GOP House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Spoke At White Supremacist Conference

The Byrd defense doesn't work anymore. Sort of like an admission of defeat when that is what you depend on.
This story can't go away fast enough for Republicans.

Go away? It's twelve years old and gives of the stench of desperation it is so mediocre of news. A guy from the south meets constituents at a hotel to talk about tax policy which happens to be a white nationalist fest.

Holy fuck! how incredibly.....zzzzzzz.....
The story of his attending a conference held by white supremacy folks isn't the main story. The main story is that the Republicans have chosen him to be a party leader.


Yeah, man. Talking tax policy 12 years ago at a hotel convention must mean he's a member of the KKK. Along with every other member of the republican party, the caucus, the constituency and the fucking elephant himself. In fact, I heard that as soon as the next congress convenes they are going to swear this guy in as third tier grand master wizard of the party...

You're deranged, fella. Clearly.
No, I understand branding and you don't. You can defend this guy all you want, the damage has already been done and you can not undo it. The longer it is debated and talked about the more reinforcement the branding gets. Republicans struggle with the branding that calls it racist and infiltrated with extremist that oppose minorities. They are branded with being the party of intolerance and each time something like this pops up the branding is reinforced. Individual politician first, party second, country last. That is your brand. The Republican brand.
Your brand lets a true racist a kkk leader be third in line to the presidency.
Not my brand. Robert Byrd from West Virginia is not very relevant in 2015. The newly elected congressman who just got a leadership position in the Republican Congress is.
Why should he? Democrats meet with LaRaza all the time. The NAACP. So who gets to PICK and choose? you all didn't mind, Sharpton meeting the Black Panthers or them protecting voting stations. the Rev. Wright and our chickens have come to roost.

Staph, you really can't compare these supposed "outrages" to having anything to do with Duke.

How could Scalise not know who he was talking to? How?
Go away? It's twelve years old and gives of the stench of desperation it is so mediocre of news. A guy from the south meets constituents at a hotel to talk about tax policy which happens to be a white nationalist fest.

Holy fuck! how incredibly.....zzzzzzz.....
The story of his attending a conference held by white supremacy folks isn't the main story. The main story is that the Republicans have chosen him to be a party leader.


Yeah, man. Talking tax policy 12 years ago at a hotel convention must mean he's a member of the KKK. Along with every other member of the republican party, the caucus, the constituency and the fucking elephant himself. In fact, I heard that as soon as the next congress convenes they are going to swear this guy in as third tier grand master wizard of the party...

You're deranged, fella. Clearly.
No, I understand branding and you don't. You can defend this guy all you want, the damage has already been done and you can not undo it. The longer it is debated and talked about the more reinforcement the branding gets. Republicans struggle with the branding that calls it racist and infiltrated with extremist that oppose minorities. They are branded with being the party of intolerance and each time something like this pops up the branding is reinforced. Individual politician first, party second, country last. That is your brand. The Republican brand.
Your brand lets a true racist a kkk leader be third in line to the presidency.
Not my brand. Robert Byrd from West Virginia is not very relevant in 2015. The newly elected congressman who just got a leadership position in the Republican Congress is.
The Clinton's loved him and you want one of them to be president.
As Eric Erickson pointed out as he filled in for Rush today...........this guy appeared before these racists...once....for 5 minutes? And obama, stayed in a racist, anti American church for 20 years, was married by the racist pastor, had his daughters christened by the racists pastor......and then claims he never heard the pastor give a racist sermon....which they sell in the lobby of the church....

So...this guy is an ass......and obama is an actual racist.....right?

Uh, no, guy.

first, while Rev. Wright said a lot of incendiary things, pointing out that racism exists in America is not racist.

Yeah, I think the shit he said about 9/11 being God's punishment for racism was kind of stupid. BUt I also thought that Reverend's Falwell and Robertson saying it was because of the Gays and Abortions was stupid.

That's mostly because there is no God, but I digress.
Give em hell David.

David Duke Focus on me and House GOP leader is insane -- Fusion


[He said he has met with Democratic legislators at least 50 times in his political life.

And he delivered a warning to both Republicans and Democrats: Treat Scalise fairly, and don’t try to make political hay out of the situation. Or he said he would be inclined to release a list of names of all the politicians — both Republicans and Democrats — with whom he has ties.

“If Scalise is going to be crucified — if Republicans want to throw Steve Scalise to the woods, then a lot of them better be looking over their shoulders,” Duke said.]



There is a big difference between meeting with a racist, and being paid to give a speech to a racist group. I guess everybody but racists understands that.
The story of his attending a conference held by white supremacy folks isn't the main story. The main story is that the Republicans have chosen him to be a party leader.


