GOP in Texas teaching women a sobering lesson. If you don't vote, the GOP is what you get.

Ever heard of birth control before the fact? Personal responsibility? I know that sounds foreign to you, but it works.
All legitimate rape victims should insist on birth control first. It's the responsible thing to do.

Ever heard of birth control before the fact? Personal responsibility? I know that sounds foreign to you, but it works.
You are talking to a liberal. Personal Responsibility mine as well be a foreign concept its like they weren't taught that in school or by their parents. Oh wait maybe personal responsibility is RACIST!?
Odium, you are a fascist white nationalist, so your philosophy has no place in American politics.
Ever heard of birth control before the fact? Personal responsibility? I know that sounds foreign to you, but it works.
All legitimate rape victims should insist on birth control first. It's the responsible thing to do.

These women were all raped?
Should they have been?

I'm pro choice, but I don't need to resort to hyperbole to make my point as to why abortion should remain legal.
Ah yes, the slow turning of Texas from red to purple. Far far too slow for the good of the country.
Ever heard of birth control before the fact? Personal responsibility? I know that sounds foreign to you, but it works.
All legitimate rape victims should insist on birth control first. It's the responsible thing to do.

These women were all raped?
Should they have been?

I'm pro choice, but I don't need to resort to hyperbole to make my point as to why abortion should remain legal.
For what ever reason they need an abortion, there is no reason for them to get raped by Republicans. Do the majority of Republican women feel abortion should be the woman's choice?
Young women should understand that if they vote democrat they take a chance of getting an empty pants suit who used the power of the government to punish and intimidate women who were molested by her husband.

If they vote Republican,

They and their families will get no help from the government, whether it's health care, education, birth control, clean water, a safe place to live, a thriving community, or anything that might help their lives to be just a little bit better. They will lose safety regulations, possibly even food safety for them and their families. They won't be qualified for any serious jobs because, just like they did under Bush, Republicans will see millions more jobs move to China.
"a thriving community,"
You mean like Detroit, Chicago, or numerous other Liberal utopian shitholes.
thunderkiss is a fool. Period. Probably think welfare white Appalachia is a conservative run shithole.
Should that make a difference?

Are you a woman?
You have no concept about victims.
Sorry, your post is a fail.

Ever heard of birth control before the fact? Personal responsibility? I know that sounds foreign to you, but it works.
All legitimate rape victims should insist on birth control first. It's the responsible thing to do.
why wouldn't a rape victim take a 'morning-after pill'.....instead of waiting 5 months later to have an abortion......?
a rape victim that becomes pregnant means doubling the victims if she goes through an abortion....

See, I agree that the baby is a living breathing human, and that allowing the abortion adds to the tragedy, but when I see this comment I always wonder: If you were raped (and men can be raped by women) and you or your attacker came up pregnant, would you be willing to pay support to ensure that child had the medical care necessary to come to term in a healthy manner?

And don't just shrug this off on personal responsibility. If a women is raped and she has to carry that baby to term that means she incurs a significant monetary burden between clothing (your old clothes don't fit when you're pregnant), diet (your diet changes if you want the child to come out healthy), work schedule (you can't do certain tasks at work pregnant) and medical check ups. If you're fine with letting that rest on the victim, or glibly saying she can sue her attacker (who isn't likely to pay up from jail), then a fair response would be that if you are raped as a man and the woman comes up pregnant then you should be willing to incur the costs to bring the attacker's child to term too.
a rape victim that becomes pregnant means doubling the victims if she goes through an abortion....

See, I agree that the baby is a living breathing human, and that allowing the abortion adds to the tragedy, but when I see this comment I always wonder: If you were raped (and men can be raped by women) and you or your attacker came up pregnant, would you be willing to pay support to ensure that child had the medical care necessary to come to term in a healthy manner?

