GOP hopefuls remind Iowans they oppose Gay Rights

Bullshit, dude!

The DOJ survey was about violence among couples. It was about INDIVIDUALS reporting violence in their relationship. More lesbian INDIVIDUALS reported violence in their relationship then Hetero INDIVIDUAL females in their relationship by a large margin.......More INDIVIDUAL gay men reported violence in their relationship than INDIVIDUAL hetero men in their relationship.

Some more facts for you Wicked Jester.
This is what the study was about, the types of abuse INCLUDED in this report and the overwhelming data reveals from this study:
"The researchers found that the most frequently indicated forms of abuse were verbal, emotional, psychological abuse and combined emotional/psychological abuse".

Where is this violence you keep talking about?
Talk about bull shit and ignorance. You are too lazy to read your own so called "evidence".

YOUR study that YOU produced as fact is NOT EVEN PHYSICAL ABUSE.
Come on man. Something, anything, somewhere, SOME PLACE to back up your claims.
The Family Research Council did you in brother. You bought it hook, line and sinker.
Look up my first link. The DOJ included RAPE and PHYSICAL VIOLENCE......does that not constitute violence?

In fact, just to make it easy on' ya':

Family Research Council

It's all in the graph......You know what a graph is?

"These findings suggest that lesbian couples experience LESS intimate partner violence than do heterosexual couples"

They lied to you Moe. Hate it for you but wake the hell up dude.
Some more facts for you Wicked Jester.
This is what the study was about, the types of abuse INCLUDED in this report and the overwhelming data reveals from this study:
"The researchers found that the most frequently indicated forms of abuse were verbal, emotional, psychological abuse and combined emotional/psychological abuse".

Where is this violence you keep talking about?
Talk about bull shit and ignorance. You are too lazy to read your own so called "evidence".

YOUR study that YOU produced as fact is NOT EVEN PHYSICAL ABUSE.
Come on man. Something, anything, somewhere, SOME PLACE to back up your claims.
The Family Research Council did you in brother. You bought it hook, line and sinker.
Look up my first link. The DOJ included RAPE and PHYSICAL VIOLENCE......does that not constitute violence?

In fact, just to make it easy on' ya':

Family Research Council

It's all in the graph......You know what a graph is?

"These findings suggest that lesbian couples experience LESS intimate partner violence than do heterosexual couples"

They lied to you Moe. Hate it for you but wake the hell up dude.
And what does it say right after your quote there, Curly?

"HOWEVER, more research is needed to support OR refute this conclusion"

It also states, Larry:

"The survey found that same sex cohabitants reported significantly more intimate partner violence than did opposite sex cohabitants....Among women, 39.2% of same sex cohabitants and 21.7% of opposite sex cohabitants reported being raped, physically assualted, or stalked by a married/cohabiting partner"

So, no, they didn't lie in the original link. the numbers are what they are.

My whole point in all of this is, there is no evidence whatsoever to support the claims made by gay activists that homosexuals are better in their relationships than heterosexuals. People are people. People will get violent whether they are homo or hetero. There is no evidence whatsoever that homosexual married couples have a lower divorce rate percentage........They need to start being honest about it, and stop with the propoganda, DUDE.
Last edited: does it adversely affect those of you who are not gay? What is it about extending equal civil rights to a group of law-abiding, tax-paying citizens that in some way FRIGHTENS you? does it adversely affect those of you who are not gay? What is it about extending equal civil rights to a group of law-abiding, tax-paying citizens that in some way FRIGHTENS you?
It doesn't frighten me one bit. What people do in their personal lives is their business. I don't want it thrown in the face of my kids, nor shoved down their throats in school, anymore than I want politics or religion shoved down their throats. I just want honesty in the debate leading up to the passage of laws. I'm sick of the propoganda......I want to hear honesty. Saying that Homo's are any better in their relationships is hogwash. Saying that they have, or will have a lower divorce rate, is laughable. There's no evidence to support either claim.... People are people.

Do I think sex between same sex is perverted?....Absolutely.

Do I care what you do behind closed doors?......No.......There are many heteros who are perverts also. Everybody will be judged on their actions.......What happens to them for their perversity, will happen. I could care less what happens to them. It's their problem.

Like I said, I just want honesty in the debate. I don't want to hear the propoganda. I don't want to hear the victim crap. I don't want to hear it even remotely compared to what the blacks had to go through......There is no comparison.
Look up my first link. The DOJ included RAPE and PHYSICAL VIOLENCE......does that not constitute violence?

In fact, just to make it easy on' ya':

Family Research Council

It's all in the graph......You know what a graph is?

"These findings suggest that lesbian couples experience LESS intimate partner violence than do heterosexual couples"

They lied to you Moe. Hate it for you but wake the hell up dude.
And what does it say right after your quote there, Curly?

