GOP hopefuls remind Iowans they oppose Gay Rights

Really? What agenda point of the far left do you not support?

First, you're going to have to define what you call the "far" left. But to give you a few examples of where I disagree with the left:

-Immigrant amnesty and general pro-open borders policies.
-Heavy gun control legislation
-The Health Care bill
-Nominating a person as candidate for President just because he gave a great speech in 2004

I've seen you post in favor of Obama's Fascist care

:lol: Then you haven't been paying attention. All I've said is that the bill does not appear unconstitutional in my eyes. But I've unambiguously stated multiple times that I was always opposed to the bill.

and great deal of Bush hating threads.

I was generally dissatisfied with Bush as President. That does not mean I am of the "far left." Don't be so simple minded and partisan. I'm also dissatisfied with Obama's Presidency.

It renders the concept meaningless.

Only because you are hellbent on dictating how and why people should be able to get married.

Still, redefining marriage in order to gain a permanent voting bloc is both destructive and short sighted.

Nobody is redefining marriage. I am an ordained wedding minister, and I can tell you that my faith has never had any issue with the idea of homosexuality or homosexuals marrying. Of course, I'm not Christian, but who says only Christian beliefs can define marriage? Don't sit here and tell me about defining and redefining marriage. You haven't a clue.

Look, our society is in shambles already, unwed births are already above 70% in blacks and above 30% in whites. Lack of familial stability is one of the greatest causes of poverty and crime.

What does this have to do with gay marriage? Preventing gay marriage will not affect the behavior of heterosexuals in regards to their own marriages, sex lives, or spending habits.

Yet you wish to further erode the function and foundation of the family.

I'm only interested in protecting individual rights and freedoms so that people can live their own lives on their own terms when they aren't hurting anyone, instead of having to be forced to submit to the pointless dictations of control freaks like you.
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Really? What agenda point of the far left do you not support?

First, you're going to have to define what you call the "far" left. But to give you a few examples of where I disagree with the left:

-Immigrant amnesty and general pro-open borders policies.
-Heavy gun control legislation
-The Health Care bill
-Nominating a person as candidate for President just because he gave a great speech in 2004

I've seen you post in favor of Obama's Fascist care

:lol: Then you haven't been paying attention. All I've said is that the bill does not appear unconstitutional in my eyes. But I've unambiguously stated multiple times that I was always opposed to the bill.

I was generally dissatisfied with Bush as President. That does not mean I am of the "far left." Don't be so simple minded and partisan.

Only because you are hellbent on dictating how and why people should be able to get married.

Nobody is redefining marriage. I am an ordained wedding minister, and I can tell you that my faith has never had any issue with the idea of homosexuality or homosexuals marrying. Of course, I'm not Christian, but who says only Christian beliefs can define marriage? Don't sit here and tell me about defining and redefining marriage. You haven't a clue.

Look, our society is in shambles already, unwed births are already above 70% in blacks and above 30% in whites. Lack of familial stability is one of the greatest causes of poverty and crime.

What does this have to do with gay marriage? Preventing gay marriage will not affect the behavior of heterosexuals in regards to their own marriages, sex lives, or spending habits.

Yet you wish to further erode the function and foundation of the family.

I'm only interested in protecting individual rights and freedoms so that people can live their own lives on their own terms when they aren't hurting anyone, instead of having to be forced to submit to the pointless dictations of control freaks like you.

Sometimes I wonder if the REAL concern of people like Uncensored is that gays will have a MUCH BETTER track record at marriage and show the Heteros up.
First, you're going to have to define what you call the "far" left.

Basically the Obama faction. "Share the wealth," tax to punish success, government is the answer to every problem.

-Immigrant amnesty and general pro-open borders policies.

Obama claims the same, yet no one would seriously deny that he is on the extreme left of American politics.

-Heavy gun control legislation

What do you consider "heavy?" You would allow single shot pellet guns - provided they were kept in a government armory and only checked out under the supervision of government overseers?

-The Health Care bill

What part of the bill? Lack of a "public option?"

:lol: Then you haven't been paying attention. All I've said is that the bill does not appear unconstitutional in my eyes.

You may want to reread the 5th amendment, as the forcing of people to buy a product offered by well connected looters clearly violates seizure stipulations.

I was generally dissatisfied with Bush as President.

Most people were, myself included. Most don't engage in childish demonization though, the way the left extreme does.

Only because you are hellbent on dictating how and why people should be able to get married.

I've pointed out to you that marriage is a societal construct which has developed not to bolster the self-esteem of those who watch Glee, nor to give the View more to hate people about.

