GOP House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Spoke At White Supremacist Conference


Yeah, man. Talking tax policy 12 years ago at a hotel convention must mean he's a member of the KKK. Along with every other member of the republican party, the caucus, the constituency and the fucking elephant himself. In fact, I heard that as soon as the next congress convenes they are going to swear this guy in as third tier grand master wizard of the party...

You're deranged, fella. Clearly.
No, I understand branding and you don't. You can defend this guy all you want, the damage has already been done and you can not undo it. The longer it is debated and talked about the more reinforcement the branding gets. Republicans struggle with the branding that calls it racist and infiltrated with extremist that oppose minorities. They are branded with being the party of intolerance and each time something like this pops up the branding is reinforced. Individual politician first, party second, country last. That is your brand. The Republican brand.
Your brand lets a true racist a kkk leader be third in line to the presidency.
Not my brand. Robert Byrd from West Virginia is not very relevant in 2015. The newly elected congressman who just got a leadership position in the Republican Congress is.
Translation: My racist is OK, your racist is not.
If the people of his district elected him he is their House Rep and that is the way it should be. I'm saying the Repub leadership is being stupid by giving him a leadership position. There are plenty of Republicans who could do that job and shine. This guy is only going to bring grief. But it makes the Tea people happy. So the Repubs are kissing Tea party ass before the carnival even gets started.
The Clinton's loved the leader of the kkk. So by your means, Hillary cannot run. A racist.
No, I understand branding and you don't. You can defend this guy all you want, the damage has already been done and you can not undo it. The longer it is debated and talked about the more reinforcement the branding gets. Republicans struggle with the branding that calls it racist and infiltrated with extremist that oppose minorities. They are branded with being the party of intolerance and each time something like this pops up the branding is reinforced. Individual politician first, party second, country last. That is your brand. The Republican brand.
Your brand lets a true racist a kkk leader be third in line to the presidency.
Not my brand. Robert Byrd from West Virginia is not very relevant in 2015. The newly elected congressman who just got a leadership position in the Republican Congress is.
Translation: My racist is OK, your racist is not.
If the people of his district elected him he is their House Rep and that is the way it should be. I'm saying the Repub leadership is being stupid by giving him a leadership position. There are plenty of Republicans who could do that job and shine. This guy is only going to bring grief. But it makes the Tea people happy. So the Repubs are kissing Tea party ass before the carnival even gets started.
The Clinton's loved the leader of the kkk. So by your means, Hillary cannot run. A racist.

There re NO Jews or minorities in the GOP in congress except one APPOINTED Black man .We Jews voted over 70% for Obama in 2008 n 2012 :itsok:

The Jews should have listened to the antisemitic hate spewed out by Obama's spiritual advisor. No telling how many times Obama and The Wookie sat in the pews shouting "A-Men". Of course 70% of them being Libtards they just dismiss stuff like that. A Jewish Libtard is just as confused as a Christian Libtard (if any of them are Christans).

Jews should have remember what happen to them when Hitler took away their right to keep and bear arms and Obama is attempting to do the same thing.
Really! What's the big deal? Obama has met with the anti-white latino group LaRaza. He has also allowed a devout anti-white black supremacist named Al Sharpton visit him over 84 times. Also Obama had strong relations for 20 years with anti-white radical black supremacist, the Reverend Jeramiah Wright. And don't forget, the democrat party had a true Klansman, a Kleagle, former Majority Whip and President pro tempore of the United States, Senator Robert Byrd.


I'd say Obama sitting in Reverend Wright's church for 20 years and listening to his hate whitey hate America hate Jews tirades is much worse than giving a speech to a group you later find out have David Duke ties.

Uh... how is communicating with someone -- or simply sitting in his church --- equivalent to becoming that person and embracing his ideas? Ever take a look at, oh I dunno, the fucking USMB political forum? Do all these posters become one by virtue of communicating with each other?

No one's ever answered this. That's because there isn't any answer. That's because the premise is bullshit. By the same logic Nixon should never have gone to China, Reagan should never have hosted Gorbachev and no two parties engaged in war should ever have sat down at a negotiation table to sue for peace. By the same logic nobody should ever ingest any kind of media that might challenge their preconceptions, lest they "embrace" those challenges.

Which kind of reveals a lot.

And btw for your photoshopped version of bullshit, Byrd had quite the Klan and left it behind before he ran for any office at all.
Are you actually saying that attending a pastors sermons for 20 years is not an indication that you espouse the things that are preached in those sermons? I must be misinterpreting your statements because that is just a silly thing to state.

There re NO Jews or minorities in the GOP in congress except one APPOINTED Black man .We Jews voted over 70% for Obama in 2008 n 2012 :itsok:

The Jews should have listened to the antisemitic hate spewed out by Obama's spiritual advisor. No telling how many times Obama and The Wookie sat in the pews shouting "A-Men". Of course 70% of them being Libtards they just dismiss stuff like that. A Jewish Libtard is just as confused as a Christian Libtard (if any of them are Christans).

