GOP in Texas teaching women a sobering lesson. If you don't vote, the GOP is what you get.

depotoo has no concept of what a women feels about this issue. Ask a woman, depotoo.
Honey, both a woman and a rape victim, so don't even go there. You are full of crap.
You don't get to plall that game. If you can't prove those points, you are full of shit.
I don't have to prove sh#t to you. You being a man definitely have no concept. Now go suck a rock.
Said just like a man. Thought so. Men and women get to make this decision together,depotoo.
Jack asses that rape have no say so.

Yes, men and women can make the decision before they have consensual sex, and if that doesn't work for them, the morning after pill is right around the corner.

It always amazes me that so many men jump inrto threads on abortion advocating for it to be readily available for any reason. Makes me think they want to be able to absolve themselves from any responsibility when they have sex with a woman, other than handing them the fee to go get an unwanted pregnancy taken care of, if it occurs. It is bull.

At one time there were no morning after pills. Today there are all sorts of options for a man and woman before and after so they don't have to resort to abortion.
depotoo has no concept of what a women feels about this issue. Ask a woman, depotoo.
Honey, both a woman and a rape victim, so don't even go there. You are full of crap.
You don't get to plall that game. If you can't prove those points, you are full of shit.
I don't have to prove sh#t to you. You being a man definitely have no concept. Now go suck a rock.
Said just like a man. Thought so. Men and women get to make this decision together,depotoo.
You do realize that the women in Texas do vote, right? And they overwhelmingly vote gop
This is a total crock of shit. Women in Texas can buy the Plan B pill without a prescription at any corner pharmacy.

They don't need an appointment at their nearest clinic.

Plan B is an emergency contraceptive and is different than RU-486 which is a medical abortion pill.

Plan B is intended to prevent pregnancy but does not cause an abortion if the person is already pregnant.

RU-486 is intended end a pregnancy that already exists and can do so up to a time when a surgical abortion becomes required.

Emergency contraception: Emergency contraceptives (the morning after pill) are not RU-486

Not only did HB 2 make abortion less accessible and more expensive, it also changed the kind of procedures some women are able to receive. Thirty-seven percent of women whose nearest clinic closed had to get a surgical procedure instead of the pill-basedmedical abortion they originally wanted. The abortion pill is generally used within the first nine weeks of pregnancy, which means that women facing delay getting to—or getting an appointment at—their nearest clinic may miss the window. Texas prohibits the use of telemedicine to dispense this medication, requiring women to collect the prescription in person.

Overall, 36 percent of women whose nearest clinic closed said that obtaining an abortion was difficult compared to a still-sobering 18 percent of women whose nearest clinic stayed open.

“This study is unusual in its ability to assess multiple burdens imposed on women as a result of clinic closures, but it is important to note that the burdens documented here are not the only hardships that women experienced as a result of HB2,” said Liza Fuentes, one of the authors of the study.

Indeed, a smaller study co-authored by Fuentes and published in Contraception found that some women were not able to receive an abortion at all because their clinics had closed and the travel burdens were insurmountable.

Texas Women Travel Farther, Pay More for Abortion


Republicans are never satisfied with taking away only some of your rights. They want them all.

Versus the lesson they learned if they found themselves in a room alone with bill clinton......they had to find ice to put on the bruised lip after he bit them during the rape.....
depotoo rails on but offers only her opinion, which most of America does not accept. Most polls show low percentages for those who approve of abortion in case of mother's health and or life.

depotoo is a guy, and by his own reasoning, does not understand the issue.
You seemjake, you just assume, like most jackasses do. I have never said anything about whether I believe in abortion for the life of the mother in this thread. There are exceptions, in my book. But we weren't speaking of exceptions here, now were we.
And you want to find out if I'm a woman for real? Ask ario. We go way back.
depotoo rails on but offers only her opinion, which most of America does not accept. Most polls show low percentages for those who approve of abortion in case of mother's health and or life.

depotoo is a guy, and by his own reasoning, does not understand the issue.
You seemjake, you just assume, like most jackasses do. I have never said anything about whether I believe in abortion for the life of the mother in this thread. There are exceptions, in my book. But we weren't speaking of exceptions here, now were we.
And you want to find out if I'm a woman for real? Ask ario. We go way back.
depotoo rails on but offers only her opinion, which most of America does not accept. Most polls show low percentages for those who approve of abortion in case of mother's health and or life.

depotoo is a guy, and by his own reasoning, does not understand the issue.
Describing yourself, I see. You assume much, and much of it is flat false, depotoo.