Marriage is a social construct that has evolved because societies are better served when the males are involved in the support and nurturing of the children they produce.

What does this have to do with gay marriage? Preventing gay marriage will not affect the behavior of heterosexuals in regards to their own marriages, sex lives, or spending habits.

My point here is that the assault on the nuclear family has been largely successful, the American left has succeeded in doing what Lenin and Stalin failed at doing, dismantling the family structure.

Redefining the basic meaning of marriage is simply the latest assault on the institution. This is not done to further individual liberty, quite the opposite.
Basically the Obama faction. "Share the wealth," tax to punish success, government is the answer to every problem.

Good news. That doesn't include me. Unfortunately, though, you've showing yourself to be on the far right.

Obama claims the same, yet no one would seriously deny that he is on the extreme left of American politics.

Actually, alot of people would seriously deny it. But it doesn't matter. You asked a question about my stance of things, you've been provided an answer that disproves your attempt to mislabel me.

What do you consider "heavy?" You would allow single shot pellet guns - provided they were kept in a government armory and only checked out under the supervision of government overseers?

Straw man. I never suggested any such thing. I would consider a great deal of current and proposed gun laws to be "heavy" control measures. People should be allowed to possess weapons, because when it comes down to it laws will not stop criminals from getting their hands on guns to use in committing crimes. In a recent thread about the issue, I spoke against the President's interest in "enhanced" background checks for gun purchases. I argued that instead of background checks for gun purchases, that if we really need some kind of regulation it should maybe shift toward ammunition purchases instead, since ammunition is the part of the weapon that is expended, and since I don't think it's likely that criminal thugs are likely to have the capability of producing ammunition themselves. It's not a perfect answer by any means, but I think it's more likely to inhibit criminals than regulations on gun sales.

I'm not against all regulations regarding guns. I can't go out and buy an M-16, but I don't see a problem with that because what good is that going to do anyone for civilian use? I have no problem with states having CCW permit requirements, or requirements that people take safety classes. However, I would support a measure in my state to allow students on college campuses to carry weapons. You might consider this all to be "far left" but any objective and rational minded person will find this to be a moderate view leaning slightly to the right.

What part of the bill? Lack of a "public option?"

I opposed the whole damn thing. Throw the entire thing in the dumpster, I wish it had never been passed at all.

You may want to reread the 5th amendment, as the forcing of people to buy a product offered by well connected looters clearly violates seizure stipulations.

You don't even have anything productive to say, or anything intelligent. I'm not going to debate the constitutionality of the health care bill here, because that discussion has already happened in its own thread. Only thing I find important here is your prejudice about anyone who doesn't agree with you, and your close mindedness to anything you haven't predestined as being acceptable or true.

Most people were, myself included. Most don't engage in childish demonization though, the way the left extreme does.

Like I said, I'm not of the extreme left. You keep prejudicing me of being a certain way, then assume that I live up to the prejudice. You're question begging.

I've pointed out to you that marriage is a societal construct which has developed not to bolster the self-esteem of those who watch Glee, nor to give the View more to hate people about.

Straw man. Nobody said anything about any television show. We're talking about gay marriage, not pop culture.

Marriage is a social construct that has evolved

Yet you insist that it is inappropriate to allow marriage to evolve. You insist that any such evolution is a conspiracy theorist style attack on the nuclear family. You are against society from evolving into a form that has less bigoted hatred. You want to maintain the same status quo of discrimination, persecution, and maintenance of one religious position's influence over society with a disregard of acceptance of other peaceful religious positions.

because societies are better served when the males are involved in the support and nurturing of the children they produce.

Then maybe you need to talk more about responsible parenthood and sexuality. The great thing about the gay community is that they don't produce deadbeat dads.

My point here is that the assault on the nuclear family has been largely successful, the American left has succeeded in doing what Lenin and Stalin failed at doing, dismantling the family structure.

Redefining the basic meaning of marriage is simply the latest assault on the institution. This is not done to further individual liberty, quite the opposite.

So now you're arguing conspiracy theories. :cuckoo: It's clear that you're not arguing anything based on facts or reason. You're just spouting off presumptions, biases, and fanatical ramblings. There is no further need to comment, as your comments on this matter are without merit.
Really? What agenda point of the far left do you not support?

First, you're going to have to define what you call the "far" left. But to give you a few examples of where I disagree with the left:

-Immigrant amnesty and general pro-open borders policies.
-Heavy gun control legislation
-The Health Care bill
-Nominating a person as candidate for President just because he gave a great speech in 2004

:lol: Then you haven't been paying attention. All I've said is that the bill does not appear unconstitutional in my eyes. But I've unambiguously stated multiple times that I was always opposed to the bill.