Jews should have remember what happen to them when Hitler took away their right to keep and bear arms and Obama is attempting to do the same thing.
KKK, Euro, Nazis [all Right Wing] hate Jews.
How will the GOP try to spin this?
Oh that's easy. Deflection. They'll pull out the ole Obama and Bill Ayers are best buds.
And why is that a deflection? Those on the left were just fine with Obama rubbing elbows with racists, devoted communists and outright terrorists in his past. That is not even addressing some of the absolute crazy shit many of his czar appointments had in their pasts. Why, then, is that same logic suddenly incorrect in this situation? The obvious double standard by many here is not a deflection - it is a simple reality. A speech given to a group over a decade ago is rather meaningless. I can think of FAR worse from the president let alone other major political positions.

In general, actions and views over a decade old are rather irrelevant unless they were particularly vitriolic. What I am concerned with is what are his CURRENT views and (more importantly) his voting record. The fact that he gave a speech to some idiots a decade ago matters not - particularly as those idiots were his constituents and I expect him to address all of his constituents no matter how idiotic they are.
No, I understand branding and you don't. You can defend this guy all you want, the damage has already been done and you can not undo it. The longer it is debated and talked about the more reinforcement the branding gets. Republicans struggle with the branding that calls it racist and infiltrated with extremist that oppose minorities. They are branded with being the party of intolerance and each time something like this pops up the branding is reinforced. Individual politician first, party second, country last. That is your brand. The Republican brand.
Your brand lets a true racist a kkk leader be third in line to the presidency.
Not my brand. Robert Byrd from West Virginia is not very relevant in 2015. The newly elected congressman who just got a leadership position in the Republican Congress is.
Translation: My racist is OK, your racist is not.
If the people of his district elected him he is their House Rep and that is the way it should be. I'm saying the Repub leadership is being stupid by giving him a leadership position. There are plenty of Republicans who could do that job and shine. This guy is only going to bring grief. But it makes the Tea people happy. So the Repubs are kissing Tea party ass before the carnival even gets started.
The Clinton's loved the leader of the kkk. So by your means, Hillary cannot run. A racist.
Hey, if they will elect poopy diaper prostitute sex Sen. Vetter they will elect anyone in the state of Louisiana. Do they even have a name for that kind of thing?
Your brand lets a true racist a kkk leader be third in line to the presidency.
Not my brand. Robert Byrd from West Virginia is not very relevant in 2015. The newly elected congressman who just got a leadership position in the Republican Congress is.
Translation: My racist is OK, your racist is not.
If the people of his district elected him he is their House Rep and that is the way it should be. I'm saying the Repub leadership is being stupid by giving him a leadership position. There are plenty of Republicans who could do that job and shine. This guy is only going to bring grief. But it makes the Tea people happy. So the Repubs are kissing Tea party ass before the carnival even gets started.
The Clinton's loved the leader of the kkk. So by your means, Hillary cannot run. A racist.
Hey, if they will elect poopy diaper prostitute sex Sen. Vetter they will elect anyone in the state of Louisiana. Do they even have a name for that kind of thing?
Yes, it's called exercising your freedom to vote.
It only matters if there is some cost. Republicans keep winning congress. So there is no cost.

Ex-KKK leader David Duke Lay off Steve Scalise or I 8217 ll start naming other pols I met with

Former KKK leader says his political adviser was 8216 friendly 8217 with Rep. Scalise - The Washington Post

Scalise In 1999 I Agree With KKK Leader On Conservative Issues But He Can t Get Elected

Following new revelations that House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) addressed a white nationalist group founded by a former KKK leader, Roll Call resurfaced a 1999 interview in which Scalise, then a state legislator considering a congressional bid, offered his thoughts on the man who is now causing so much trouble for his career.

Scalise has acknowledged that he spoke in front of the European-American Rights and Unity Organization in 2002, though he has said this week that he "didn't know who all of these groups were and I detest any kind of hate group."

EURO was founded by David Duke, who is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as "the most recognizable figure of the American radical right, a neo-Nazi, longtime Klan leader and now international spokesman for Holocaust denial."

Come on. Who in Louisiana doesn't know who David Dukes is?

I just like Republicans showing America who they are. I have no problem with this. Good to see them being honest.

That's why there are known as the white christian party
you and dean get along well...both like to use the word white as often as possible....