And don't just shrug this off on personal responsibility. If a women is raped and she has to carry that baby to term that means she incurs a significant monetary burden between clothing (your old clothes don't fit when you're pregnant), diet (your diet changes if you want the child to come out healthy), work schedule (you can't do certain tasks at work pregnant) and medical check ups. If you're fine with letting that rest on the victim, or glibly saying she can sue her attacker (who isn't likely to pay up from jail), then a fair response would be that if you are raped as a man and the woman comes up pregnant then you should be willing to incur the costs to bring the attacker's child to term too.
which is why a rapist should be thrown in the clink for life....

medical care? doesn't Obamacare pay for her costs....?
a rape victim that becomes pregnant means doubling the victims if she goes through an abortion....

See, I agree that the baby is a living breathing human, and that allowing the abortion adds to the tragedy, but when I see this comment I always wonder: If you were raped (and men can be raped by women) and you or your attacker came up pregnant, would you be willing to pay support to ensure that child had the medical care necessary to come to term in a healthy manner?

And don't just shrug this off on personal responsibility. If a women is raped and she has to carry that baby to term that means she incurs a significant monetary burden between clothing (your old clothes don't fit when you're pregnant), diet (your diet changes if you want the child to come out healthy), work schedule (you can't do certain tasks at work pregnant) and medical check ups. If you're fine with letting that rest on the victim, or glibly saying she can sue her attacker (who isn't likely to pay up from jail), then a fair response would be that if you are raped as a man and the woman comes up pregnant then you should be willing to incur the costs to bring the attacker's child to term too.
which is why a rapist should be thrown in the clink for life....

medical care? doesn't Obamacare pay for her costs....?
No argument here on the idea rapist should be thrown in the clink for life.

But no, Obamacare won't pay for the costs. I've got two kids and I can quite definitely tell you that the insurance I had (which was quite excellent) did not pay for all of the costs associated with carrying the kids to term. Getting pregnant, no matter how it happens, means incurring a huge cost even if you plan to put the child up for adoption once the baby comes to term. Especially if you want to make sure that kid comes to term in good health with the maximum chance of being a productive member of society.

That's the part that's lost in this abortion debate. No one glibly decides to abort. It simply does not happen. But the costs associated with pregnancy are steep and not easily covered. Until we have a system that can force dead beat dads to pay that cost, or that can ensure victims of rape don't have to bear that second cost, I don't see how you can end abortion. Make it illegal and those costs will still ensure it happens, just now it'll happen underground.

So again, no glib answer here: If you are a man and were raped by a woman, would be willing to bear some of the costs associated with bringing that child to term? If you would not be, then don't be so quick to force a woman who is raped to have to bear that cost herself.
If the government will provide pre-natal through post-natal care for mom and kid, housing, job training, EBT, etc., until the child is 18, sure, shut off all abortion except in cases of the mother's life.

Until we as a people are willing to do the above, the debate will continue to rage.
Not only did HB 2 make abortion less accessible and more expensive, it also changed the kind of procedures some women are able to receive. Thirty-seven percent of women whose nearest clinic closed had to get a surgical procedure instead of the pill-basedmedical abortion they originally wanted. The abortion pill is generally used within the first nine weeks of pregnancy, which means that women facing delay getting to—or getting an appointment at—their nearest clinic may miss the window. Texas prohibits the use of telemedicine to dispense this medication, requiring women to collect the prescription in person.

Overall, 36 percent of women whose nearest clinic closed said that obtaining an abortion was difficult compared to a still-sobering 18 percent of women whose nearest clinic stayed open.

“This study is unusual in its ability to assess multiple burdens imposed on women as a result of clinic closures, but it is important to note that the burdens documented here are not the only hardships that women experienced as a result of HB2,” said Liza Fuentes, one of the authors of the study.

Indeed, a smaller study co-authored by Fuentes and published in Contraception found that some women were not able to receive an abortion at all because their clinics had closed and the travel burdens were insurmountable.

Texas Women Travel Farther, Pay More for Abortion


Republicans are never satisfied with taking away only some of your rights. They want them all.

All of it designed, so men in Texas can force women in Texas to carry to term. FORCED.

Women, as the OP says, when you don't vote or vote for knuckle-draggers this is what you get.
medical care? doesn't Obamacare pay for her costs....?