I was generally dissatisfied with Bush as President. That does not mean I am of the "far left." Don't be so simple minded and partisan.

Only because you are hellbent on dictating how and why people should be able to get married.

Nobody is redefining marriage. I am an ordained wedding minister, and I can tell you that my faith has never had any issue with the idea of homosexuality or homosexuals marrying. Of course, I'm not Christian, but who says only Christian beliefs can define marriage? Don't sit here and tell me about defining and redefining marriage. You haven't a clue.

What does this have to do with gay marriage? Preventing gay marriage will not affect the behavior of heterosexuals in regards to their own marriages, sex lives, or spending habits.

Yet you wish to further erode the function and foundation of the family.

I'm only interested in protecting individual rights and freedoms so that people can live their own lives on their own terms when they aren't hurting anyone, instead of having to be forced to submit to the pointless dictations of control freaks like you.

Sometimes I wonder if the REAL concern of people like Uncensored is that gays will have a MUCH BETTER track record at marriage and show the Heteros up.
Pure BS.........That claim is thoroughly debunked, and is nothing more than BS propoganda put out by gay activists.

The following shows that there is no real difference in divorce rates. It also shows that surveys done by the US Department Of Justice confirms that Gay men and Lesbian women have a far greater incidence of domestic partner violence than opposite sex relationships....Lesbians in particular show a high propensity to engage in violence with their partners.

Family Research Council
First, you're going to have to define what you call the "far" left. But to give you a few examples of where I disagree with the left:

-Immigrant amnesty and general pro-open borders policies.
-Heavy gun control legislation
-The Health Care bill
-Nominating a person as candidate for President just because he gave a great speech in 2004

:lol: Then you haven't been paying attention. All I've said is that the bill does not appear unconstitutional in my eyes. But I've unambiguously stated multiple times that I was always opposed to the bill.

I was generally dissatisfied with Bush as President. That does not mean I am of the "far left." Don't be so simple minded and partisan.

Only because you are hellbent on dictating how and why people should be able to get married.

Nobody is redefining marriage. I am an ordained wedding minister, and I can tell you that my faith has never had any issue with the idea of homosexuality or homosexuals marrying. Of course, I'm not Christian, but who says only Christian beliefs can define marriage? Don't sit here and tell me about defining and redefining marriage. You haven't a clue.

What does this have to do with gay marriage? Preventing gay marriage will not affect the behavior of heterosexuals in regards to their own marriages, sex lives, or spending habits.

I'm only interested in protecting individual rights and freedoms so that people can live their own lives on their own terms when they aren't hurting anyone, instead of having to be forced to submit to the pointless dictations of control freaks like you.

Sometimes I wonder if the REAL concern of people like Uncensored is that gays will have a MUCH BETTER track record at marriage and show the Heteros up.
Pure BS.........That claim is thoroughly debunked, and is nothing more than BS propoganda put out by gay activists.

The following shows that there is no real difference in divorce rates. It also shows that surveys done by the US Department Of Justice confirms that Gay men and Lesbian women have a far greater incidence of domestic partner violence than opposite sex relationships....Lesbians in particular show a high propensity to engage in violence with their partners.

Family Research Council

Why are you comparing married and unmarried couples? And that Lesbians "high propensity" stuff is a load of dingo's kidneys.
Sometimes I wonder if the REAL concern of people like Uncensored is that gays will have a MUCH BETTER track record at marriage and show the Heteros up.
Pure BS.........That claim is thoroughly debunked, and is nothing more than BS propoganda put out by gay activists.

The following shows that there is no real difference in divorce rates. It also shows that surveys done by the US Department Of Justice confirms that Gay men and Lesbian women have a far greater incidence of domestic partner violence than opposite sex relationships....Lesbians in particular show a high propensity to engage in violence with their partners.

Family Research Council

Why are you comparing married and unmarried couples? And that Lesbians "high propensity" stuff is a load of dingo's kidneys.
No it's not........You just don't like it because it blows your claims right out of the water.

You're the one who runs around this board trying to claim that Homo's have better marriage rates than hetero's........It's pure bs.

And, the Dept of Justice confirms that gay men and women DO have a higher rate of violence in their relationships.

The numbers don't lie Bodecea.........Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

And, stop with the lies and propoganda.
Pure BS.........That claim is thoroughly debunked, and is nothing more than BS propoganda put out by gay activists.

The following shows that there is no real difference in divorce rates. It also shows that surveys done by the US Department Of Justice confirms that Gay men and Lesbian women have a far greater incidence of domestic partner violence than opposite sex relationships....Lesbians in particular show a high propensity to engage in violence with their partners.

