Only charge him with 2nd degree murder. They should have given the jury an option for negligent homicide so he could get ten out in 5 for good behavior.

I may not have given him 2nd degree but I wouldn't have let him walk either.

There may not be enough evidence to convict unfortunately. And who knows what the truth is.

But it sounds to me like George is a good argument for why people should not be allowed to carry guns.

Here's one argument. Who put their hands on who first? If a guy comes running at me I'm going to get into fighting position. With or without a gun I'm in wrestling mode. But I don't attack or punch the guy first. I'd ask him what he wants. Im assuming Zimmerman was never the aggressor in the physical fight. He may have offended trevon but I don't think George swung first. So unfortunately, if trevon was the aggressor George may have a strong case for being able to defend himself.

So I'm torn. I know George is a pussy coward murderer but trevon shouldn't have put his hands on George.
Various reports have GZ stating that he inadvertently exposed his gun when reaching for his telephone during his confrontation with Martin and that TM then tried to grab GZ's weapon. The struggle was on from that point.
Then George is innocent but also stupid for getting that close. Irresponsible careless sloppy foolish scary. I would have had my hand on the weapon and stayed 20 feet away

George was innocent...of course.

George thought trayvon had run away...in fact he witnessed trayvon running away...if it were you--- would you have thought a suspect would run away and then return?

That is the kind of stupidity most would not expect...what is open to conjecture about is why did Trayvon return after running away? Did he have second thoughts? Was there something his g/f said on the phone that motivated him to go back and attack George?

Irregardless.....George did what any good nightwatchman would do....see a suspicious person and report it to the police. This was not George's first rodeo...he had done this many times...never had a problem. In fact the head of the homeowners association had praised him for his work.

Something else many do not know ...though it has been posted on here a few times already....George was not engaged in his nightwatchman patrol on that dark and rainy night...he was on the way to Target to do some shopping when by chance he just happened to spot a suspicious individual in a hoodie on a dark and rainy night lurking about, looking in windows when a normal person would have been hurrying home to get out of the rain.
George was anything but innocent.

He was found 'not guilty', something diffeerent.

Lol, your stupidity is epic.
Two lies, easy to confirm, are poof that PredFan is a liar, and he should never call anyone stupid or a moron, when he continues to post made up facts:

1. GZ did not live in the complex/neighborhood;
2. GZ was told by dispatch not to pursue TM.
Try it and tell me how your trial goes.

There is no way to know who started the fight. The only evidence we have shows that Martin tried to kill GZ. Sufficient grounds for self-defense.
BS, there is NO evidence that Martin tried to kill GZ. GZ might have suffered those lacerations to the back of his head when he fell backwards. The "head banging on concrete" lie could not have occurred since there was no concrete where the struggle took place.
Doesn't have to be. There is evidence of assault justifying the use of force. There you go spouting off shit that you believe and has nothing at all to do with the truth.
We know technically your pussy ass coward is probably right and so the laws need to be changed.

Skull is right George played cops and robbers instead of staying put like he should have.

And he didnt argue stand your ground but used stand your ground arguments.

We need to fix the law. It allows pussies and cowards to get away with unnecessary murder

You are stupid enough to think that calling me a pussy means you are right.
The laws do not need to be changed.
GZ did not play cop, he was protecting his neighborhood.
It wasn't a case of stand your ground, it was pure self-defense. You know nothing about stand your ground laws.
The law doesn't need to be changed, it worked perfectly. A violent thug attacked someone and got what he deserved.
George wasn't protecting his neighborhood he was a menace to any person of color living there. That he would arm himself while on "neighborhood watch" shows his inclination towards a confrontation. His gun emboldened GZ to be more obtrusive in his watching" of Martin. Rather than watching and reporting, he interacted with his prey far more than he ought to have.

1. GZ followed Martin slowly in his truck

2, GZ passed by Martin and parked ahead of him partially blocking the sidewalk

3.GZ got out of his truck. That further alarmed Martin.

4. Martin altered the trajectory of his path to make a wide berth away from GZ but close enough to "stare" at the ominous figure who seemed to be stalking him.

5. Martin panicked and ran…GZ gave chase.

6. Matin, got lost and couldn't find his house,

7, While Trayvon searched for his house he encountered GZ

8. GZ, and Martin had words and, according to GZ, Zimmerman reached for his telephone and exposed the gun,

9. If GZ can be believed, Martin tried to grab his gun and a struggle ensued.

The killing of Martin is clouded with uncertainty because no one saw whole thing. But if Martin had been a White kid having no criminal convictions, I wonder if his death would be co callously dismissed by a group of angry RW White males. The same speculation could be applied if Black cops started to kill unarmed White men at the rate White cops kill unarmed Black men.

