GOP in the Senate working as fast as possible to screw over millions. Time is of the essence.

Republicans in the Senate are working as fast as possible to screw over millions of Americans.

They know the House healthcare bill is unpopular, so they have to work fast.

No hearings so no one knows what's in it and there won't be any Town Halls, no estimates by the CBO and no Democrats either questioning or adding amendments to protect unprotected Americans.

You know how Republicans are at screwing over people who have no defense. They are better at it than Saddam was. Even better than Trump with his "Foundation", his racial discrimination lawsuits, his stiffing his workers, his taking money from a charity that gives to children with cancer. They will outdo themselves with this one.

So when they f*ck the middle class, the sick, the poor, it will be a wham bam thank you mam.

And you know Trump is going to sign it whatever it is.

/---- in the words of Nancy Piglosi: "We have to pass the bill to see what's in it."

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Why do RWNJs always lie?

In fact, Repubs said they would make sure ObamaCares would fail and, even though it means causing true harm to millions, that's what they did.

That's incredibly vicious and you damn fools knew it. You knew you were voting to kill people and you love it.

OP is wrong though. Dem congress IS fighting for the people but RWNJs made sure the people will lose.

OP is correct about the bills the Rs are forcing through. Most of America will be hurt by what they've already done and they've got another 3 1/2 yrs to finish us off.

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Republicans are cruel people. These are NOT the traditional Christians on the right who used to love this country. These are mean, selfish and dangerous SOB's who don't have a problem with a president who takes orders from the Kremlin.
apparently you think democrats are too,but are just to far left to say it.....remember YOU said..."and no Democrats either questioning or adding amendments to protect unprotected Americans"........go ahead dean give me another excuse....

Are you an idiot? If the bill hasn't been introduced on the floor, how can Democrats add anything?????????????

How can you not get that?
Republicans in the Senate are working as fast as possible to screw over millions of Americans.

They know the House healthcare bill is unpopular, so they have to work fast.

No hearings so no one knows what's in it and there won't be any Town Halls, no estimates by the CBO and no Democrats either questioning or adding amendments to protect unprotected Americans.

You know how Republicans are at screwing over people who have no defense. They are better at it than Saddam was. Even better than Trump with his "Foundation", his racial discrimination lawsuits, his stiffing his workers, his taking money from a charity that gives to children with cancer. They will outdo themselves with this one.

So when they f*ck the middle class, the sick, the poor, it will be a wham bam thank you mam.

And you know Trump is going to sign it whatever it is.

/---- in the words of Nancy Piglosi: "We have to pass the bill to see what's in it."

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Yea, except that bill took 18 months to prepare, be reviewed, have amendments added and so on.

How long have the GOP worked on this one? 18 days?

You don't need much time when you are going to f*ck over millions of Americans. Even you have to agree with that. Republicans have been doing it for decades.
O's healthcare has already screwed millions. Hundreds of thousands have died due to this law.
That's a total bullsh!t lie. And you know it. You are disgusting. Why bother even pretending a political discussion if you are going to flat out lie?

Total truth. Would you like to insure the people in Ohio? Because thanks to Obamascare, no one else is.........
Ahhh, hellOOOooo! Triple knock knock!

The more people, the more providers. Ohio has only 11 million people. No cities over a million and only one over a half million. There are huge parts of Ohio where there is almost no one living there. That means no providers. Congress could figure out a way to bring in more providers. If they wanted to. But what fun is that? Republicans want to seriously screw America. Helping millions get healthcare is hardly the GOP "Way".
O's healthcare has already screwed millions. Hundreds of thousands have died due to this law.
That's a total bullsh!t lie. And you know it. You are disgusting. Why bother even pretending a political discussion if you are going to flat out lie?

Total truth. Would you like to insure the people in Ohio? Because thanks to Obamascare, no one else is.........
Ahhh, hellOOOooo! Triple knock knock!

The more people, the more providers. Ohio has only 11 million people. No cities over a million and only one over a half million. There are huge parts of Ohio where there is almost no one living there. That means no providers. Congress could figure out a way to bring in more providers. If they wanted to. But what fun is that? Republicans want to seriously screw America. Helping millions get healthcare is hardly the GOP "Way".

What do you mean want to. The Rs are screwing america by keeping obamacare in place.
and no Democrats either questioning or adding amendments to protect unprotected Americans.
so they are at fault too....right?.....
Democrats haven't been shown the bill, dum dum. If that wasn't clear enough, I don't know what is.