They sound a lot alike, don't they? :badgrin:
yea but they divide the shit up.....dean takes in the white republicans.....little guno takes in the white religious ones...
Dave Brat’s primary win over House Majority Leader Eric Cantor didn't just knock out a potential successor to Speaker John Boehner. Because Cantor was Jewish, the lone voice for religious diversity in the GOP’s congressional ranks will also disappear. Now there are no non-Christian Republicans.There are 278 Republicans in Congress. They are now all Christian and all white except for one black senator who was appointed. So this is an entirely Christian, white party.
job security for you.....and more shit i can make fun of you about.......dont complain....
So twelve years ago he spoke to a racist group and today the left wants to make it into a big deal yet very nearly six years ago we discovered that then Presidential Candidate Barack Obama for twenty years attended and listened to the sermons of the at best inflammatory at worst racist Jeremiah Wright. How quickly some forget and even actually think the rest of us forgot.
Please post some of the racial rhetoric stated by Rev. Wright.
I keep hearing of these mythical sermons...

Anything else?

Yeah, there is something else.

Where in that clip was anything racists said???
Where in that clip was any lie told???
Where in that clip was anything not factual stated???

Please try a bit harder to produce the mythical racist sermon of Wright's... this attempt of yours fails miserably.
That is unless you can answer any of the three questions in the affirmative.
It's just like Obama and William Ayers

Ummm, no. Not even close. I mean, I know you all still want to be upset Ayers blew up an ugly statue, but no, not even close.
You're right.
Obama and Ayers were close friends, neighbors. Obama announced his campaign for president in Ayers' living room.
Scalise maybe never even met Duke.
No comparison.
Google is your friend

Yeah, man. Talking tax policy 12 years ago at a hotel convention must mean he's a member of the KKK. Along with every other member of the republican party, the caucus, the constituency and the fucking elephant himself. In fact, I heard that as soon as the next congress convenes they are going to swear this guy in as third tier grand master wizard of the party...

You're deranged, fella. Clearly.
No, I understand branding and you don't. You can defend this guy all you want, the damage has already been done and you can not undo it. The longer it is debated and talked about the more reinforcement the branding gets. Republicans struggle with the branding that calls it racist and infiltrated with extremist that oppose minorities. They are branded with being the party of intolerance and each time something like this pops up the branding is reinforced. Individual politician first, party second, country last. That is your brand. The Republican brand.
Your brand lets a true racist a kkk leader be third in line to the presidency.
Not my brand. Robert Byrd from West Virginia is not very relevant in 2015. The newly elected congressman who just got a leadership position in the Republican Congress is.
Translation: My racist is OK, your racist is not.
If the people of his district elected him he is their House Rep and that is the way it should be. I'm saying the Repub leadership is being stupid by giving him a leadership position. There are plenty of Republicans who could do that job and shine. This guy is only going to bring grief. But it makes the Tea people happy. So the Repubs are kissing Tea party ass before the carnival even gets started.
He's going to bring grief because he spoke about tax policy 12 years ago?
You'll have to do better than that.
How will the GOP try to spin this?
GOP should "spin" this exactly like the Democrats span the glorification and admiration they had for KKK Grand Wizard and undisputed champion racist Robert Byrd.
The Democrats loved this asshole who openly and proudly used the word ****** for year and would still be doing it if he was not rotting in hell .
Your brand lets a true racist a kkk leader be third in line to the presidency.
Not my brand. Robert Byrd from West Virginia is not very relevant in 2015. The newly elected congressman who just got a leadership position in the Republican Congress is.
Translation: My racist is OK, your racist is not.
If the people of his district elected him he is their House Rep and that is the way it should be. I'm saying the Repub leadership is being stupid by giving him a leadership position. There are plenty of Republicans who could do that job and shine. This guy is only going to bring grief. But it makes the Tea people happy. So the Repubs are kissing Tea party ass before the carnival even gets started.
The Clinton's loved the leader of the kkk. So by your means, Hillary cannot run. A racist.
The way Bill praised him at his funrral. Liberals stick together, so Hillary is a racist by association. That's the way you spin it for republicans.
No, I understand branding and you don't. You can defend this guy all you want, the damage has already been done and you can not undo it. The longer it is debated and talked about the more reinforcement the branding gets. Republicans struggle with the branding that calls it racist and infiltrated with extremist that oppose minorities. They are branded with being the party of intolerance and each time something like this pops up the branding is reinforced. Individual politician first, party second, country last. That is your brand. The Republican brand.
Your brand lets a true racist a kkk leader be third in line to the presidency.
Not my brand. Robert Byrd from West Virginia is not very relevant in 2015. The newly elected congressman who just got a leadership position in the Republican Congress is.
Translation: My racist is OK, your racist is not.
If the people of his district elected him he is their House Rep and that is the way it should be. I'm saying the Repub leadership is being stupid by giving him a leadership position. There are plenty of Republicans who could do that job and shine. This guy is only going to bring grief. But it makes the Tea people happy. So the Repubs are kissing Tea party ass before the carnival even gets started.
He's going to bring grief because he spoke about tax policy 12 years ago?
You'll have to do better than that.
No, he will cause grief because of the way he and the party handled the situation this week.

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