Yeah, man. Talking tax policy 12 years ago at a hotel convention must mean he's a member of the KKK. Along with every other member of the republican party, the caucus, the constituency and the fucking elephant himself. In fact, I heard that as soon as the next congress convenes they are going to swear this guy in as third tier grand master wizard of the party...

You're deranged, fella. Clearly.
No, I understand branding and you don't. You can defend this guy all you want, the damage has already been done and you can not undo it. The longer it is debated and talked about the more reinforcement the branding gets. Republicans struggle with the branding that calls it racist and infiltrated with extremist that oppose minorities. They are branded with being the party of intolerance and each time something like this pops up the branding is reinforced. Individual politician first, party second, country last. That is your brand. The Republican brand.
Your brand lets a true racist a kkk leader be third in line to the presidency.
Not my brand. Robert Byrd from West Virginia is not very relevant in 2015. The newly elected congressman who just got a leadership position in the Republican Congress is.
The Clinton's loved him and you want one of them to be president.
No I don't. How would you know anyhow? You have some super guessing powers to reinforce your crappy analytical skills?
It's just like Obama and William Ayers

Ummm, no. Not even close. I mean, I know you all still want to be upset Ayers blew up an ugly statue, but no, not even close.
You're right.
Obama and Ayers were close friends, neighbors. Obama announced his campaign for president in Ayers' living room.
Scalise maybe never even met Duke.
No comparison.
Go away? It's twelve years old and gives of the stench of desperation it is so mediocre of news. A guy from the south meets constituents at a hotel to talk about tax policy which happens to be a white nationalist fest.

Holy fuck! how incredibly.....zzzzzzz.....
The story of his attending a conference held by white supremacy folks isn't the main story. The main story is that the Republicans have chosen him to be a party leader.


Yeah, man. Talking tax policy 12 years ago at a hotel convention must mean he's a member of the KKK. Along with every other member of the republican party, the caucus, the constituency and the fucking elephant himself. In fact, I heard that as soon as the next congress convenes they are going to swear this guy in as third tier grand master wizard of the party...

You're deranged, fella. Clearly.
No, I understand branding and you don't. You can defend this guy all you want, the damage has already been done and you can not undo it. The longer it is debated and talked about the more reinforcement the branding gets. Republicans struggle with the branding that calls it racist and infiltrated with extremist that oppose minorities. They are branded with being the party of intolerance and each time something like this pops up the branding is reinforced. Individual politician first, party second, country last. That is your brand. The Republican brand.
Your brand lets a true racist a kkk leader be third in line to the presidency.
Not my brand. Robert Byrd from West Virginia is not very relevant in 2015. The newly elected congressman who just got a leadership position in the Republican Congress is.
Translation: My racist is OK, your racist is not.
Really! What's the big deal? Obama has met with the anti-white latino group LaRaza. He has also allowed a devout anti-white black supremacist named Al Sharpton visit him over 84 times. Also Obama had strong relations for 20 years with anti-white radical black supremacist, the Reverend Jeramiah Wright. And don't forget, the democrat party had a true Klansman, a Kleagle, former Majority Whip and President pro tempore of the United States, Senator Robert Byrd.


I'd say Obama sitting in Reverend Wright's church for 20 years and listening to his hate whitey hate America hate Jews tirades is much worse than giving a speech to a group you later find out have David Duke ties.

Uh... how is communicating with someone -- or simply sitting in his church --- equivalent to becoming that person and embracing his ideas? Ever take a look at, oh I dunno, the fucking USMB political forum? Do all these posters become one by virtue of communicating with each other?

No one's ever answered this. That's because there isn't any answer. That's because the premise is bullshit. By the same logic Nixon should never have gone to China, Reagan should never have hosted Gorbachev and no two parties engaged in war should ever have sat down at a negotiation table to sue for peace. By the same logic nobody should ever ingest any kind of media that might challenge their preconceptions, lest they "embrace" those challenges.

Which kind of reveals a lot.

And btw for your photoshopped version of bullshit, Byrd had quite the Klan and left it behind before he ran for any office at all.

Eh get over it, one would think that if someone frequents a church for 20 years, calls the pastor his "mentor" and asks him to perform the marriage ceremony, that means he kinda agrees with the pastor's ideology.

Reverend Wright's big mistake was that he thought Obama was a man of honor and loyalty, so when he started saying the same crazy stuff he normally does in church, he figured Obama would "have his back".

As many of Obama's "friends" learned the hard way, Obama will not hesitate to throw his friends and associates under the bus.
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