GOP Indian Governor portrayed as white guy so as to not scare GOP Base.

I dont even know who Liz Warren is. However, I bet she doesnt have a portrait making her look another race.

Liz Warren is your candidate for 2016. She has all the qualifications the democrats are looking for - a vagina.
Stop trying to deflect and lets get back to Piyush.....I mean Bobby and his magical white paitings shall we?

Piyush? You lefties are such bigots.

That's not bigoted. That's Jindal's real first name.

And Piyush, his real name, from Hindi, means Milk or Elixir that makes one immortal.

It is no more bigoted to call him by his REAL first name than when Rrrrrraging Rrrrrrighties make sure to call Pres. Obama by his middle name of Hussein.
Is there anything too ridiculous for partisan hackery?
Your avatar. I just noticed it was Al Sharpton.
It should obviously be yours. He is your idol after all and one of the few people you may intellectually trump.
That weird because you are the one with him as an avatar. All this time I thought you hated him but evidently you are attracted to him.
So everyone's attracted to their avatar?

Beastiality much?


Wow! Looks like Apu Jindal has been doing some serious bleaching. What's up?

Remember when people said his SOTU response reminded them of Mr. Rogers?

I'm sure it's been pointed out in this thread, but I don't want to waste the time reading the whole thing, anyway Jindahl's office is saying this ISN'T the "official" portrait.

But even that is not the point. Not only that, the OFFICIAL portrait also depicts Gov. Jindal as very, very light-skinned. Seems to be a pattern to me.
Jinda portrait official - Google Search

he's dark in all but a few

like most humans, he darkens in the summer and lightens in the winter.

but why think when you can say "RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

There is only one official portrait. The others are standard photos. You do understand the difference, right?
better than you grasp seasons
Oh my god you don't get it. You dont understand color at all do you lakhota omg. you really dont get it.
I'm medium others are half some in between but you see in my world we are abatch of colors in canada.In america you are horridly devideded by your evil leaders.
Why a Bobby Jindal Portrait Sparked a Racial Controversy
“Who’s the white guy?”

Or so went the jokes of many Twitter users who saw a photo tweeted widely this week of Indian-American Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s purported “official portrait,” in which, well, he’s been whitewashed to the shade of Benedict Cumberbatch. It turned out it wasn't actually Jindal’s official portrait, and instead just a portrait loaned by a constituent, according to Jindal’s chief of staff, Kyle Plotkin, who shared on Twitter the actual painting (still with brightened skin, albeit less so) while slamming users for “race-baiting.”

Bobby Jindal s New Portrait Is White Enough to Win an Oscar

He's as brown as he ever was IRL :rofl:


Liberal hypocrisy at it's finest. Zimmerman was also a white guy, according to the liberals. He was not described as brown as the left accused him of racism. If they would have described him as Hispanic, they wouldn't have felt right accusing him of racism because Hispanics can't be racist, right? The left thinks minorities can't handle the truth, so the left will never criticize them or accuse them of anything. Only minorities that are fair game are Republicans and the left is downright brutal. Now they pretend that no one has noticed Jindal's nice complexion so are trying to fool people with a portrait. Seriously, this is what you guys are pushing as some sort of scandal? You are sick.

The left explained during the Zimmerman case that the only races are black and white and all else is merely nationality. I guess now they are taking a different stance just to pretend that the GOP is racist. Idiots.

Everyone knows that Jindal doesn't have light skin and yet he's enjoyed tremendous support from the GOP, as have other non-white people. It's not news and a portrait sure won't fool anyone now will it?

The left hates Jindal because of his views and have picked on him a lot. The left is especially hard on minority Republicans and go out of their way to call them racist names. Now we see more of the left's unhealthy obsession with race as they focus on color as they criticize a stupid portrait. Just can't get past color, can you lefties?
I dont even know who Liz Warren is. However, I bet she doesnt have a portrait making her look another race.

Liz Warren is your candidate for 2016. She has all the qualifications the democrats are looking for - a vagina.
Stop trying to deflect and lets get back to Piyush.....I mean Bobby and his magical white paitings shall we?

Piyush? You lefties are such bigots.

That's not bigoted. That's Jindal's real first name.

And Piyush, his real name, from Hindi, means Milk or Elixir that makes one immortal.

It is no more bigoted to call him by his REAL first name than when Rrrrrraging Rrrrrrighties make sure to call Pres. Obama by his middle name of Hussein.

It seems to me that Democrats being so sensitive about anyone saying "Barack Hussein Obama" made it popular to say it over and over again as a sticking point. A rational person might ask, if that's his name, then how is it "racist" to say it?
I dont even know who Liz Warren is. However, I bet she doesnt have a portrait making her look another race.

Liz Warren is your candidate for 2016. She has all the qualifications the democrats are looking for - a vagina.
Stop trying to deflect and lets get back to Piyush.....I mean Bobby and his magical white paitings shall we?

Piyush? You lefties are such bigots.

That's not bigoted. That's Jindal's real first name.

And Piyush, his real name, from Hindi, means Milk or Elixir that makes one immortal.

It is no more bigoted to call him by his REAL first name than when Rrrrrraging Rrrrrrighties make sure to call Pres. Obama by his middle name of Hussein.

It seems to me that Democrats being so sensitive about anyone saying "Barack Hussein Obama" made it popular to say it over and over again as a sticking point. A rational person might ask, if that's his name, then how is it "racist" to say it?

I never even once said that calling the President by his middle name is racist, not even once. I challenge you to find even one single on of my 26,000+ postings where I have indicated that. Just one. Hint: you won't find it.

The name "Hussein" is as common in the arabic world as "John" or "Joe" in our American world. It simply means beautiful. Nothing less, nothing more. And were it to be used against the president for purposes of hate, it would not be racism, it would be bigotry.
I dont even know who Liz Warren is. However, I bet she doesnt have a portrait making her look another race.

Liz Warren is your candidate for 2016. She has all the qualifications the democrats are looking for - a vagina.

{You say your “ancestry” played no roll in your hiring. That is not the only issue. You were listed as a minority in diversity reports. That is an issue. You admit you made the schools aware of your “heritage.” They counted you as a minority in their reports to the federal government when the criteria to list you as such had a two part requirement – you had to have both the ancestry and maintain tribal ties. Something you did or said led the two schools in question to believe you met those requirements despite the fact you didn’t….}

Cherokee genealogist to Elizabeth Warren 8220 Your Native American issue has not been put to rest 8221

You're in the wrong thread.

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