Trayvon's death is symbolic of the RW White angst so prevalent in our society today. It isn' about justice or right or wrong. Looking at the various comments here I see that Black life is still being devalued as much as it always has been. The core grievance of the Black Lives Matters movement has been more than justified right here on USMB!
and Trayvon received his justice
As George inevitably will receive the same end, shot to death and buried without remorse.

The predfans and squeezeberry continue to amuse with their clown show.
Trayvon was not buried without remorse, but GZ will be! what a waste. I would hope a taxidermists stuffs him and auctions him off to the NAACP BEFORE he dies!
Zimmerman was not the criminal.

Martin was breaking the law when he decided to beat Zimmerman "mma style" as witnessed by a credible eyewitness.

Zimmerman should have been questioned and released, just like the cops did, before the Race Baiting Politicians got involved and tried to railroad an innocent man to prison to pander to the racist mob.

Exactly. A ton of taxpayer money was wasted on a trial that never should have happened.
I think the public demanded it. The trial should have happened but it should have been prosecuted by someone interested in justice… not someone who just went through the motions and bungled the job…seemingly, by design.

Of course the public demanded it. Due to the fact that the Race Grievance Industry made a ridiculous stink about it, backed up by a racist president and a racist AG. The public was mislead into thinking there was something there. There wasn't.

Better minds than yours think otherwise.

No, better minds than yours, understand the law and can tell the difference between reality and what they want to be true. You lack this ability.

Somehow I don't trust your judgement over that of the public or Obama. If you think Obama the public and I have a disconnect from reality perhaps yo had better take another look at yourself!

In a civilized nation we cannot allow killers to deprive someone of life and then accept the killer's version of events without question.

Predfan said:
Yes, that is why we have things like investigations, witness interviews, forensic evidence. We cannot allow, in a civilized society, people like you to deny all of the evidence just because \you don't like the result.

The trial was good for the economy and gave us all a sense of some semblance of justice. Given the sordid racial history of Florida, the trial was necessary.

The cost of a trial might be high but the loss of life with such disdain as you posit is more costly. A trial opened up the possibility that a crucial witness might step forward. It also exposed the lackadaisical ignorance or out right incompetence of the officer who failed to preserve evidence that was destroyed in the drizzling rain.

[Predfan said:
Bull shit. There never should have been a trial, the original investigators got it exactly right. You just didn't like the result. Too fucking bad, it was justice.

When the outcome is controlled by southern conservative White people why would you expect a person of color to trust that outcome without brining ALL known facts to the forefront. Only a public televised trial would do that! But even then, justice might not have been served at all. We just don't know… Stop pretending YOU do!
Two lies, easy to confirm, are poof that PredFan is a liar, and he should never call anyone stupid or a moron, when he continues to post made up facts:

1. GZ did not live in the complex/neighborhood;
2. GZ was told by dispatch not to pursue TM.

#1 is irrelevant.
#2 is a lie. The exact words were: "We don't need you to do that."

The thing I like about the GZ case is how it exposes you liberals as the lying, ignorant, stubborn and immature low-lifes that we all know you are.
There is no way to know who started the fight. The only evidence we have shows that Martin tried to kill GZ. Sufficient grounds for self-defense.
BS, there is NO evidence that Martin tried to kill GZ. GZ might have suffered those lacerations to the back of his head when he fell backwards. The "head banging on concrete" lie could not have occurred since there was no concrete where the struggle took place.
Doesn't have to be. There is evidence of assault justifying the use of force. There you go spouting off shit that you believe and has nothing at all to do with the truth.
We know technically your pussy ass coward is probably right and so the laws need to be changed.

Skull is right George played cops and robbers instead of staying put like he should have.

And he didnt argue stand your ground but used stand your ground arguments.

We need to fix the law. It allows pussies and cowards to get away with unnecessary murder

You are stupid enough to think that calling me a pussy means you are right.
The laws do not need to be changed.
GZ did not play cop, he was protecting his neighborhood.
It wasn't a case of stand your ground, it was pure self-defense. You know nothing about stand your ground laws.
The law doesn't need to be changed, it worked perfectly. A violent thug attacked someone and got what he deserved.
George wasn't protecting his neighborhood he was a menace to any person of color living there. That he would arm himself while on "neighborhood watch" shows his inclination towards a confrontation. His gun emboldened GZ to be more obtrusive in his watching" of Martin. Rather than watching and reporting, he interacted with his prey far more than he ought to have.

1. GZ followed Martin slowly in his truck

2, GZ passed by Martin and parked ahead of him partially blocking the sidewalk

3.GZ got out of his truck. That further alarmed Martin.

4. Martin altered the trajectory of his path to make a wide berth away from GZ but close enough to "stare" at the ominous figure who seemed to be stalking him.