Republicans are hurrying and hiding the bill because they know America will hate it. Wanna bet it's worse than the Senate Bill?
Democrats are complaining they haven't seen the Republican bill? Don't they remember when they voted 100% for Obamacare and they had to pass it if they want to know what's in it? Is it a short memory or double standard? They don't seem to have a problem voting for bills they don't read or understand. Elections have consequences snowflake.
and no Democrats either questioning or adding amendments to protect unprotected Americans.
so they are at fault too....right?.....
Democrats haven't been shown the bill, dum dum. If that wasn't clear enough, I don't know what is.

Republicans are hurrying and hiding the bill because they know America will hate it. Wanna bet it's worse than the Senate Bill?

Hell Senator Collins was on CNN this morning and she hasn't even seen the bill yet.
and no Democrats either questioning or adding amendments to protect unprotected Americans.
so they are at fault too....right?.....
Democrats haven't been shown the bill, dum dum. If that wasn't clear enough, I don't know what is.

Republicans are hurrying and hiding the bill because they know America will hate it. Wanna bet it's worse than the Senate Bill?
Democrats are complaining they haven't seen the Republican bill? Don't they remember when they voted 100% for Obamacare and they had to pass it if they want to know what's in it? Is it a short memory or double standard? They don't seem to have a problem voting for bills they don't read or understand. Elections have consequences snowflake.

They held a minimum of 44 senate hearings before passing and yes there were republicans in those hearings.
3. Eliminate Medicaid, no freeloaders

That is going to cause riots because the low IQ savages churning out offspring need the free delivery room at the hospitals. Sure it costs thousands of dollars for white people to have children, but it would be racist to insist non-whites actually pay.
O's healthcare has already screwed millions. Hundreds of thousands have died due to this law.
That's a total bullsh!t lie. And you know it. You are disgusting. Why bother even pretending a political discussion if you are going to flat out lie?

Total truth. Would you like to insure the people in Ohio? Because thanks to Obamascare, no one else is.........
Ahhh, hellOOOooo! Triple knock knock!

The more people, the more providers. Ohio has only 11 million people. No cities over a million and only one over a half million. There are huge parts of Ohio where there is almost no one living there. That means no providers. Congress could figure out a way to bring in more providers. If they wanted to. But what fun is that? Republicans want to seriously screw America. Helping millions get healthcare is hardly the GOP "Way".

No, the reason companies are pulling out from certain parts of the countries is the administration has left them hanging on cost share reduction and risk corridor payments. No one knows if they are going to receive them for the rest of this year or next. Trump was suppose to give an answer on May 21, all he did was extend his decision for 90 days, which put the insurance companies past the June date they were suppose to file their rates. Some companies have filed two sets of rates, one with a high increase in case the csr's are gone and one if they are going to be there. Those were the smart companies.
Why do RWNJs always lie?

In fact, Repubs said they would make sure ObamaCares would fail and, even though it means causing true harm to millions, that's what they did.

That's incredibly vicious and you damn fools knew it. You knew you were voting to kill people and you love it.

OP is wrong though. Dem congress IS fighting for the people but RWNJs made sure the people will lose.

OP is correct about the bills the Rs are forcing through. Most of America will be hurt by what they've already done and they've got another 3 1/2 yrs to finish us off.

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Republicans are cruel people. These are NOT the traditional Christians on the right who used to love this country. These are mean, selfish and dangerous SOB's who don't have a problem with a president who takes orders from the Kremlin.
apparently you think democrats are too,but are just to far left to say it.....remember YOU said..."and no Democrats either questioning or adding amendments to protect unprotected Americans"........go ahead dean give me another excuse....

Are you an idiot? If the bill hasn't been introduced on the floor, how can Democrats add anything?????????????

How can you not get that?
im playing your game do the same thing to many people here,how does it feel?........maybe you can actually get that...maybe...
Republicans in the Senate are working as fast as possible to screw over millions of Americans

If by "screwing" you mean cutting off the government check, I'm all for "screwing..."
Well start with Red States. I get tired of my Blue State taxes going to ignorant rednecks. I forget which was Trump's promise. Bringing back jobs that have been automated or making rain. Either is equally likely.
O's healthcare has already screwed millions. Hundreds of thousands have died due to this law.
That's a total bullsh!t lie. And you know it. You are disgusting. Why bother even pretending a political discussion if you are going to flat out lie?