"HOWEVER, more research is needed to support OR refute this conclusion"

It also states, Larry:

"The survey found that same sex cohabitants reported significantly more intimate partner violence than did opposite sex cohabitants....Among women, 39.2% of same sex cohabitants and 21.7% of opposite sex cohabitants reported being raped, physically assualted, or stalked by a married/cohabiting partner"

So, no, they didn't lie in the original link. the numbers are what they are.

My whole point in all of this is, there is no evidence whatsoever to support the claims made by gay activists that homosexuals are better in their relationships than heterosexuals. People are people. People will get violent whether they are homo or hetero. There is no evidence whatsoever that homosexual married couples have a lower divorce rate percentage........They need to start being honest about it, and stop with the propoganda, DUDE.

I like the Curly and Larry touch.::lol:
The entire study states "more research is needed" Jester. Only 8000 people were interviewed.
I agree with your point. I disagree with your sources. They are just as biases as lay claims you correctly state. does it adversely affect those of you who are not gay? What is it about extending equal civil rights to a group of law-abiding, tax-paying citizens that in some way FRIGHTENS you?
It doesn't frighten me one bit. What people do in their personal lives is their business. I don't want it thrown in the face of my kids, nor shoved down their throats in school, anymore than I want politics or religion shoved down their throats. I just want honesty in the debate leading up to the passage of laws. I'm sick of the propoganda......I want to hear honesty. Saying that Homo's are any better in their relationships is hogwash. Saying that they have, or will have a lower divorce rate, is laughable. There's no evidence to support either claim.... People are people.

Do I think sex between same sex is perverted?....Absolutely.

Do I care what you do behind closed doors?......No.......There are many heteros who are perverts also. Everybody will be judged on their actions.......What happens to them for their perversity, will happen. I could care less what happens to them. It's their problem.

Like I said, I just want honesty in the debate. I don't want to hear the propoganda. I don't want to hear the victim crap. I don't want to hear it even remotely compared to what the blacks had to go through......There is no comparison.

You can believe what you want. I used to believe the same things.
Then I met numerous gay couples through my work as a private investigator working with large law firms, prosecutors, homicide cops, secretaries, doctors, etc. Most all professional people that are in committed loving relationships.
There is nothing perverted about 2 people falling in love and loving each other, NO matter if it is same sex or not. Talk about propaganda. That is myth#1.
You can't have it both ways. does it adversely affect those of you who are not gay? What is it about extending equal civil rights to a group of law-abiding, tax-paying citizens that in some way FRIGHTENS you?
It doesn't frighten me one bit. What people do in their personal lives is their business. I don't want it thrown in the face of my kids, nor shoved down their throats in school, anymore than I want politics or religion shoved down their throats. I just want honesty in the debate leading up to the passage of laws. I'm sick of the propoganda......I want to hear honesty. Saying that Homo's are any better in their relationships is hogwash. Saying that they have, or will have a lower divorce rate, is laughable. There's no evidence to support either claim.... People are people.

Do I think sex between same sex is perverted?....Absolutely.

Do I care what you do behind closed doors?......No.......There are many heteros who are perverts also. Everybody will be judged on their actions.......What happens to them for their perversity, will happen. I could care less what happens to them. It's their problem.

Like I said, I just want honesty in the debate. I don't want to hear the propoganda. I don't want to hear the victim crap. I don't want to hear it even remotely compared to what the blacks had to go through......There is no comparison.

You can believe what you want. I used to believe the same things.
Then I met numerous gay couples through my work as a private investigator working with large law firms, prosecutors, homicide cops, secretaries, doctors, etc. Most all professional people that are in committed loving relationships.
There is nothing perverted about 2 people falling in love and loving each other, NO matter if it is same sex or not. Talk about propaganda. That is myth#1.
You can't have it both ways.
Like I said, I just want honesty in the debate. I've never said they can't be loving couples. But I don't believe the propoganda being put forth by activists.......It seriously makes me question some of their motives.

BTW, i've hired and befriended many gays in my business. Probably a quarter of my front of the house staff through the years were gay. That's just the way the restaurant business in So Cal works. A lot of your front of the house are aspiring actors and actresses (I know, the female actors hate that term) who are gay......I never really cared. As long as they were professional.........I am entitled to my opinion though on their choice of partners and what they do with them. I think it's perverted. It's just the way it is.......I'm not gonna candy coat Jack Shit. Nor, is there anything wrong with my opinion.......Those are my beliefs, and i'm entitled to 'em. Anybody who thinks i'm a bad person for them, fuck 'em. I really don't care.

But like I said, I don't want it shoved down my kids throats. I don't want my kids exposed to "Heather has two mommies", or any of the other crap.