Family Research Council

Why are you comparing married and unmarried couples? And that Lesbians "high propensity" stuff is a load of dingo's kidneys.
No it's not........You just don't like it because it blows your claims right out of the water.

You're the one who runs around this board trying to claim that Homo's have better marriage rates than hetero's........It's pure bs.

And, the Dept of Justice confirms that gay men and women DO have a higher rate of violence in their relationships.

The numbers don't lie Bodecea.........Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

And, stop with the lies and propoganda.

Ah...again you accuse me of lying...and yet not once have you backed that up. Apparently it's what you do when you've got nothing else. us the % of married lesbian couples with domestic violence reported compared to th % of married hetero couples with domestic violence reported. Anything else is apples and oranges.

I await your evidence.
Why are you comparing married and unmarried couples? And that Lesbians "high propensity" stuff is a load of dingo's kidneys.
No it's not........You just don't like it because it blows your claims right out of the water.

You're the one who runs around this board trying to claim that Homo's have better marriage rates than hetero's........It's pure bs.

And, the Dept of Justice confirms that gay men and women DO have a higher rate of violence in their relationships.

The numbers don't lie Bodecea.........Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

And, stop with the lies and propoganda.

Ah...again you accuse me of lying...and yet not once have you backed that up. Apparently it's what you do when you've got nothing else. us the % of married lesbian couples with domestic violence reported compared to th % of married hetero couples with domestic violence reported. Anything else is apples and oranges.

I await your evidence.
It's only apples and oranges to you because you simply refuse to believe it.

Here's another one you can choke on.
Fact Sheet: Lesbian Partner Violence
No it's not........You just don't like it because it blows your claims right out of the water.

You're the one who runs around this board trying to claim that Homo's have better marriage rates than hetero's........It's pure bs.

And, the Dept of Justice confirms that gay men and women DO have a higher rate of violence in their relationships.

The numbers don't lie Bodecea.........Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

And, stop with the lies and propoganda.

Ah...again you accuse me of lying...and yet not once have you backed that up. Apparently it's what you do when you've got nothing else. us the % of married lesbian couples with domestic violence reported compared to th % of married hetero couples with domestic violence reported. Anything else is apples and oranges.

I await your evidence.
It's only apples and oranges to you because you simply refuse to believe it.

Here's another one you can choke on.
Fact Sheet: Lesbian Partner Violence

About 17-45% of lesbians report having been the victim of a least one act of physical violence perpetrated by a lesbian partner (1,5,6,13). Types of physical abuse named by more than 10% of participants in one study included:
Disrupting other’s eating or sleeping habits
Pushing or shoving, driving recklessly to punish, and slapping, kicking, hitting, or biting (11).
Sexual abuse by a woman partner has been reported by up to 50% of lesbians (12).
Psychological abuse has been reported as occurring at least one time by 24% to 90% of lesbians (1,5,6,11,14).

Look at your own quoted stats....what kind of accurate range can one get from call that valid? Or 24%-90%...what kind of accuracy can one get from a range of 66%? Seriously?

And how many of these lesbians were married? Remember, one must compare like to like.
No it's not........You just don't like it because it blows your claims right out of the water.

You're the one who runs around this board trying to claim that Homo's have better marriage rates than hetero's........It's pure bs.

And, the Dept of Justice confirms that gay men and women DO have a higher rate of violence in their relationships.

The numbers don't lie Bodecea.........Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

And, stop with the lies and propoganda.

Ah...again you accuse me of lying...and yet not once have you backed that up. Apparently it's what you do when you've got nothing else. us the % of married lesbian couples with domestic violence reported compared to th % of married hetero couples with domestic violence reported. Anything else is apples and oranges.

I await your evidence.
It's only apples and oranges to you because you simply refuse to believe it.

Here's another one you can choke on.
Fact Sheet: Lesbian Partner Violence

Well hey, invest with me $1 of your money and I will guarantee you a high return. The investment you will be in will lose 50% the first year and then gain back 80% the next. A 30% return in 2 years. Well no, statistics lie Moe. You would have lost 10% of your $$. The FRC study you cite is fraud.
Let me appeal to your reason and common sense as I believe you have both if you get over your obvious bias.
1. 85% of ALL domestic violence victims ARE WOMEN. Well guess what? If BOTH partners are women as lesbians are then that DOUBLES their potential incident rate. Well DUH.
How come your study does not report that? Biased to the core, that is why.
So ALL studies are inaccurate to the core on this subject.
No it's not........You just don't like it because it blows your claims right out of the water.

You're the one who runs around this board trying to claim that Homo's have better marriage rates than hetero's........It's pure bs.