Total truth. Would you like to insure the people in Ohio? Because thanks to Obamascare, no one else is.........
Ahhh, hellOOOooo! Triple knock knock!

The more people, the more providers. Ohio has only 11 million people. No cities over a million and only one over a half million. There are huge parts of Ohio where there is almost no one living there. That means no providers. Congress could figure out a way to bring in more providers. If they wanted to. But what fun is that? Republicans want to seriously screw America. Helping millions get healthcare is hardly the GOP "Way".

No, the reason companies are pulling out from certain parts of the countries is the administration has left them hanging on cost share reduction and risk corridor payments. No one knows if they are going to receive them for the rest of this year or next. Trump was suppose to give an answer on May 21, all he did was extend his decision for 90 days, which put the insurance companies past the June date they were suppose to file their rates. Some companies have filed two sets of rates, one with a high increase in case the csr's are gone and one if they are going to be there. Those were the smart companies.
Oh really? And the FACT that there aren't people there has nothing to do with it?

Sure. Uh huh.
Why do RWNJs always lie?

In fact, Repubs said they would make sure ObamaCares would fail and, even though it means causing true harm to millions, that's what they did.

That's incredibly vicious and you damn fools knew it. You knew you were voting to kill people and you love it.

OP is wrong though. Dem congress IS fighting for the people but RWNJs made sure the people will lose.

OP is correct about the bills the Rs are forcing through. Most of America will be hurt by what they've already done and they've got another 3 1/2 yrs to finish us off.

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Republicans are cruel people. These are NOT the traditional Christians on the right who used to love this country. These are mean, selfish and dangerous SOB's who don't have a problem with a president who takes orders from the Kremlin.
apparently you think democrats are too,but are just to far left to say it.....remember YOU said..."and no Democrats either questioning or adding amendments to protect unprotected Americans"........go ahead dean give me another excuse....

Are you an idiot? If the bill hasn't been introduced on the floor, how can Democrats add anything?????????????

How can you not get that?
im playing your game do the same thing to many people here,how does it feel?........maybe you can actually get that...maybe...
Uh, OK, whatever that means.
'Republicans in the Senate are working as fast as possible to screw over millions of Americans.'

If hypocrisy was measured in terms of the height of a pile of dung, the OP would have just re-created a version of the Twin Towers with fecal matter.

The ACA was a minority-supported Socialist agenda-driven concept - opposed by the vast majority of Americans - DESIGNED 1) to seize more power from the American people while limiting more of their own free choice, 2) to fail to drive America into the govt-run Single Payer system, and was completely based on lies.

1. President Obama promised every govt meeting on creating a new health care system would be live on TV.
LIE / PROMISE NOT KEPT: Only the very 1st meeting was ever televised - on CNN - before Democrats sequestered themselves behind closed, locked doors.
(* So much for Obama's promise of having the 'Most Transparent Administration Evuh...and as I told my kids, if you ever feel the need to hide what you're doing then you know what you're doing is wrong.)

2. President Obama promised Americans would all get a chance to read any bill to find out what was in it before any vote on it was cast in Congress.
LIE / PROMISE NOT KEPT: Democrats attempted to carry out a vote on the bill the week before a vote was actually taken; however, the American people heard of the vote in advance and 'shut down' the Congressional phone lines calling to demand the bill NOT be voted on. Democrats responded by cancelling the vote.

The following week, after Americans had foolishly celebrated shutting down the vote, Democrats rammed the bill through Congress and into law in the wee hours of the morning as Americans slept. They awoke to the news of the Democrat's deception, to word how the Democrats ignored the vast majority of the voices of the American people who opposed it, and were scolded by 'self-appointed ruler' D-Nancy Pelosi about how Americans did not have the RIGHT to know what was in legislation until those EDICTS had been forced upon them. (At that point the bill was just waiting for Obama's signature to make it law.)

3. President Obama vowed the ACA would NOT COST A DIME and would PAY FOR ITSELF.
LIE / PROMISE NOT KEPT: Pretty much only ignorant and / or voluntarily blinded partisan snowflakes bought this load of fertilizer as NO GOVT-PROVIDED SOCIAL(IST) PROGRAM HAD EVER DONE THIS IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND.
- This promise could not even survive the Obama administration's promotion of the new program or the disastrous, hacker/scam-artist/personal identity thief INFESTED poorly designed, tax payer dollar-sucking program web site, let alone the program actually being started up and running.