If you are a woman, you seem rather bullish. But that's just you.

I am talking about exceptions. And I am glad to hear you think there should be.

But you are foolish if anyone thinks your moralizing or preaching mean anything other than to you.
This is a total crock of shit. Women in Texas can buy the Plan B pill without a prescription at any corner pharmacy.

They don't need an appointment at their nearest clinic.

Plan B is an emergency contraceptive and is different than RU-486 which is a medical abortion pill.

Plan B is intended to prevent pregnancy but does not cause an abortion if the person is already pregnant.

RU-486 is intended end a pregnancy that already exists and can do so up to a time when a surgical abortion becomes required.

Emergency contraception: Emergency contraceptives (the morning after pill) are not RU-486

If you have unprotected sex and don't use the pill, you are retarded. If you wait nine weeks after fucking your brains out before doing something about it, you're even more retarded.

The whole point of Plan B was so you could have retard sex with no consequences, except maybe AIDS or herpes or hepatitis or syphilis or gonorrhea. Are we supposed to hold their hands now and lead them to the drug store the morning after?

If you have been raped, you only need to go to the nearest drug store for Plan B.
This is a total crock of shit. Women in Texas can buy the Plan B pill without a prescription at any corner pharmacy.

They don't need an appointment at their nearest clinic.

Plan B is an emergency contraceptive and is different than RU-486 which is a medical abortion pill.

Plan B is intended to prevent pregnancy but does not cause an abortion if the person is already pregnant.

RU-486 is intended end a pregnancy that already exists and can do so up to a time when a surgical abortion becomes required.

Emergency contraception: Emergency contraceptives (the morning after pill) are not RU-486

If you have unprotected sex and don't use the pill, you are retarded. If you wait nine weeks after fucking your brains out before doing something about it, you're even more retarded.

The whole point of Plan B was so you could have retard sex with no consequences, except maybe AIDS or herpes or hepatitis or syphilis or gonorrhea. Are we supposed to hold their hands now and lead them to the drug store the morning after?

If you have been raped, you only need to go to the nearest drug store for Plan B.

I don't disagree with any of that.

However, Plan B is not an abortion pill - that is RU-486 (and it's family).

Plan B does not cause an abortion if you are pregnant. RU-486 (and it's family) is an abortion pill.

Your touting Plan B in an abortion thread is not correct.

This is a total crock of shit. Women in Texas can buy the Plan B pill without a prescription at any corner pharmacy.

They don't need an appointment at their nearest clinic.

Plan B is an emergency contraceptive and is different than RU-486 which is a medical abortion pill.

Plan B is intended to prevent pregnancy but does not cause an abortion if the person is already pregnant.

RU-486 is intended end a pregnancy that already exists and can do so up to a time when a surgical abortion becomes required.

Emergency contraception: Emergency contraceptives (the morning after pill) are not RU-486

If you have unprotected sex and don't use the pill, you are retarded. If you wait nine weeks after fucking your brains out before doing something about it, you're even more retarded.

The whole point of Plan B was so you could have retard sex with no consequences, except maybe AIDS or herpes or hepatitis or syphilis or gonorrhea. Are we supposed to hold their hands now and lead them to the drug store the morning after?

If you have been raped, you only need to go to the nearest drug store for Plan B.

I don't disagree with any of that.

However, Plan B is not an abortion pill - that is RU-486 (and it's family).

Plan B does not cause an abortion if you are pregnant. RU-486 (and it's family) is an abortion pill.

Your touting Plan B in an abortion thread is not correct.

You are absolutely correct. When G5000 gets excited, he can double down on wrong.
Young women should understand that if they vote democrat they take a chance of getting an empty pants suit who used the power of the government to punish and intimidate women who were molested by her husband.
Young women should understand that if they vote democrat they take a chance of getting an empty pants suit who used the power of the government to punish and intimidate women who were molested by her husband.

If they vote Republican,

They and their families will get no help from the government, whether it's health care, education, birth control, clean water, a safe place to live, a thriving community, or anything that might help their lives to be just a little bit better. They will lose safety regulations, possibly even food safety for them and their families. They won't be qualified for any serious jobs because, just like they did under Bush, Republicans will see millions more jobs move to China.

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