As far as marriage goes, who cares?......Just be honest about the debate, and i'll support it. Lie and push propoganda, forget it.

Anyhow, that's my two cents.
On the subject of being honest, the propaganda is just as thick on both sides.
It doesn't frighten me one bit. What people do in their personal lives is their business. I don't want it thrown in the face of my kids, nor shoved down their throats in school, anymore than I want politics or religion shoved down their throats. I just want honesty in the debate leading up to the passage of laws. I'm sick of the propoganda......I want to hear honesty. Saying that Homo's are any better in their relationships is hogwash. Saying that they have, or will have a lower divorce rate, is laughable. There's no evidence to support either claim.... People are people.

Do I think sex between same sex is perverted?....Absolutely.

Do I care what you do behind closed doors?......No.......There are many heteros who are perverts also. Everybody will be judged on their actions.......What happens to them for their perversity, will happen. I could care less what happens to them. It's their problem.

Like I said, I just want honesty in the debate. I don't want to hear the propoganda. I don't want to hear the victim crap. I don't want to hear it even remotely compared to what the blacks had to go through......There is no comparison.

You can believe what you want. I used to believe the same things.
Then I met numerous gay couples through my work as a private investigator working with large law firms, prosecutors, homicide cops, secretaries, doctors, etc. Most all professional people that are in committed loving relationships.
There is nothing perverted about 2 people falling in love and loving each other, NO matter if it is same sex or not. Talk about propaganda. That is myth#1.
You can't have it both ways.
Like I said, I just want honesty in the debate. I've never said they can't be loving couples. But I don't believe the propoganda being put forth by activists.......It seriously makes me question some of their motives.

BTW, i've hired and befriended many gays in my business. Probably a quarter of my front of the house staff through the years were gay. That's just the way the restaurant business in So Cal works. A lot of your front of the house are aspiring actors and actresses (I know, the female actors hate that term) who are gay......I never really cared. As long as they were professional.........I am entitled to my opinion though on their choice of partners and what they do with them. I think it's perverted. It's just the way it is.......I'm not gonna candy coat Jack Shit. Nor, is there anything wrong with my opinion.......Those are my beliefs, and i'm entitled to 'em. Anybody who thinks i'm a bad person for them, fuck 'em. I really don't care.

But like I said, I don't want it shoved down my kids throats. I don't want my kids exposed to "Heather has two mommies", or any of the other crap.

As far as marriage goes, who cares?......Just be honest about the debate, and i'll support it. Lie and push propoganda, forget it.

Anyhow, that's my two cents.

I believe you. How does that work when you teach kids that stuff? The law abiding citizens in the community and classmates of theirs are "perverted"?
It renders the concept meaningless.
How? How does allowing gays and lesbians equal access to legal, civil marriage make the concept of legal marriage "meaningless"? It is legal contract. I'm gay and have a living will...does that render your living will "meaningless"? What a ludicrous argument.

Personally, I oppose government providing tax breaks or benefits to any marriage. Still, redefining marriage in order to gain a permanent voting bloc is both destructive and short sighted.

Good luck prying those tax breaks out of the hands of the legally married. You're better off tilting at windmills. I've noticed that people only express how they think that government shouldn't give tax breaks to married folks when in a discussion about gay and lesbian couples getting those same tax breaks for their partnerships.

The battle for same sex marriage rights has nothing to do with a voting bloc and everything to do with equality. Politicians are seeing which way the wind blows and it isn't blowing the direction the anti-gay want it to. Young people overwhelmingly support gay and lesbian marriage equality. Politicians are taking heed of that. Opposition to marriage equality simply isn't a winning strategy.

Look, our society is in shambles already, unwed births are already above 70% in blacks and above 30% in whites. Lack of familial stability is one of the greatest causes of poverty and crime. Yet you wish to further erode the function and foundation of the family.
How does having more people getting married "erode" the function and foundation of family? We have families that we want to protect with legal, civil marriage. How does my legal marriage affect yours in any way? Marriage in Massachusetts has been going on for a while now? Are marriages falling apart as a result? Of course not. Another silly argument against marriage equality...which is why things like DOMA and Prop 8 are being found unconstitutional...nobody can come up with a valid legal reason to prevent them. does it adversely affect those of you who are not gay? What is it about extending equal civil rights to a group of law-abiding, tax-paying citizens that in some way FRIGHTENS you?
It doesn't frighten me one bit. What people do in their personal lives is their business. I don't want it thrown in the face of my kids, nor shoved down their throats in school, anymore than I want politics or religion shoved down their throats. I just want honesty in the debate leading up to the passage of laws. I'm sick of the propoganda......I want to hear honesty. Saying that Homo's are any better in their relationships is hogwash. Saying that they have, or will have a lower divorce rate, is laughable. There's no evidence to support either claim.... People are people.