And, the Dept of Justice confirms that gay men and women DO have a higher rate of violence in their relationships.

The numbers don't lie Bodecea.........Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

And, stop with the lies and propoganda.

Ah...again you accuse me of lying...and yet not once have you backed that up. Apparently it's what you do when you've got nothing else. us the % of married lesbian couples with domestic violence reported compared to th % of married hetero couples with domestic violence reported. Anything else is apples and oranges.

I await your evidence.
It's only apples and oranges to you because you simply refuse to believe it.

Here's another one you can choke on.
Fact Sheet: Lesbian Partner Violence

LOL, please look at the evidence dude. If a domestic violence case is reported with 2 lesbians then TWO FEMALE people are reported as female lesbian related on that ONE CASE.
If a straight couple is reported as a domestic violence then ONLY ONE female is reported in the statistics YOUR STUDY reports.
If that doesn't show you that your study is flawed, nothing will.
I believe you will see it and acknowledge that.
Ah...again you accuse me of lying...and yet not once have you backed that up. Apparently it's what you do when you've got nothing else. us the % of married lesbian couples with domestic violence reported compared to th % of married hetero couples with domestic violence reported. Anything else is apples and oranges.

I await your evidence.
It's only apples and oranges to you because you simply refuse to believe it.

Here's another one you can choke on.
Fact Sheet: Lesbian Partner Violence

About 17-45% of lesbians report having been the victim of a least one act of physical violence perpetrated by a lesbian partner (1,5,6,13). Types of physical abuse named by more than 10% of participants in one study included:
Disrupting other’s eating or sleeping habits
Pushing or shoving, driving recklessly to punish, and slapping, kicking, hitting, or biting (11).
Sexual abuse by a woman partner has been reported by up to 50% of lesbians (12).
Psychological abuse has been reported as occurring at least one time by 24% to 90% of lesbians (1,5,6,11,14).

Look at your own quoted stats....what kind of accurate range can one get from call that valid? Or 24%-90%...what kind of accuracy can one get from a range of 66%? Seriously?

And how many of these lesbians were married? Remember, one must compare like to like.
Look at the first link I provided. It cleary showed that lesbian violence and gay male violence was higher among couples than heterosexual violence among couples. With lesbian violence being the highest.........That's from the USDOJ......I trust that far more than the numerous LGBT blogs out there.

You can't sit there and tell me that homosexual marriages are more stable when statistics show that homosexuals on average are more violent in their relationships. That homosexuals are more inclined to stray in their relationships.

I want real numbers on gay marriage divorce rates. There are no real studies out there to provide any statistics......That's why the lies and propoganda has to stop from the gay activists, because they have nothing to back it up.......It's all false propoganda and lies at this point, put out to try and further their cause.
It's only apples and oranges to you because you simply refuse to believe it.

Here's another one you can choke on.
Fact Sheet: Lesbian Partner Violence

About 17-45% of lesbians report having been the victim of a least one act of physical violence perpetrated by a lesbian partner (1,5,6,13). Types of physical abuse named by more than 10% of participants in one study included:
Disrupting other’s eating or sleeping habits
Pushing or shoving, driving recklessly to punish, and slapping, kicking, hitting, or biting (11).
Sexual abuse by a woman partner has been reported by up to 50% of lesbians (12).
Psychological abuse has been reported as occurring at least one time by 24% to 90% of lesbians (1,5,6,11,14).

Look at your own quoted stats....what kind of accurate range can one get from call that valid? Or 24%-90%...what kind of accuracy can one get from a range of 66%? Seriously?

And how many of these lesbians were married? Remember, one must compare like to like.
Look at the first link I provided. It cleary showed that lesbian violence and gay male violence was higher among couples than heterosexual violence among couples. With lesbian violence being the highest.........That's from the USDOJ......I trust that far more than the numerous LGBT blogs out there.

You can't sit there and tell me that homosexual marriages are more stable when statistics show that homosexuals on average are more violent in their relationships. That homosexuals are more inclined to stray in their relationships.

I want real numbers on gay marriage divorce rates. There are no real studies out there to provide any statistics......That's why the lies and propoganda has to stop from the gay activists, because they have nothing to back it up.......It's all false propoganda and lies at this point, put out to try and further their cause.

Gay domestic violence case= TWO MALES REPORTED
Lesbian domestic violence case= TWO FEMALES REPORTED
ALL heterosexual couple violence cases reported= ONE MALE REPORTED, ONE FEMALE REPORTED, with 85% MALE REPORTED ONLY.
Your study is flawed to the core statistically and has no relevancy whatsoever.

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