5. Martin panicked and ran…GZ gave chase.

6. Matin, got lost and couldn't find his house,

7, While Trayvon searched for his house he encountered GZ

8. GZ, and Martin had words and, according to GZ, Zimmerman reached for his telephone and exposed the gun,

9. If GZ can be believed, Martin tried to grab his gun and a struggle ensued.

The killing of Martin is clouded with uncertainty because no one saw whole thing. But if Martin had been a White kid having no criminal convictions, I wonder if his death would be co callously dismissed by a group of angry RW White males. The same speculation could be applied if Black cops started to kill unarmed White men at the rate White cops kill unarmed Black men.

Trayvon's death is symbolic of the RW White angst so prevalent in our society today. It isn' about justice or right or wrong. Looking at the various comments here I see that Black life is still being devalued as much as it always has been. The core grievance of the Black Lives Matters movement has been more than justified right here on USMB!

Oh for fuck's sake, your stupidity and lies are tiring. You were not there and your fantasy about what happened doesn't square with reality. Since the amount of effort it takes to refute your bull shit is an order of magnitude higher than it is for you to produce it, I'll have no more of your stupid nonsense. You are dismissed.
BS, there is NO evidence that Martin tried to kill GZ. GZ might have suffered those lacerations to the back of his head when he fell backwards. The "head banging on concrete" lie could not have occurred since there was no concrete where the struggle took place.
Doesn't have to be. There is evidence of assault justifying the use of force. There you go spouting off shit that you believe and has nothing at all to do with the truth.
We know technically your pussy ass coward is probably right and so the laws need to be changed.

Skull is right George played cops and robbers instead of staying put like he should have.

And he didnt argue stand your ground but used stand your ground arguments.

We need to fix the law. It allows pussies and cowards to get away with unnecessary murder

You are stupid enough to think that calling me a pussy means you are right.
The laws do not need to be changed.
GZ did not play cop, he was protecting his neighborhood.
It wasn't a case of stand your ground, it was pure self-defense. You know nothing about stand your ground laws.
The law doesn't need to be changed, it worked perfectly. A violent thug attacked someone and got what he deserved.
George wasn't protecting his neighborhood he was a menace to any person of color living there. That he would arm himself while on "neighborhood watch" shows his inclination towards a confrontation. His gun emboldened GZ to be more obtrusive in his watching" of Martin. Rather than watching and reporting, he interacted with his prey far more than he ought to have.

1. GZ followed Martin slowly in his truck

2, GZ passed by Martin and parked ahead of him partially blocking the sidewalk

3.GZ got out of his truck. That further alarmed Martin.

4. Martin altered the trajectory of his path to make a wide berth away from GZ but close enough to "stare" at the ominous figure who seemed to be stalking him.

5. Martin panicked and ran…GZ gave chase.

6. Matin, got lost and couldn't find his house,

7, While Trayvon searched for his house he encountered GZ

8. GZ, and Martin had words and, according to GZ, Zimmerman reached for his telephone and exposed the gun,

9. If GZ can be believed, Martin tried to grab his gun and a struggle ensued.

The killing of Martin is clouded with uncertainty because no one saw whole thing. But if Martin had been a White kid having no criminal convictions, I wonder if his death would be co callously dismissed by a group of angry RW White males. The same speculation could be applied if Black cops started to kill unarmed White men at the rate White cops kill unarmed Black men.

Trayvon's death is symbolic of the RW White angst so prevalent in our society today. It isn' about justice or right or wrong. Looking at the various comments here I see that Black life is still being devalued as much as it always has been. The core grievance of the Black Lives Matters movement has been more than justified right here on USMB!

Oh for fuck's sake, your stupidity and lies are tiring. You were not there and your fantasy about what happened doesn't square with reality. Since the amount of effort it takes to refute your bull shit is an order of magnitude higher than it is for you to produce it, I'll have no more of your stupid nonsense. You are dismissed.
Two lies, easy to confirm, are poof that PredFan is a liar, and he should never call anyone stupid or a moron, when he continues to post made up facts:

1. GZ did not live in the complex/neighborhood;
2. GZ was told by dispatch not to pursue TM.

#1 is irrelevant.
#2 is a lie. The exact words were: "We don't need you to do that."

The thing I like about the GZ case is how it exposes you liberals as the lying, ignorant, stubborn and immature low-lifes that we all know you are.

You claimed he was protecting his neighborhood. Your denial of that fact is clear and convincing evidence you are a pathological liar.

"We don't need you to do that" is a clear indication that GZ was in the process of stalking TM.

Don't ever call anyone stupid, you wear that sign every time you lie and contradict yourself. Mark Twain is reported to have said, if you are not smart enough to remember your lies, tell the truth; and, there are liars, damn liars and assholes like you (poetic license in italics).
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