4. President Obama promised it would reduce the cost of health care insurance.
LIE / PROMISE NOT KEPT: The cost of premiums have sky-rocketed, some being raised by more than 100% in some parts of the country....that is, where Insurance companies have not pulled out of the govt exchanges, leaving millions of Americans without health care.
-- Not long after the bill was passed into law and began having problems, D-Harry Reid told a reporter that the bill was designed to fail but was doing so faster than imagined.

5. President Obama promised no one would lose their jobs because of the ACA.
LIE / PROMISE NOT KEPT: Before Obama had even signed the bill into law companies like McDonalds informed him the moment he signed the bill into law they would fire thousands of Americans because they would not be able to pay for all of their workers to have the mandated insurance coverage the law required. To prevent this from happening, instead of rejecting the poorly written (and conceived) bill, before the ink from Obama's signature on the bill was dry, he began signing thousands of waivers to release companies from the law's requirement so workers would not be fired...while ensuring they would also not receive health insurance as promised to the rest of the country.

6. President Obama promised Americans if they liked their health insurance plans and doctors they could keep both.
LIE / PROMISE NOT KEPT: This was the biggest lie out of all of them told. The ACA literally destroyed the previous health care system, replacing it with a system that MANDATED the least amount of coverage accepted, which included, among other things, coverage for abortions. It did not matter what type of coverage Americans wanted - the right to completely decide had been stripped from them. Obama / The government had not only declared the American people had to purchase a 'service' but also defined the minimum amount of acceptable service Americans were forced to buy. Obama knew before he ever decided to force this onto the American people that this promise was a lie, the worst one, but lied anyway. It was such a heinous lie it earned him 'Lie of the Year' honors.

Obama's / the Democrats' health care bill is now collapsing. There are already areas of the country, ad mentioned, where providers have pulled out of the exchanges and left Americans without health care...while partisan 'con men' engage in 'fear mongering' by telling Americans that any GOP replacement plan would leave Americans without insurance (which includes healthy young people who never wanted to buy insurance to begin with but who were forced to by Barry and the Democrats in order to make their ACA 'Ponzi scheme' 'affordable' AND that now includes Americans who have recently lost their ACA insurance due to providers pulling out of exchanges).

...and the OP ridiculously creates this HYOCRITICAL BOVINE EXCREMENT suggesting it is the GOP who 'will' screw them over regarding health care insurance.

Why do RWNJs always lie?

In fact, Repubs said they would make sure ObamaCares would fail and, even though it means causing true harm to millions, that's what they did.

That's incredibly vicious and you damn fools knew it. You knew you were voting to kill people and you love it.

OP is wrong though. Dem congress IS fighting for the people but RWNJs made sure the people will lose.

OP is correct about the bills the Rs are forcing through. Most of America will be hurt by what they've already done and they've got another 3 1/2 yrs to finish us off.

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Republicans are cruel people. These are NOT the traditional Christians on the right who used to love this country. These are mean, selfish and dangerous SOB's who don't have a problem with a president who takes orders from the Kremlin.
apparently you think democrats are too,but are just to far left to say it.....remember YOU said..."and no Democrats either questioning or adding amendments to protect unprotected Americans"........go ahead dean give me another excuse....

Are you an idiot? If the bill hasn't been introduced on the floor, how can Democrats add anything?????????????

How can you not get that?
im playing your game do the same thing to many people here,how does it feel?........maybe you can actually get that...maybe...
Uh, OK, whatever that means.
you know exactly what i are also good at playing stupid know it and i know it and everyone here knows seem to forget,we have read your bullshit for years now....
Trump is keeping the press busy while the minions in the GOP does Satan's work. A masterplan right out of the bowels of Hades. Bwahahahaha.
The more people, the more providers. Ohio has only 11 million people. No cities over a million and only one over a half million. There are huge parts of Ohio where there is almost no one living there. That means no providers. Congress could figure out a way to bring in more providers. If they wanted to. But what fun is that? Republicans want to seriously screw America. Helping millions get healthcare is hardly the GOP "Way".

And yet before Obama screwed us all, people in Ohio always had coverage. And it was actually affordable.
But here's the fly in your ointment. Ohio ranks #7 in the nation population wise. That means, according to you, 45 states including DC, are in worse shape insurance wise than Ohio.
Population has nothing to do with it.

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