Do I think sex between same sex is perverted?....Absolutely.

Do I care what you do behind closed doors?......No.......There are many heteros who are perverts also. Everybody will be judged on their actions.......What happens to them for their perversity, will happen. I could care less what happens to them. It's their problem.

Like I said, I just want honesty in the debate. I don't want to hear the propoganda. I don't want to hear the victim crap. I don't want to hear it even remotely compared to what the blacks had to go through......There is no comparison.

Equal civil rights is equal civil rights...whether you are talking the races, the genders, the ages, the religions, or the sexual orientations.

And I'm always amused when I here "shoved down our throats"....who is shoving teh ghey down your throat, Wicked?
It's only apples and oranges to you because you simply refuse to believe it.

Here's another one you can choke on.
Fact Sheet: Lesbian Partner Violence

LOL, please look at the evidence dude. If a domestic violence case is reported with 2 lesbians then TWO FEMALE people are reported as female lesbian related on that ONE CASE.
If a straight couple is reported as a domestic violence then ONLY ONE female is reported in the statistics YOUR STUDY reports.
If that doesn't show you that your study is flawed, nothing will.
I believe you will see it and acknowledge that.
Bullshit, dude!

The DOJ survey was about violence among couples. It was about INDIVIDUALS reporting violence in their relationship. More lesbian INDIVIDUALS reported violence in their relationship then Hetero INDIVIDUAL females in their relationship by a large margin.......More INDIVIDUAL gay men reported violence in their relationship than INDIVIDUAL hetero men in their relationship.

Bullshit yourself dude. This is directly from the DOJ report...not from the "Family" Research Counsel's interpretation of the DOJ report (page 29):

Research on violence in same-sex relationships has been limited to studies of small, unrepresentative samples of gay and lesbian couples. Results from these studies suggest that same-sex couples are about as violent as heterosexual couples.
You get back to me with those divorce rates, that you activists keep trying to claim.
I'm sorry, but what are the "activists" trying to claim? Here is some information on Danish divorces, but it's kind of old (amazing that we are talking about gay marriage studies as "old" in other countries while we are still "struggling" with the issue here)

the divorce rate among Danish homosexuals is only 17 percent, compared to 46 percent for heterosexuals.

Lessons from a Gay Marriage | Psychology Today

And then we have this about MA:

CDC Report Shows Massachusetts has Lowest Divorce Rate
A recently released study of divorce in the United States shows that same-sex marriage has not ruined the institution of marriage in Massachusetts as some opponents had claimed it would back in 2004 when the state began issuing same-sex marriage licenses following the Supreme Court decision in the case of Goodridge vs. the Department of Public Health.

Looking at the total number of divorces in Massachusetts reveals that the state had the lowest divorce rate in the nation for the year 2007 according to a recent study released by the Division of Vital Statistics at the Centers for Disease Control. In 2007, Massachusetts had a divorce rate of 2.3 per 1000 people and a marriage rate of 5.9 per 1000. Early reports indicate the divorce rate has continued to fall in 2008 as well, with just 2 divorces per 1000 people indicated in initial accounts for the year.

In fact, all five states in the U.S. that allow legalized same-sex marriage have low divorce rates. According to the CDC, Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts and Vermont all have an average divorce rate that is nearly 20% lower than the average of the rest of the country. The average divorce rate for the five same-sex marriage states is just 3 per 1000 people. The average rate for all the other states that reported data is nearly 4% (3.95%).

MA has Lowest Divorce Rate

But, the DOJ clearly showed that homesexuals are more prone to violence in their relationships than heteros in theirs......So, that kinda blows the homosexuals are better in their relationships claim.

No, it didn't...and I provide the link to the actual DOJ study in a post above. It said no such thing and in fact said that gays have about the same amount of violence in their relationships as heterosexuals have. I'd like to know who said that gas and lesbians are "better" at relationships than heterosexuals? According to all the data, it appears they are about the same.
Interesting avatar for one who isn't a wild-eyed leftist....

You're so blindly polarized you can't see anything beyond your ultra right wing conservative nose, and the poster of your prejudice and biases on everything, which you subsequently define as the left wing. You are incapable of seeing anything in between the opposite extreme polar ends of the spectrum.

The fact that I find Ayn Rand to be a raving lunatic when it comes to her philosophical musings does not mean that I am a "wild-eyed leftist." Certainly, such a label is incompatible with my support for gun ownership rights, my affirmation of state rights and my support for state level governance over federal governance, my opposition to immigration amnesty and open border policies, my opposition to affirmative action and the public demonizing of the white male, etc.

Maybe I should cite your avatar to suggest that you are a foreign bred, American hating liberal, eh?

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