Obamacare is a requirement to have health insurance, it isn't a health insurance that pays the bills. It's the insurance company that pays the bills.

Think of car insurance. The Commonwealth of Virginia requires me to have car insurance - call it VACarCare. I get into an accident, the VA Legislature doesn't pay to get my car fixed, I have to go to the insurance company for that.

If the government will provide pre-natal through post-natal care for mom and kid, housing, job training, EBT, etc., until the child is 18, sure, shut off all abortion except in cases of the mother's life.

Until we as a people are willing to do the above, the debate will continue to rage.
Well, now wait. My thought is that if we can ensure that the mother bears no cost for the pregnancy to birth, at that point the Mother has a choice to put the kid up for adoption or to raise the child. At that point I think it's fair to leave those costs to the person.

But again, the cost of pregnancy isn't small or insignificant. It's a major life changing ordeal and if you expect the victim of a rape, or the women to bear that cost alone, that is absolutely not fair. I think it's somewhat hypocritical to lecture on personal responsibility or the innocence of the baby when you have a system that doesn't seem particularly interested in holding the father accountable or helping out the mother.
medical care? doesn't Obamacare pay for her costs....?

Obamacare is a requirement to have health insurance, it isn't a health insurance that pays the bills. It's the insurance company that pays the bills.

Think of car insurance. The Commonwealth of Virginia requires me to have car insurance - call it VACarCare. I get into an accident, the VA Legislature doesn't pay to get my car fixed, I have to go to the insurance company for that.

that was meant as sarcasm....
a rape victim that becomes pregnant means doubling the victims if she goes through an abortion....

See, I agree that the baby is a living breathing human, and that allowing the abortion adds to the tragedy, but when I see this comment I always wonder: If you were raped (and men can be raped by women) and you or your attacker came up pregnant, would you be willing to pay support to ensure that child had the medical care necessary to come to term in a healthy manner?

And don't just shrug this off on personal responsibility. If a women is raped and she has to carry that baby to term that means she incurs a significant monetary burden between clothing (your old clothes don't fit when you're pregnant), diet (your diet changes if you want the child to come out healthy), work schedule (you can't do certain tasks at work pregnant) and medical check ups. If you're fine with letting that rest on the victim, or glibly saying she can sue her attacker (who isn't likely to pay up from jail), then a fair response would be that if you are raped as a man and the woman comes up pregnant then you should be willing to incur the costs to bring the attacker's child to term too.
which is why a rapist should be thrown in the clink for life....

medical care? doesn't Obamacare pay for her costs....?
No argument here on the idea rapist should be thrown in the clink for life.

But no, Obamacare won't pay for the costs. I've got two kids and I can quite definitely tell you that the insurance I had (which was quite excellent) did not pay for all of the costs associated with carrying the kids to term. Getting pregnant, no matter how it happens, means incurring a huge cost even if you plan to put the child up for adoption once the baby comes to term. Especially if you want to make sure that kid comes to term in good health with the maximum chance of being a productive member of society.

That's the part that's lost in this abortion debate. No one glibly decides to abort. It simply does not happen. But the costs associated with pregnancy are steep and not easily covered. Until we have a system that can force dead beat dads to pay that cost, or that can ensure victims of rape don't have to bear that second cost, I don't see how you can end abortion. Make it illegal and those costs will still ensure it happens, just now it'll happen underground.

So again, no glib answer here: If you are a man and were raped by a woman, would be willing to bear some of the costs associated with bringing that child to term? If you would not be, then don't be so quick to force a woman who is raped to have to bear that cost herself.
that whole scenario regarding costs becomes moot if the raped woman takes the morning after pill....
medical care? doesn't Obamacare pay for her costs....?

Obamacare is a requirement to have health insurance, it isn't a health insurance that pays the bills. It's the insurance company that pays the bills.

Think of car insurance. The Commonwealth of Virginia requires me to have car insurance - call it VACarCare. I get into an accident, the VA Legislature doesn't pay to get my car fixed, I have to go to the insurance company for that.

that was meant as sarcasm....
No, it was not. You did not know until WW explained it to you.

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